2023 Victoria Regional, Day One: Monday, April 17

Welcome to Victoria!

Alert: your browser may be showing you an old version of a page which is updated often. F5 (computer) or the ↻ button (phone or tablet) will get you the most recent version.


 Welcome to Victoria, Bridge Players!

I hope you will enjoy the Victoria Regional Tournament which is back after a four-year hiatus.

Our local organizing team has been hard at work to make sure you have a great experience. There will be gift giveaways and special events throughout the week. To know what’s going on, watch the screens just outside the playing area to see the day’s events and game schedule.

You will also find detailed information within these Daily Bulletins as well as on our dedicated tournament website, vicregional.ca.

Here are a few practical details you need to know:

  1. ACBL Covid rules are currently in force. You will need to show official proof of vaccination to be admitted within the playing area and will need to wear the tamper-proof wristband during the tournament.
  2. Our partnership desk will be happy to try and match you up with partners and teammates. It is located just past the vaccine checkpoint. Do not be afraid to play up with better players.
  3. There are no water fountains within the playing area. However, four water stations are located immediately on the outside. We will be distributing free refillable bottles for your convenience at the hospitality table. You can of course bring your own.
  4. No food or drinks are served within the Conference Centre but there are plenty of restaurants close by.
  5. For any questions concerning Victoria restaurants, attractions, etc, stop by our Hospitality Desk. You’ll also receive a 15% discount coffee card valid at the nearby (3-minute walk) Jucee Health Bar which also serves up smoothies and other goodies.
  6. The Victoria Conference Centre offers free wifi. Get the password at our Hospitality Desk.
  7. Parking in the underground garage is $10. See the Welcome page for details.

We will have three very interesting speakers on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 6:15pm in the Colwood room. A description of each day’s talk will be posted next to the door.

Friday is Hawaiian Shirt Day, in memory of Peter Herold, a local player famous for his attire and his fun and love of bridge. We encourage you to wear your Hawaiian or colourful shirt or dress (a few shirts will be available at the hospitality desk). You might win a prize!

District 19’s mission is to promote bridge in general. Our district exists to bring F2F bridge at different locations throughout B.C., Washington, and Alaska. D19’s next tournament takes place in Penticton from June 12 to 18.

Feel free to email me at chair@vicregional.ca if you have any questions.

Best of success to all!

JP Weber, Chair, Victoria Regional 2023

And a small addition as we begin...

If you have taken the direct route to this 'Monday' page, this page has information on Monday events, and later will change to include results from Monday, but much more general information on the tournament itself is on the Welcome page, including information on the tournament schedule, parking, how to get here, the surrounding area, along with links to the other ever-updating pages that make up the Daily Bulletin. There is a links bar at the top and bottom of each page that gets you easily from one page to another.

April 17 Historical Headlines (from Wikipedia)

Can you fill in the blanks and then put them into the correct chronological order? (Answers at the bottom of the page...)

Thus Spoke the ACBLscore database (Part 1)

A good reason to get yourself an ACBL number!

At the previous version of the Victoria Regional, while making the Daily Bulletins and looking for errors to correct, I noticed a player from Spoke BC. I had never heard of this place, but there is a lovely place a short drive from Victoria called Sooke, and I made the correction in the Bulletin. The reason these things happen is that when a player who has no ACBL number plays, his or her name and city/province/state (and occasionally country) need to be entered into the computer's database by a Director, possibly one from a different part of the country without local knowledge of nearby places. Since this data comes from an entry form, legibility and handwriting enter into the mix, and errors sometimes happen. Players who get themselves a guest membership a few days before the tournament will be added to the database in time and their details will be automatically available inside ACBLscore. Guest memberships are free now if you have never had a number before, by the way.

