Van Learners Bridge Results

October 14, 2024

Section X
VanLearners Monday Eve Session October 14, 2024
Leaders after  5 rounds  Average:   22.5
Place   Pct   Score  Pair
  1   65.56   29.50   X-7   Scott Turner - Jill Price
  2   63.33   28.50   X-6   Brenda MacLean-Longpre - Cindy Chan
  3   61.11   27.50   X-3   Alan Atkins - David Rosenberg
  4   54.44   24.50   X-8   Joan Christensen - Carol Ward
  5   48.89   22.00   X-1   Marion George - Peter George
  6   46.67   21.00   X-2   Vicki Torbett - Diane O'Connor
  7   44.44   20.00   X-5   Ian Wong - Alex Douglas
  8   15.56    7.00   X-4   Linda Collins - Donna Bridgeman

Congrats to the winners!

Didn't do as well as you hoped? Don't worry; there is a large luck factor in short sessions, so there are increased chances of scores outside the normal range of about 35-65%. Things tend to even out over time, but less time means less even-ing out! The important thing is to have fun and let the learning happen by gaining experience as declarer, defender, and even as dummy, and perhaps by reading a little about the hands below!

Our game results are posted online here at ACBL Live For Clubs, shortly after the main game ends.

The deals tonight are from November 30's open game.

Below is a full-colour screen version of the comments for each hand. This works best if you have kept score and brought your scorecard home with you so you can check your results against the hand records and see where there is room for improvement. You will find that the simple act of writing down the score on each hand (good or bad) serves as a sort of marker inside your memory that helps you recall later what the issues you thought about while playing that hand were. It's much easier to remember if you have taken the few seconds to write in the contract and the score than to rely on getting your results off the internet. Something happens in those few seconds inside our brains and you'll be surprised at how much you can remember later with the help of a well-filled scoresheet. More on this here.

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Board 1
Dealer:♠︎J9765 Vulnerable:
North♥︎QT876 None
♠︎KT2 ♠︎AQ843
♥︎9 ♥︎KJ3
♦︎T97 ♦︎86
♣︎QT7532 ♣︎KJ8
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎- Tricks:
13 ♥︎A542 NSEW
5 14 ♦︎KJ5432NT8844
8 ♣︎964♠︎6677
N-S have 21 combined points♦︎111122
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎6666
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
4♥︎n8♣︎+1 450
4♥︎n6♣︎= 420
2♥︎n8♣︎+4 230
2♥︎n8♣︎+3 200
3♥︎n3♥︎+1 170
North opens 1♠︎ and East recovers from the surprise and chooses a 1NT overcall despite only 14 points, deciding that two stoppers in the enemy suit covers that small deficiency. South has a difficult choice: 2♦︎ is not forcing, double is for penalty, and the best move is probably to pass and wait. West passes and North completes the picture by rebidding 2♥︎. East passes and South is looking at a completely different hand. Over 1♠︎ (1NT) the South hand is worth about 10 points, but when North rebids hearts the South hand is now worth about 14! 4♥︎ is the call South must make, and it makes easily. (If you have time, ask me about the heart suit here...or check the website later.)

Back in 2005, in a European Championship tournament in Tenerife, a suit much like the heart suit led to a scandal. An Italian team was playing a match against an Israeli team, needing a strong result to survive to the next stage, and they bid a slam in 6 where the trump suit was almost like the heart suit in the hand above. In these major championships, a screen crosses the table diagonally from North-West to South-East, and players cannot see their partner at all during the auction; bid-box cards are passed under the screen to the other side, concealing whose bid took the longest. During the play, a small flap is opened so that the dummy can be seen by all. At that time it was a tradition for dummy to look at the hand of the defender on his side of the screen to help him follow the play.

The opening leader led and won an ace, looked at the dummy, asked a few questions, then led a different side suit. Declarer won this and, needing the rest, considered for some time how best to play the trump suit. It wasn't exactly the one in the hand above, but it was similar. In the hand above, you could play ace and another, hoping to drop the king doubleton, or play the queen from dummy and run it, or even start with the ten. In Tenerife, the declarer chose the line that worked when his right-hand opponent held three of the missing four trumps, and made the slam. But the opponent called the Director.

Apparently, and this was confirmed by kibitzers, the dummy, after viewing the hand of the defender with three trumps, assumed what he later called "resting position" which just happened to have three fingers from his left hand pointing at the player on his left, visible through the flap in the screen, and tapped the three fingers.

Three fingers, three trumps. This happened three times; once just after the dummy had looked at the defenders hand, once more before declarer put his head on the table to think about how to play the crucial trump suit, and once more after declarer awoke.

A Committee was convened, and the dummy tried to show the Committee that his motion was natural (it wasn't, when I tried it I thought I might break the fourth, unseen finger), and declarer justified his decision by claiming that "diamonds are always breaking badly in this tournament." This last excuse was too much, and the pair were banned from the rest of the tournament and the Israeli team awarded the victory. The pair had been under suspicion for some time and this incident highlighted the need for video recording of major tournaments and public postings of these videos, so that people could watch and in some cases break even more elaborate codes that cheating pairs were using.
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Board 2
Dealer:♠︎- Vulnerable:
East♥︎AKQ North-South
♠︎QT2 ♠︎AJ9643
♥︎98532 ♥︎T
♦︎3 ♦︎QT72
♣︎AQ92 ♣︎T8
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎K875 Tricks:
20 ♥︎J764 NSEW
8 7 ♦︎J65NT7744
5 ♣︎74♠︎4489
N-S have 25 combined points♦︎9934
Suitable Level: Likely Game♣︎8745
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
5♦︎n*A♠︎= 750
4♠︎e4♥︎-4 200
3♦︎nA♠︎= 110
4♦︎nT♥︎-1 100
5♥︎sQ♠︎-4 400
East opens a nice aggressive weak 2♠︎ in first chair. The suit is a bit lighter than West will expect, but having all of your points in your two long suits and a side four-card suit makes up for that. South passes, West raises to 3♠︎, and North curses the bad luck that deals him a 20-count but has the opponents jack up the bidding to 3♠︎ before he even gets a chance to speak! 3NT is to play, not for the minors, so North's best option is a takeout double. East passes and South bids 4♥︎ and down it goes. Pre-empts sometimes work beyond your wildest dreams; if East passes meekly, N-S will get to 3♦︎ or maybe 4♦︎ and survive easily.
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Board 3
Dealer:♠︎J85 Vulnerable:
South♥︎AQ82 East-West
♠︎Q3 ♠︎AK642
♥︎KJ97 ♥︎65
♦︎64 ♦︎K852
♣︎A9642 ♣︎KQ
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎T97 Tricks:
10 ♥︎T43 NSEW
10 15 ♦︎AJT73NT5588
5 ♣︎T8♠︎5588
E-W have 25 combined points♦︎6677
Suitable Level: Likely Game♣︎4488
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
3♣︎wQ♦︎-3 300
1♠︎eT♣︎= 80
2♠︎eT♣︎+1 140
1Nw2♥︎+2 150
3Nw2♥︎+1 630
South, West and North all pass and East opens 1♠︎. South passes and West responds 2♣︎ (in a modern 2/1 system, West would need to bid 1NT instead since the 2♣︎ response is forcing to game). North passes and East rebids 2♦︎. South passes and West rebids 2NT. Does East have enough to accept this invite? I think so, but with the AQ♥︎ and A♦︎ all offside, a ninth trick will be hard to find. West gets five spades (when they split 3-3) and three clubs (when they don't). A ninth trick will be there if North leads a heart or a diamond (West ducks and hopes to score the K♦︎ later), but perfect defense should prevail here and hold West to eight tricks.
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Board 4
Dealer:♠︎4 Vulnerable:
West♥︎AQJ9 Both
♠︎J873 ♠︎AK5
♥︎K54 ♥︎762
♦︎Q9842 ♦︎AT3
♣︎3 ♣︎T942
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎QT962 Tricks:
20 ♥︎T83 NSEW
6 11 ♦︎J76NT8834
3 ♣︎87♠︎7766
N-S have 23 combined points♦︎6677
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎9933
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
1♣︎nA♠︎+3 130
4♣︎nA♦︎= 130
1♣︎nA♠︎+3 130
3♣︎nA♠︎= 110
1♥︎nA♠︎+1 110
West passes and North has enough to start with a 2♣︎ opener: about three losers (a spade, 1.5 diamonds, and 0.5 hearts), and 4 quick tricks (2 in clubs, 1.5 in hearts, and the K♦︎). East passes this and South responds 2♦︎. West passes and North rebids 3♣︎, showing a strong hand with a good club suit. East passes and South rebids 3♦︎ showing a poor hand. West passes and North now tries 3♥︎ and South chooses 3NT. West leads a small diamond and South ducks in dummy, forcing East to win the A♦︎, cash one high spade, and trap South in dummy with a diamond lead to the K♦︎. South cannot take the heart finesse and is limited to eight tricks.
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Board 5
Dealer:♠︎82 Vulnerable:
North♥︎53 North-South
♠︎QT ♠︎AK97654
♥︎A962 ♥︎KT87
♦︎AJT87 ♦︎9
♣︎73 ♣︎K
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎J3 Tricks:
11 ♥︎QJ4 NSEW
11 13 ♦︎2NT3366
5 ♣︎J986542♠︎221111
E-W have 24 combined points♦︎5578
Suitable Level: Possible Game♣︎7755
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
3♠︎e2♦︎+2 200
2♠︎e2♦︎+3 200
4♠︎e2♦︎+1 450
4♠︎e2♦︎+1 450
4♠︎e2♦︎+2 480
North opens 1♦︎ or 2♦︎ and East overcalls 1♠︎ or 2♠︎. South passes and West should not, with 11 points opposite an overcall. But what to do? Probably best is 2NT to show values and a stopper: if notrump is the spot someone has to suggest it! East appreciates the input and jumps to 4♠︎. West leads the singleton diamond and East grabs the ace, pulls trumps, and loses the A♣︎ and a heart for eleven tricks. Maybe A♦︎, Q♠︎, A♠︎, A♥︎, and a club lead at trick five might get North thinking and if North thinks South may have the K♣︎ and ducks, East might make twelve tricks!
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Board 6
Dealer:♠︎Q943 Vulnerable:
East♥︎9542 East-West
♠︎AK75 ♠︎T62
♥︎Q ♥︎AK863
♦︎AJT74 ♦︎-
♣︎J97 ♣︎AKT32
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎J8 Tricks:
2 ♥︎JT7 NSEW
15 14 ♦︎KQ32NT221111
9 ♣︎Q864♠︎221110
E-W have 29 combined points♦︎33109
Suitable Level: Game♣︎111212
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
6Nw3♠︎-2 200
4♠︎w5♣︎= 620
3Ne2♦︎+2 660
3Nw5♣︎+3 690
3Nw3♠︎+3 690
North and South are limited to pass cards as East-West bid this one without interference: East opens 1♥︎, and West, with a full opening bid, has the green light to bid naturally so need not respond 1♠︎ with a longer and better diamond suit. So it goes 1♥︎ - 2♦︎, 3♣︎ - 3♠︎, and most Easts will settle for 3NT. But a 4♣︎ bid showing 5-5 gets a raise to 5♣︎ from West, showing some tolerance for clubs, and since 5♣︎ seldom wins against 3NT, why not give 6♣︎ a try? 3NT makes an easy eleven tricks, but 6♣︎ makes an easier 12!
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Board 7
Dealer:♠︎KQ85 Vulnerable:
South♥︎92 Both
♠︎T4 ♠︎AJ2
♥︎KQJ843 ♥︎T75
♦︎K52 ♦︎QJ6
♣︎54 ♣︎QJ73
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎9763 Tricks:
9 ♥︎A6 NSEW
9 11 ♦︎983NT6676
11 ♣︎AK86♠︎8854
N-S and E-W each have 20 combined points♦︎8855
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎8855
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
3♥︎wK♠︎-1 100
3♥︎w5♠︎-1 100
2♠︎n5♥︎-1 100
3♥︎wK♠︎= 140
South passes and West opens 2♥︎ (which apparently one West last week did not do: must have had the hand mis-sorted). North passes and East would like to raise but notes that both opponents have passed and there seems little point. South doubles, West passes, North bids 2♠︎, and now East raises to 3♥︎, ending the auction. If North leads the K♠︎, East wins in dummy and plays a spade to the ten and North's queen. If North doesn't find a club lead, West may be able to pitch a losing club from hand on the J♠︎ and make 3♥︎; otherwise it is routinely down one with two club losers and one in each of the other suits.
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Board 8
Dealer:♠︎6 Vulnerable:
West♥︎K843 None
♠︎8743 ♠︎AT9
♥︎6 ♥︎QJT5
♦︎KT874 ♦︎93
♣︎J93 ♣︎7654
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎KQJ52 Tricks:
8 ♥︎A972 NSEW
4 7 ♦︎ANT101033
21 ♣︎AKT♠︎101033
N-S have 29 combined points♦︎9944
Suitable Level: Game♣︎101033
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
3NnQ♥︎+1 430
4♥︎s3♠︎= 420
4♥︎s3♣︎= 420
4♥︎n8♦︎-1 50
4♥︎s3♣︎-1 50
After three passes, South opens 1♠︎ or 2♣︎ and East-West pass throughout. One possible auction: 1♠︎ - 1NT, 3♥︎ - 4♥︎. The 1NT response denies ten or more points so South is discouraged from trying for more once the fit is found. The other possible auction: 2♣︎ - 2♦︎, 2♠︎ - 3♦︎, 3♥︎ - 4♥︎. Here the 3♦︎ bid shows a few scattered values, since the 3♣︎ rebid would be the one showing a truly bad hand. South should have little trouble in 4♥︎ even when the 4-1 break is revealed, losing the A♠︎ and two hearts.
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Board 9
Dealer:♠︎4 Vulnerable:
North♥︎9842 East-West
♠︎T96 ♠︎KQJ87
♥︎KJ3 ♥︎QT5
♦︎KQT3 ♦︎A94
♣︎A73 ♣︎JT
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎A532 Tricks:
3 ♥︎A76 NSEW
13 13 ♦︎872NT4499
11 ♣︎K96♠︎221010
E-W have 26 combined points♦︎4499
Suitable Level: Game♣︎7766
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
3Nw4♣︎= 600
4♠︎e6♣︎= 620
4♠︎e6♣︎= 620
4♠︎e6♣︎= 620
3Nw4♣︎+1 630
North passes, East opens 1♠︎, South passes, and West responds ... what? With a full opener West must make a forcing bid, so 2♠︎ and 1NT are out (unless you play that 1NT is forcing). Best is probably 2♦︎ for now, then after East rebids 2♠︎, a raise to 4♠︎ is in order. A loser in spades, hearts and clubs makes this a flat board except for the crazy gamblers trying to get an edge in 3NT, which on a club lead is easily held to nine tricks. Eight card major suit fits usually belong in the suit contract, not notrump, unless the two hands have considerable extras, like 28-32 combined points.
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Board 10
Dealer:♠︎85 Vulnerable:
East♥︎9542 Both
♠︎A92 ♠︎KQT4
♥︎QT6 ♥︎A73
♦︎Q43 ♦︎T76
♣︎T653 ♣︎KJ8
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎J763 Tricks:
12 ♥︎KJ8 NSEW
8 13 ♦︎98NT7766
7 ♣︎Q972♠︎6677
E-W have 21 combined points♦︎8855
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎6666
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
1Nw5♦︎-1 100
2♦︎n6♦︎= 90
2♦︎nK♠︎-1 100
2♦︎n4♠︎-1 100
2♦︎nK♠︎-2 200
East opens 1♣︎ and South passes. West responds 1NT. Oddly enough, this 1♣︎ - 1NT sequence almost always shows four or more clubs, since responder would bid a four-card suit if there was one! North bids 2♦︎ and East passes (usually the best move when you have a minimum range opener and there appears to be no fit). South passes and West has no safe bid, so 2♦︎ becomes the final contract. East leads a spade and West wins the A♠︎ and returns another spade to East. North ruffs the third spade and plays a heart hoping to get to dummy to finesse in trumps, but East wins the A♥︎ and leads a fourth spade: West ruffs with the Q♦︎ and East's T♦︎ becomes a trick for down one!
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Board 11
Dealer:♠︎KQJ84 Vulnerable:
South♥︎Q62 None
♠︎T962 ♠︎753
♥︎T4 ♥︎A3
♦︎A ♦︎T754
♣︎QJ9752 ♣︎AK84
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎A Tricks:
8 ♥︎KJ9875 NSEW
7 11 ♦︎KQJ2NT5588
14 ♣︎T3♠︎8844
N-S have 22 combined points♦︎101033
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎3399
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
4♥︎sQ♣︎= 420
4♥︎sQ♣︎= 420
2♥︎sA♦︎+2 170
2♥︎sA♦︎= 110
4♥︎sA♦︎-1 50
South opens 1♥︎ as dealer and West cannot quite get to a 2♣︎ overcall, so passes. North responds 1♠︎ and East makes a takeout double. South rebids 2♥︎ and West is happy to come in now with 3♣︎. North bids 3♥︎, confirming the fit, and East and South pass, not wanting to get too high. West takes the plunge to 4♣︎ and North bids 4♥︎. Shrewdly, West leads the singleton A♦︎ first before switching to clubs, and the defenders take a diamond, a club, the A♥︎, and a diamond ruff. Defenders, watch for this: partner bids a suit twice and then makes an opening lead in a different suit: often this is a singleton and the ruff will be the difference.
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Board 12
Dealer:♠︎AQ76 Vulnerable:
West♥︎AJ7 North-South
♠︎KJ9843 ♠︎-
♥︎832 ♥︎96
♦︎J96 ♦︎Q8432
♣︎K ♣︎QJT743
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎T52 Tricks:
19 ♥︎KQT54 NSEW
8 5 ♦︎KT75NT101033
8 ♣︎2♠︎101033
N-S have 27 combined points♦︎7755
Suitable Level: Game♣︎7766
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
3Ns8♠︎+2 660
3NnQ♣︎+1 630
4♥︎nQ♣︎= 620
3♥︎s6♦︎+1 170
3♣︎n9♥︎-3 300
West might try an agressive 2♠︎ opener here, and North's best counter may be just to take a shot at 3NT. Maybe South works out that 4♥︎ is better, maybe not, but passing in the hopes that partner can double 2♠︎ for 1100 is asking for an embarrassing +250 when 2♠︎ is passed out and goes five down undoubled! If West passes, North opens 1♣︎ and South responds 1♥︎, and West will not be able to resist trying 2♠︎ at favourable vulnerability. Now if North passes there is a chance to get the reopening double from South, although East might rescue to 3♣︎ or 3♦︎, which might survive for only 500.
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Board 13
Dealer:♠︎T432 Vulnerable:
North♥︎AJT2 Both
♠︎65 ♠︎AQJ9
♥︎- ♥︎87643
♦︎QT765 ♦︎4
♣︎AK9632 ♣︎QT8
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎K87 Tricks:
6 ♥︎KQ95 NSEW
9 9 ♦︎AKJ32NT6677
16 ♣︎5♠︎6677
N-S have 22 combined points♦︎7766
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎221111
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
4♣︎w9♦︎-1 100
3♥︎sA♣︎-1 100
4♣︎w9♦︎= 130
2♥︎nQ♣︎-2 200
4♥︎n4♦︎-2 200
North and East pass and South opens 1♦︎. West overcalls 2♣︎ and North makes a negative double to show both majors. East raises to 3♣︎ and South bids 3♥︎, secure in the knowledge that North-South have a heart fit. West's heart void is probably compelling enough for a 4♣︎ call, which North and East will pass. South has a good hand but has already indicated so and partner took no action over 4♣︎, so passing is probably right. How right that turns out to be when 4♣︎ is makeable, possibly with overtricks, and 4♥︎ is down at least two.
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Board 14
Dealer:♠︎T9 Vulnerable:
East♥︎AQJ7 None
♠︎AQ52 ♠︎J
♥︎KT8 ♥︎9654
♦︎9432 ♦︎JT5
♣︎Q5 ♣︎AJ942
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎K87643 Tricks:
13 ♥︎32 NSEW
11 7 ♦︎K76NT7766
9 ♣︎KT♠︎101033
N-S have 22 combined points♦︎8855
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎7766
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
2♠︎s2♦︎+2 170
2♠︎sT♥︎+2 170
2♠︎s2♦︎+2 170
2♣︎e3♥︎-2 100
1Nn4♣︎-1 50
East passes and so should South. Second chair is where your weak twos should be strongest, since one opponent has already passed and partner could still have a decent hand. After South passes, West will probably find a 1♦︎ opener and North may need to overcall 1♥︎ on a four-card suit in order to do something with the best hand at the table. (Doubling for takeout without spade support is not a good choice.) East passes and South will bid 1♠︎. West passes to confirm the minimum opener and North tries 1NT, but South's 2♠︎ call ends the auction, and ten tricks are somehow there despite only 22 combined points and a 4-1 trump break.
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Board 15
Dealer:♠︎K7 Vulnerable:
South♥︎932 North-South
♠︎QJT93 ♠︎842
♥︎Q4 ♥︎AJT86
♦︎K984 ♦︎T76
♣︎Q2 ♣︎83
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎A65 Tricks:
14 ♥︎K75 NSEW
10 5 ♦︎J532NT111122
11 ♣︎K96♠︎8855
N-S have 25 combined points♦︎8844
Suitable Level: Likely Game♣︎111122
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
3Ns9♠︎+1 630
3NsQ♥︎+1 630
5♣︎nA♥︎= 600
2NsQ♥︎+3 210
2♣︎n8♠︎+3 150
