2024 Ocean Shores Regional, Day One: Monday, November 4

Welcome to Ocean Shores!

Final Version — Included so far:

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Attendance So Far

15 tables at the end of Day One (Monday), 19.7% of the 2019 total.
In 2023 in Leavenworth, there were 17 tables to this point.
In 2019 in Whistler, there were 76 tables to this point.
For full details, check out the
Table Counts page!

Live bridge continues its slow post-pandemic recovery, and we will not be expecting to break pre-pandemic attendance records, but it is useful to compare with the pre-pandemic crowd sizes to see how we are prgressing. We'll hope to get a little more than last year, around 50% of the very strong Whistler 2019 attendance, making the target number 690 tables this time — but perhaps we will be pleasantly surprised!

Today in History

First DINO Regional in November allows us to do the "this date in history" quiz again without repeating previous material Here are five news items from November 4: how many can you recognize? Answers near the end of the page.

Today's Daily Deal

A Little Bit Of Actual Bridge Content

None vulnerable on Board 1 and you have this as South:

7 5   A T 8 4 3   9 5 4   A 8 2  

Partner passes, East opens 1 in front of you, you decide to pass, and the response is a strong 2, followed by some cuebidding, but they stop in 5. Maybe your double of the 4 cuebid scared them off. On lead against 5, you decide to take a wild shot and underlead the A, hoping for both opponents to have three hearts and partner to be able to ruff the third round once you are in with the trump ace.

No dice; East wins the queen in dummy and the AK allows East to pitch the K from his hand. Extra overtrick, your fault. On to Board 2:

Dummy:  K 9 7   J 5 3 2   9 5 3 2   T 2  

Declarer:  T 4 2   A 6 4   K 7   A K Q 4 3  

East opened 2 and your carefully-considered 3 call ended the auction and went down the drain faster than leftover water in the bathroom cup. The Q was led and you counted the suit and ducked. West had a second spade (East opened with five to the AJ), but your clever falsecard of the T at trick two got East to shift to a heart. Well, you have at least one loser in this suit, maybe the jack might grow up, you think as you duck to West's queen. Back comes another heart and East ruffs. The A and Q follow from the East hand and you lose the first nine tricks in a three-level contract. All change for the next round; here's Board 3:

Dummy:  T 4 2   A T 9 3 2   J 6 5 2   J  

Declarer:  K Q 6   8 5 4   A 8   K Q T 5 3  

This time, as dealer, your big sin was to open a 14-count 1NT, adding a point for the decent five-card suit and the high honours. Partner transfer-drops you into 2 and the play goes 9 to your ace, you return a diamond to East's queen as everyone follows, East cashes the A and continues with the K, ruffed and overruffed and back comes a spade, which East ruffs, and West then overruffs the fourth diamond to give partner a second spade ruff. Later you find out that most West players overcalled the normal 1 opener with 2 and went down.

Having fun yet?

(Answer below. Yes, the question really is "Having fun yet?")

Masterpoint Leaders thru Monday Evening

Not including the match awards from the Monday KO

Masterpoints for all players are updated nightly here first, with everyone's current red and gold point total listed alphabetically below the leaders, before a shorter leaderboard is added to this page. Knockouts and other events that extend over two days are not added until the entire event is over on the second day.

Overall Leaders

1Sharon Gaunt, Tacoma WA2.84
1Sharon Irwin, Maple Valley WA2.84
3Barbara Kolppa, Puyallup WA2.13
3John Emmerson, Federal Way WA2.13
5Brenda Glaze, Anchorage AK1.99
5Donald Bladow, Anchorage AK1.99
7Connie Hamm, University Pl WA1.75
7Marjorie Blunt, Portland OR1.75
9Greg Sensiba, Sequim WA1.49
9Vicki Sensiba, Sequim WA1.49

Non-Life Master Leaders

1Greg Sensiba, Sequim WA1.49
1Vicki Sensiba, Sequim WA1.49

Masterpoints will be updated first on the masterpoints page. Leaders will appear here later, when the results are posted.