But at the club level, when a player comes in for the first time and has to be added to the database, the club director must add the details manually. And after a recent Mentor-Mentee game that I was scheduled to direct before being sent to a sectional in Kamloops, I had to get the file upon my return. Most players had played at our club before, but a lot of the mentees had not gotten an ACBL player number yet. And I discovered that a majority of these players were from an unknown city: Van BC. I can see a busy director trying to save a bit of time by entering this quicker version to get the names in quickly, but I think I would go back and correct them with the missing six keystrokes later when there was time. We're not talking about a bunch of people at the same time, we're talking just one or two or rarely three per game. They didn't all come in at the same time! By the time they were eager enough to play in the Mentor-Mentee game, they had played dozens of 0-500 games at the club.

So at a recent club game I had a closer look at the Vancouver Bridge Centre's database of players, which probably contains data from the earliest days of ACBLscore in the mid 1990s, only a few years after the VBC's opening. The club database has been kept going from infrequent backups where needed through computer disasters, for at least thirty years. I wanted to see how many players were from "Van" and asked for a report by city.

"Van" was near the bottom of a very long and entertaining alphabetical list.

City Van                 Players: 71

Seventy-one players from the abbreviated version of our city! 71! That's a bit too many for me to go in and change them all. And before you tell me there is some whizbang SQL command that can probably do the job, consider this...

City Van.                Players: 21

Apparently the period justified the abbreviation, 21 times. A new city heard from! And then...

City Van,                Players: 2

Ooops, missed the period, typed a comma instead. Whatever....

City Van;                Players: 1

Semicolon! We're in such a hurry here....

City Vaan                Players: 1

Clearly this is the Dutch area of Vancouver.

City VAN                 Players: 6

CAPS LOCK is such a problem at our club I once printed and taped this haiku to the bottom of the monitor:

yOU tURNED caps lock oN

Nobody laughed.

But CAPS LOCK added a few more predictable variants...

City VAN.                Players: 2
City VANCOUVER           Players: 2

At least we got the spelling right, even with CAPS LOCK on. But there were many mispellings....

City Vab.                Players: 1

The B key is fairly close to the N....

City Vancouvr            Players: 1

There is a literary genre known as a lipogram — a passage of writing that deliberately avoids a letter or a group of letters. In 1969, French writer Georges Perec published an entire 100,000-word novel called La Disparition without a single letter 'e' (except for the title page, where he needed four for his own name). It was translated into English (also without any 'e's) as A Void, and an online summary explains (with 'e's) that the novel tells the "tale of Anton Voyl, a man who disappears shortly after noticing a nagging omission in reality that he just can't put his finger on, and whose friends search for him throughout the novel."

City Vanacouver          Players: 1

That's-a spicy meat-a-ball!

City Vanouver            Players: 2

Twice this happened!

City ancouver            Players: 1

Occasionally while directing I see East-West players pressing the BridgeMate button to confirm a result while clearly looking elsewhere. I guess this is the club director's version of that unreccommended action.

City Vancouver,          Players: 1

I suppose the idea here is that when the city and the state/province appear together, it will fit nicely: "Vancouver, BC". Trouble is, ACBLscore does this automatically in reports, and adding the comma makes it a completely different city in the eyes of the computer.

Well, that's just Vancouver. All of the Victoria players we have in the database have a correctly-spelled city, and to my surprise there are no instances of "Vic BC". We'll see tomorrow what happens with the rest of the Lower Mainland....

Brain Warmup Department: Bridges

For those of you who used to like the puzzles I printed in the old bulletins, here is a link to an online version: one of the puzzles that I used to feature in the old paper Bulletins, but it is easy to play on a computer as well. Not so easy on a tablet or phone, since most of the puzzles require right-clicks, not easily done in a tablet or phone environment.

Bridges gives you a grid of islands, circles containing a number. Your objective is connect the islands with bridges so that 1) all bridges are horizontal or vertical only, no diagonal or curved bridges, 2) The numbers in the circles indicate the number of bridges that go to that island, 3) Two islands may be connected with one or two bridges, but no more, 4) Bridges may not cross one another or go over an island, and 5) All of the islands need to be connected together with the network of bridges.

