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Welcome | Masterpoints! | Photos | Table Counts | ACBL Live Results |
Included so far: Everything! Results, Masterpoints, Attendance, Tomorrow's Schedule and Brain Warmups.
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Entry Express Returns! The ACBL's Entry Express program is coming back online for Penticton and is now available. This is a special pre-Toronto test and only the Penticton Regional will be active, not other sectionals and regionals, yet. Here is the link for Penticton online entries, although you will probably need to sign in to access the page. If you do buy online, the new system may ask for a five-digit ZIP Code: Canadians are to use their postal code, ignoring the LETTERS and inputting only the three NUMBERS in their postal code followed by a pair of zeroes. So if your postal code is X4A 2H9, for example, you would enter 42900 as a ZIP code. Once you enter the names of the players on your pair or team, you can skip the lineups and proceed straight to the table, indicated in an e-mail you will get on the morning of the game. Online entries can be purchased until midnight the day before the event. Entry fees are charged in Canadian dollars and CBF events are not included in the test.
1462 tables at the end of Day Five (Friday), 59.0% of the 2019 total.
In 2023, there were 1375 tables to this point.
In 2019, there were 2478½ tables to this point.
For full details, check out the Table Counts page!
Bridge clubs and tournaments throughout the ACBL are struggling with returning to live play, so comparing this tournament's attendance to one before the pandemic is not really fair. We'll hope to get a little more than last year, around 60% of the 2019 attendance, making the target number 1930 tables this time — but perhaps we will be pleasantly surprised!
The deal below and the commentary was created with the free Bridge Base Handviewer program. It should be viewable on any browser or tablet but you may need to take some action:
RHO opens 1♠, you pass, LHO raises to 2♠ and after partner passes, RHO bids 6♠! You lead the 3♦ and partner plays the queen and declarer wins the ace. Declarer crosses to the ace of hearts and cashes the ace of clubs, pitching away the jack of diamonds. Next is the jack of spades, partner playing the three and declarer the two, putting you in with the king. What do you lead next? Answer below....
Morton Friedgood (1913-2006) was a New York City writer who worked in the motion picture industry and wrote crime novels under the pen name John Godey. The most celebrated of these was The Taking of Pelham One Two Three, a 1973 bestseller about the hijacking of a subway train which was the basis for a fun 1974 movie (as well as several other later adaptations which were not as good). Both the book and the 1974 film feature a key plot element: recognizing what is knowable and what is not.
The four hijackers stop a subway train in mid-afternoon, release the back cars and send the motorman to walk the passengers in the back cars through the tunnel back to the previous station, keeping the front car and the eighteen passengers as hostages. They give the city one hour to assemble a million dollars in cash and deliver it to the train. As the deadline approaches, the Transit Authority policeman (Zach Garber, played by Walter Matthau) negotiating with the leader of the hijackers (Mr. Blue, played by Robert Shaw) on the radio asks for more time, but is repeatedly denied. Finally the hijacker allows a small concession: if they get the money to the station entrance by the deadline, that will be acceptable. A police car races through the city streets with the bag of money the federal reserve has just hastily prepared, but there is a collision and Garber is told on the radio that the money will be late.
"We can start scratching those eighteen hostages off one per minute then," says Garber to the police lieutenant calling in the bad news. "How can they do that?" asks the lieutenant. "It'll be here a few minutes after the deadline. They know the money was coming and they know we were trying to get it there as fast as possible. We just hit some traffic and had a crash, that's all."
"They don't know anything about that down there," says Garber. "They don't know anything at all..." and then it hits him. He hits the button to talk to the hijackers: "Pelham One Two Three, the money has arrived! Repeat, the money has arrived." The rest of the command center immediately realizes Garber's ploy. "I hope it works," says the main dispatcher.
I'll let you find the movie (or the book) and check out how it worked. (Not much of a spoiler, that's less than halfway into the film.)
In bridge, understanding what the opponents probably know and cannot know yet can be crucial if the result could go either way. This week's deal is one where I tried the Zach Garber strategy:
If the K♠ is onside I will make twelve tricks easily by pulling trumps and winning five spades, five hearts, and the minor suit aces. I took a small risk by playing a heart to dummy, risking the contract if hearts were 5-0, but against a distribution like that I would probably not have succeeded anyhow. The real problem is that the diamond lead removes my only winner in the suit, and if the trump finesse fails I will lose another diamond and go down, unless I can convince the opponents that leading a second diamond is futile. Crossing to the ace of hearts and leading the ace of clubs to discard the jack of diamonds (would they believe the deuce? Unlikely.) looks like I began with only two diamonds. From East's point of view, declarer could easily be 6=5=2=0 on an auction like this one. Partner might have three hearts to the queen, or a second trump might leave me a trump short if I plan to crossruff. Poor West is stuck in a stalled subway train with no easy way to discover what is happening. It might just be disastrous to try to cash the K♦ instead of trying to find a second defensive trick elsewhere.
The key to deceptive plays like this one is to do them early on in the play, as early as possible. Good defenders will signal and piece together the distribution very quickly and learn whatever there is to learn. Against expert players you can expect on most deals that the hand is an open book after six tricks or less. But there is nothing to lose as declarer by setting such traps if there is a potential problem that needs to be avoided. And if you chose to lead something other than the K♦ when reading the problem above, sympathies: it happens to us all occasionally!
By the same token, if you pull something like this off at the table, be aware that the defender ensnared by your deceptive play is likely to be a bit embarassed for falling for it. This is not the time to gloat or laugh. Just score it up and calmly explain, if asked, why you played it that way.
By the way, if you find a John Godey novel in a used bookstore, you will be in for an entertaining read. Godey's calling card was the surprise ending, which in all of his novels was a twist in the final sentence. The Pelham novel's finale was good but the movie twist, a final scene with Matthau, Martin Balsam, and Jerry Stiller, was much better: a brand-new twist at the end following a suspenseful scene involving the ransom cash, the search for the one unaccounted for hijacker, and a telltale sign just before the end credits rolled!
Masterpoints for all players are updated nightly here first, with everyone's current red and gold point total listed alphabetically below the leaders, before a shorter leaderboard is added to this page.
Overall Leaders | ||
1 | Mitch Dunitz, Sherman Oaks CA | 83.84 |
2 | Mark Itabashi, Newport Beach CA | 76.13 |
3 | Kevin Cline, Seattle WA | 68.70 |
4 | Leo Glaser, Lake Country BC | 66.80 |
4 | Nicholas Stock, North Vancouver BC | 66.80 |
4 | Ray Miller, Seattle WA | 66.80 |
7 | Alex Hudson, Morrisville NC | 59.80 |
7 | Jonathan Steinberg, Toronto ON | 59.80 |
9 | Peter Jones, Edmonton AB | 53.01 |
10 | Allan Graves, Saint Johnsbury VT | 52.46 |
10 | Billy Cohen, Sherman Oaks CA | 52.46 |
10 | David Bakhshi, London | 52.46 |
10 | Reanette Frobouck, Pittsburgh PA | 52.46 |
14 | Lorna McDonald, St Albert AB | 50.12 |
15 | Daniel Bertrand, Calgary AB | 49.75 |
15 | Gerry Marshall, Calgary AB | 49.75 |
17 | Gerry McCully, Victoria BC | 49.71 |
18 | Hendrik Sharples, Brush Prairie WA | 47.87 |
18 | J. Jay Roll, Kelso WA | 47.87 |
20 | Mike D Aguiar, Calgary AB | 44.28 |
21 | Steven Lawrence, Calgary AB | 43.90 |
22 | Roberta Stirling, Edmonton AB | 43.84 |
23 | Rhonda Foster, Victoria BC | 41.30 |
24 | Kim Koski, Gilford ON | 39.52 |
24 | William Koski, Gilford ON | 39.52 |
26 | Manohara Senaratne, Edmonton AB | 39.42 |
27 | Jadwiga Polujan, Calgary AB | 38.31 |
28 | Marinus Nyholt, St Albert AB | 37.87 |
29 | John Demeulemeester, Burnaby BC | 34.41 |
30 | William Miller, Edmonton AB | 34.14 |
31 | Iftikhar Baqai, Irvine CA | 33.91 |
32 | Gray McMullin, Vancouver BC | 33.90 |
33 | Kelvin Raywood, Vancouver BC | 33.11 |
34 | Dennis Ooms, Calgary AB | 32.84 |
35 | Ken Connell, Saskatoon SK | 32.63 |
35 | Linda Connell, Saskatoon SK | 32.63 |
37 | John Pulles, Saskatoon SK | 32.07 |
38 | Jack Qi, North Vancouver BC | 31.43 |
38 | Lucy Zhong, North Vancouver BC | 31.43 |
40 | Karen Long, Edmonton AB | 31.37 |
Non-Life Master Leaders | ||
1 | David Bakhshi, London | 52.46 |
2 | Xiaojing Deng, Richmond BC | 25.29 |
3 | Richard Barr, Ponoka AB | 18.84 |
4 | Kim Regier, Kelowna BC | 18.34 |
5 | Mavis Bollman, Winnipeg MB | 18.03 |
6 | Dolores Johnson, Brentwood Bay BC | 16.72 |
7 | Denise Anthony, Terrace BC | 16.51 |
7 | Michael Anthony, Terrace BC | 16.51 |
9 | Peggy Fekete, Kelowna BC | 15.12 |
10 | Runan Du, Calgary AB | 15.08 |
11 | Brenda Jordan, Asquith SK | 14.98 |
12 | Patrick Noel, Winnipeg MB | 14.95 |
13 | Bryan Brooking, North Vancouver BC | 14.88 |
14 | Zakery Simpson, Prince George BC | 14.72 |
15 | Bud Bishop, Delta BC | 13.64 |
15 | Mary Frances Bishop, Delta BC | 13.64 |
17 | Pirjo Holt, Kelowna BC | 13.63 |
17 | Wendy Webb, Kelowna BC | 13.63 |
19 | Craig Leonard, Pahoa HI | 13.55 |
20 | Bill Cooke, North Vancouver BC | 13.49 |
20 | Karen Cooke, North Vancouver BC | 13.49 |
Masterpoints will be updated first on the masterpoints page. Leaders will appear here later, when the results are posted. ALERT: the link above also has the 2023 Leavenworth Regional final masterpoints, and the 2023 Final Kirkwood Standings. This makes it a lot of data on that page and it might take a few seconds to download on an iffy connection. |
The quarterfinals of the Canadian Mixed Teams Championship are today, as well as the qualifying sessions for the Canadian IMP Pairs Championship.
