2023 Leavenworth Regional, Day One: Monday, October 23

Danke fürs Kommen! Genießen Sie Leavenworth! (Thank you for coming! Enjoy Leavenworth!)

Included so far: Results, Masterpoints, Attendance, Tomorrow's Schedule and Brain Warmups.

Alert: your browser may be showing you an old version of a page which is updated often. F5 (computer) or the ↻ button (phone or tablet) will get you the most recent version.

Attendance So Far

17 tables at the end of Day One (Monday), 33.3% of the 2018 total.
In April 2022, there were 17 tables to this point (an April snowstorm in the mountains kept many from arriving until Tuesday!).
In 2018, there were 51 tables to this point.
For full details, check out the
Table Counts page!

Bridge clubs and tournaments throughout the ACBL are struggling with returning to live play, so comparing this tournament's attendance to one before the pandemic is not really fair. We'll hope to get a little more than last year, around 60% of the 2018 attendance, making the target number 549 tables this time — but perhaps we will be pleasantly surprised!

Brain Warmups

What WAS His/Her Name Again?

Below is a short description of six famous people, five of whom were born on October 23, in alphabetical order by (unrevealed) surname. One was NOT born on this day, but rather on the day at the opposite end of the calendar, April 23. The imposter will always be either the first or last born of the six by more of a gap than the two at the other end of the list. Your job is to name the five people and place them in order of their birth years, leaving the imposter out. Answers are below, with the more tricky puzzles from that site that McBruce is addicted to...

Masterpoint Leaders thru Monday Evening

Only one completed event so far...

Masterpoints for all players are updated nightly here first, with everyone's current red and gold point total listed alphabetically below the leaders, before a shorter leaderboard is added to this page.

Overall Leaders

1Dean Altschuler, Bellingham WA3.60
1Valerie McWhorter, Bellingham WA3.60
3Connie Heller, Clinton WA2.70
3Dennis Heller, Clinton WA2.70
5Jenni Carmichael, Marysville WA2.22
5Karen Rise, Leavenworth WA2.22
7Jacqui Erwert, Liberty Lake WA2.10
7Martha Burdick, Liberty Lake WA2.10
9Frances Kammermayer, Vancouver BC2.04
9Sheila Van De Velde, Vancouver BC2.04

Non-Life Master Leaders

1Valerie McWhorter, Bellingham WA3.60
2Frances Kammermayer, Vancouver BC2.04
2Sheila Van De Velde, Vancouver BC2.04
4Edgar Hale, Grangeville ID1.53
4Shireene Hale, Grangeville ID1.53

Masterpoints will be updated first on the masterpoints page. Leaders will appear here later, when the results are posted.

Results — Day One — Monday, October 23

Monday Eve Side Pairs

Winners: Dean Altschuler, Valerie McWhorter

Event winners and under-1500 winners Dean Altschuler and Valerie McWhorter followed the motto of a former boss of mine when I did inventory work: "a slow start is a strong finish." With four rounds of the nine remaining they were mired in 11th place among the 18 pairs, and then had over 60% in each round, including one round where they got all the available matchpoints. Strat C winners Sheila Van De Velde and Frances Kammermayer actually led the event with two rounds to go and finished eighth overall.

Single-session pairs event, scored in matchpoints.  Part of the Evening Side Game Series, session 1 of 5 in the series.  (In a side game series you are free to play as many sessions as you wish, even with different partners.)  Strat limits (by pair average): A: 1500+ / B: 500 - 1500 / C: 0 - 500.  
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 1556

MPts Score A B C Monday Eve Side Pairs (9 tables)
ACBL Live Link
3.60 60.33% 1 1 Dean Altschuler - Valerie McWhorter, Bellingham WA
2.70 55.50% 2 Dennis Heller - Connie Heller, Clinton WA
2.22 55.06% 3 Karen Rise, Leavenworth WA; Jenni Carmichael, Marysville WA
1.55 53.44% 4 Karen Eveland, Lewiston ID; Renee Petersen, Moscow ID
2.10 53.30% 5 2 Martha Burdick - Jacqui Erwert, Liberty Lake WA
1.58 52.38% 3 Marilyn Olson, Wenatchee WA; JP Weber, Victoria BC
2.04 51.76% 4 1 Sheila Van De Velde - Frances Kammermayer, Vancouver BC
1.53 51.36% 2 Shireene Hale - Edgar Hale, Grangeville ID
1.15 48.56% 3 Katayoun Shirzad - Hossein Shirzad, West Vancouver BC