Strategy: bigger numbers usually allow you to connect one bridge in each possible direction and later decide which directions have second bridges as well; check how many islands can actually be connected with up-down or left-right lines, often this will give you clues as to where the bridges must be.

Click on the puzzle you want to try at the right (or the caption below) to go to the page with all the instructions you'll need.

These puzzles come from Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection (see below) and there are links there to apps for most devices.

Easy puzzle
(McBruce's time: 1min 5sec)

Medium puzzle
(McBruce's time: 0min 26sec)

Tricky puzzle
(McBruce's time: 0min 48sec)

Masterpoint Leaders thru Monday Evening

Only the Monday Evening Pairs Game in so far....

Masterpoints for all players are updated nightly here first, with everyone's current red and gold point total listed alphabetically below the leaders, before a shorter leaderboard is added to this page.

Overall Leaders

1Donald Carson, Edmonton AB7.74
1Mary Carson, Edmonton AB7.74
3Ernie Tradewell, Victoria BC5.81
3Ron Smith, Victoria BC5.81
5Derek Ward, Hornby Island BC4.35
5Donald Sache, West Vancouver BC4.35
7Dick Yuen, North Vancouver BC3.92
7Tom Nault, Calgary AB3.92
9Michael Mikyska, Los Angeles CA3.27
9Mitch Dunitz, Sherman Oaks CA3.27
11Bakh Dhillon, Victoria BC2.94
11King Lee, Victoria BC2.94
13Farhad Rohani, Victoria BC2.78
13Terry Foster, Victoria BC2.78
15Marianne Moon, Missoula MT2.21
15Marta York, Missoula MT2.21
17Koba Ter Neuzen, Victoria BC1.99
17Leo Glaser, Lake Country BC1.99
19BB Bernamoff, Victoria BC1.65
19Janice Closson, Victoria BC1.65
19Louise Klimowicz, Edmonton AB1.65
19Ron Grove, Victoria BC1.65
23Frances Corney, Vancouver BC1.60
23Paul Fournier, Vancouver BC1.60
25Barbara Carscadden, Langley BC1.24
25Cynthia Clark, Calgary AB1.24
25Heather Climenhaga, Edmonton AB1.24
25Patrick Murphy, Calgary AB1.24

Non-Life Master Leaders

1Bakh Dhillon, Victoria BC2.94
2Farhad Rohani, Victoria BC2.78
3Marianne Moon, Missoula MT2.21
3Marta York, Missoula MT2.21
5BB Bernamoff, Victoria BC1.65
5Janice Closson, Victoria BC1.65

Masterpoints will be updated first on the masterpoints page. Leaders will appear here later, when the results are posted.

Day One (Monday) Results

Evening Side Game Series (updated)

Winners: Donald Carson, Mary Carson

A 71% opening round was enough to put event winners Donald and Mary Carson in only third place after two boards, and they fought a strong field for most of the first half, before having their only poor round just before the break; after that, three excellent rounds vaulted them into the lead by round nine and they held off Ernie Tradewell and Ron Smith by less than a tenth of a top, winning Flight B by seven-tenths of a top. C winners King Lee and Bakh Dhillon led by over a full board at the halfway mark, and barely held on in the strong open field, besting Marianne Moon - Marta York by a single matchpoint on a 23 top!

UPDATE: A scoring error made all three strats closer, in fact making strat C a tie now including King Lee and Bakh Dhillon. This might be a good time to remind people to check BridgeMate scores: waiting until you get home or into the hotel room to check the scores may discover errors, but by that time the official correction period is over, leaving you to depend on the other pair to remember the deal and confirm the error. We're happy to correct mistakes, but happier when the winners of an event do not have to wonder if they will still be winners after errors are found. The BridgeMate screen clearly shows what you did, make sure you get a good look.

