2022 Puget Sound Regional: Sunday, August 28

Thanks for playing! Next District 19 Regional: Whistler BC, November 3-9 (Yes, Thursday-Wednesday!)

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August 28 Historical Headlines (from Wikipedia)

Can you fill in the blanks and then put them into the correct chronological order? (Answers at the bottom of the page...)

Attendance So Far

601 tables is our final count! For full details, check out the new Table Counts page!

Bridge clubs and tournaments throughout the ACBL are struggling with returning to live play, so comparing this tournament's attendance to one before the pandemic is not really fair. The 2022 number was 46.9% of the 2019 number. Important it certainly is to thank those who attended. The audience for live tournament bridge is still mostly out there, but getting it back will be a longer struggle than many thought. But I'm confident it will improve!

Brain Warmup Department: Unruly!

For those of you who used to like the puzzles I printed in the old bulletins, here is a link to an online version: one of the puzzles that I used to feature in the old paper Bulletins, but it is easy to play on a computer as well. Not so easy on a tablet or phone, since most of the puzzles require right-clicks, not easily done in a tablet or phone environment.

Unruly is one of the puzzles in this collection that I featured regularly in the paper versions but it plays just as well on a computer. 
Each row and column has an equal number of light and dark cells; no two rows or columns are identical; and any three consecutive cells in a row or column cannot be the same colour (diagonals are OK) — work out which cells are which colour.
Click on the puzzle you want to try at the right (or the caption below) to go to the page with all the instructions you'll need.

These puzzles come from Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection and there are links there to apps for most devices. You can make puzzles of any size and difficulty level!

Easy puzzle
(McBruce's time:
0min 45sec)

Medium puzzle
(McBruce's time:
2min 40sec)

Tricky puzzle
(McBruce's time:
5min 35sec)

Masterpoint Leaders thru Sunday Evening

Ray Miller breaks 100!

Overall Leaders

1Ray Miller, Seattle WA107.28
2Eric Sieg, Issaquah WA91.35
3Amy Gao, New Westminster BC68.08
3Baixiang Liu, New Westminster BC68.08
3Jack Lee, Richmond BC68.08
3James Wu, Surrey BC68.08
7Nicholas Stock, North Vancouver BC62.00
8Michael Christensen, Seattle WA61.50
9Jim Aitken, Bellevue WA57.08
10Stephen Hosch, Olympia WA56.59
11Gerry Marshall, Calgary AB54.22
12Stanford Christie, Kirkland WA53.62
13Steven Handley, Edmonds WA52.25
14Herman Xiao, Sammamish WA51.84
15Jessie Brunswig, Fountain Hills AZ50.45
16Jeffrey Ford, Redmond WA49.18
17Jack Qi, North Vancouver BC48.04
17Lucy Zhong, North Vancouver BC48.04
19Helen Miller, Tumwater WA47.80
20Dave Westfall, Spokane WA46.52
21Howard Epley, Kent WA46.47
22Arthur Gong, Sammamish WA46.18
22Nathan Gong, Sammamish WA46.18
24Hugh Hendrickson, Renton WA46.02
25James Madison, Cheney WA44.71
26Donald Perry, Deer Park WA43.63
27T Brian Zaugg, Burien WA38.92
28Craig Harrison, Des Moines WA38.53
29James Andre, Allyn WA38.40
29Lily Andre, Allyn WA38.40

Non-Life Master Leaders

1Jack Qi, North Vancouver BC48.04
1Lucy Zhong, North Vancouver BC48.04
3Arthur Gong, Sammamish WA46.18
3Nathan Gong, Sammamish WA46.18
5Andrew Mitchell, Oak Harbor WA30.23
6Dong Wei, Newcastle WA28.96
7John McClure, Ocean Shores WA21.36
8Firooz Nikpour Badr, Corte Madera CA19.85
9Laura Miller, Mercer Island WA16.92
10Yoko Tilley, Bellevue WA15.54
11Veronica Deskey, Ferndale WA14.77
12Sriram Ganesan, Redmond WA14.45
13Russell Wing, Lacey WA14.14
14Dale Strawn, Seattle WA13.92
15Mary Blanchett, Issaquah WA13.90
16Steve Gillett, Tacoma WA11.42
17Gordon Chin, Seattle WA10.69
18Henrietta Moore, Olympia WA10.50
19Bryant Carlson, Seattle WA10.08
19Thomas Sparks, Seattle WA10.08

Everyone's total, broken down into red and gold points, are on the masterpoints page. Later this week I will compute and post updated Kirkwood Trophy standings.