The Race For Overalls in Strat A (unlimited): 5 overall spots available. 
(Hover over a rank for more detail) 
Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) 
Rd. 1
Rd. 2
Rd. 3
Rd. 4
Rd. 5
Rd. 6
Rd. 7
Rd. 8
Dean Altschuler - Valerie McWhorter, Bellingham WA: 
 13 Round # 1 score: 37.50%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 13
Event score so far: 37.50%
Currently 0.94 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 14 Round # 2 score: 43.75%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 14
Event score so far: 40.62%
Currently 1.94 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 10 Round # 3 score: 64.58%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 10
Event score so far: 48.61%
Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 13 Round # 4 score: 39.58%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 13
Event score so far: 46.35%
Currently 2.31 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 11 Round # 5 score: 63.79%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 11
Event score so far: 49.84%
Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 8 Round # 6 score: 62.50%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 8
Event score so far: 51.95%
Currently 1.81 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 7 score: 64.58%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 53.76%
Currently 0.94 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 1 Round # 8 score: 100.00%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 59.54%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.98 boards.
 1 Round # 9 score: 66.67%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 60.33%
Current Lead in Strat A: 1.3 boards.
Dennis Heller - Connie Heller, Clinton WA: 
 12 Round # 1 score: 41.67%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 12
Event score so far: 41.67%
Currently 0.81 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 2 score: 68.75%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 55.21%
Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 3 score: 70.33%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 60.25%
Currently 0.2 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 4 score: 58.33%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 59.77%
Currently 0.7 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 5 score: 47.92%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 57.40%
Currently 0.58 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 6 score: 47.92%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 55.82%
Currently 1.12 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 7 score: 52.08%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 55.29%
Currently 0.62 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 8 score: 43.75%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 53.84%
Currently 1.37 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 9 score: 68.75%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 55.50%
Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Karen Rise, Leavenworth WA; Jenni Carmichael, Marysville WA: 
 4 Round # 1 score: 64.58%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 64.58%
Currently 0.13 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 2 score: 56.25%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 60.42%
Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 8 Round # 3 score: 31.25%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 8
Event score so far: 50.69%
Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 10 Round # 4 score: 41.67%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 10
Event score so far: 48.44%
Currently 2.06 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 6 Round # 5 score: 81.25%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 55.00%
Currently 0.94 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 6 Round # 6 score: 39.58%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 52.43%
Currently 1.73 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 8 Round # 7 score: 56.25%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 8
Event score so far: 52.98%
Currently 1.1 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 8 score: 72.67%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 55.44%
Currently 0.98 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 9 score: 52.08%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 55.06%
Currently 1.42 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Karen Eveland, Lewiston ID; Renee Petersen, Moscow ID: 
 11 Round # 1 score: 45.58%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 11
Event score so far: 45.58%
Currently 0.7 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 2 score: 60.42%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 53.00%
Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 3 score: 58.33%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 54.78%
Currently 0.69 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 4 score: 77.08%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 60.35%
Currently 0.63 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 5 score: 39.58%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 56.20%
Currently 0.76 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 6 score: 37.50%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 53.08%
Currently 1.61 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 6 Round # 7 score: 54.17%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 53.24%
Currently 1.05 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 6 Round # 8 score: 56.25%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 53.61%
Currently 1.42 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 9 score: 52.08%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 53.44%
Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Martha Burdick - Jacqui Erwert, Liberty Lake WA: 
 6 Round # 1 score: 62.50%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 62.50%
Currently 0.19 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 2 score: 58.33%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 60.42%
Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 9 Round # 3 score: 29.71%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 9
Event score so far: 50.18%
Currently 1.11 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 6 Round # 4 score: 75.00%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 56.38%
Currently 1.11 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 5 score: 56.25%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 56.36%
Currently 0.73 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 10 Round # 6 score: 25.00%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 10
Event score so far: 51.13%
Currently 1.96 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 7 score: 64.58%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 53.05%
Currently 1.09 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 8 score: 52.08%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 52.93%
Currently 1.59 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 9 score: 56.25%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 53.30%
Currently 1.9 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Marv Norden, Peachland BC; Michael Moore, Salmon Arm BC: 
 8 Round # 1 score: 54.42%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 8
Event score so far: 54.42%
Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 9 Round # 2 score: 47.92%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 9
Event score so far: 51.17%
Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 3 score: 68.75%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 57.03%
Currently 0.49 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 4 score: 47.92%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 54.75%
Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 9 Round # 5 score: 43.75%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 9
Event score so far: 52.55%
Currently 1.31 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 6 score: 60.42%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 53.86%
Currently 1.47 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 7 score: 83.33%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 58.07%
Currently 0.03 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 9 Round # 8 score: 14.58%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 9
Event score so far: 52.64%
Currently 1.66 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 6 Round # 9 score: 52.08%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 52.57%
Currently 2.1 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Marilyn Olson, Wenatchee WA; JP Weber, Victoria BC: 
 18 Round # 1 score: 31.25%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 18
Event score so far: 31.25%
Currently 1.12 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 13 Round # 2 score: 56.25%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 13
Event score so far: 43.75%
Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 14 Round # 3 score: 45.83%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 14
Event score so far: 44.44%
Currently 1.63 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 11 Round # 4 score: 60.42%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 11
Event score so far: 48.44%
Currently 2.06 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 10 Round # 5 score: 62.50%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 10
Event score so far: 51.25%
Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 9 Round # 6 score: 52.08%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 9
Event score so far: 51.39%
Currently 1.91 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 11 Round # 7 score: 39.58%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 11
Event score so far: 49.70%
Currently 1.79 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 8 score: 85.42%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 54.17%
Currently 1.29 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 9 score: 38.04%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 52.37%
Currently 2.15 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Sheila Van De Velde - Frances Kammermayer, Vancouver BC: 
 1 Round # 1 score: 68.75%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 68.75%
Current Lead in Strat A: -0.0 boards.
 2 Round # 2 score: 52.08%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 60.42%
Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 1 Round # 3 score: 66.67%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 62.50%
Current Lead in Strat A: -0.0 boards.
 1 Round # 4 score: 75.00%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 65.62%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.63 boards.
 1 Round # 5 score: 43.75%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 61.25%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.31 boards.
 1 Round # 6 score: 65.87%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 62.02%
Current Lead in Strat A: 1.12 boards.
 1 Round # 7 score: 35.42%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 58.22%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.03 boards.
 3 Round # 8 score: 27.08%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 54.33%
Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 8 Round # 9 score: 31.25%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 8
Event score so far: 51.76%
Currently 2.31 boards behind the Strat A leader.