Single-session pairs event, scored in matchpoints.  Part of the Evening Side Game Series, session 1 of 5 in the series.  (In a side game series you are free to play as many sessions as you wish, even with different partners.)  Strat limits (by pair average): A: 2000+ / B: 750 - 2000 / C: 0 - 750.  
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 2959

MPts Score A B C Monday Evening Side Game (updated) (24 tables)
ACBL Live Link
6.45 60.78% 1 1 Donald Carson - Mary Carson, Edmonton AB
4.84 60.51% 2 Ernie Tradewell - Ron Smith, Victoria BC
3.63 59.51% 3 Donald Sache, West Vancouver BC; Derek Ward, Hornby Island BC
2.72 59.15% 4 Michael Mikyska, Los Angeles CA; Mitch Dunitz, Sherman Oaks CA
2.78 58.70% 5 Terry Foster - Farhad Rohani, Victoria BC
1.99 57.97% 6 Koba Ter Neuzen, Victoria BC; Leo Glaser, Lake Country BC
3.27 57.88% 7 2 Dick Yuen, North Vancouver BC; Tom Nault, Calgary AB
2.15 54.53% 3/4 1/2 Marianne Moon - Marta York, Missoula MT
2.15 54.53% 3/4 1/2 King Lee - Bakh Dhillon, Victoria BC
1.38 54.17% 5 Louise Klimowicz, Edmonton AB; Ron Grove, Victoria BC
1.03 54.08% 6 Cynthia Clark - Patrick Murphy, Calgary AB
1.38 47.19% 3 Janice Closson - BB Bernamoff, Victoria BC
1.03 43.84% 4 Barbara Carscadden, Langley BC; Heather Climenhaga, Edmonton AB

Monday-Tuesday Cherry Blossom Knockout Teams, Bracket One

Bracket One has seven teams and a masterpoint average of 9874 per player.  ACBL Live link to brackets
Opening Round
Monday Evening
3.81 red
Tuesday Afternoon
26.88 gold
Tuesday Evening
38.11 gold

Johnson vs Kovachev vs Stock

Miller vs Jacob

Hudson vs Smith

Stock vs Smith

Jacob vs whoever survived the round-robin and didn't report

? vs ?

Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Prediction:

Jacob over Smith in the final: HHIT says "Surely you do not expect me to take a team that doesn't know or won't tell the TD it has survived..."

Bracket One Semifinalist Team Rosters:

Nicholas Stock, North Vancouver BC; Michael Dimich, Burnaby BC; Gerry McCully - Rhonda Foster - James Galand, Victoria BC
Duncan Smith - Karen Turner - Michael Roche - Daniel Lyder, Victoria BC

Dan Jacob, Vancouver BC - Piotr Klimowicz, Edmonton AB - Gordon McOrmond, Sidney BC - Michael Hargreaves, Victoria BC
(Johnson or Kovachev)

Monday-Tuesday Cherry Blossom Knockout Teams, Bracket Two

Bracket Two has eight teams and a masterpoint average of 2061 per player.  ACBL Live link to brackets
Opening Round
Monday Evening
1.84 red
Tuesday Afternoon
12.87 gold
Tuesday Evening
18.39 gold

(6.44 gold for 3rd place playoff)

Karr vs Senaratne

Clayton vs Berry

Dillen vs Metcalf

Voth vs Petzold

Senaratne vs Dillen

Clayton vs Voth

? vs ?

Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Prediction:

Senaratne over Voth in the final

Bracket Two Semifinalist Team Rosters:

Manohara Senaratne - Roberta Stirling, Edmonton AB - Philip Blackburn, Rocky-Mountain-House AB - Douglas Jordan, Toronto ON
Helen Dillen - Gamil Tadros - Elizabeth Sprague, Calgary AB; Wayne Stann, Kelowna BC

Susan Clayton, Chemainus BC; Barbara Schultz, Shawnigan Lake BC; Slava Simice, Comox BC; John Crutcher, Olympia WA
William Voth, Kelowna BC; Wayne Borman - Marianne Daem - Barbara Jubenville, Nanaimo BC

Monday-Tuesday Cherry Blossom Knockout Teams, Bracket Three

Bracket Three has seven teams and a masterpoint average of 1027 per player.  ACBL Live link to brackets
Opening Round
Monday Evening
1.18 red
Tuesday Afternoon
8.28 gold
Tuesday Evening
11.83 gold

Collier vs Plasteras vs Markham

Fan vs Mustafa vs Kristjanson

(From my spot in the pairs game last night, I did not hear why a seventh team was allowed into the second round without playing the first, but I'm sure there was a good reason, because the people I am privileged to work with are fair and kind. After all, they keep inviting me back to work with them!)