Monday-Tuesday Sand Dune Knockout Teams

Semifinals begin Tuesday Afternoon

Teams played a round robin Swiss Teams in the first sessions to decide the four semifinalists for tomorrow, leaders choosing from #3 or #4 (or #2 if they volunteer to be a choice). I believe both brackets pay overall awards for first and second, but I'm guessing on the amounts after being baffled by the ACBL regulation legalese...

Monday-Tuesday Sand Dune Knockout Teams, Bracket One

Bracket One has five teams and a masterpoint average of 6382 per player.  ACBL Live link to brackets
Qualifying Swiss — Monday Evening
0.31 red per match win
Tuesday Afternoon
6.02 gold
Tuesday Evening
8.60 gold

Q — 1. Hosch (4 wins, 60 VP)

Q — 2. Richardson (2 wins, 44 VP)

Q — 3. Peel (2 wins, 41 VP)

Q — 4. Holzhauer (1 win, 28 VP)

  5. Hill (1 win, 27 VP)

Hosch vs Holzhauer (probably)

Richardson vs Peel (probably)

(top team left before choosing a semi opponent)

??? vs ???

Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Prediction:

Hosch over Peel in the final (assuming they don't play in the semi).

Bracket One Semifinalist Team Rosters:

Stephen Hosch, Olympia WA; Ray Miller - Kevin Cline, Seattle WA; Helen Miller, Tumwater WA
probably vs
James Holzhauer, Las Vegas NV; Ralph Wilhelmi, Olympia WA; Steve Beatty, Mill Creek WA; Marv Norden, Peachland BC

Robert Richardson - Candace Allen, Clinton WA; Mary McCune - Marty McCune, Seattle WA
probably vs
R Peel, Milwaukee OR; Dick Mc Cluer, Vancouver WA; Daniel Hoekstra, Portland OR; Teresa Ozias, Dallas OR

Monday-Tuesday Sand Dune Knockout Teams, Bracket Two

Bracket Two has five teams and a masterpoint average of 1092 per player.  ACBL Live link to brackets
Qualifying Swiss — Monday Evening
0.31 red per match win, ??? gold for 3rd
Tuesday Afternoon
2.95 gold
Tuesday Evening
4.21 gold

Q — 1. Markham (4 wins, 54 VP)

Q — 2. Ostertag (3 wins, 52 VP)

Q — 3. Carlson (1 win, 37 VP)

Q — 4. Cowan (1 win, 33 VP)

  5. Deger (1 win, 24 VP)

Markham vs Cowan

Carlson vs Ostertag

??? vs ???

Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Prediction:

Ostertag over Cowan in the final.

Bracket One Semifinalist Team Rosters:

Roy Markham - Sylvia Markham, Montesano WA; Randy Ross - Debbi Ross, Aberdeen WA
Barbra Cowan - Marilyn Olson - Nobi Morris, Wenatchee WA; Leeanne Creech, Kennewick WA

Bryant Carlson, Seattle WA; Susan Cothern, Woodinville WA; Carol Holman, Portland OR; Joan Spence, Hillsboro OR
Carl Ostertag - Mardi Dennis, Oak Harbor WA; Mary Carlson, Marysville WA; Marla Patterson, Arlington WA

Results — Day One — Monday, November 4

Monday Evening Side Pairs

Winners: Sharon Gaunt, Sharon Irwin

The top two pairs at the end were 8th and 9th out of 10 after the first round. They must have read today's bridge tip!