Sunday Top Flight Swiss

Winners: Lee (A, X), Anderson (Y)

The matching algorithm decided after a long week to have a little fun, so it matched the top team with the third place team in the final round, putting two Canadian teams together, instead of having the top two play. (In fact, I would guess that the computer foresaw problems in the matchups if it matched the top two teams, and the third place team was only 1 VP further back...). Ford racked up 18VP in their match and leaders Lee, needing 8 to overtake, got 17 for the event win and the X strat win as well. The under-2500 strat was won by Anderson, who began with 50VP from their first three matches and then hung on against the contending teams, ending tied for 5th overall.

Swiss Teams event with 7 matches of 7 boards, scored in Victory Points (maximum 20 per match.  Strat limits (by team average): A: 4000+ / X: 2500 - 4000 / Y: 0 - 2500.  
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 3891

MPts VPs A X Y Sunday Top Flight Swiss (29 teams)
ACBL Live Link
30.51 105 1 1 Jack Lee, Richmond BC; James Wu, Surrey BC; Baixiang Liu - Amy Gao, New Westminster BC
22.88 95 2 Jeffrey Ford, Redmond WA; Michael Christensen - Ray Miller, Seattle WA; Dave Westfall, Spokane WA
15.02 87 3/4 2 Naomi Paasch - Mark Hanft, Moorhead MN; Craig Harrison, Des Moines WA; Donald Perry, Deer Park WA
15.02 87 3/4 Amy Casanova - Dewitt (Hal) Montgomery III, Portland OR; Kevin Cline - Becky Stevens, Seattle WA
9.45 86 5/6 Joel Datloff, Vancouver WA; Jon Bartlett, Happy Valley OR; Gerry Marshall, Calgary AB; Roger McNay, Beaverton OR
10.31 86 5/6 3 1 Sue Anderson - Dave Walker - David Taylor, Seattle WA; Beau Hovda, Camano Island WA
7.21 81 7/8 4/5 Florence Beaird, Dallas TX; Thomas Kuehne, Bermerton WA; Andrew Mitchell, Oak Harbor WA; Joel Fuhrman, Kirkland WA
7.73 81 7/8 4/5 2 John Massman III - Ann Romeo, Seattle WA; Dong Yan - Herman Xiao, Sammamish WA
5.80 79 6/7 3 Jennifer Hong - Tao Feng - Long Xie, Burnaby BC; Rick Wei Wu, Surrey BC
4.29 79 6/7 Victor Chubukov, Seattle WA; Kim Eng - Eric Sieg, Issaquah WA; Mike Develin, Kirkland WA
4.35 78 4 David Wright - Aaron Mohrman - Shawn Abernethy, Seattle WA; T Brian Zaugg, Burien WA
3.44 76 5 Frank Hsieh - Gianni Hsieh - Helena Hsieh, Sammamish WA; Alexander Woo, Moscow ID; Nelson Davis, Seattle WA

Mt. Pilchuck 0-2000 Swiss Teams

Winners: Campbell (B), Fleming (C, D)

Not quite enough teams for multiple brackets, but the 11-team Swiss was a runaway win for Campbell, who won five straight to get to 84VP of a possible 100, then tied the finale against Batra to coast into first place by 24VP! Fleming took second overall and the under-1000 and under-500 strat wins by taking 15VP in the final round to move up a spot.

Swiss Teams event with 6 matches of 8 boards, scored in Victory Points (maximum 20 per match.  Strat limits (by team average): B: 1000 - 2000 / C: 500 - 1000 / D: 0 - 500.  No player over 2000 was eligible.
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 696

MPts VPs B C D Mt. Pilchuck 0-2000 Swiss Teams (11 teams)
ACBL Live Link
5.73 94 1 William Campbell, Mercer Island WA; Ted Bartunek, Kent WA; Steven Fox, Kensington MD; David Rosenberg, Shoreline WA
4.30 70 2 1 1 William Fleming - Bruce Baker-Harvey - Jeannie Falls, Seattle WA; Eric Newman, Renton WA
3.22 65 3 2 Kamlesh Batra - Shiv Batra, Mercer Island WA; Craig Mills - Lisa Brock, Kirkland WA
2.42 64 4 3 Gary Griesmeyer, Tumwater WA; Carla Delducco - Paul Sekulich - Stephen Brown, Olympia WA

August 28 Historical Headlines

Answers from the top of the page:

Watch this space in the next few days for updates to the Kirkwood Trophy Race standings.