Plasteras vs Fan vs Warne

Markham vs Kristjanson

? vs ?

Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Prediction:

Fan over Kristjanson in the final

Bracket Three Semifinalist Team Rosters:

Jill Plasteras - Al Romanchuk - Mel Zimmerman, Victoria BC; Madeleine Tremblay, North Saanich BC
Siu Wai Fan, Richmond BC; Gerene Albrecht - Ruth Sidebottom - Mary Abelseth, Red Deer AB
Marilyn Warne - Lorraine Somerville, Calgary AB; Joanna Daam, Victoria BC; William Curtis, Whitehorse YT

Roy Markham - Sylvia Markham, Montesano WA; Patricia Robbins - Orrin Robbins; Olympia WA
Gordon Kristjanson - Esther Wiebe - Holly Boudreau - Margaret Skinner, Victoria BC

Monday-Tuesday Cherry Blossom Knockout Teams, Bracket Four

Bracket Four has sixteen teams and a masterpoint average of 607 per player.  ACBL Live link to brackets
Opening Round
Monday Evening
0.79 red
Tuesday Afternoon
3.67 gold, 1.84 red
Tuesday Evening
5.25 gold, 2.62 red

Allex vs Warne vs Rustad

Chow vs Raymond vs Boan

Allex vs Boan

Rustad vs Raymond

? vs ?

Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Prediction:

Boan over Rustad in the final

Bracket Four Semifinalist Team Rosters:

Wendy Allex, Ferndale WA; Susanne Sherburne - Jon Ransom - Rebecca Brown, Bellingham WA
Bruce Boan - Peggy Boan, Mill Bay BC; Daryl Krepps, Nanaimo BC; Carol Richardson, Qualicum BC

Kirk Rustad - James Scarfe - Zakery Simpson - Ben Levine, Prince George BC
Mark Raymond - Margot Young - Thomas Braybrook - Jennifer McDonell, Victoria BC

Monday-Tuesday Cherry Blossom Knockout Teams, Bracket Five

Bracket Five has four teams and a masterpoint average of 423 per player. We're not sure how this will continue today, whether the final will be a two-session match, or whether the top three will play a round-robin semi-final.  ACBL Live link to brackets
Opening Round-Robin
Monday Evening
0.16 red
Tuesday Afternoon
0.75 red
Tuesday Evening
1.92 gold, 1.92 red
1. Blumenthal (46VPs, 3 wins)
2. Belhumeur (45VPs, 2 wins)
3. Ellis (41 VPs, 2½wins)
4. Sandmaier (40 VPs, 1½ wins)

5. Beck (28 VPs, 1 win)

Blumenthal vs Belhumeur

Sandmaier vs Ellis

? vs ?

Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Prediction:

Sandmaier over Blumenthal in the final

Bracket Five Semifinalist Team Rosters:

Edmund Blumenthal - William Lamb - D Lainey Clark, Victoria BC; L Clifford Kindree, Sidney BC
Linda Ellis - Eleanor Calder - Shiela Wansbrough - John Heck, Victoria BC
Roxy Sandmaier - Louis Sandmaier - Katherine Hammond - Ken Senchuk, Victoria BC
Shelley Belhumeur, Wakaw SK; Sonia Richert - Aileen Handyside, Saskatoon SK; Michele Bonneau, Waskesiu Lake SK

April 17 Historical Headlines

Answers from the questions at the top of the page:

Click on 'Tuesday' below to see information about tomorrow's events! Once the play for the day is over, and the results are processed, the daily pages will switch from event information to results.