The Race For Overalls in Strat B (under 1500): 4 overall spots available. 
(Hover over a rank for more detail) 
Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) 
Rd. 1
Rd. 2
Rd. 3
Rd. 4
Rd. 5
Rd. 6
Rd. 7
Rd. 8
Dean Altschuler - Valerie McWhorter, Bellingham WA: 
 7 Round # 1 score: 37.50%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 37.50%
Currently 0.94 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 2 score: 43.75%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 40.62%
Currently 1.19 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 3 score: 64.58%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 48.61%
Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 4 score: 39.58%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 46.35%
Currently 2.31 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 5 Round # 5 score: 63.79%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 49.84%
Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 2 Round # 6 score: 62.50%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 51.95%
Currently 1.81 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 2 Round # 7 score: 64.58%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 53.76%
Currently 0.94 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 1 Round # 8 score: 100.00%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 59.54%
Current Lead in Strat B: 1.25 boards.
 1 Round # 9 score: 66.67%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 60.33%
Current Lead in Strat B: 1.9 boards.
Martha Burdick - Jacqui Erwert, Liberty Lake WA: 
 4 Round # 1 score: 62.50%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 62.50%
Currently 0.19 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 2 Round # 2 score: 58.33%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 60.42%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.0 boards.
 3 Round # 3 score: 29.71%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 50.18%
Currently 1.11 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 4 score: 75.00%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 56.38%
Currently 1.11 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 2 Round # 5 score: 56.25%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 56.36%
Currently 0.73 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 6 score: 25.00%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 51.13%
Currently 1.96 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 7 score: 64.58%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 53.05%
Currently 1.09 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 8 score: 52.08%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 52.93%
Currently 1.59 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 2 Round # 9 score: 56.25%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 53.30%
Currently 1.9 boards behind the Strat B leader.
Marilyn Olson, Wenatchee WA; JP Weber, Victoria BC: 
 11 Round # 1 score: 31.25%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 11
Event score so far: 31.25%
Currently 1.12 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 2 score: 56.25%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 43.75%
Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 8 Round # 3 score: 45.83%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 8
Event score so far: 44.44%
Currently 1.63 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 4 score: 60.42%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 48.44%
Currently 2.06 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 5 score: 62.50%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 51.25%
Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 6 score: 52.08%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 51.39%
Currently 1.91 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 5 Round # 7 score: 39.58%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 49.70%
Currently 1.79 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 8 score: 85.42%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 54.17%
Currently 1.29 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 9 score: 38.04%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 52.37%
Currently 2.15 boards behind the Strat B leader.
Sheila Van De Velde - Frances Kammermayer, Vancouver BC: 
 1 Round # 1 score: 68.75%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 68.75%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.06 boards.
 1 Round # 2 score: 52.08%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 60.42%
Current Lead in Strat B: -0.0 boards.
 1 Round # 3 score: 66.67%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 62.50%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.75 boards.
 1 Round # 4 score: 75.00%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 65.62%
Current Lead in Strat B: 1.01 boards.
 1 Round # 5 score: 43.75%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 61.25%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.73 boards.
 1 Round # 6 score: 65.87%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 62.02%
Current Lead in Strat B: 1.81 boards.
 1 Round # 7 score: 35.42%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 58.22%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.94 boards.
 2 Round # 8 score: 27.08%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 54.33%
Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 9 score: 31.25%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 51.76%
Currently 2.31 boards behind the Strat B leader.
Shireene Hale - Edgar Hale, Grangeville ID: 
 5 Round # 1 score: 52.08%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 52.08%
Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 5 Round # 2 score: 41.67%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 46.88%
Currently 0.81 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 2 Round # 3 score: 68.75%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 54.17%
Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 2 Round # 4 score: 66.42%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 57.23%
Currently 1.01 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 5 score: 37.50%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 53.28%
Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 5 Round # 6 score: 37.50%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 50.65%
Currently 2.05 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 7 score: 45.83%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 49.96%
Currently 1.73 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 5 Round # 8 score: 72.92%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 52.83%
Currently 1.61 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 5 Round # 9 score: 39.58%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 51.36%
Currently 2.42 boards behind the Strat B leader.
Katayoun Shirzad - Hossein Shirzad, West Vancouver BC: 
 2 Round # 1 score: 66.67%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 66.67%
Currently 0.06 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 2 score: 39.58%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 53.12%
Currently 0.44 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 3 score: 33.33%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 46.53%
Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 4 score: 31.25%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 42.71%
Currently 2.75 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 8 Round # 5 score: 50.00%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 8
Event score so far: 44.17%
Currently 2.56 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 6 score: 75.00%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 49.31%
Currently 2.29 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 7 score: 43.75%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 48.51%
Currently 2.04 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 8 score: 35.42%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 46.88%
Currently 3.04 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 9 score: 62.00%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 48.56%
Currently 3.18 boards behind the Strat B leader.
William Tenneson - Steven Lachowicz, Wenatchee WA: 
 6 Round # 1 score: 47.92%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 47.92%
Currently 0.62 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 8 Round # 2 score: 31.25%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 8
Event score so far: 39.58%
Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 3 score: 56.25%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 45.14%
Currently 1.56 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 5 Round # 4 score: 52.08%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 46.88%
Currently 2.25 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 5 score: 50.00%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 47.50%
Currently 2.06 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 8 Round # 6 score: 37.50%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 8
Event score so far: 45.83%
Currently 2.91 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 7 score: 72.13%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 49.59%
Currently 1.81 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 8 score: 50.00%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 49.64%
Currently 2.38 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 9 score: 33.33%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 47.83%
Currently 3.38 boards behind the Strat B leader.