Single-session pairs event, scored in matchpoints.  Part of the Evening Semi-Fast Side Game Series, session 1 of 5 in the series.  (In a side game series you are free to play as many sessions as you wish, even with different partners.)  Strat limits (by pair average): A: 3000+ / B: 1500 - 3000 / C: 0 - 1500.  
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 2237

MPts Score A B C Monday Evening Side Pairs (5 tables)
ACBL Live Link
2.84 60.00% 1 1 Sharon Gaunt, Tacoma WA; Sharon Irwin, Maple Valley WA
2.13 59.50% 2 Barbara Kolppa, Puyallup WA; John Emmerson, Federal Way WA
1.75 57.00% 3 Connie Hamm, University Pl WA; Marjorie Blunt, Portland OR
1.23 54.50% 4 David Binney, Seattle WA; Kemble Yates, Ashland OR
1.99 53.50% 2 Donald Bladow - Brenda Glaze, Anchorage AK
1.49 50.00% 3 Vicki Sensiba - Greg Sensiba, Sequim WA

The Race For Overalls in Strat A (unlimited): 4 overall spots available. 
(Hover over a rank for more detail) 
Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) 
Rd. 1
Rd. 2
Rd. 3
Rd. 4
Sharon Gaunt, Tacoma WA; Sharon Irwin, Maple Valley WA: 
 8 Round # 1 score: 35.00%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 8
Event score so far: 35.00%
Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 2 score: 67.50%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 51.25%
Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 3 score: 77.50%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 60.00%
Currently 0.38 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 1 Round # 4 score: 65.00%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 61.25%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.25 boards.
 1 Round # 5 score: 55.00%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 60.00%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.12 boards.
Barbara Kolppa, Puyallup WA; John Emmerson, Federal Way WA: 
 9 Round # 1 score: 32.50%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 9
Event score so far: 32.50%
Currently 1.88 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 2 score: 72.50%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 52.50%
Currently 1.38 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 1 Round # 3 score: 82.50%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 62.50%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.12 boards.
 4 Round # 4 score: 42.50%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 57.50%
Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 5 score: 67.50%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 59.50%
Currently 0.12 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Connie Hamm, University Pl WA; Marjorie Blunt, Portland OR: 
 2 Round # 1 score: 67.50%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 67.50%
Currently 0.12 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 1 Round # 2 score: 65.00%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 66.25%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.75 boards.
 3 Round # 3 score: 52.50%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 61.67%
Currently 0.12 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 4 score: 55.00%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 60.00%
Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 5 score: 45.00%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 57.00%
Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat A leader.
David Binney, Seattle WA; Kemble Yates, Ashland OR: 
 3 Round # 1 score: 65.00%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 65.00%
Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 2 score: 27.50%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 46.25%
Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 3 score: 60.00%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 50.83%
Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 4 score: 57.50%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 52.50%
Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 5 score: 62.50%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 54.50%
Currently 1.38 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Donald Bladow - Brenda Glaze, Anchorage AK: 
 4 Round # 1 score: 57.50%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 57.50%
Currently 0.62 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 2 score: 60.00%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 58.75%
Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 3 score: 67.50%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 61.67%
Currently 0.12 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 4 score: 45.00%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 57.50%
Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 5 score: 37.50%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 53.50%
Currently 1.62 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Vicki Sensiba - Greg Sensiba, Sequim WA: 
 1 Round # 1 score: 70.00%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 70.00%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.12 boards.
 3 Round # 2 score: 40.00%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 55.00%
Currently 1.12 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 3 score: 22.50%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 44.17%
Currently 2.75 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 6 Round # 4 score: 57.50%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 47.50%
Currently 2.75 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 6 Round # 5 score: 60.00%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 50.00%
Currently 2.5 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Martha Potter, Seattle WA; Sharon Erwin, Lynnwood WA: 
 7 Round # 1 score: 42.50%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 42.50%
Currently 1.38 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 10 Round # 2 score: 32.50%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 10
Event score so far: 37.50%
Currently 2.88 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 10 Round # 3 score: 17.50%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 10
Event score so far: 30.83%
Currently 4.75 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 10 Round # 4 score: 60.00%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 10
Event score so far: 38.12%
Currently 4.63 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 5 score: 90.00%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 48.50%
Currently 2.88 boards behind the Strat A leader.

