Van Learners Bridge Results

November 18, 2024

Section X  North-South
VanLearners Monday Eve Session November 18, 2024
Leaders after  7 rounds  Average:   42.0
Place   Pct   Score  Pair
  1   73.21   61.50   X-6   David Stokes - Alan Atkins
  2   61.31   51.50   X-1   Joan Christensen - Carol Ward
  3   55.95   47.00   X-4   Brenda MacLean-Longpre - Cindy Chan
  4   48.81   41.00   X-7   Alexa Allen - Lesley MacKay
  5   37.50   31.50   X-5   Diane O'Connor - Vicki Torbett
  6   36.90   31.00   X-2   Kelly Anderson - Mike Bow
  7   36.31   30.50   X-3   Ian Wong - Donna Bridgeman

Section X  East-West
VanLearners Monday Eve Session November 18, 2024
Leaders after  7 rounds  Average:   42.0
Place   Pct   Score  Pair
  1   60.12   50.50   X-4   Jill Price - Barbara Spitz
  2   58.93   49.50   X-6   Cathy Brown - Ruth Castellino
  3   54.76   46.00   X-1   Curtis Ballard - Elizabeth Ballard
  4   51.19   43.00   X-5   Patsy Thorpe - Ron Rogers
  5   49.40   41.50   X-2   Doug MacDougall - Marlee Sheinin
  6   44.05   37.00   X-7   Kathy Armstrong - Judy Day
  7   31.55   26.50   X-3   John Fraser - Jacquie Brown

Congrats to the winners!

Didn't do as well as you hoped? Don't worry; there is a large luck factor in short sessions, so there are increased chances of scores outside the normal range of about 35-65%. Things tend to even out over time, but less time means less even-ing out! The important thing is to have fun and let the learning happen by gaining experience as declarer, defender, and even as dummy, and perhaps by reading a little about the hands below!

Our game results are posted online here at ACBL Live For Clubs, shortly after the main game ends.

The deals tonight are from November 4's open game.

Below is a full-colour screen version of the comments for each hand. This works best if you have kept score and brought your scorecard home with you so you can check your results against the hand records and see where there is room for improvement. You will find that the simple act of writing down the score on each hand (good or bad) serves as a sort of marker inside your memory that helps you recall later what the issues you thought about while playing that hand were. It's much easier to remember if you have taken the few seconds to write in the contract and the score than to rely on getting your results off the internet. Something happens in those few seconds inside our brains and you'll be surprised at how much you can remember later with the help of a well-filled scoresheet. More on this here.

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Board 1
Dealer:♠︎42 Vulnerable:
North♥︎43 None
♠︎KQ983 ♠︎J65
♥︎AT62 ♥︎J98
♦︎93 ♦︎QJ4
♣︎Q9 ♣︎AJT6
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎AT7 Tricks:
3 ♥︎KQ75 NSEW
11 10 ♦︎AK76NT4488
16 ♣︎84♠︎4488
E-W have 21 combined points♦︎7766
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎6677
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
3♠︎w4♥︎-1 50
1Ns8♠︎-2 100
2♠︎w4♥︎= 110
2♠︎w4♥︎+1 140
2♠︎w2♣︎+1 140
3♠︎wT♦︎+1 170
North and East pass and South opens 1NT. Is that small doubleton a concern to South? Yes, but if you open 1♦︎ instead there is no rebid that shows this hand type, and if the clubs are a problem, they will be the same problem for everyone, so 1NT it is. West overcalls 2♠︎ and the auction ends there. 2♠︎ is an easy make and it turns out that 1NT was going down and the clubs were the problem. But at most tables West could not resist overcalling 1NT, eliminating the real danger: spade leads vs 1NT, a diamond entry and the defense gets four spades, the A♥︎, and four clubs for down three!
