2023 Penticton Regional, Day Five: Friday, June 16

Off And Running!

Included so far: Today's and Tomorrow's Schedule and Brain Warmups.

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Attendance So Far

In 2022, there were 1280½ tables to this point.
In 2019, there were 2478½ tables to this point.
For full details, check out the
Table Counts page!

Bridge clubs and tournaments throughout the ACBL are struggling with returning to live play, so comparing this tournament's attendance to one before the pandemic is not really fair. We'll hope to get a little more than last year, around 60% of the 2019 attendance, making the target number 1930 tables this time — but perhaps we will be pleasantly surprised!

Brain Warmups

What WAS His/Her Name Again?

Below is a short description of six famous people, five of whom were born on June 16, in alphabetical order by (unrevealed) surname. One was NOT born on this day, but rather on the day at the opposite end of the calendar, December 16. The imposter will always be either the first or last born of the six by more of a gap than the two at the other end of the list. Your job is to name the five people and place them in order of their birth years, leaving the imposter out. Answers are below, with the more tricky puzzles from that site that McBruce is addicted to...

Today's Schedule — Day Five — Friday, June 16

Morning-only Events (9:00am)

Thursday-Friday Morning Bracketed Round-Robin Teams (began Thursday morning): Team game, 4-6 players on a team, short matches scored in IMPs converted to Victory Points. Teams will play all or almost all of the teams in their bracket over two sessions.

Bracketed, by team average into brackets of usually 7-9 teams.
Masterpoints: Gold points for overalls in each bracket, or red points for each match win. Lower brackets may have part-gold, part-red for overalls, based on masterpoints.
Penticton 2022 winners (scheduled but not held):

Friday Morning Side Game: Pairs game, part of the Morning Side Game Series (4th of 5).

Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 2500+, B: 750 - 2500, C: 0 - 750.
Masterpoints: Mostly red points but gold points for overall winners if they play another session in the Morning Side Game Series, and a chance for gold points for individuals whose two best games in the series (played with the same or different partners) are good enough to make the series overalls.
Penticton 2022 winners (20 tables):
A, B: Piotr Rajski - Andrew Proczkowski; Edmonton AB
C: Mel Zimmerman - Al Romanchuk; Victoria BC

Friday Morning 299er Pairs: Pairs game, all individual players MUST be below 300 masterpoints.

Strat Limits (by pair average) D: 200 - 300, E: 100 - 200, F: 0 - 100 (may be slightly tweaked to ensure that there are enough pairs in all three strats for overall awards).
Masterpoints: Red points for overall and section awards.
Penticton 2022 winners (5 tables):
D, E, F: Amber Garon - Paul Jackson; Kelowna BC

Afternoon-Evening Events (1:00, 7:00pm)

Friday-Saturday Riesling Knockout Teams (continues Saturday at - *ALERT* - 10am and 3pm for surviving teams): Team game, 4-6 players on a team, 24-board knockout matches scored in IMPs. This knockout will be played in the traditional style, with head-to-head matches or three-ways and random draws. NOTE: different times for Saturday semifinals; be aware!

Bracketed, by team average into brackets of 9-16 teams.
Masterpoints: Gold points for teams that make it to the semifinals, or red points for other match awards. Lower brackets may have part-gold, part-red for overalls, based on masterpoints.
Penticton 2022 winners (42 teams in 3 brackets):
Bracket I: Joan Cremin - Haig Tchamitch; Paradise Valley AZ; Daniel Korbel - Geoff Hampson; Las Vegas NV; Mike Passell; Plano TX
Bracket II: Jennifer Hong - Long Xie; Burnaby BC; David Taylor; Seattle WA; Herman Xiao; Sammamish WA
Bracket III: Lou Arevalo - Martha Hancock; Coeur D Alene ID; Bill Drayton; Sagle ID; Keith Carter; Sandpoint ID

Thursday-Friday Shiraz Knockout Teams (began Thursday ): Team game, 4-6 players on a team, 24-board knockout matches scored in IMPs. This knockout will be played in the traditional style, with head-to-head matches or three-ways and random draws.