The Race For Overalls in Strat B (under 3000): 3 overall spots available. 
(Hover over a rank for more detail) 
Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) 
Rd. 1
Rd. 2
Rd. 3
Rd. 4
Sharon Gaunt, Tacoma WA; Sharon Irwin, Maple Valley WA: 
 6 Round # 1 score: 35.00%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 35.00%
Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 2 score: 67.50%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 51.25%
Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 2 Round # 3 score: 77.50%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 60.00%
Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 1 Round # 4 score: 65.00%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 61.25%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.75 boards.
 1 Round # 5 score: 55.00%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 60.00%
Current Lead in Strat B: 1.62 boards.
Donald Bladow - Brenda Glaze, Anchorage AK: 
 2 Round # 1 score: 57.50%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 57.50%
Currently 0.62 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 1 Round # 2 score: 60.00%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 58.75%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.38 boards.
 1 Round # 3 score: 67.50%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 61.67%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.25 boards.
 2 Round # 4 score: 45.00%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 57.50%
Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 2 Round # 5 score: 37.50%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 53.50%
Currently 1.62 boards behind the Strat B leader.
Vicki Sensiba - Greg Sensiba, Sequim WA: 
 1 Round # 1 score: 70.00%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 70.00%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.62 boards.
 2 Round # 2 score: 40.00%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 55.00%
Currently 0.38 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 3 score: 22.50%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 44.17%
Currently 2.62 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 4 score: 57.50%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 47.50%
Currently 2.75 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 5 score: 60.00%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 50.00%
Currently 2.5 boards behind the Strat B leader.
Martha Potter, Seattle WA; Sharon Erwin, Lynnwood WA: 
 5 Round # 1 score: 42.50%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 42.50%
Currently 1.38 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 2 score: 32.50%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 37.50%
Currently 2.12 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 3 score: 17.50%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 30.83%
Currently 4.63 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 4 score: 60.00%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 38.12%
Currently 4.63 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 5 score: 90.00%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 48.50%
Currently 2.88 boards behind the Strat B leader.
Peter Galbraith, Kaneohe HI; Susie Ball, Yakima WA: 
 3 Round # 1 score: 55.00%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 55.00%
Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 2 score: 45.00%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 50.00%
Currently 0.88 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 3 score: 32.50%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 44.17%
Currently 2.62 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 5 Round # 4 score: 35.00%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 41.88%
Currently 3.87 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 5 Round # 5 score: 32.50%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 40.00%
Currently 5.0 boards behind the Strat B leader.

Brain Workout Section!

For those of you who used to like the puzzles I printed in the old bulletins, here is a link to an online version: one of the puzzles that I used to feature in the old paper Bulletins, but it is easy to play on a computer as well. Not so easy on a tablet or phone, since most of the puzzles require right-clicks, not easily done in a tablet or phone environment.

Rectangles gives you a grid of cells; divide the grid into rectangles so that every cell is part of a rectangle, and each rectangle contains exactly one numbered cell that is the number of cells in its rectangle. (Don't forget, squares are also rectangles.)

Strategy: The larger numbers usually have a limited set of possible rectangles they can fit in; start with the largest numbers and the smaller ones will become apparent.

These puzzles come from Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection (see below) and there are links there to apps for most devices. Doing these types of puzzles on a regular basis helps you train your brain to think logically, to devise plans and strategies for each different puzzle type, and to distinguish between true and false in a world where facts are increasingly hard to come by. Assembling, choosing, and combining facts to form new insights and information is the basis of thinking logically, and playing better bridge.

Easy puzzle
(McBruce's time: 0min 34sec)

Medium puzzle
(McBruce's time: 0min 46sec)

Tricky puzzle
(McBruce's time: 1min 30sec)

Answer to Daily Deal Question Above

None vulnerable on Board 1 and you have this as South:

7 5   A T 8 4 3   9 5 4   A 8 2  

Partner passes, East opens 1 in front of you, you decide to pass, and the response is a strong 2, followed by some cuebidding, but they stop in 5. Maybe your double of the 4 cuebid scared them off. On lead against 5, you decide to take a wild shot and underlead the A, hoping for both opponents to have three hearts and partner to be able to ruff the third round once you are in with the trump ace.