The Race For Overalls in Strat C (under 500): 3 overall spots available. 
(Hover over a rank for more detail) 
Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) 
Rd. 1
Rd. 2
Rd. 3
Rd. 4
Rd. 5
Rd. 6
Rd. 7
Rd. 8
Sheila Van De Velde - Frances Kammermayer, Vancouver BC: 
 1 Round # 1 score: 68.75%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 68.75%
Current Lead in Strat C: 0.06 boards.
 1 Round # 2 score: 52.08%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 60.42%
Current Lead in Strat C: 0.44 boards.
 1 Round # 3 score: 66.67%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 62.50%
Current Lead in Strat C: 0.75 boards.
 1 Round # 4 score: 75.00%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 65.62%
Current Lead in Strat C: 1.01 boards.
 1 Round # 5 score: 43.75%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 61.25%
Current Lead in Strat C: 1.2 boards.
 1 Round # 6 score: 65.87%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 62.02%
Current Lead in Strat C: 2.05 boards.
 1 Round # 7 score: 35.42%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 58.22%
Current Lead in Strat C: 1.73 boards.
 1 Round # 8 score: 27.08%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 54.33%
Current Lead in Strat C: 0.36 boards.
 1 Round # 9 score: 31.25%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 51.76%
Current Lead in Strat C: 0.11 boards.
Shireene Hale - Edgar Hale, Grangeville ID: 
 4 Round # 1 score: 52.08%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 52.08%
Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 2 score: 41.67%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 46.88%
Currently 0.81 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 3 score: 68.75%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 54.17%
Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 4 score: 66.42%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 57.23%
Currently 1.01 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 5 score: 37.50%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 53.28%
Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 6 score: 37.50%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 50.65%
Currently 2.05 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 7 score: 45.83%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 49.96%
Currently 1.73 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 8 score: 72.92%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 52.83%
Currently 0.36 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 9 score: 39.58%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 51.36%
Currently 0.11 boards behind the Strat C leader.
Katayoun Shirzad - Hossein Shirzad, West Vancouver BC: 
 2 Round # 1 score: 66.67%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 66.67%
Currently 0.06 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 2 score: 39.58%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 53.12%
Currently 0.44 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 3 score: 33.33%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 46.53%
Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 4 score: 31.25%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 42.71%
Currently 2.75 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 5 score: 50.00%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 44.17%
Currently 2.56 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 6 score: 75.00%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 49.31%
Currently 2.29 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 7 score: 43.75%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 48.51%
Currently 2.04 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 8 score: 35.42%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 46.88%
Currently 1.79 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 9 score: 62.00%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 48.56%
Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat C leader.
Lois Grill, Qualicum Beach BC; Audrey Sekulich, Cobble Hill BC: 
 5 Round # 1 score: 35.42%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 5
Event score so far: 35.42%
Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 5 Round # 2 score: 43.75%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 5
Event score so far: 39.58%
Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 3 score: 64.58%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 47.92%
Currently 1.31 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 4 score: 22.92%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 41.67%
Currently 2.87 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 5 score: 56.25%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 44.58%
Currently 2.5 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 6 score: 58.33%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 46.88%
Currently 2.73 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 7 score: 27.87%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 44.16%
Currently 2.95 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 8 score: 47.92%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 44.63%
Currently 2.33 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 9 score: 47.92%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 45.00%
Currently 1.83 boards behind the Strat C leader.
David Sharp - Judi Terjeson, Kennewick WA: 
 6 Round # 1 score: 33.33%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 6
Event score so far: 33.33%
Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 7 Round # 2 score: 22.92%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 28.12%
Currently 1.94 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 7 Round # 3 score: 35.42%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 30.56%
Currently 2.87 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 7 Round # 4 score: 22.92%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 28.65%
Currently 4.44 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 6 Round # 5 score: 36.21%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 6
Event score so far: 30.16%
Currently 4.66 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 6 Round # 6 score: 62.50%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 6
Event score so far: 35.55%
Currently 4.76 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 7 Round # 7 score: 47.92%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 37.32%
Currently 4.39 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 5 Round # 8 score: 75.00%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 5
Event score so far: 42.03%
Currently 2.95 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 5 Round # 9 score: 47.92%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 5
Event score so far: 42.68%
Currently 2.45 boards behind the Strat C leader.