CMTC Quarterfinalists
Fourcaudot 127 (Marc Andre Fourcaudot, Sondra Blank, Kismet Fung, Ranald Davidson, Michael Gamble, Brenda Bryant)
Burns 108 (Shelley Burns, Kelvin Raywood, Chantal Dubé, Robert Guérard)
Zhu 89 (Mingmin Zhu, Mississauga ON; Shihong You, London ON; Weijun Chen, Oakville ON; Bing Le, Pembroke ON)
Demme 137 (Ina Demme - Bill Kertes, Nobleton ON; Roisin O'Hara - Paul O'Hara, Oakville ON; Hazel Wolpert, North York ON; Fred Lerner, Unionville ON)
Connell 78 (Linda Connell - John Pulles, Saskatoon SK; Deborah Harper - Layne Noble, Ottawa ON)
Lin 137 (Jessica Lin - Margaret Baykal - Gur Baykal, Markham ON; Peter Wong, North York ON; Lisa Chen, Stouffville ON; Richard Chan, Toronto ON)
Senensky 117 (Barry Senensky - Barbara Shnier, Toronto ON; Marielle Decelles-Brentnall - Ray Hornby, Winnipeg MB; Ana Kovacevic - Miro Kovacevic, Woodbridge ON)
Wang 132 (Michael Wang, Richmond Hill ON; Candice Huang; Yimei Cao, Aurora ON; Edward Xu - Jianfeng Luo, North York ON; Cindy He, Toronto ON)
The Canadian IMP Pairs Championship was cancelled when only seven pairs registered.
Event winners Mitch Dunitz and Mark Itabashi, and runners-up Xiaojing Deng and Jeffrey Smith topped the leaderboard throughout the evening session, and with only a tenth of a top separating them going into the last round, they both had good rounds, but Dunitz and Itabashi's was just better enough to win by less than half of a top. This event was notable for the number of overall spots won by pairs who had a big evening session and were back in the pack at the dinner break. Flight B winners Claire Valente and Barry Balof scored well on the final two rounds to take the prize, and Flight C winners Patricia Long and Blanche Saelhof were the halftime leaders and grabbed back the lead immediately in the evening session when passed by a competitor.
Two-session pairs event, scored in matchpoints. Strat limits (by pair average): A: 3000+ / B: 1500 - 3000 / C: 0 - 1500.
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 5605
MPts | Score | A | B | C | Friday Open Pairs | (30½, 31 tables) ACBL Live Link |
32.79 | 67.47% | 1 | Mitch Dunitz, Sherman Oaks CA; Mark Itabashi, Newport Beach CA | |||
24.59 | 66.73% | 2 | Xiaojing Deng, Richmond BC; Jeffrey Smith, Ottawa ON | |||
18.44 | 59.30% | 3 | James Galand, Victoria BC; Ken Scholes, Bellevue WA | |||
13.83 | 58.82% | 4 | Sandra Fraser - Doug Fraser, Victoria BC | |||
10.93 | 56.35% | 5 | Gustav Axen, New Westminster BC; Rhonda Foster, Victoria BC | |||
9.37 | 55.85% | 6 | Lorna McDonald, St Albert AB; Karen Kilworth, Strathmore AB | |||
8.20 | 55.31% | 7 | Iftikhar Baqai, Irvine CA; Michael Mikyska, Los Angeles CA | |||
7.29 | 55.23% | 8 | Steven Lawrence, Calgary AB; Steve Bates, Edmonton AB | |||
6.56 | 54.93% | 9 | Karen Long, Edmonton AB; Terri Bedard, Calgary AB | |||
5.96 | 54.53% | 10 | Trudy Hurdle - John Hurdle, Richmond BC | |||
11.90 | 54.43% | 11 | 1 | Claire Valente - Barry Balof, Walla Walla WA | ||
5.04 | 54.18% | 12 | Bryan Maksymetz - Frances Corney, Vancouver BC | |||
4.68 | 53.94% | 13 | Don Bell, Vernon BC; Kelly Meenagh, Kelowna BC | |||
8.93 | 53.84% | 14 | 2 | Donald Perry, Deer Park WA; Craig Harrison, Normandy Park WA | ||
4.10 | 53.49% | 15 | Aline Vance, West Kelowna BC; Duncan Smith, Victoria BC | |||
3.86 | 52.75% | 16 | John Rayner - Nader Hanna, Toronto ON | |||
6.69 | 52.48% | 3 | 1 | Patricia Long - Blanche Saelhof, Saskatoon SK | ||
5.02 | 52.00% | 4 | 2 | Maarten Tjebbes - Brad Digby, Vancouver BC | ||
3.97 | 51.91% | 5 | Robert Getz, Marysville WA; Thomas Land, Vashon WA | |||
3.40 | 51.60% | 6 | Roberta McIlwain - Sandy McIlwain, Invermere BC | |||
2.98 | 51.19% | 7 | Marsha Kimelman - Deloris Ankrom, Winnipeg MB | |||
2.64 | 50.92% | 8 | 3 | Avery Silverstein, Ridgefield CT; Daniel Balof, Walla Walla WA | ||
1.77 | 46.39% | 4 | Andrew Krywaniuk - Kelli Cera, Burnaby BC |
The Race For Overalls in Strat A (unlimited): 16 overall spots available. | ||||||||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Carryover Rank |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Rd. 8 Rank |
Rd. 9 Rank |
Rd. 10 Rank |
Rd. 11 Rank |
Rd. 12 Rank |
Final Rank |
Mitch Dunitz, Sherman Oaks CA; Mark Itabashi, Newport Beach CA: | 1 Start of Final Session: Score: 67.18% Rank in Strat A: 1 Current Lead in A: 1.2 boards. |
1 Round # 1 score: 71.66% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 67.50% Current Lead in Strat A: 1.0 boards. |
1 Round # 2 score: 46.66% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 66.11% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.15 boards. |
2 Round # 3 score: 73.34% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 66.56% Currently 0.15 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 58.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 66.08% Currently 0.57 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 84.16% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 67.08% Currently 0.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 6 score: 83.34% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 67.94% Current Lead in Strat A: -0.0 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 53.33% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 67.21% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.32 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 64.16% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 67.06% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.32 boards. |
1 Round # 9 score: 78.34% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 67.57% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.7 boards. |
1 Round # 10 score: 77.50% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 68.00% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.81 boards. |
2 Round # 11 score: 34.16% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 66.59% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 12 score: 70.00% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 66.73% Currently 0.1 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 13 score: 85.84% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 67.47% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.38 boards. |
Xiaojing Deng, Richmond BC; Jeffrey Smith, Ottawa ON: | 3 Start of Final Session: Score: 61.67% Rank in Strat A: 3 Currently 1.43 boards behind the strat A leader. |
2 Round # 1 score: 93.34% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 63.93% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 89.16% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 65.61% Currently 0.15 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 3 score: 88.33% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 67.03% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.15 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 79.16% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 67.75% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.57 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 72.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 68.01% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.33 boards. |
2 Round # 6 score: 66.66% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 67.94% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.0 boards. |
2 Round # 7 score: 37.50% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 66.42% Currently 0.32 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 64.16% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 66.31% Currently 0.32 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 9 score: 59.16% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 65.99% Currently 0.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 10 score: 71.66% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 66.23% Currently 0.81 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 11 score: 87.50% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 67.12% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.25 boards. |
1 Round # 12 score: 62.50% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 66.94% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.1 boards. |
2 Round # 13 score: 61.66% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 66.73% Currently 0.38 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
James Galand, Victoria BC; Ken Scholes, Bellevue WA: | 21 Start of Final Session: Score: 52.06% Rank in Strat A: 21 Currently 3.93 boards behind the strat A leader. |
18 Round # 1 score: 53.34% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 52.15% Currently 4.3 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 2 score: 50.84% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 52.06% Currently 4.21 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 3 score: 68.34% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 53.08% Currently 4.46 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 4 score: 60.84% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 53.53% Currently 4.83 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 5 score: 67.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 54.31% Currently 4.93 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 6 score: 79.17% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 55.62% Currently 4.68 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 89.17% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 57.30% Currently 3.96 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 76.67% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 58.22% Currently 3.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 9 score: 62.50% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 58.41% Currently 4.03 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 10 score: 60.84% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 58.52% Currently 4.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 11 score: 53.34% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 58.30% Currently 4.23 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 12 score: 53.34% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 58.10% Currently 4.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 13 score: 89.16% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 59.30% Currently 4.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Sandra Fraser - Doug Fraser, Victoria BC: | 2 Start of Final Session: Score: 62.57% Rank in Strat A: 2 Currently 1.2 boards behind the strat A leader. |
3 Round # 1 score: 46.66% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 61.44% Currently 1.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 46.66% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 60.45% Currently 1.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 59.16% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 60.37% Currently 2.13 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 78.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 61.43% Currently 2.15 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 66.67% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 61.72% Currently 2.26 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 38.34% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 60.49% Currently 2.83 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 57.50% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 60.34% Currently 2.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 49.16% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 59.81% Currently 3.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 9 score: 52.50% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 59.47% Currently 3.56 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 10 score: 94.16% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 60.98% Currently 3.23 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 11 score: 58.34% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 60.87% Currently 3.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 12 score: 39.16% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 60.00% Currently 3.47 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 13 score: 29.16% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 58.82% Currently 4.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Gustav Axen, New Westminster BC; Rhonda Foster, Victoria BC: | 20 Start of Final Session: Score: 52.45% Rank in Strat A: 20 Currently 3.83 boards behind the strat A leader. |
17 Round # 1 score: 57.50% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 52.81% Currently 4.11 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 2 score: 87.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 55.13% Currently 3.29 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 3 score: 50.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 54.81% Currently 3.91 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 4 score: 90.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 56.88% Currently 3.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 5 score: 39.16% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 55.89% Currently 4.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 6 score: 45.83% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 55.36% Currently 4.78 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 65.84% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 55.89% Currently 4.53 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 8 score: 47.50% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 55.49% Currently 4.86 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 9 score: 78.34% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 56.53% Currently 4.86 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 10 score: 84.16% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 57.73% Currently 4.72 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 11 score: 38.34% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 56.92% Currently 4.9 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 12 score: 30.84% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 55.88% Currently 5.53 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 13 score: 68.34% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 56.36% Currently 5.78 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Lorna McDonald, St Albert AB; Karen Kilworth, Strathmore AB: | 17 Start of Final Session: Score: 53.38% Rank in Strat A: 17 Currently 3.59 boards behind the strat A leader. |
20 Round # 1 score: 32.50% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 51.89% Currently 4.37 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 2 score: 53.34% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 51.98% Currently 4.24 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 3 score: 74.16% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 53.37% Currently 4.37 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 4 score: 42.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 52.73% Currently 5.11 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 5 score: 50.84% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 52.62% Currently 5.54 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 6 score: 52.50% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 52.62% Currently 5.82 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 7 score: 62.50% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 53.11% Currently 5.64 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 8 score: 48.33% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 52.88% Currently 5.96 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 9 score: 49.16% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 52.71% Currently 6.54 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 10 score: 70.84% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 53.50% Currently 6.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 11 score: 57.50% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 53.67% Currently 6.46 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 12 score: 69.16% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 54.29% Currently 6.32 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 13 score: 95.00% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 55.85% Currently 6.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Iftikhar Baqai, Irvine CA; Michael Mikyska, Los Angeles CA: | 11 Start of Final Session: Score: 55.04% Rank in Strat A: 11 Currently 3.16 boards behind the strat A leader. |