No dice; East wins the queen in dummy and the AK allows East to pitch the K from his hand. Extra overtrick, your fault. On to Board 2:

Dummy:  K 9 7   J 5 3 2   9 5 3 2   T 2  

Declarer:  T 4 2   A 6 4   K 7   A K Q 4 3  

East opened 2 and your carefully-considered 3 call ended the auction and went down the drain faster than leftover water in the bathroom cup. The Q was led and you counted the suit and ducked. West had a second spade (East opened with five to the AJ), but your clever falsecard of the T at trick two got East to shift to a heart. Well, you have at least one loser in this suit, maybe the jack might grow up, you think as you duck to West's queen. Back comes another heart and East ruffs. The A and Q follow from the East hand and you lose the first nine tricks in a three-level contract. All change for the next round; here's Board 3:

Dummy:  T 4 2   A T 9 3 2   J 6 5 2   J  

Declarer:  K Q 6   8 5 4   A 8   K Q T 5 3  

This time, as dealer, your big sin was to open a 14-count 1NT, adding a point for the decent five-card suit and the high honours. Partner transfer-drops you into 2 and the play goes 9 to your ace, you return a diamond to East's queen as everyone follows, East cashes the A and continues with the K, ruffed and overruffed and back comes a spade, which East ruffs, and West then overruffs the fourth diamond to give partner a second spade ruff. Later you find out that most West players overcalled the normal 1 opener with 2 and went down.

Having fun yet?

I certainly wasn't. If I was playing live bridge instead of bridge against a computer program looking for bridge material to write about, I would be tempted to rip the cards at this point. Some of us might grumble, or maintain an angry silence. Too many of us will ignore our own preventable mistakes and look for ways partner could have bailed us out and start an argument. Others will enrage partner by making a joke about it after a start where we have 2 matchpoints out of a possible 42 so far. We've all seen this happen at the table, hopefully to opponents more often than our own partnership. And it's understandable: in just three lousy results we have gone from excitement at the start of a new event to utter terror that we're going to be stuck in last place with three more hours to play.

And the tip here is simple. When this happens, do what you need to do to get it out of your head before you burn the next board and the one after that. Every board is a new opportunity and there are many left to recover from the first three. Nobody is out of contention after three boards: even in a short team match you can recover enough to scramble a smattering of VPs and go on to the next match and recover the lost VPs in that one. But you can't do any of this if you allow a bad start to poison your mind and instill in you a belief that this session is already out the window and nothing much matters.

So many matchpoints are lost by players who can bid and play quite well because they cannot control their emotions when things go wrong. Just as important as knowing your bidding system and defending and declaring well is a strong mindset that accepts that bridge has a lot of ups and downs. It's vital to stay focused and forget the flubs that are in the past.

Substituting one S-word for another, stuff happens in all sorts of competitions and the best stay with it and move on from bad starts. It takes only a quick moment to regain your composure, say a few words to partner to acknowledge that you'll try to be better, and start the next hand without any baggage from the last. Mastering this key skill is going to help you more than any new convention or learning how to squeeze out an extra trick. Being good at recovering from disasters will get you more partners, too, since nobody wants to play with a player who quits after a poor start.

I recovered from this start to get to average by the midpoint of the 16-board set against the computer opponents, by getting out of my chair and walking around, and then telling myself I would not let the results get to me, before starting board four. Bridge consists of several dozen opportunities to score points, all independant of the past. Three disasters does not lock you in at the bottom, unless you let it happen.

Tomorrow's Schedule — Day Two — Tuesday, November 5

Morning-only Event (9:00am)

Tuesday Morning Side Game: Pairs game, part of the Morning Side Game Series (1st of 5).

Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 1500+, B: 500 - 1500, C: 0 - 500.
Masterpoints: Mostly red points but gold points for overall winners if they play another session in the Morning Side Game Series, and a chance for gold points for individuals whose two best games in the series (played with the same or different partners) are good enough to make the series overalls.
Leavenworth 2023 winners (6 tables):
A: Jennifer Beall - Ron Beall, Bellingham WA
B: Dean Altschuler - Valerie McWhorter, Bellingham WA
C: Sheila Van De Velde - Frances Kammermayer, Vancouver BC

Afternoon-Evening Two-Session Events (1:00am and 7:00pm)

Monday-Tuesday Sand Dune Knockout Teams (began Monday at 7pm): Team game, 4-6 players on a team, 24-board knockout matches scored in IMPs. This knockout will be played in the traditional knockout style, with brackets of 5-8 teams coming down to four for Tuesday afternoon's semifinals. If there is only one bracket, matches will be handicapped and the team with fewer average points will have some number of IMPs added to their total in each match.

Bracketed, by team average into brackets of 5-8 teams.
Masterpoints: Gold points for teams that make it to the finals, or red points for other match awards. Lower brackets may have part-gold, part-red for overalls, based on masterpoints.
Leavenworth 2023 winners (8 teams in 1 brackets):
Bracket I: Scott Chupack - Ray Miller, Seattle WA; Polly Dunn - Patrick Dunn, Edmonds WA

Tuesday Open Pairs: Two session pairs game, matchpoint scoring.

Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 3000+, B: 1500 - 3000, C: 0 - 1500.
Masterpoints: Gold points for overalls and some section tops, other awards are red points. Note that you can win points in the first session that are replaced by a higher overall award after the second: you get the greater of your overall award or the sum of the session awards; not both combined.
Leavenworth 2023 winners (8, 8 tables):
A, B: Richard D'Litzenberger - Brian Koblenz, Leavenworth WA
C: Martha Burdick - Jacqui Erwert, Liberty Lake WA

Tuesday Gold Rush 0-750 Pairs: Two session pairs game, matchpoint scoring.

Strat Limits (by pair average) 7: 500 - 750, 4: 300 - 500, 3: 0 - 300. No individuals over 750 points may play in this event, even if the pair average is below 750.
Masterpoints: Gold points for top strat overalls and some section tops, other awards are red points.  Note that you can win points in the first session that are replaced by a higher overall award after the second: you get the greater of your overall award or the sum of the session awards; not both combined.
Leavenworth 2023 winners (10, 10 tables):
7: Steve Kasner - Marianne Kersten, Bellevue WA
5, 3: Moira Mallison, Portland OR; Katy Balagopal, Washougal WA

Afternoon-only Event (1:00pm)

Tuesday Afternoon Side Game: Pairs game, part of the Afternoon Side Game Series (1st of 5).

Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 1500+, B: 500 - 1500, C: 0 - 500.
Masterpoints: Mostly red points but gold points for overall winners if they play another session in the Afternoon Side Game Series, and a chance for gold points for individuals whose two best games in the series (played with the same or different partners) are good enough to make the series overalls.
Leavenworth 2023 winners (7 tables):
A: Dennis Heller - Connie Heller, Clinton WA
B, C: William Tenneson - Steven Lachowicz, Wenatchee WA

Evening-only Event (7:00pm)

Tuesday Evening Side Game: Pairs game, part of the Evening Side Game Series (2nd of 5).

Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 1500+, B: 500 - 1500, C: 0 - 500.
Masterpoints: Mostly red points but gold points for overall winners if they play another session in the Evening Side Game Series, and a chance for gold points for individuals whose two best games in the series (played with the same or different partners) are good enough to make the series overalls.
Leavenworth 2023 winners (5 tables):
A, B: Jeff Jacob, Vancouver WA; Ann Romeo, Seattle WA
C: Karen Rise, Leavenworth WA; Carol Knaup, Seattle WA

Today In History — Answers

The five November 4 stories hinted at above were: