2024 Ocean Shores Regional: Photos

Send Me Some!

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It's been two full decades since I first did a Regional Daily Bulletin for the Puget Sound Regional, and over that time we have transitioned from being on-site taking photos with a digital camera to doing the Bulletins from home and hoping that people who win will realize that we all now carry cameras built into our mobile phones that are better than the digital camera I used in 2002 -- and can send the file to me instantly so I can put in into the online Bulletin in living colour. Oops, color...

Times change, and while being able to hold a paper booklet in your hand is something many of us fondly remember, almost all of us are now able to view the Bulletin online on our various devices! But the good news is that those devices allow winners photos to be a quick do-it-yourself job. Plus, the photos themselves appear on this page, and occasionally on the results pages as well, and in full, living colour (or color in the USA)!

Let's remember: Regionals have a lot of different events, and occasionally we get a photo of a pair or a team who thinks they have won an event when a late scoring change knocks them down to second overall, or even lower. Or someone thinks that their 55.7% section top in the afternoon session of Section L of a six-section open pairs, while not making the overalls, is an event win. I do try to include all of the photos I am sent, but I also check the final results to ensure that what you thought when you took the photo is actually what happened. And on busy days, this can take some time and be held over to tomorrow.

But if you have won and you cannot find a tournament volunteer or a friend to take your photo, another option is to take a photo of event winners yourself (or, if you're the winner, convince a friend to do so!) and send it directly to me:

Here's How To Send Photos:

Ocean Shores 2024 Photos!

We'll start with Ocean Shores photos I have grabbed from the Internet and add winners and other photos sent to me, above this line, as they appear in my inbox.... ooga@shaw.ca (see above for tips)

Unless you came by boat or plane, you probably saw this as you arrived.
This too, I'm guessing...
Here's the building where the tournament will be held, near the city center with restuarants, shops, and hotels all quite nearby.
There are dozens and dozens of photos online of this type of scene if you search for Ocean Shores photos.
A few like this too, but none I have seen with surfers...
Not too far from here...
Monday-Tuesday Sand Dune Knockout Teams, Bracket One winners: Robert Richardson - Candace Allen, Clinton WA; Mary McCune - Marty McCune, Seattle WA
Monday-Tuesday Sand Dune Knockout Teams, Bracket One winners: Mary Carlson, Marysville WA; Marla Patterson, Arlington WA; Carl Ostertag - Mardi Dennis, Oak Harbor WA
Tuesday Open Pairs winners Roger McNay, Beaverton OR; Kate Hill, Santa Rosa CA
Tuesday Gold Rush Pairs winners Greg Thesenvitz - Sarah Thesenvitz, Black Diamond WA
Wednesday Razor Clam Round-Robin Teams Bracket Two winners Russel Boknecht - Dennis Stambaugh, Lacey WA; William Julius, Olympia WA; James Loomis, Lacey WA
Thursday Sandcastle Round-Robin Teams Bracket Two winners Rebecca Brown - Susanne Sherburne - Grant Deger - Gale Gropp, Bellingham WA
New Life Master Toni Brown, Eugene OR
Wednesday Razor Clam Teams Bracket One winners: Donald Perry, Deer Park WA; Elaine DeShaw - Steve Bruno, Federal Way WA; Amy DeShaw, Seattle WA; Craig Harrison, Normandy Park WA
Friday Starfish Teams Bracket One winners: Michael Christensen - Becky Stevens - 2024 Kirkwood Trophy winner Ray Miller - Kevin Cline, Seattle WA
Friday Starfish Teams Bracket Two winners: Ralph Wilhelmi, Olympia WA; Marv Norden, Peachland BC; Joseph Notarangelo, Bellevue WA; Craig Conner, Bothell WA
First gold points for Sorin Blebea, Hillsboro OR; and Satish Viswanatham, Portland OR, in the Saturday Gold Rush, where they were third overall and had the best first session score!
2024 Kirkwood Trophy (most points at District 19 regionals) winner Ray Miller, Seattle WA

Thanks to Karen Rise for taking and sending these and to the players in them for filling out the form that helps me figure out who's who and what they won!

There were only two Evening Side Games, but we found a way to make a series out of them and the winner was Susie Ball, Yakima WA!
Afternoon Side Series winners Marilyn Olson and Barbra Cowan, Wenatchee WA
Sunday Teams Bracket Two winners: Shirley Carlson - Ellie Hall-Pitzer, Salem OR; John Crutcher, Olympia WA; Slava Simice, Comox BC