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Board 2
Dealer:♠︎A75 Vulnerable:
East♥︎Q83 North-South
♠︎K ♠︎JT82
♥︎KT96 ♥︎J42
♦︎A965 ♦︎T84
♣︎AJ76 ♣︎QT9
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎Q9643 Tricks:
10 ♥︎A75 NSEW
15 4 ♦︎KQ72NT7755
11 ♣︎4♠︎9944
N-S have 21 combined points♦︎7766
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎7756
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
2♠︎s*A♣︎= 670
3♥︎e4♣︎-3 150
2♥︎sA♣︎+1 140
1Nw3♣︎= 90
4♠︎s6♥︎-1 100
3♠︎s6♥︎-2 200
East passes and South dredges up a minimum 1♠︎ opener. West makes a takeout double, and North has options: 2♠︎ and redouble. Jumping to 3♠︎ after a takeout double is played as weak with at least four-card support so that's out. Redouble shows a bare minimum of 10 points and ensures to opener that responder will know what to do on the next round; if the opponents bid and raise a red suit I am not sure North knows how high is safe. So a maximum 2♠︎ it is, and East passes, and South is happy to pass the minimum opener. West tries again with another double and North bids 3♠︎, which requires South to play trumps for one loser only to make. (A♠︎ first...)
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Board 3
Dealer:♠︎63 Vulnerable:
South♥︎5 East-West
♠︎JT8 ♠︎KQ95
♥︎J32 ♥︎864
♦︎A742 ♦︎K93
♣︎Q97 ♣︎AK5
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎A742 Tricks:
8 15 ♦︎65NT7766
13 ♣︎T♠︎6677
E-W have 23 combined points♦︎6677
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎7766
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
2♥︎sA♦︎+1 140
2♥︎s2♦︎= 110
2♥︎sJ♠︎= 110
3♥︎sJ♠︎-1 50
3♥︎sA♦︎-1 50
4♥︎s7♣︎-3 150
South opens 1♥︎ and West and North pass. East has two options: a 1♠︎ overcall with only four spades, and a takeout double with a flat hand. Pass is not really a consideration with 15 points, and 1NT without a heart stopper would be bad. I prefer the double, but 1♠︎ is a close second. South will bid 2♥︎ over either and that should be the end of the auction. South begins with six heart tricks and the A♠︎ and no dummy entry, so it is a mystery why South managed eight tricks so often in hearts. All the defenders need to do is to cash tricks and keep South off the dummy by playing a trump early before a spade can be ruffed.
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Board 4
Dealer:♠︎KJ2 Vulnerable:
West♥︎AK9 Both
♠︎A ♠︎T86
♥︎Q654 ♥︎J732
♦︎KT ♦︎9876
♣︎AKT543 ♣︎J9
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎Q97543 Tricks:
19 ♥︎T8 NSEW
16 2 ♦︎J54NT7733
3 ♣︎86♠︎101033
N-S have 22 combined points♦︎8845
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎5577
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
4♣︎w*A♥︎-3 800
4♠︎sA♣︎= 620
2♠︎sA♣︎+2 170
3♠︎sA♣︎+1 170
3♣︎w2♠︎-1 100
2Nn*J♣︎-1 200
West opens 1♣︎ and North has a balanced hand of 19 points! Double is the only logical call with a hand this strong, and East passes and South bids 1♠︎. West rebids 2♣︎ and North rebids 2NT. A takeout double followed by the doubler going off on his own, with a new suit or a notrump bid, always shows a very strong hand, since the response is forced even with a very weak hand, so this 2NT rebid shows a club stopper, a balanced hand, and about 17-21 points. South should have no trouble bidding 4♠︎ opposite this type of hand, especially knowing where most of the missing high cards will be. Ten tricks in spades are easy.
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Board 5
Dealer:♠︎85 Vulnerable:
North♥︎54 North-South
♠︎T42 ♠︎AQ
♥︎QT62 ♥︎AKJ93
♦︎T ♦︎J974
♣︎T9854 ♣︎32
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎KJ9763 Tricks:
14 ♥︎87 NSEW
2 15 ♦︎A65NT7766
9 ♣︎J7♠︎8833
N-S have 23 combined points♦︎9944
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎7755
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
4♠︎s2♥︎= 620
3♠︎s2♥︎= 140
4♠︎s2♥︎-1 100
3♥︎e5♦︎= 140
3♥︎e2♠︎= 140
4♠︎sT♦︎-2 200
North opens 1♦︎ and East overcalls 1♥︎. South bids 1♠︎ and West raises pre-emptively to 3♥︎. If East takes this as a 10-12 limit raise, the auction so far would show about 45-50 total points, so it must be a pre-empt! Everyone wisely passes 3♥︎ and East gets to try to make it. Two clubs and a diamond must be lost and the K♠︎ is offside. THe only other possibility for a defensive trick is the third round of clubs, which South can overruff if East ruffs low; or East failing to see that three diamond ruffs are needed to hold the diamond suit to one loser.
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Board 6
Dealer:♠︎KJ3 Vulnerable:
East♥︎J East-West
♠︎A42 ♠︎T985
♥︎AK65 ♥︎T97
♦︎AJ95 ♦︎T83
♣︎84 ♣︎KQ6
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎Q76 Tricks:
10 ♥︎Q8432 NSEW
16 5 ♦︎KQ4NT4499
9 ♣︎52♠︎4488
E-W have 21 combined points♦︎4588
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎7766
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
2♥︎w3♠︎-1 100
3♣︎n3♦︎-2 100
3♣︎n*8♠︎-1 100
3♣︎nT♦︎-2 100
2♠︎e5♣︎= 110
2♥︎s8♣︎-4 200
East and South pass and West opens 1NT. North overcalls 2♣︎ and East and South pass. West has enough to compete with a takeout double here, and North passes, leaving East to choose 2♠︎, which ends the auction. The going is always tough in a seven-card fit, but East should prevail by leading trumps until they are exhausted from the defenders hands, then playing South for diamond honours and North for club honours, winning two spades, two hearts, three diamonds, and one club, two if the defenders don't ruff the third round. Making eight tricks for 110 beats all the 100s for East-West pairs defending against club contracts!
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Board 7
Dealer:♠︎64 Vulnerable:
South♥︎86 Both
♠︎8 ♠︎AKT97
♥︎AQT9542 ♥︎KJ3
♦︎96 ♦︎54
♣︎A64 ♣︎Q92
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎QJ532 Tricks:
5 ♥︎7 NSEW
10 13 ♦︎AKQ82NT3388
12 ♣︎T3♠︎6677
E-W have 23 combined points♦︎9944
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎7766
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
4♥︎w6♠︎= 620
4♥︎w6♠︎= 620
4♥︎w6♠︎+1 650
4♥︎w6♠︎+1 650
4♥︎w6♠︎+1 650
4♥︎w6♠︎+2 680
South opens 1♠︎ and West overcalls 2♥︎. North passes and East raises to 4♥︎. A diamond lead holds West to ten tricks, losing two diamonds and the K♣︎. A spade lead allows a smart declarer to get overtricks: win the ace, lead the T♠︎, forcing a cover from South, and ruff high, then, a trump to the jack, a third spade forcing another cover, ruffed high again, and a second trump to the king. Two more spades in dummy are good for diamond discards and the only loser is the K♣︎!
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Board 8
Dealer:♠︎KJT75 Vulnerable:
West♥︎732 None
♠︎A93 ♠︎2
♥︎K65 ♥︎AJ8
♦︎8764 ♦︎JT3
♣︎J76 ♣︎KT8432
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎Q864 Tricks:
14 ♥︎QT94 NSEW
8 9 ♦︎K95NT5555
9 ♣︎Q9♠︎9944
N-S have 23 combined points♦︎6666
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎5588
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
4♠︎n4♣︎= 420
3♠︎n4♣︎= 140
3♠︎nA♥︎= 140
4♣︎eQ♠︎-2 100
4♠︎n2♣︎-1 50
4♠︎n2♠︎-2 100
West passes and North opens 1♠︎. East passes and South raises to 2♠︎. West passes and North might as well, staying safely in 2♠︎, or might invite with 3♠︎. South will accept and North will have a spade and two hearts to lose, and may also lose a club. West needs to foresee the possibility of a club discard on the fourh heart and lead a club when in with the K♥︎ or A♠︎. These days there are many inviting conventions after 1♠︎-2♠︎ or 1♥︎-2♥︎, but most schemes would get to game on these cards once North decides to invite. If North stays in 2♠︎, the quest for ten tricks is still there and may win some matchpoints.
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Board 9
Dealer:♠︎74 Vulnerable:
North♥︎JT965 East-West
♠︎KQ65 ♠︎A2
♥︎84 ♥︎K73
♦︎98653 ♦︎JT74
♣︎93 ♣︎Q852
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎JT983 Tricks:
13 ♥︎AQ2 NSEW
5 10 ♦︎KQ2NT101033
12 ♣︎76♠︎9933
N-S have 25 combined points♦︎7766
Suitable Level: Likely Game♣︎9922
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
4♥︎nJ♦︎+2 480
4♥︎nJ♦︎+2 480
4♥︎nA♠︎= 420
3Nn2♦︎= 400
3♥︎nA♠︎+1 170
4♥︎nA♠︎-1 50
There used to be a debate on whether to open 5-5 hands with the higher or the lower suit; these days the strong preference is for the higher suit, especially if it is a major. If North opens 1♣︎ it will be difficult to send the message than the second suit is five cards long without several more bids. So North opens 1♥︎ and East passes; South responds 1♠︎ knowing that there will be ample time to show heart support with a near opener (with a weak hand of this shape, South would raise hearts, since South might only get one chance to bid safely). West passes and North rebids 2♣︎. South has an easy 4♥︎ call, making ten tricks or more.
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Board 10
Dealer:♠︎AK72 Vulnerable:
East♥︎JT963 Both
♠︎Q ♠︎65
♥︎A8754 ♥︎KQ2
♦︎K975 ♦︎T62
♣︎QJ2 ♣︎AT876
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎JT9843 Tricks:
9 ♥︎- NSEW
12 9 ♦︎AQ8NT8855
10 ♣︎K543♠︎111122
E-W have 21 combined points♦︎6676
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎5587
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
4♠︎sQ♣︎+1 650
4♠︎s5♦︎= 620
3♥︎wA♠︎-3 300
2♠︎sQ♣︎+3 200
3♠︎n5♦︎+1 170
2♥︎w9♣︎-1 100
East passes and South should open the bidding, with either 1♠︎ or 2♠︎: either works; pass is not an option. There are no hands in between 1♠︎ and 2♠︎ that call for a pass; with a borderline hand like this one you choose one or the other. 2♠︎'s weakness is the weak spade suit, 1♠︎ is a bit light on the high cards. West will make a takeout double of either, and North should raise to 4♠︎ to put the opponents under pressure. The distribution allows eleven tricks to be made in 4♠︎ despite only 19 combined high card points, as South loses only the A♣︎ and the K♦︎!
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Board 11
Dealer:♠︎T54 Vulnerable:
South♥︎JT None
♠︎J ♠︎7
♥︎A9543 ♥︎Q72
♦︎KJ6 ♦︎T2
♣︎AK95 ♣︎QJT8642
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎AKQ98632 Tricks:
7 ♥︎K86 NSEW
16 5 ♦︎7NT5533
12 ♣︎7♠︎111100
E-W have 21 combined points♦︎101033
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎3399
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
4♠︎s*A♣︎+1 690
5♠︎sA♣︎= 450
4♠︎sA♣︎+1 450
4♠︎sA♣︎+1 450
5♠︎sA♣︎= 450
5♣︎e7♦︎-3 150
South opens in spades, but how many? 1♠︎ works, but West will double, North will bid 2♠︎, and East will find a club bid and if North-South get to 4♠︎, East-West will discover their sacrifice in 5♣︎ doubled, which goes for only 300 against a game worth 420 or more. If South instead opens 4♠︎ (3♠︎ with eight solid would be passed by many North hands that could help and miss a game) there is little chance for E-W to find their sacrifice. Really tricky would be to PASS as dealer, then, after 1♥︎ by West, 3♦︎ by North, and pass by East, bid 3♠︎ and then 4♠︎ if West competes. Maybe you get doubled and make a top!!
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Board 12
Dealer:♠︎AKQT95 Vulnerable:
West♥︎7 North-South
♠︎J ♠︎-
♥︎AKJ83 ♥︎T4
♦︎A32 ♦︎KQT9874
♣︎AK95 ♣︎QT82
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎876432 Tricks:
10 ♥︎Q9652 NSEW
20 7 ♦︎JNT0077
3 ♣︎6♠︎101033
E-W have 27 combined points♦︎001313
Suitable Level: Game♣︎001313
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
6♥︎w*K♠︎-1 100
4♥︎wA♠︎= 420
5♥︎w*A♠︎= 650
6♦︎e8♠︎= 920
6♦︎e6♣︎+1 940
6♦︎e8♠︎+1 940
West opens 1♥︎ and North overcalls a pre-emptive 2♠︎ (note: pre-emptive does not necessarily mean 'weak'). East makes a negative double and South raises to 4♠︎, because why not? West has half the deck and needs to show it. Double doesn't, it looks like a penalty double and ten tricks might even be made. The best call is 5♠︎, which is clearly forcing and East should bid 6♦︎, which makes without trouble. Quite the deal! North-South make ten tricks in spades with thirteen combined points, losing only one trick in each side suit!
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Board 13
Dealer:♠︎Q2 Vulnerable:
North♥︎JT52 Both
♠︎AT75 ♠︎983
♥︎873 ♥︎AQ4
♦︎AQ73 ♦︎K8542
♣︎76 ♣︎JT
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎KJ64 Tricks:
12 ♥︎K96 NSEW
10 10 ♦︎J96NT6677
8 ♣︎983♠︎7766
N-S and E-W each have 20 combined points♦︎6677
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎101033
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
3♦︎e9♣︎-2 200
2♣︎nJ♣︎+3 150
2♣︎n8♦︎+2 130
2♣︎n4♦︎+2 130
3♣︎n4♦︎= 110
4♣︎n4♦︎-1 100
North opens 1♣︎ and East passes. South responds 1♠︎ and West passes. North rebids 2♣︎ and East decides to get into the auction now that one opponent has limited his hand, overcalling 2♦︎. South passes and West, realizing that East failed to bid 1♦︎ over 1♣︎, also passes. This forces North to the three level, but 3♣︎ is unassailable, the defenders getting their three aces and nothing else. Note that a raise to 3♦︎ by West at this vulnerability is quite expensive when it goes two down. Pairs experts often refer to -200 on a partscore hand as the kiss of death, since -200 is always worse than any partscore the opponents can make.
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Board 14
Dealer:♠︎T42 Vulnerable:
East♥︎A62 None
♠︎QJ9 ♠︎3
♥︎Q7 ♥︎JT98543
♦︎AT32 ♦︎J85
♣︎J743 ♣︎QT
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎AK8765 Tricks:
13 ♥︎K NSEW
10 4 ♦︎964NT101022
13 ♣︎K65♠︎111122
N-S have 26 combined points♦︎9944
Suitable Level: Game♣︎101033
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
4♠︎sQ♥︎+1 450
4♠︎s3♣︎+1 450
4♠︎sQ♥︎+1 450
4♠︎s3♣︎+1 450
4♠︎sQ♥︎+1 450
4♠︎n3♣︎= 420
East passes and South opens 1♠︎. West passes and North has enough to bid 2♣︎, although in a modern 2/1 system a forcing 1NT would be the preferred choice, with a raise to 4♠︎ coming next. Over the 2♣︎ rebid, East passes and South rebids 2♠︎, showing six spades and a minimum hand. This makes it all easy for North, who bids 4♠︎ to end the auction. Declarer will be able to pitch the third club from hand on the A♥︎ after cashing the singleton king, and by leading diamonds twice from the South hand, loses only one diamond and a trump for eleven tricks.
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Board 15
Dealer:♠︎73 Vulnerable:
South♥︎QJ North-South
♠︎A6 ♠︎QJT9852
♥︎A765 ♥︎842
♦︎AQ ♦︎K5
♣︎87653 ♣︎9
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎K4 Tricks:
6 ♥︎KT93 NSEW
14 6 ♦︎JT987NT3466
14 ♣︎AK♠︎331010
N-S and E-W each have 20 combined points♦︎7755
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎7855
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
3♦︎sA♠︎= 110
3♠︎eA♣︎= 140
3♠︎eK♣︎+1 170
3♠︎eJ♦︎+2 200
4♠︎eJ♦︎= 420
4♠︎eA♣︎+1 450
How many points is ace-king doubleton really worth? If you play in a suit contract, it is probably worth more than in a notrump contract. In a suit, you likely win the first two rounds and ruff the rest. In notrump, you have two stoppers but once forced out it depends on partner's holding, so seven points may be a little high. South opens 1♦︎ and West 's 14-count doesn't have a suitable call, so West passes and North responds 1NT. East bids 2♠︎ and South passes. West raises to 3♠︎ and the auction ends there. On defense, South's ♣︎AK doubleton is even worse, for it blocks the suit as 3♠︎ makes ten tricks routinely with the K♠︎ onside.
