Running Monthly Unit Games

Instructions for Club Directors

Unit 430 began rotating its Monthly Unit Games among several clubs in 2024. Since these games are still Unit events, they are reported to the ACBL under the Unit's quasi-club sanction along with other Unit events by Bruce McIntyre. If your club is scheduled to run a Monthly Unit Game, here is what you need to do:

1) Pre-Game: Update masterpoints in the club database. It is important that everyone's masterpoints be updated from the latest ACBL database before you begin, so that the strats will be accurate. You will need your club computer with internet access and ACBLscore running in the main screen. Select Data Base, then Import/Merge, then option 5: Update MP holdings from D99MP.lzh, etc. Select Yes to get the file from the ACBL website, and type 99 to get all districts. The program will now update everyone in your club database with their latest masterpoint totals (but not for recent name or address changes), based on their ACBL numbers. It will not update anyone whose ACBL number is not in your database correctly, nor will it update players with #nnnn numbers that they enter into the BridgeMates. If such players actually have ACBL numbers from guest memberships (even if long expired), you should replace their #nnnn number with their actual ACBL number in your club database and ask them to use their ACBL number. The ACBL file is updated monthly, usually on the sixth of the month, and it is a good idea to keep current.

2) Selling entries: Some players may claim free plays based on the previous year's masterpoint race. An updated list is online here. The current state of all Unit masterpoint races is kept here, and updated a few days after each Monthly Unit Game is reported to me. Monthly Unit Game sanction fees are paid by McBruce and the cost is US$2.40 per table, which at the current (October 2024) ACBL exchange rate is C$ 3.24 per table. Your club will not be charged any ACBL sanctions for the game (unless you fail to follow instruction #4 below...) You are free to charge your normal club fees for the game or any other amount you feel appropriate. There will almost certainly be a Unit Board member at the game that you can transfer the money to so that it eventually gets to me; if not, we'll probably see one another at some point.

3) Running the Game: Here are some things to watch for:

4) Reporting the Game: When you have a final result, attach three files: 1) the game file (YYMMDD.ACM or .ACA or .ACE); 2) (if using BridgeMates) the BridgeMate file (ending in .BWS) and 3) (if the hands are pre-made) the hand record file (ending in .DUP or .PBN), to Bruce McIntyre at or IMPORTANT: Do NOT post the results of the game to ACBL Live for Clubs. Do let me know which players used free plays so I can update the free play page. The game results will appear here once I have received the files and processed them, possibly checking and correcting errors.