21 Round # 1 score: 10.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 51.82% Currently 4.39 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 2 score: 60.84% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 52.42% Currently 4.11 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 3 score: 62.50% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 53.05% Currently 4.47 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 4 score: 54.17% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 53.12% Currently 4.97 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 5 score: 78.33% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 54.52% Currently 4.86 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 6 score: 40.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 53.76% Currently 5.39 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 7 score: 51.66% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 53.65% Currently 5.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 8 score: 60.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 53.95% Currently 5.51 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 9 score: 67.50% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 54.57% Currently 5.72 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 10 score: 56.66% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 54.66% Currently 6.14 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 11 score: 68.34% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 55.23% Currently 5.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 12 score: 41.66% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 54.69% Currently 6.12 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 13 score: 70.84% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 55.31% Currently 6.32 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Steven Lawrence, Calgary AB; Steve Bates, Edmonton AB: | 5 Start of Final Session: Score: 60.08% Rank in Strat A: 5 Currently 1.85 boards behind the strat A leader. |
6 Round # 1 score: 40.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 58.65% Currently 2.48 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 2 score: 32.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 56.90% Currently 2.76 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 3 score: 50.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 56.47% Currently 3.38 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 89.17% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 58.39% Currently 3.18 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 36.67% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 57.19% Currently 3.9 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 41.66% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 56.37% Currently 4.4 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 60.84% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 56.59% Currently 4.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 68.33% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 57.15% Currently 4.16 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 9 score: 21.66% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 55.54% Currently 5.29 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 10 score: 48.33% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 55.23% Currently 5.87 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 11 score: 77.50% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 56.15% Currently 5.27 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 12 score: 19.16% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 54.67% Currently 6.13 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 13 score: 69.16% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 55.23% Currently 6.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Karen Long, Edmonton AB; Terri Bedard, Calgary AB: | 4 Start of Final Session: Score: 61.21% Rank in Strat A: 4 Currently 1.55 boards behind the strat A leader. |
4 Round # 1 score: 60.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 61.12% Currently 1.79 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 41.66% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 59.82% Currently 1.89 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 66.67% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 60.25% Currently 2.17 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 48.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 59.55% Currently 2.79 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 10.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 56.80% Currently 4.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 6 score: 35.83% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 55.69% Currently 4.65 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 7 score: 40.84% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 54.95% Currently 4.9 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 90.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 56.62% Currently 4.38 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 9 score: 28.34% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 55.33% Currently 5.39 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 10 score: 29.16% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 54.20% Currently 6.35 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 11 score: 73.34% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 54.99% Currently 5.82 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 12 score: 68.33% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 55.53% Currently 5.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 13 score: 40.00% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 54.93% Currently 6.52 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Trudy Hurdle - John Hurdle, Richmond BC: | 39 Start of Final Session: Score: 46.82% Rank in Strat A: 39 Currently 5.29 boards behind the strat A leader. |
33 Round # 1 score: 76.66% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 33 Event score so far: 48.95% Currently 5.19 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
36 Round # 2 score: 35.84% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 36 Event score so far: 48.07% Currently 5.41 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
31 Round # 3 score: 75.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 31 Event score so far: 49.76% Currently 5.53 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
32 Round # 4 score: 49.16% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 32 Event score so far: 49.72% Currently 6.13 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
26 Round # 5 score: 74.17% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 26 Event score so far: 51.08% Currently 6.09 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 6 score: 79.16% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 52.56% Currently 5.84 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 7 score: 50.84% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 52.47% Currently 5.9 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 8 score: 50.84% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 52.39% Currently 6.16 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 9 score: 47.50% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 52.17% Currently 6.78 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 10 score: 95.84% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 54.07% Currently 6.41 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 11 score: 66.66% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 54.60% Currently 6.01 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 12 score: 37.50% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 53.91% Currently 6.52 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 13 score: 70.00% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 54.53% Currently 6.73 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Claire Valente - Barry Balof, Walla Walla WA: | 9 Start of Final Session: Score: 56.61% Rank in Strat A: 9 Currently 2.75 boards behind the strat A leader. |
10 Round # 1 score: 35.83% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 55.12% Currently 3.47 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 2 score: 39.16% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 54.06% Currently 3.61 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 3 score: 30.84% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 52.61% Currently 4.61 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 4 score: 71.66% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 53.73% Currently 4.77 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 5 score: 32.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 52.55% Currently 5.57 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 6 score: 58.34% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 52.85% Currently 5.73 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 7 score: 65.84% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 53.50% Currently 5.48 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 8 score: 46.66% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 53.18% Currently 5.83 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 9 score: 70.84% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 53.98% Currently 5.98 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 10 score: 40.00% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 53.37% Currently 6.73 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 11 score: 70.84% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 54.10% Currently 6.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 12 score: 86.67% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 55.40% Currently 5.77 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 13 score: 30.00% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 54.43% Currently 6.78 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Bryan Maksymetz - Frances Corney, Vancouver BC: | 12 Start of Final Session: Score: 54.44% Rank in Strat A: 12 Currently 3.31 boards behind the strat A leader. |
11 Round # 1 score: 61.66% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 54.96% Currently 3.51 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 80.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 56.63% Currently 2.84 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 68.33% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 57.36% Currently 3.09 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 43.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 56.53% Currently 3.81 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 5 score: 45.84% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 55.94% Currently 4.35 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 67.50% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 56.55% Currently 4.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 42.50% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 55.85% Currently 4.54 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 57.50% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 55.92% Currently 4.68 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 9 score: 60.84% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 56.15% Currently 5.02 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 10 score: 12.50% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 54.25% Currently 6.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 11 score: 29.16% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 53.21% Currently 6.68 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 12 score: 55.84% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 53.31% Currently 6.81 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 13 score: 75.84% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 54.18% Currently 6.91 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Don Bell, Vernon BC; Kelly Meenagh, Kelowna BC: | 6 Start of Final Session: Score: 59.28% Rank in Strat A: 6 Currently 2.05 boards behind the strat A leader. |
7 Round # 1 score: 38.34% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 57.79% Currently 2.72 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 2 score: 28.34% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 55.82% Currently 3.09 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 3 score: 25.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 53.90% Currently 4.2 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 4 score: 16.66% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 51.71% Currently 5.45 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
25 Round # 5 score: 44.16% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 51.29% Currently 6.02 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 6 score: 85.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 53.06% Currently 5.65 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 7 score: 48.34% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 52.83% Currently 5.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 8 score: 77.50% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 54.00% Currently 5.49 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 9 score: 45.83% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 53.63% Currently 6.13 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 10 score: 39.16% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 53.00% Currently 6.9 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 11 score: 62.50% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 53.40% Currently 6.59 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 12 score: 60.83% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 53.69% Currently 6.62 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 13 score: 60.00% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 53.94% Currently 7.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Donald Perry, Deer Park WA; Craig Harrison, Normandy Park WA: | 16 Start of Final Session: Score: 53.51% Rank in Strat A: 16 Currently 3.55 boards behind the strat A leader. |
14 Round # 1 score: 65.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 54.33% Currently 3.69 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 2 score: 50.83% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 54.10% Currently 3.6 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 3 score: 51.67% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 53.95% Currently 4.19 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 4 score: 65.84% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 54.65% Currently 4.45 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 5 score: 74.16% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 55.73% Currently 4.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 6 score: 21.66% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 53.94% Currently 5.32 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 7 score: 39.16% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 53.20% Currently 5.6 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 8 score: 65.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 53.76% Currently 5.59 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 9 score: 65.83% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 54.31% Currently 5.83 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 10 score: 81.67% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 55.50% Currently 5.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 11 score: 49.16% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 55.24% Currently 5.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 12 score: 35.83% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 54.46% Currently 6.24 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 13 score: 38.34% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 53.84% Currently 7.09 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Aline Vance, West Kelowna BC; Duncan Smith, Victoria BC: | 45 Start of Final Session: Score: 45.82% Rank in Strat A: 45 Currently 5.55 boards behind the strat A leader. |
38 Round # 1 score: 56.66% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 38 Event score so far: 46.60% Currently 5.85 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
31 Round # 2 score: 77.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 31 Event score so far: 48.66% Currently 5.24 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
27 Round # 3 score: 79.16% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 27 Event score so far: 50.56% Currently 5.27 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 4 score: 67.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 51.56% Currently 5.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
28 Round # 5 score: 33.33% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 28 Event score so far: 50.55% Currently 6.29 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
24 Round # 6 score: 60.84% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 51.09% Currently 6.4 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 7 score: 68.34% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 51.95% Currently 6.1 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 8 score: 67.50% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 52.69% Currently 6.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 9 score: 29.16% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 51.62% Currently 7.02 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 10 score: 57.50% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 51.88% Currently 7.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 11 score: 84.16% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 53.22% Currently 6.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 12 score: 52.50% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 53.19% Currently 6.88 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 13 score: 60.84% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 53.49% Currently 7.27 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
John Rayner - Nader Hanna, Toronto ON: | 18 Start of Final Session: Score: 53.18% Rank in Strat A: 18 Currently 3.64 boards behind the strat A leader. |
25 Round # 1 score: 28.34% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 51.41% Currently 4.51 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
29 Round # 2 score: 31.67% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 29 Event score so far: 50.09% Currently 4.81 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
29 Round # 3 score: 50.84% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 29 Event score so far: 50.14% Currently 5.4 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
28 Round # 4 score: 60.84% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 28 Event score so far: 50.77% Currently 5.77 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 5 score: 67.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 51.70% Currently 5.87 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
25 Round # 6 score: 33.34% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 50.73% Currently 6.54 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
33 Round # 7 score: 21.66% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 33 Event score so far: 49.28% Currently 7.17 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
24 Round # 8 score: 84.17% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 50.94% Currently 6.77 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 9 score: 71.66% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 51.88% Currently 6.9 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
24 Round # 10 score: 43.34% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 51.51% Currently 7.59 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 11 score: 61.66% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 51.93% Currently 7.29 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 12 score: 85.00% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 53.26% Currently 6.84 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 13 score: 40.00% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 52.75% Currently 7.65 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Patricia Long - Blanche Saelhof, Saskatoon SK: | 10 Start of Final Session: Score: 56.30% Rank in Strat A: 10 Currently 2.83 boards behind the strat A leader. |
12 Round # 1 score: 35.83% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 54.84% Currently 3.54 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 2 score: 68.33% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 55.74% Currently 3.11 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 3 score: 31.66% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 54.23% Currently 4.1 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 4 score: 66.67% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 54.96% Currently 4.35 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 5 score: 45.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 54.41% Currently 4.9 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 88.33% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 56.20% Currently 4.46 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 7 score: 31.66% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 54.97% Currently 4.9 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 8 score: 44.16% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 54.45% Currently 5.3 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 9 score: 39.16% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 53.76% Currently 6.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 10 score: 10.00% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 51.86% Currently 7.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
28 Round # 11 score: 33.34% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 28 Event score so far: 51.09% Currently 7.69 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 12 score: 77.50% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 52.14% Currently 7.4 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 13 score: 60.84% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 52.48% Currently 7.79 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Maarten Tjebbes - Brad Digby, Vancouver BC: | 27 Start of Final Session: Score: 50.66% Rank in Strat A: 27 Currently 4.3 boards behind the strat A leader. |
27 Round # 1 score: 56.66% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 27 Event score so far: 51.09% Currently 4.59 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
28 Round # 2 score: 36.66% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 28 Event score so far: 50.13% Currently 4.79 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
26 Round # 3 score: 63.34% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 26 Event score so far: 50.96% Currently 5.14 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
25 Round # 4 score: 60.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 51.49% Currently 5.53 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 5 score: 63.34% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 52.15% Currently 5.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 6 score: 65.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 52.82% Currently 5.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
24 Round # 7 score: 31.66% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 51.76% Currently 6.18 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
25 Round # 8 score: 15.83% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 50.05% Currently 7.14 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
31 Round # 9 score: 50.84% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 31 Event score so far: 50.09% Currently 7.69 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 10 score: 87.50% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 51.72% Currently 7.49 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
25 Round # 11 score: 41.66% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 51.30% Currently 7.59 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 12 score: 65.00% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 51.84% Currently 7.55 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 13 score: 55.84% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 52.00% Currently 8.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Sandra Scholes, Bellevue WA; Karen Turner, Victoria BC: | 30 Start of Final Session: Score: 50.13% Rank in Strat A: 30 Currently 4.43 boards behind the strat A leader. |
28 Round # 1 score: 62.50% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 28 Event score so far: 51.02% Currently 4.61 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
26 Round # 2 score: 53.34% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 26 Event score so far: 51.17% Currently 4.48 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 3 score: 80.84% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 53.02% Currently 4.48 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 4 score: 33.33% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 51.87% Currently 5.4 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 5 score: 61.66% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 52.41% Currently 5.62 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 6 score: 41.66% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 51.84% Currently 6.12 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 7 score: 76.67% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 53.09% Currently 5.65 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 8 score: 34.16% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 52.19% Currently 6.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 9 score: 60.84% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 52.58% Currently 6.6 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 10 score: 65.00% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 53.12% Currently 6.84 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 11 score: 37.50% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 52.47% Currently 7.03 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 12 score: 41.66% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 52.04% Currently 7.45 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 13 score: 50.00% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 51.96% Currently 8.07 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Robert Getz, Marysville WA; Thomas Land, Vashon WA: | 7 Start of Final Session: Score: 58.55% Rank in Strat A: 7 Currently 2.24 boards behind the strat A leader. |
5 Round # 1 score: 87.50% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 60.62% Currently 1.93 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 37.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 59.08% Currently 2.11 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 22.50% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 56.79% Currently 3.28 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 83.33% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 58.36% Currently 3.19 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 5 score: 18.34% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 56.13% Currently 4.28 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 61.66% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 56.42% Currently 4.38 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 7 score: 14.17% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 54.31% Currently 5.16 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 8 score: 55.84% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 54.38% Currently 5.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 9 score: 46.67% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 54.03% Currently 5.96 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 10 score: 60.00% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 54.29% Currently 6.31 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 11 score: 54.16% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 54.29% Currently 6.16 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 12 score: 27.50% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 53.22% Currently 6.86 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 13 score: 19.16% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 51.91% Currently 8.09 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Roberta McIlwain - Sandy McIlwain, Invermere BC: | 8 Start of Final Session: Score: 57.56% Rank in Strat A: 8 Currently 2.5 boards behind the strat A leader. |
8 Round # 1 score: 40.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 56.31% Currently 3.13 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 2 score: 74.16% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 57.50% Currently 2.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 40.84% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 56.45% Currently 3.39 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 4 score: 64.17% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 56.91% Currently 3.69 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 55.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 56.80% Currently 4.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 6 score: 7.50% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 54.21% Currently 5.22 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 7 score: 34.16% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 53.21% Currently 5.6 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 8 score: 35.84% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 52.38% Currently 6.17 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 9 score: 66.67% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 53.03% Currently 6.4 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 10 score: 55.84% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 53.15% Currently 6.83 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 11 score: 29.16% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 52.15% Currently 7.19 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 12 score: 39.17% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 51.63% Currently 7.65 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 13 score: 50.84% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 51.60% Currently 8.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Michael Hargreaves, Victoria BC; Gordon McOrmond, Sidney BC: | 25 Start of Final Session: Score: 50.86% Rank in Strat A: 25 Currently 4.24 boards behind the strat A leader. |
15 Round # 1 score: 90.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 53.66% Currently 3.88 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 2 score: 58.34% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 53.97% Currently 3.64 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 3 score: 49.17% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 53.67% Currently 4.28 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 4 score: 39.16% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 52.82% Currently 5.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 5 score: 38.34% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 52.01% Currently 5.76 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 6 score: 92.50% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 54.14% Currently 5.24 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 7 score: 20.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 52.44% Currently 5.91 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 8 score: 32.50% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 51.49% Currently 6.54 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
24 Round # 9 score: 53.33% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 51.57% Currently 7.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 10 score: 87.50% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 53.13% Currently 6.84 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 11 score: 22.50% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 51.86% Currently 7.32 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 12 score: 62.50% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 52.28% Currently 7.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 13 score: 31.67% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 51.49% Currently 8.31 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Marsha Kimelman - Deloris Ankrom, Winnipeg MB: | 15 Start of Final Session: Score: 53.98% Rank in Strat A: 15 Currently 3.43 boards behind the strat A leader. |
9 Round # 1 score: 72.50% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 55.30% Currently 3.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 2 score: 22.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 53.11% Currently 3.9 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 3 score: 77.50% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 54.64% Currently 3.96 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 4 score: 56.66% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 54.76% Currently 4.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 5 score: 65.84% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 55.37% Currently 4.55 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 6 score: 20.84% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 53.56% Currently 5.46 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 7 score: 60.83% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 53.92% Currently 5.32 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 8 score: 65.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 54.45% Currently 5.3 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 9 score: 50.84% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 54.28% Currently 5.85 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 10 score: 43.34% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 53.81% Currently 6.53 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 11 score: 23.34% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 52.54% Currently 7.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 12 score: 59.16% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 52.80% Currently 7.07 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 13 score: 10.84% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 51.19% Currently 8.47 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Ann-Marie Crabbe - Chris Penner, Nanaimo BC: | 54 Start of Final Session: Score: 42.37% Rank in Strat A: 54 Currently 6.45 boards behind the strat A leader. |
49 Round # 1 score: 85.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 49 Event score so far: 45.42% Currently 6.18 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
48 Round # 2 score: 46.66% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 48 Event score so far: 45.50% Currently 6.18 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
42 Round # 3 score: 64.16% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 42 Event score so far: 46.67% Currently 6.52 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
39 Round # 4 score: 57.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 39 Event score so far: 47.31% Currently 6.95 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
38 Round # 5 score: 65.83% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 38 Event score so far: 48.33% Currently 7.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
40 Round # 6 score: 40.84% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 40 Event score so far: 47.94% Currently 7.6 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
31 Round # 7 score: 78.34% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 31 Event score so far: 49.46% Currently 7.1 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
30 Round # 8 score: 51.67% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 30 Event score so far: 49.56% Currently 7.35 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
28 Round # 9 score: 68.34% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 28 Event score so far: 50.42% Currently 7.55 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
25 Round # 10 score: 70.84% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 51.31% Currently 7.68 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 11 score: 63.33% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 51.81% Currently 7.35 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
25 Round # 12 score: 25.84% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 50.77% Currently 8.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
24 Round # 13 score: 56.66% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 50.99% Currently 8.57 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Avery Silverstein, Ridgefield CT; Daniel Balof, Walla Walla WA: | 23 Start of Final Session: Score: 51.39% Rank in Strat A: 23 Currently 4.11 boards behind the strat A leader. |
29 Round # 1 score: 43.34% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 29 Event score so far: 50.82% Currently 4.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 2 score: 61.66% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 51.54% Currently 4.37 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 3 score: 70.84% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 52.75% Currently 4.57 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 4 score: 83.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 54.55% Currently 4.49 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 5 score: 44.16% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 53.97% Currently 5.05 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 6 score: 92.50% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 56.00% Currently 4.54 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 39.17% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 55.16% Currently 4.82 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 8 score: 27.50% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 53.84% Currently 5.55 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 9 score: 48.34% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 53.59% Currently 6.15 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 10 score: 5.83% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 51.51% Currently 7.59 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
24 Round # 11 score: 48.33% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 51.38% Currently 7.56 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
29 Round # 12 score: 22.50% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 29 Event score so far: 50.22% Currently 8.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
25 Round # 13 score: 68.33% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 50.92% Currently 8.61 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Lisa Hebert, Ottawa ON; Richard A Gamble, Mill Bay BC: | 40 Start of Final Session: Score: 46.62% Rank in Strat A: 40 Currently 5.35 boards behind the strat A leader. |
34 Round # 1 score: 64.17% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 34 Event score so far: 47.87% Currently 5.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
34 Round # 2 score: 55.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 34 Event score so far: 48.35% Currently 5.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
34 Round # 3 score: 58.34% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 34 Event score so far: 48.97% Currently 5.78 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
30 Round # 4 score: 75.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 30 Event score so far: 50.50% Currently 5.86 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
27 Round # 5 score: 57.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 27 Event score so far: 50.89% Currently 6.16 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
34 Round # 6 score: 15.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 34 Event score so far: 49.00% Currently 7.2 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
26 Round # 7 score: 82.50% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 26 Event score so far: 50.68% Currently 6.61 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
26 Round # 8 score: 34.16% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 26 Event score so far: 49.89% Currently 7.21 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
32 Round # 9 score: 49.16% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 32 Event score so far: 49.86% Currently 7.79 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
27 Round # 10 score: 73.34% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 27 Event score so far: 50.88% Currently 7.88 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
31 Round # 11 score: 31.66% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 31 Event score so far: 50.08% Currently 8.18 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
26 Round # 12 score: 60.84% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 26 Event score so far: 50.51% Currently 8.21 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
26 Round # 13 score: 53.34% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 26 Event score so far: 50.62% Currently 8.76 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Michael Ainsley, Victoria BC; Sheldon Spier, Chemainus BC: | 14 Start of Final Session: Score: 54.11% Rank in Strat A: 14 Currently 3.4 boards behind the strat A leader. |
13 Round # 1 score: 64.17% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 54.83% Currently 3.55 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 2 score: 41.66% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 53.95% Currently 3.65 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 3 score: 69.16% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 54.90% Currently 3.88 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 4 score: 38.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 53.93% Currently 4.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 5 score: 61.67% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 54.36% Currently 4.91 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 6 score: 46.66% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 53.95% Currently 5.32 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 7 score: 35.84% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 53.05% Currently 5.66 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 8 score: 22.50% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 51.59% Currently 6.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 9 score: 55.00% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 51.75% Currently 6.96 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
30 Round # 10 score: 20.00% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 30 Event score so far: 50.37% Currently 8.11 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 11 score: 76.66% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 51.46% Currently 7.52 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
31 Round # 12 score: 12.50% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 31 Event score so far: 49.90% Currently 8.52 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
27 Round # 13 score: 60.00% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 27 Event score so far: 50.29% Currently 8.93 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat B (under 3000): 8 overall spots available. | ||||||||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Carryover Rank |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Rd. 8 Rank |
Rd. 9 Rank |
Rd. 10 Rank |
Rd. 11 Rank |
Rd. 12 Rank |
Final Rank |
Claire Valente - Barry Balof, Walla Walla WA: | 3 Start of Final Session: Score: 56.61% Rank in Strat B: 3 Currently 0.5 boards behind the strat B leader. |
4 Round # 1 score: 35.83% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 55.12% Currently 1.54 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 39.16% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 54.06% Currently 1.51 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 30.84% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 52.61% Currently 1.34 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 4 score: 71.66% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 53.73% Currently 1.57 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 5 score: 32.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 52.55% Currently 1.53 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 58.34% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 52.85% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 65.84% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 53.50% Currently 0.66 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 46.66% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 53.18% Currently 0.53 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 9 score: 70.84% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 53.98% Currently 0.15 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 10 score: 40.00% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 53.37% Currently 0.98 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 11 score: 70.84% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 54.10% Currently 0.55 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 12 score: 86.67% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 55.40% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.47 boards. |
1 Round # 13 score: 30.00% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 54.43% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.31 boards. |
Donald Perry, Deer Park WA; Craig Harrison, Normandy Park WA: | 6 Start of Final Session: Score: 53.51% Rank in Strat B: 6 Currently 1.31 boards behind the strat B leader. |
