2023 Leavenworth Regional: Photos

Send Me Some!

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It's been two full decades since I first did a Regional Daily Bulletin, and over that time we have transitioned from being on-site taking photos with a digital camera to doing the Bulletins from home and hoping that people who win will realize that we all now carry cameras built into our mobile phones that are better than the digital camera I used in 2002 -- and can send the file to me instantly so I can put in into the online Bulletin in living colour. Oops, color...

Times change, and while being able to hold a paper booklet in your hand is something many of us fondly remember, almost all of us are now able to view the Bulletin online on our various devices! But the good news is that those devices allow winners photos to be a quick do-it-yourself job. Plus, the photos themselves appear on this page, and occasionally on the results pages as well, and in full, living colour!

Let's remember: Regionals have a lot of different events, and occasionally we get a photo of a pair or a team who thinks they have won an event when a late scoring change knocks them down to second overall, or even lower. Or someone thinks that their 55.7% section top in the afternoon session of Section L of a six-section open pairs, while not making the overalls, is an event win. I do try to include all of the photos I am sent, but I also check the final results to ensure that what you thought when you took the photo is actually what happened. And on busy days, this can take some time and be held over to tomorrow.

But if you have won and you cannot find a tournament volunteer or a friend to take your photo, another option is to take a photo of event winners yourself (or, if you're the winner, convince a friend to do so!) and send it directly to me:

Here's How To Send Photos:

Leavenworth 2023 Photos!

New Life Masters (Congratulations!)
John & Carol Renner, Kamloops BC

We'll start with Leavenworth photos I have grabbed from the Internet and add winners and other photos sent to me, above this line, as they appear in my inbox....

The Festhalle is the tournament site, at Front St. and 10th St., in the northeast end of the city center. Restaurants, shops and hotels abound within a few blocks, all styled like a Bavarian village.
The Welcome sign gives you a hint of what is to come as you drive into the city...
The downtown area from atop Icicle Ridge. You have to climb 1500 feet to take a Leavenworth photo without a visible hint of the Bavarian theme!
One thing not in keeping with the Bavarian theme and part of the Leavenworth plan is the wide streets and plenty of parking room. (Your Daily Bulletin editor lived in Bavaria for two years in the 1970s. There are cities there with beautiful centers that are so ancient it is a struggle to get a bicycle through them. Leavenworth has the Bavarian look but allows the beer deliveries to take place without difficulty....
This seems to be the companion photo to the 'from above' picture, showing clearly where it was taken.
Lights, decorations, and fireworks!
Flowers too!