Bracketed, by team average into brackets of 9-16 teams.
Masterpoints: Gold points for teams that make it to the semifinals, or red points for other match awards. Lower brackets may have part-gold, part-red for overalls, based on masterpoints.
Penticton 2022 winners (63 teams in 5 brackets):
Bracket I: Joan Millens; Kingston NY; Shan Huang; Palm Beach G FL; Kevin Dwyer; Jacksonville FL; Kevin Bathurst; Palm Bch Gdns FL; Jianfeng Luo; North York ON
Bracket II: Jack Qi - Lucy Zhong; North Vancouver BC; Xiaojing Deng - Xiaoming Shen; Richmond BC
Bracket III: Robert Richardson - Candace Allen; Clinton WA; Joel Castoriano - Diane Felure; Vashon Island WA
Bracket IV: William Voth; Kelowna BC; Wayne Borman; Nanaimo BC; Richard Smillie; Parksville BC; Brian Smillie; Ladysmith BC
Bracket V: Marsha Kimelman - Michael Szestopalow; Winnipeg MB; Paulette Desaulniers; Sainte-Anne MB; Roman Puzant; Winnipeg Beach MB

Friday Top Flight Pairs: Two session pairs game, matchpoint scoring.

Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 3000+, B: 1500 - 3000, C: 0 - 1500.
Masterpoints: Gold points for overalls and some section tops, other awards are red points. Note that you can win points in the first session that are replaced by a higher overall award after the second: you get the greater of your overall award or the sum of the session awards; not both combined.
Penticton 2022 winners (32, 32 tables):
A: Toby White; Des Moines IA; Richard Newell; West Des Moines IA
B: Andrew Proczkowski - Piotr Rajski; Edmonton AB
C: Ben Levine - Nicholas Buck; Prince George BC

Friday Gold Rush 0-750 Pairs: Two session pairs game, matchpoint scoring.

Strat Limits (by pair average) 7: 400 - 750, 4: 200 - 400, 2: 0 - 200. No individuals over 750 points may play in this event, even if the pair average is below 750.
Masterpoints: Gold points for overalls and some section tops, other awards are red points.  Note that you can win points in the first session that are replaced by a higher overall award after the second: you get the greater of your overall award or the sum of the session awards; not both combined.
Penticton 2022 winners (22, 22 tables):
7, 4, 2: Daniel Balof - Mary Eliza Balof; Walla Walla WA

Afternoon-only Events (1:00pm)

Friday Afternoon Side Game: Pairs game, part of the Afternoon Side Game Series (4th of 5).

Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 2500+, B: 750 - 2500, C: 0 - 750.
Masterpoints: Mostly red points but gold points for overall winners if they play another session in the Afternoon Side Game Series, and a chance for gold points for individuals whose two best games in the series (played with the same or different partners) are good enough to make the series overalls.
Penticton 2022 winners: (15 tables)
A, B: Charlene Pepin - Karen Morton; Walla Walla WA
C: Debbie Harris - Kathy Molnar; North Vancouver BC

Friday Afternoon 299er Pairs: Pairs game, all individual players MUST be below 300 masterpoints.

Strat Limits (by pair average) D: 200 - 300, E: 100 - 200, F: 0 - 100 (may be slightly tweaked to ensure that there are enough pairs in all three strats for overall awards).
Masterpoints: Red points for overall and section awards.
Penticton 2022 winners (7 tables):
D: Janice Porter - Vern Porter; North Vancouver BC
E: Gulshirin Somji - Amir Somji; North Vancouver BC
F: Pankaj Acharya - Asha Acharya; Calgary AB

Evening-only Events (7:00pm)

Friday Evening Swiss Teams: Team game, 4-6 players on a team, short matches scored in IMPs and converted to Victory Points.

Strat Limits (by team average) A: 2500+, B: 750 - 2500, C: 0 - 750.
Masterpoints: Red points for overalls and match awards, whichever is greater.
Penticton 2022 winners (16 teams):
A: Allan Graves; Saint Johnsbury VT; Artur Malinowski; Harrow ; David Bakhshi; London, England; Reanette Frobouck; Pittsburgh PA
B, C: Kathy Turnbull; Edmonton AB; Leeann Lagace; St Albert AB; Keith Wallace - Pam Wallace; Calgary AB

Friday Evening Side Game: Pairs game, part of the Evening Side Game Series (5th of 5).

Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 2500+, B: 750 - 2500, C: 0 - 750.
Masterpoints: Mostly red points but gold points for overall winners if they play another session in the Evening Side Game Series, and a chance for gold points for individuals whose two best games in the series (played with the same or different partners) are good enough to make the series overalls.
Penticton 2022 winners (16½ tables):
A, B: Robert Pratt; Edmonton AB; Kevin Strangway; Grande Prairie AB
C: Diane O'ttarc - Wendy Sexsmith; Toronto ON

Series Overall Winners: Sally Craig; Port Moody BC; Edgar L'Heureux; White Rock BC

Masterpoint Leaders thru Friday Evening

Should be up by about 11:45pm

Masterpoints for all players are updated nightly here first, with everyone's current red and gold point total listed alphabetically below the leaders, before a shorter leaderboard is added to this page.

Overall Leaders

Non-Life Master Leaders

Masterpoints will be updated first on the masterpoints page. Leaders will appear here later, when the results are posted.

Brain Workout Section!

For those of you who used to like the puzzles I printed in the old bulletins, here is a link to an online version: one of the puzzles that I used to feature in the old paper Bulletins, but it is easy to play on a computer as well. Not so easy on a tablet or phone, since most of the puzzles require right-clicks, not easily done in a tablet or phone environment.

Tents gives you a grid of cells, some of which have trees. Your goal is to place tents in some of the cells, such that 1) there are exactly as many tents as trees, 2) Each tent will be adjacent (but not diagonally) to its own tree (and may be adjacent to other trees as well), 3) No two tents are adjacent horizontally, verticallty, or even diagonally, 4) The number of tents in each row and column is given outside the grid.

Strategy: Start by marking off (by right-clicking) cells where no tent can possibly be, because there is no nearby tree or the row or column has zero tents. Once this is done, look for trees that have only one possible spot for a tent, or cells that if occupied by a tent make another tree impossible to add a tent to according to the rules.

Click on the puzzle you want to try at the right (or the caption below) to go to the page with all the instructions you'll need.

These puzzles come from Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection (see below) and there are links there to apps for most devices.

Easy puzzle
(McBruce's time: 0min 56sec)

Medium puzzle
(McBruce's time: 2min 5sec)

Tricky puzzle
(McBruce's time: 6min 34sec)

Answers to the trivia questions at the top of the page...

(Click here to go back to the questions!)

June 16 birthdays:

Tomorrow's Schedule — Day Six — Saturday, June 17

ALERT: Start times changing tomorrow: 10am and 3pm.

Morning-Afternoon Events (10:00am, 3:00pm)

Saturday Zinfandel Bracketed Round-Robin Teams: Team game, 4-6 players on a team, short matches scored in IMPs converted to Victory Points. Teams will play all or almost all of the teams in their bracket over two sessions.

Bracketed, by team average into brackets of usually 7-9 teams.
Masterpoints: Gold points for overalls in each bracket, or red points for each match win. Lower brackets may have part-gold, part-red for overalls, based on masterpoints.
Penticton 2022 winners (49 teams in 6 brackets):
Bracket I: Mike Levine; Pinckney MI; Greg Hinze; San Antonio TX; Kay Enfield; Santa Fe NM; Mike Cappelletti - Allison L Cappelletti; Delray Beach FL
Bracket II: Jack Qi - Lucy Zhong; North Vancouver BC; Xiaojing Deng - Xiaoming Shen; Richmond BC
Bracket III: Ross Bates - Dorothy Dore; Castlegar BC; Marty O'Malley - Kathy O'Malley; Spokane Valley WA
Bracket IV: Jack Johnson - Maryellen Gallo; Surrey BC; Edgar L'Heureux; White Rock BC; Sally Craig; Port Moody BC
Bracket V: Brad Digby - Maarten Tjebbes - Faye Gilraine - Gary Gilraine; Vancouver BC
Bracket VI: Manohara Senaratne - Don Greenwood - Sharana Basappa - Abdeali Naffar; Edmonton AB

Friday-Saturday Riesling Knockout Teams (began Friday): Team game, 4-6 players on a team, 24-board knockout matches scored in IMPs. This knockout will be played in the traditional style, with head-to-head matches or three-ways and random draws. NOTE: different times for Saturday semifinals; be aware!

Bracketed, by team average into brackets of 9-16 teams.
Masterpoints: Gold points for teams that make it to the semifinals, or red points for other match awards. Lower brackets may have part-gold, part-red for overalls, based on masterpoints.
Penticton 2022 winners (42 teams in 3 brackets):
Bracket I: Joan Cremin - Haig Tchamitch; Paradise Valley AZ; Daniel Korbel - Geoff Hampson; Las Vegas NV; Mike Passell; Plano TX
Bracket II: Jennifer Hong - Long Xie; Burnaby BC; David Taylor; Seattle WA; Herman Xiao; Sammamish WA
Bracket III: Lou Arevalo - Martha Hancock; Coeur D Alene ID; Bill Drayton; Sagle ID; Keith Carter; Sandpoint ID

Saturday Top Flight Pairs: Two session pairs game, matchpoint scoring.

Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 3000+, B: 1500 - 3000, C: 0 - 1500.
Masterpoints: Gold points for overalls and some section tops, other awards are red points. Note that you can win points in the first session that are replaced by a higher overall award after the second: you get the greater of your overall award or the sum of the session awards; not both combined.
Penticton 2022 winners (23, 24 tables):
A: Iftikhar Baqai; Irvine CA; Michael Mikyska; Los Angeles CA
B, C: Alberta Hutchings - Ken Hutchings; Penticton BC

Saturday Gold Rush 0-750 Pairs: Two session pairs game, matchpoint scoring.

Strat Limits (by pair average) 7: 400 - 750, 4: 200 - 400, 2: 0 - 200. No individuals over 750 points may play in this event, even if the pair average is below 750.
Masterpoints: Gold points for overalls and some section tops, other awards are red points.  Note that you can win points in the first session that are replaced by a higher overall award after the second: you get the greater of your overall award or the sum of the session awards; not both combined.
Penticton 2022 winners (18, 20 tables):
7: Douglas Cramen - Clive Elkin; Kelowna BC
4, 3: Terry Huxter - Wendy McCulloch; Grand Forks BC

Morning-only Events (10:00am)

Saturday Morning Side Game: Pairs game, part of the Morning Side Game Series (5th of 5).

Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 2500+, B: 750 - 2500, C: 0 - 750.
Masterpoints: Mostly red points but gold points for overall winners if they play another session in the Morning Side Game Series, and a chance for gold points for individuals whose two best games in the series (played with the same or different partners) are good enough to make the series overalls.
Penticton 2022 winners (10½ tables):
A, B: Daniel Balof - Barry Balof; Walla Walla WA
C: Mary Elizabeth Balof - Claire Valente; Walla Walla WA

Series Overall Winners: Piotr Rajski - Andrew Proczkowski; Edmonton AB

Saturday Morning 299er Pairs: Pairs game, all individual players MUST be below 300 masterpoints.

Strat Limits (by pair average) D: 200 - 300, E: 100 - 200, F: 0 - 100 (may be slightly tweaked to ensure that there are enough pairs in all three strats for overall awards).
Masterpoints: Red points for overall and section awards.
Penticton 2022 winners: (scheduled but not run, entrants moved to the side game or the Gold Rush)

Afternoon-only Events (3:00pm)

Saturday Afternoon Side Game: Pairs game, part of the Afternoon Side Game Series (5th of 5).

Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 2500+, B: 750 - 2500, C: 0 - 750.
Masterpoints: Mostly red points but gold points for overall winners if they play another session in the Afternoon Side Game Series, and a chance for gold points for individuals whose two best games in the series (played with the same or different partners) are good enough to make the series overalls.
Penticton 2022 winners (13½ tables):
A: Trudy Hurdle - John Hurdle; Richmond BC
B: Paulette Tipper - Wesley Anderson; Kelowna BC
C: Christl Bartholomew - James Roode; Kamloops BC

Series Overall Winner: Michael Moffatt; Surrey BC

Saturday Afternoon 299er Pairs: Pairs game, all individual players MUST be below 300 masterpoints.

Strat Limits (by pair average) D: 200 - 300, E: 100 - 200, F: 0 - 100 (may be slightly tweaked to ensure that there are enough pairs in all three strats for overall awards).
Masterpoints: Red points for overall and section awards.
Penticton 2022 winners: (scheduled but not run, entrants moved to the side game or the Gold Rush)