6 Round # 1 score: 65.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 54.33% Currently 1.76 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 50.83% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 54.10% Currently 1.49 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 51.67% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 53.95% Currently 0.91 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 65.84% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 54.65% Currently 1.26 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 74.16% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 55.73% Currently 0.39 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 21.66% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 53.94% Currently 0.94 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 39.16% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 53.20% Currently 0.78 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 65.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 53.76% Currently 0.29 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 9 score: 65.83% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 54.31% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.01 boards. |
1 Round # 10 score: 81.67% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 55.50% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.56 boards. |
1 Round # 11 score: 49.16% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 55.24% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.46 boards. |
2 Round # 12 score: 35.83% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 54.46% Currently 0.47 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 13 score: 38.34% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 53.84% Currently 0.31 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Patricia Long - Blanche Saelhof, Saskatoon SK: | 4 Start of Final Session: Score: 56.30% Rank in Strat B: 4 Currently 0.58 boards behind the strat B leader. |
5 Round # 1 score: 35.83% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 54.84% Currently 1.62 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 68.33% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 55.74% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 31.66% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 54.23% Currently 0.82 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 66.67% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 54.96% Currently 1.16 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 45.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 54.41% Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 88.33% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 56.20% Currently 0.08 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 31.66% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 54.97% Currently 0.08 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 44.16% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 54.45% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.0 boards. |
5 Round # 9 score: 39.16% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 53.76% Currently 0.24 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 10 score: 10.00% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 51.86% Currently 1.67 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 11 score: 33.34% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 51.09% Currently 1.99 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 12 score: 77.50% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 52.14% Currently 1.63 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 13 score: 60.84% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 52.48% Currently 1.01 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Maarten Tjebbes - Brad Digby, Vancouver BC: | 11 Start of Final Session: Score: 50.66% Rank in Strat B: 11 Currently 2.05 boards behind the strat B leader. |
11 Round # 1 score: 56.66% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 51.09% Currently 2.67 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 2 score: 36.66% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 50.13% Currently 2.68 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 3 score: 63.34% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 50.96% Currently 1.87 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 4 score: 60.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 51.49% Currently 2.34 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 5 score: 63.34% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 52.15% Currently 1.67 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 6 score: 65.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 52.82% Currently 1.37 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 31.66% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 51.76% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 8 score: 15.83% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 50.05% Currently 1.85 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 9 score: 50.84% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 50.09% Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 10 score: 87.50% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 51.72% Currently 1.74 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 11 score: 41.66% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 51.30% Currently 1.89 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 12 score: 65.00% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 51.84% Currently 1.78 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 13 score: 55.84% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 52.00% Currently 1.26 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Robert Getz, Marysville WA; Thomas Land, Vashon WA: | 1 Start of Final Session: Score: 58.55% Rank in Strat B: 1 Current Lead in B: 0.26 boards. |
1 Round # 1 score: 87.50% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 60.62% Current Lead in Strat B: 1.21 boards. |
1 Round # 2 score: 37.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 59.08% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.47 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 22.50% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 56.79% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.11 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 83.33% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 58.36% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.49 boards. |
2 Round # 5 score: 18.34% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 56.13% Currently 0.24 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 6 score: 61.66% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 56.42% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.08 boards. |
3 Round # 7 score: 14.17% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 54.31% Currently 0.34 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 55.84% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 54.38% Currently 0.03 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 9 score: 46.67% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 54.03% Currently 0.12 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 10 score: 60.00% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 54.29% Currently 0.56 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 11 score: 54.16% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 54.29% Currently 0.46 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 12 score: 27.50% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 53.22% Currently 1.09 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 13 score: 19.16% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 51.91% Currently 1.31 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Roberta McIlwain - Sandy McIlwain, Invermere BC: | 2 Start of Final Session: Score: 57.56% Rank in Strat B: 2 Currently 0.26 boards behind the strat B leader. |
2 Round # 1 score: 40.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 56.31% Currently 1.21 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 74.16% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 57.50% Currently 0.47 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 40.84% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 56.45% Currently 0.11 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 64.17% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 56.91% Currently 0.49 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 5 score: 55.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 56.80% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.24 boards. |
4 Round # 6 score: 7.50% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 54.21% Currently 0.84 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 34.16% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 53.21% Currently 0.78 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 35.84% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 52.38% Currently 0.87 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 9 score: 66.67% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 53.03% Currently 0.56 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 10 score: 55.84% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 53.15% Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 11 score: 29.16% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 52.15% Currently 1.48 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 12 score: 39.17% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 51.63% Currently 1.88 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 13 score: 50.84% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 51.60% Currently 1.47 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Marsha Kimelman - Deloris Ankrom, Winnipeg MB: | 5 Start of Final Session: Score: 53.98% Rank in Strat B: 5 Currently 1.19 boards behind the strat B leader. |
3 Round # 1 score: 72.50% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 55.30% Currently 1.49 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 2 score: 22.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 53.11% Currently 1.79 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 77.50% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 54.64% Currently 0.69 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 56.66% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 54.76% Currently 1.22 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 65.84% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 55.37% Currently 0.51 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 20.84% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 53.56% Currently 1.09 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 60.83% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 53.92% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 8 score: 65.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 54.45% Current Lead in Strat B: -0.0 boards. |
2 Round # 9 score: 50.84% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 54.28% Currently 0.01 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 10 score: 43.34% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 53.81% Currently 0.78 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 11 score: 23.34% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 52.54% Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 12 score: 59.16% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 52.80% Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 13 score: 10.84% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 51.19% Currently 1.68 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Avery Silverstein, Ridgefield CT; Daniel Balof, Walla Walla WA: | 8 Start of Final Session: Score: 51.39% Rank in Strat B: 8 Currently 1.86 boards behind the strat B leader. |
12 Round # 1 score: 43.34% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 50.82% Currently 2.74 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 2 score: 61.66% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 51.54% Currently 2.26 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 3 score: 70.84% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 52.75% Currently 1.29 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 83.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 54.55% Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 44.16% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 53.97% Currently 1.02 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 92.50% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 56.00% Currently 0.16 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 7 score: 39.17% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 55.16% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.08 boards. |
4 Round # 8 score: 27.50% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 53.84% Currently 0.26 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 9 score: 48.34% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 53.59% Currently 0.32 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 10 score: 5.83% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 51.51% Currently 1.84 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 11 score: 48.33% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 51.38% Currently 1.85 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 12 score: 22.50% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 50.22% Currently 2.59 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 13 score: 68.33% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 50.92% Currently 1.83 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Lisa Hebert, Ottawa ON; Richard A Gamble, Mill Bay BC: | 18 Start of Final Session: Score: 46.62% Rank in Strat B: 18 Currently 3.1 boards behind the strat B leader. |
14 Round # 1 score: 64.17% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 47.87% Currently 3.57 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 2 score: 55.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 48.35% Currently 3.22 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 3 score: 58.34% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 48.97% Currently 2.5 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 4 score: 75.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 50.50% Currently 2.67 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 5 score: 57.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 50.89% Currently 2.13 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 6 score: 15.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 49.00% Currently 2.82 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 7 score: 82.50% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 50.68% Currently 1.79 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 8 score: 34.16% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 49.89% Currently 1.92 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 9 score: 49.16% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 49.86% Currently 1.96 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 10 score: 73.34% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 50.88% Currently 2.13 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 11 score: 31.66% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 50.08% Currently 2.48 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 12 score: 60.84% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 50.51% Currently 2.45 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 13 score: 53.34% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 50.62% Currently 1.98 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Paul Fournier, Vancouver BC; Joel Fuhrman, Kirkland WA: | 20 Start of Final Session: Score: 46.09% Rank in Strat B: 20 Currently 3.24 boards behind the strat B leader. |
23 Round # 1 score: 23.33% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 23 Event score so far: 44.46% Currently 4.52 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
18 Round # 2 score: 68.33% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 18 Event score so far: 46.05% Currently 3.91 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
20 Round # 3 score: 25.84% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 20 Event score so far: 44.79% Currently 3.84 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 4 score: 87.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 47.30% Currently 3.76 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 5 score: 69.16% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 48.52% Currently 2.98 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 6 score: 51.66% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 48.68% Currently 2.94 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 7 score: 46.66% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 48.58% Currently 2.63 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 8 score: 75.84% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 49.88% Currently 1.92 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 9 score: 60.00% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 50.34% Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 10 score: 51.67% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 50.40% Currently 2.35 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 11 score: 70.83% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 51.25% Currently 1.92 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 12 score: 25.83% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 50.23% Currently 2.59 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 13 score: 51.67% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 50.29% Currently 2.15 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Debbie Hargreaves - Barbara Stewart, Victoria BC: | 12 Start of Final Session: Score: 50.20% Rank in Strat B: 12 Currently 2.17 boards behind the strat B leader. |
7 Round # 1 score: 76.67% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 52.09% Currently 2.39 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 2 score: 45.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 51.62% Currently 2.24 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 3 score: 50.83% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 51.57% Currently 1.67 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 50.84% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 51.52% Currently 2.33 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 5 score: 27.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 50.19% Currently 2.38 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 6 score: 59.16% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 50.66% Currently 2.19 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 7 score: 68.34% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 51.55% Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 8 score: 10.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 49.57% Currently 2.05 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 9 score: 67.50% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 50.38% Currently 1.73 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 10 score: 15.84% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 48.88% Currently 3.05 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 11 score: 82.50% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 50.28% Currently 2.38 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 12 score: 44.16% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 50.04% Currently 2.68 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 13 score: 50.84% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 50.07% Currently 2.27 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Edee Rumley, Ucluelet BC; Diane Griffiths, Langley BC: | 22 Start of Final Session: Score: 44.97% Rank in Strat B: 22 Currently 3.53 boards behind the strat B leader. |
21 Round # 1 score: 53.34% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 21 Event score so far: 45.57% Currently 4.21 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
22 Round # 2 score: 26.66% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 22 Event score so far: 44.31% Currently 4.43 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
16 Round # 3 score: 82.50% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 46.70% Currently 3.23 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
18 Round # 4 score: 20.84% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 18 Event score so far: 45.17% Currently 4.48 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
19 Round # 5 score: 34.17% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 19 Event score so far: 44.56% Currently 4.41 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
20 Round # 6 score: 35.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 20 Event score so far: 44.06% Currently 4.7 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
19 Round # 7 score: 59.16% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 19 Event score so far: 44.81% Currently 4.14 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
20 Round # 8 score: 47.50% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 20 Event score so far: 44.94% Currently 3.99 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
23 Round # 9 score: 21.66% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 23 Event score so far: 43.88% Currently 4.59 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
17 Round # 10 score: 80.84% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 17 Event score so far: 45.49% Currently 4.6 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 11 score: 83.33% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 47.07% Currently 3.92 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 12 score: 60.84% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 47.62% Currently 3.89 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 13 score: 61.66% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 48.16% Currently 3.26 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Emelie Quennell, Calgary AB; Melissa Martin, Whitefish MT: | 16 Start of Final Session: Score: 47.68% Rank in Strat B: 16 Currently 2.83 boards behind the strat B leader. |
15 Round # 1 score: 43.34% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 47.37% Currently 3.71 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 2 score: 58.34% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 48.10% Currently 3.29 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 3 score: 80.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 50.09% Currently 2.14 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 4 score: 10.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 47.74% Currently 3.61 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 5 score: 79.16% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 49.48% Currently 2.64 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 6 score: 48.34% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 49.42% Currently 2.66 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 7 score: 56.66% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 49.78% Currently 2.15 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 8 score: 35.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 49.08% Currently 2.26 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 9 score: 21.66% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 47.83% Currently 2.85 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 10 score: 22.50% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 46.73% Currently 4.03 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
16 Round # 11 score: 29.17% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 46.00% Currently 4.44 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 12 score: 46.66% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 46.03% Currently 4.68 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 13 score: 61.67% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 46.63% Currently 4.06 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat C (under 1500): 4 overall spots available. | ||||||||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Carryover Rank |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Rd. 8 Rank |
Rd. 9 Rank |
Rd. 10 Rank |
Rd. 11 Rank |
Rd. 12 Rank |
Final Rank |
Patricia Long - Blanche Saelhof, Saskatoon SK: | 1 Start of Final Session: Score: 56.30% Rank in Strat C: 1 Current Lead in C: 1.28 boards. |
1 Round # 1 score: 35.83% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 54.84% Current Lead in Strat C: 1.04 boards. |
1 Round # 2 score: 68.33% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 55.74% Current Lead in Strat C: 1.26 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 31.66% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 54.23% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.47 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 66.67% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 54.96% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.14 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 45.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 54.41% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.16 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 88.33% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 56.20% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.08 boards. |
2 Round # 7 score: 31.66% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 54.97% Currently 0.08 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 8 score: 44.16% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 54.45% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.26 boards. |
1 Round # 9 score: 39.16% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 53.76% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.07 boards. |
1 Round # 10 score: 10.00% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 51.86% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.06 boards. |
3 Round # 11 score: 33.34% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 51.09% Currently 0.14 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 12 score: 77.50% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 52.14% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.15 boards. |
1 Round # 13 score: 60.84% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 52.48% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.25 boards. |
Maarten Tjebbes - Brad Digby, Vancouver BC: | 3 Start of Final Session: Score: 50.66% Rank in Strat C: 3 Currently 1.47 boards behind the strat C leader. |
3 Round # 1 score: 56.66% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 51.09% Currently 1.05 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 36.66% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 50.13% Currently 1.68 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 63.34% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 50.96% Currently 1.05 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 60.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 51.49% Currently 1.18 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 63.34% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 52.15% Currently 0.81 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 65.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 52.82% Currently 1.28 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 31.66% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 51.76% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 15.83% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 50.05% Currently 1.85 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 9 score: 50.84% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 50.09% Currently 1.61 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 10 score: 87.50% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 51.72% Currently 0.06 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 11 score: 41.66% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 51.30% Currently 0.04 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 12 score: 65.00% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 51.84% Currently 0.15 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 13 score: 55.84% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 52.00% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Avery Silverstein, Ridgefield CT; Daniel Balof, Walla Walla WA: | 2 Start of Final Session: Score: 51.39% Rank in Strat C: 2 Currently 1.28 boards behind the strat C leader. |
4 Round # 1 score: 43.34% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 50.82% Currently 1.13 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 61.66% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 51.54% Currently 1.26 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 70.84% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 52.75% Currently 0.47 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 83.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 54.55% Currently 0.14 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 44.16% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 53.97% Currently 0.16 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 92.50% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 56.00% Currently 0.08 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 7 score: 39.17% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 55.16% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.08 boards. |
2 Round # 8 score: 27.50% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 53.84% Currently 0.26 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 9 score: 48.34% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 53.59% Currently 0.07 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 10 score: 5.83% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 51.51% Currently 0.16 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 11 score: 48.33% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 51.38% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.04 boards. |
3 Round # 12 score: 22.50% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 50.22% Currently 0.96 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 13 score: 68.33% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 50.92% Currently 0.81 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Andrew Krywaniuk - Kelli Cera, Burnaby BC: | 9 Start of Final Session: Score: 39.39% Rank in Strat C: 9 Currently 4.4 boards behind the strat C leader. |
9 Round # 1 score: 40.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 39.43% Currently 4.31 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 71.66% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 41.58% Currently 4.25 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 3 score: 14.16% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 39.87% Currently 4.6 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 83.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 42.43% Currently 4.26 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 5 score: 34.16% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 41.97% Currently 4.48 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 6 score: 35.84% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 41.64% Currently 5.53 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 7 score: 44.16% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 41.77% Currently 5.36 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 8 score: 50.84% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 42.20% Currently 5.15 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 9 score: 61.67% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 43.09% Currently 4.69 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 10 score: 90.00% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 45.13% Currently 3.1 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 11 score: 77.50% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 46.48% Currently 2.35 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 12 score: 13.33% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 45.15% Currently 3.5 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 13 score: 77.50% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 46.39% Currently 3.17 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Patrick Noel - Suzanne McCarthy, Winnipeg MB: | 6 Start of Final Session: Score: 46.19% Rank in Strat C: 6 Currently 2.63 boards behind the strat C leader. |