Monday-Tuesday Willkommen Knockout Teams, Bracket One

Bracket One has eight teams and a masterpoint average of 4627 per player.
With only one bracket, District policy is that handicaps are applied to all matches. Handicaps are indicated below by changing any decimal IMPs into ½ like an NFL spread (if there is a ruling resulting in fractional IMPs beware, the actual handicap probably is not exactly xx.50). The underdog is indicated along with how many IMPs they add to their 24-board total.  ACBL Live link to brackets
Opening Round
Monday Evening
2.29 red
Tuesday Afternoon
16.05 gold
Tuesday Evening
22.93 gold

Cox vs Ball (+9½)

Emmerson vs Rohm (+5½)

Bladow (+6½) vs Harris

Nakao (+14½) vs Chupack

Ball (+21½) vs Harris

Emmerson (+18½) vs Chupack

? vs ?

Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Prediction:

Chupack over Harris in the final

Bracket One Semifinalist Team Rosters:

Susie Ball, Yakima WA; Marilyn Helbig, Bellevue WA; Nobi Morris, Wenatchee WA; Leeanne Creech, Kennewick WA
Judy Harris, Salmon Arm BC; Julie Smith, Vancouver BC; Ken Scholes - Sandra Scholes, Bellevue WA

John Emmerson, Federal Way WA; Valerie Lycette, Issaquah WA; Eileen Currier, Oliver BC; Patricia Baughan, Esquimalt BC
Scott Chupack - Ray Miller, Seattle WA; Polly Dunn - Patrick Dunn, Edmonds WA

Brain Workout Section!

For those of you who used to like the puzzles I printed in the old bulletins, here is a link to an online version: one of the puzzles that I used to feature in the old paper Bulletins, but it is easy to play on a computer as well. Not so easy on a tablet or phone, since most of the puzzles require right-clicks, not easily done in a tablet or phone environment.

Rectangles gives you a grid of cells; divide the grid into rectangles so that every cell is part of a rectangle, and each rectangle contains exactly one numbered cell that is the number of cells in its rectangle. (Don't forget, squares are also rectangles.)

Strategy: The larger numbers usually have a limited set of possible rectangles they can fit in; start with the largest numbers and the smaller ones will become apparent.

Click on the puzzle you want to try at the right (or the caption below) to go to the page with all the instructions you'll need.

These puzzles come from Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection (see below) and there are links there to apps for most devices.

Easy puzzle
(McBruce's time: 0min 45sec)

Medium puzzle
(McBruce's time: 1min 37sec)

Tricky puzzle
(McBruce's time: 1min 43sec)

Answers to the trivia questions at the top of the page...

(Click here to go back to the questions!)

October 23 birthdays:

Tomorrow's Schedule — Day Two — Tuesday, October 24

Morning Events (9:00am)

Tuesday Morning Side Game: Pairs game, part of the Morning Side Game Series (1st of 5).

Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 1500+, B: 500 - 1500, C: 0 - 500.
Masterpoints: Mostly red points but gold points for overall winners if they play another session in the Morning Side Game Series, and a chance for gold points for individuals whose two best games in the series are good enough to make the series overalls.
Leavenworth 2022 winners (4 tables):
A: Ron Beall - Jennifer Beall; Bellingham WA
B: Andrew Popovich; Friday Harbor WA; Karen Rise; Leavenworth WA

Afternoon-Evening Events (1:00pm and 7:00pm)

Monday-Tuesday Willkommen Knockout Teams: Team game, 4-6 players on a team, 24-board knockout matches scored in IMPs, possible three-ways with two advancing in round one. This knockout is a three-round event with no Tuesday Morning session, semifinalists continue on Tuesday at 1pm. If you want to play Tuesday Morning at 9am, the only event is a Side Game.

Bracketed, by team average into brackets of 5-8 teams.
Masterpoints: Gold points for teams that win two full matches, red points for other match awards.  Lower brackets may have part-gold, part-red for overalls, based on masterpoints.
Leavenworth 2022 winners:
Bracket I (5 teams): Ray Miller - Amy DeShaw - Scott Chupack, Seattle, WA;Elaine DeShaw, Federal Way, WA; Steve Bruno, Kirkland, WA
Bracket II (7 teams): Lou Arevalo - Martha Hancock, Coeur D'Alene ID; G Keith Freeman - Virginia Sykes, Spokane WA

Tuesday Open Pairs: Two session pairs game, matchpoint scoring.

Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 3000+, B: 1500 - 3000, C: 0 - 1500.
Masterpoints: Gold points for overalls and some section tops, other awards are red points.  Note that you can win points in the first session that are replaced by a higher overall award after the second: you get the greater of your overall award or the sum of the session awards; not both combined.
Leavenworth 2022 winners (snowy conditions meant the pair game didn't go but those who did sign up played in an open Swiss of 8 teams):
A: Katie Kathy Hauck; Shoreline WA; Barbara Kolppa; Puyallup WA; Marjorie Blunt; Federal Way WA; Sharon Irwin; Maple Valley WA
B: Aban Gerrie - Robert Gerrie; Richmond BC; Susan Braden - Grant Deger; Bellingham WA

Tuesday Gold Rush 0-750 Pairs: Two session pairs game, matchpoint scoring.

Strat Limits (by pair average) 7: 500 - 750, 5: 300 - 500, 3: 0 - 300.  No individuals over 750 points may play in this event, even if the pair average is below 750.
Masterpoints: Gold points for overalls and some section tops, other awards are red points.  Note that you can win points in the first session that are replaced by a higher overall award after the second: you get the greater of your overall award or the sum of the session awards; not both combined.
Leavenworth 2022 winners: (6, 6 tables):
7: Linda Underwood - Terry Underwood; Kamloops BC, tied with 0-400 winners Bryant Carlson - Thomas Sparks; Seattle WA

Afternoon-only Event (1:00pm)

Tuesday Afternoon Side Game: Pairs game, part of the Afternoon Side Game Series (1st of 5).

Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 1500+, B: 500 - 1500, C: 0 - 500.
Masterpoints: Mostly red points but gold points for overall winners if they play another session in the Afternoon Side Game Series, and a chance for gold points for individuals whose two best games in the series are good enough to make the series overalls.
Leavenworth 2022 winners (4 tables):
A: Ron Beall - Jennifer Beall; Bellingham WA
B: Andrew Popovich; Friday Harbor WA; Karen Rise; Leavenworth WA

Evening-only Event (7:00pm)

Tuesday Evening Side Game: Pairs game, part of the Evening Side Game Series (2nd of 6).

Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 1500+, B: 500 - 1500, C: 0 - 500.
Masterpoints: Mostly red points but gold points for overall winners if they play another session in the Evening Side Game Series, and a chance for gold points for individuals whose two best games in the series are good enough to make the series overalls.
Leavenworth 2022 winners (7 tables):
A: Marla Patterson; Arlington WA; Ann Romeo; Seattle WA
B, C: Henrietta Farr - Brian Pape; Bellingham WA