South and West pass and North opens 1♣︎. East passes and South responds 2NT, showing 11-12 points in a balanced hand without a four-card major. West passes and North raises to 3NT with 14 points and a possible source of tricks in the long clubs. In 3NT, West leads the Q♠︎ and there are lots of tricks. Other variations are possible, East might toss in a 2♥︎ overcall after the 1♣︎ opener to muck things up, and South should still bid 2NT with North raising. A heart lead only delays the inevitable and South makes a bunch of tricks. Whoever led the 9♠︎ from ♠︎QJT93 against 3NT must be playing a very deep game...
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Board 16
Dealer:♠︎K7 Vulnerable:
West♥︎Q7 East-West
♠︎AT3 ♠︎652
♥︎T9864 ♥︎K52
♦︎94 ♦︎AKJ
♣︎J97 ♣︎KQT5
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎QJ984 Tricks:
7 ♥︎AJ3 NSEW
5 16 ♦︎T763NT6666
12 ♣︎A♠︎8855
E-W have 21 combined points♦︎9944
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎5588
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
3Ne8♠︎-3 300
3♥︎wK♠︎-3 300
2♠︎s4♥︎+2 170
2♦︎sJ♣︎+1 110
1♠︎s7♣︎+1 110
East opens 1NT after two passes and South overcalls 2♠︎. Everyone passes and West has an interesting choice on opening lead, eventually deciding on a diamond — if a heart is correct, thinks West, we're probably already sunk because we should be declaring a heart contract. The diamond lead is taken by East's jack and East cashes two more. West gets a new idea now and ruffs East's third diamond in order to lead the A♠︎ and another trump. This play prevents South from ruffing the third heart in dummy and ensure that East-West get a heart, a trump, two diamonds and a diamond ruff, the best they can do against spades.
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Board 17
Dealer:♠︎Q9 Vulnerable:
North♥︎KQT8 None
♠︎A6 ♠︎K7
♥︎J965 ♥︎A742
♦︎T6 ♦︎KQJ5
♣︎AJ743 ♣︎KT5
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎JT85432 Tricks:
7 ♥︎3 NSEW
10 16 ♦︎A92NT221111
7 ♣︎Q6♠︎6677
E-W have 26 combined points♦︎221111
Suitable Level: Game♣︎221111
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
3NeJ♠︎-2 100
4♥︎eJ♠︎-1 50
3♣︎wQ♠︎+1 130
3NwQ♠︎+2 460
4♠︎s*T♦︎-4 800
North passes and East opens 1NT. South takes a shot with a 3♠︎ overcall! West has no idea what to do; is a double penalty or takeout in search of a heart fit? Eventually West chooses 3NT and the news is good: once the A♦︎ is dislodged after the spade opening lead, declarer has an easy eleven tricks: five clubs, three diamonds, two spades, and the A♥︎. Oddly enough, without the 3♠︎ pre-empt, West will probably bid a Stayman 2♣︎ and the pair will get to 4♥︎, which is in a world of hurt based on the trump split. With pre-empts, sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes (but less often) the bear eats you.
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Board 18
Dealer:♠︎8 Vulnerable:
East♥︎A87654 North-South
♠︎KQ3 ♠︎AJ954
♥︎KQJ3 ♥︎2
♦︎976 ♦︎T42
♣︎J72 ♣︎T853
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎T762 Tricks:
17 ♥︎T9 NSEW
12 5 ♦︎QJ53NT8855
6 ♣︎K96♠︎7766
N-S have 23 combined points♦︎101033
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎8855
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
3♠︎e*T♥︎-4 800
3♥︎n3♣︎+1 170
3♥︎nA♠︎= 140
2♠︎eT♥︎-2 100
1♠︎eT♥︎-1 50
East and South pass and West opens 1♥︎ despite having only four hearts. In third seat this gambit is better than opening 1♣︎ which is easily overcalled; at least 1♥︎ has a little pre-emptive value. On this occasion North is stymied and no bid seems to fit the hand, so passing 1♥︎ is the only option. East responds 1♠︎ and South and West pass, and now North can come in with a takeout double. East passes and South bids 2♦︎. West bids 2♠︎ and North emerges with a 3♠︎ cuebid, which on this auction must show a strong hand with hearts (the only type of strong hand that would pass 1♥︎) and asks South to bid 3NT with a heart stopper. South instead retreats to 4♦︎ which is difficult but makeable.