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Board 16
Dealer:♠︎T8 Vulnerable:
West♥︎96 East-West
♠︎K6 ♠︎5432
♥︎A753 ♥︎QJT8
♦︎632 ♦︎Q98
♣︎AJ83 ♣︎K9
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎AQJ97 Tricks:
3 ♥︎K42 NSEW
12 8 ♦︎AK7NT5588
17 ♣︎T7♠︎7766
N-S and E-W each have 20 combined points♦︎7766
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎7666
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
3♠︎sA♥︎+1 170
2♠︎s3♥︎= 110
3♥︎eA♦︎-1 100
3♠︎sA♥︎-1 50
1Ns3♣︎-1 50
3♠︎s6♦︎-1 50
West opens 1♣︎ and North passes. East responds 1♥︎ and South overcalls 1♠︎ with about as much as one can have before considering a double instead. West raises to 2♥︎ and North and East pass. South competes to 2♠︎ and if West and East both pass, South makes it for 110. If either takes the plunge to 3♥︎, down one is only 100 and 3♥︎ might even make: South is faced with an awful dilemma on opening lead: any non-trump suit gives up a potential defensive trick. If South bids on to 3♠︎, that's definitely a bridge too far and E-W will get a plus on this deal.
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Board 17
Dealer:♠︎Q984 Vulnerable:
North♥︎A975 None
♠︎A53 ♠︎T76
♥︎- ♥︎KQJ82
♦︎KQ732 ♦︎65
♣︎K7542 ♣︎Q86
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎KJ2 Tricks:
10 ♥︎T643 NSEW
12 8 ♦︎J84NT8855
10 ♣︎AJ9♠︎7755
N-S and E-W each have 20 combined points♦︎6766
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎5588
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
3♦︎w8♠︎-3 150
1Nw4♠︎-2 100
2♥︎e4♦︎-2 100
2♥︎eA♣︎-2 100
2♣︎w4♠︎-1 50
2♦︎wT♣︎-1 50
Another hand where the highcard points are split 20-20! West hears three passes and opens 1♦︎ in fourth seat. North doubles (hoping South doesn't bid 2♣︎...) and East bids 1♥︎. South passes and West rebids 2♣︎. North passes and so do East and South. In 2♣︎, North leads a spade to the king and ace and West faces two spade losers, along with a diamond and a club, possibly two. Expecting North to have club honours for the takeout double, West leads a low club to the queen and South wins the ace. Two spades are cashed ending with South's jack and West must be careful and get a diamond ruff in dummy to make the contract.
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Board 18
Dealer:♠︎T4 Vulnerable:
East♥︎JT52 North-South
♠︎Q8 ♠︎KJ532
♥︎K9 ♥︎A874
♦︎QJ987 ♦︎43
♣︎T764 ♣︎J8
SOUTH Available
HCP: ♠︎A976 Tricks:
14 ♥︎Q63 NSEW
8 9 ♦︎K52NT8844
9 ♣︎953♠︎6766
N-S have 23 combined points♦︎7755
Suitable Level: Partscore♣︎8855
ContractLeadResultN-S ScoreE-W Score
2♥︎e5♣︎-3 150
1Nn4♥︎+1 120
1Ns8♦︎+1 120
1NsQ♠︎+1 120
1Ns9♦︎+1 120
2♣︎n3♠︎-1 100
East and South pass and it takes a very weak and flat hand for me to pass in third seat with favourable vulnerability, so on this West hand I am confidently opening 2♦︎. This stymies North, who cannot double with only two spades and may need to try 1NT to get into the auction. This buys the contract and a diamond lead gives the defenders two hearts, three diamonds eventually (East must lead a second diamond when in with the A♥︎), and possibly several spades as well, but declarer should get three clubs, two diamonds, a spade and at least one heart before the defenders can set up their winners.