6 Round # 1 score: 45.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 46.11% Currently 2.44 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 2 score: 49.16% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 46.31% Currently 2.83 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 19.16% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 44.61% Currently 3.08 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 35.83% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 44.10% Currently 3.69 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 56.66% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 44.80% Currently 3.46 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 39.16% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 44.50% Currently 4.45 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 85.83% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 46.57% Currently 3.44 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 42.50% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 46.37% Currently 3.39 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 9 score: 38.33% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 46.01% Currently 3.41 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 10 score: 4.17% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 44.19% Currently 3.53 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 11 score: 51.67% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 44.50% Currently 3.3 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 12 score: 62.50% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 45.22% Currently 3.46 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 13 score: 46.66% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 45.27% Currently 3.75 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Denise Anthony - Michael Anthony, Terrace BC: | 7 Start of Final Session: Score: 43.70% Rank in Strat C: 7 Currently 3.28 boards behind the strat C leader. |
7 Round # 1 score: 55.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 44.51% Currently 2.89 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 2 score: 31.67% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 43.65% Currently 3.63 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 3 score: 50.83% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 44.10% Currently 3.24 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 4 score: 28.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 43.17% Currently 4.01 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 5 score: 41.67% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 43.09% Currently 4.08 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 49.16% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 43.41% Currently 4.86 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 40.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 43.24% Currently 4.77 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 72.50% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 44.63% Currently 4.12 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 9 score: 54.17% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 45.07% Currently 3.82 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 10 score: 23.33% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 44.12% Currently 3.56 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 11 score: 55.00% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 44.57% Currently 3.27 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 12 score: 40.84% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 44.42% Currently 3.86 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 13 score: 55.84% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 44.86% Currently 3.96 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Gloria Woloshyn - Gisele Girardin, Winnipeg MB: | 4 Start of Final Session: Score: 50.07% Rank in Strat C: 4 Currently 1.62 boards behind the strat C leader. |
2 Round # 1 score: 65.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 51.14% Currently 1.04 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 12.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 48.56% Currently 2.15 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 5.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 45.84% Currently 2.68 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 47.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 45.94% Currently 3.07 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 41.66% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 45.70% Currently 3.14 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 78.34% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 47.42% Currently 3.34 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 37.50% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 46.92% Currently 3.3 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 35.84% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 46.39% Currently 3.39 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 9 score: 40.00% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 46.10% Currently 3.37 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 10 score: 9.16% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 44.50% Currently 3.39 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 11 score: 58.34% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 45.07% Currently 3.03 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 12 score: 34.16% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 44.64% Currently 3.75 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 13 score: 38.34% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 44.39% Currently 4.21 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Event winners Scott and Anne-Marie Miller were fourth at the break, but rose steadily and took the lead just after the evening hospitality break, winning by about a quarter of a top. Under-400 and under-300 winners Mary Frances and Bud Bishop reversed their fortunes in the evening, rising from tenth at halftime, nearly three boards behind, to a win by over one and a half boards.
Two-session pairs event, scored in matchpoints. Strat limits (by pair average): 7: 400 - 750 / 4: 300 - 400 / 3: 0 - 300. No player over 750 was eligible.
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 348
MPts | Score | 7 | 4 | 3 | Friday Gold Rush Pairs | (15, 18 tables) ACBL Live Link |
5.74 | 59.79% | 1 | Scott Miller - Anne-Marie Miller, Sooke BC | |||
4.31 | 59.28% | 2 | Bryan Brooking, North Vancouver BC; Bob Draginda, Edmonton AB | |||
3.74 | 55.98% | 3 | 1 | 1 | Mary Frances Bishop - Bud Bishop, Delta BC | |
2.42 | 54.98% | 4 | Pamela Moore - Margaret Duncan, Vancouver BC | |||
1.91 | 52.87% | 5 | George Ongyerth - Susan Ongyerth, Calgary AB | |||
1.64 | 52.55% | 6 | John Sired - Mavis Bollman, Winnipeg MB | |||
2.81 | 52.51% | 7 | 2 | 2 | Amber Garon - Paul Jackson, Kelowna BC | |
1.28 | 52.45% | 8 | Wendy Webb - Pirjo Holt, Kelowna BC | |||
2.10 | 52.15% | 3 | Craig Wilson, Burnaby BC; Donna Dahl, Calgary AB | |||
1.65 | 51.75% | 4 | 3 | Sarah Thesenvitz - Greg Thesenvitz, Black Diamond WA | ||
1.25 | 51.06% | 5 | Doreen Mavritsakis, Penticton BC; Monica Ondrus, Osoyoos BC |
The Race For Overalls in Strat 7 (under 750): 8 overall spots available. | |||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Carryover Rank |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Final Rank |
Scott Miller - Anne-Marie Miller, Sooke BC: | 4 Start of Final Session: Score: 56.25% Rank in Strat 7: 4 Currently 0.36 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
3 Round # 1 score: 60.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 3 Event score so far: 56.67% Currently 0.71 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 55.56% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 4 Event score so far: 56.56% Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 64.45% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 2 Event score so far: 57.27% Currently 0.11 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 63.33% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 2 Event score so far: 57.78% Currently 0.09 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
1 Round # 5 score: 67.78% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 1 Event score so far: 58.55% Current Lead in Strat 7: 0.25 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 86.67% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 1 Event score so far: 60.56% Current Lead in Strat 7: 0.45 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 48.89% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 1 Event score so far: 59.78% Current Lead in Strat 7: 0.11 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 60.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 1 Event score so far: 59.79% Current Lead in Strat 7: 0.24 boards. |
Bryan Brooking, North Vancouver BC; Bob Draginda, Edmonton AB: | 13 Start of Final Session: Score: 53.98% Rank in Strat 7: 13 Currently 0.91 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
9 Round # 1 score: 58.89% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 9 Event score so far: 54.52% Currently 1.29 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
6 Round # 2 score: 58.89% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 6 Event score so far: 54.96% Currently 1.12 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 76.67% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 3 Event score so far: 56.93% Currently 0.22 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
1 Round # 4 score: 70.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 1 Event score so far: 58.02% Current Lead in Strat 7: 0.09 boards. |
2 Round # 5 score: 56.67% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 2 Event score so far: 57.92% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 80.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 2 Event score so far: 59.50% Currently 0.45 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 60.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 2 Event score so far: 59.53% Currently 0.11 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 55.55% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 2 Event score so far: 59.28% Currently 0.24 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Mary Frances Bishop - Bud Bishop, Delta BC: | 24 Start of Final Session: Score: 46.40% Rank in Strat 7: 24 Currently 2.73 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
20 Round # 1 score: 67.78% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 20 Event score so far: 48.78% Currently 2.84 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
21 Round # 2 score: 43.33% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 21 Event score so far: 48.23% Currently 3.14 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
14 Round # 3 score: 87.78% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 14 Event score so far: 51.83% Currently 1.9 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
18 Round # 4 score: 36.67% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 18 Event score so far: 50.56% Currently 2.69 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
10 Round # 5 score: 83.33% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 10 Event score so far: 53.08% Currently 2.13 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
9 Round # 6 score: 43.33% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 9 Event score so far: 52.39% Currently 3.43 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 68.89% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 6 Event score so far: 53.49% Currently 2.83 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 93.33% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 3 Event score so far: 55.98% Currently 1.83 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Pamela Moore - Margaret Duncan, Vancouver BC: | 18 Start of Final Session: Score: 51.89% Rank in Strat 7: 18 Currently 1.41 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
17 Round # 1 score: 40.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 17 Event score so far: 50.57% Currently 2.35 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
18 Round # 2 score: 50.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 18 Event score so far: 50.52% Currently 2.45 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
16 Round # 3 score: 61.11% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 16 Event score so far: 51.48% Currently 2.02 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
7 Round # 4 score: 77.78% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 7 Event score so far: 53.67% Currently 1.57 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 87.78% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 4 Event score so far: 56.29% Currently 0.88 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 36.67% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 4 Event score so far: 54.89% Currently 2.38 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 48.89% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 3 Event score so far: 54.49% Currently 2.38 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 62.22% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 4 Event score so far: 54.97% Currently 2.31 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
George Ongyerth - Susan Ongyerth, Calgary AB: | 19 Start of Final Session: Score: 50.19% Rank in Strat 7: 19 Currently 1.82 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
11 Round # 1 score: 77.78% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 11 Event score so far: 53.25% Currently 1.63 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
10 Round # 2 score: 56.67% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 10 Event score so far: 53.60% Currently 1.53 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
7 Round # 3 score: 56.67% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 7 Event score so far: 53.88% Currently 1.22 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 58.89% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 5 Event score so far: 54.29% Currently 1.34 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 52.22% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 6 Event score so far: 54.13% Currently 1.72 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 36.67% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 7 Event score so far: 52.89% Currently 3.22 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 67.78% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 5 Event score so far: 53.88% Currently 2.65 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 37.78% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 5 Event score so far: 52.87% Currently 3.32 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
John Sired - Mavis Bollman, Winnipeg MB: | 12 Start of Final Session: Score: 54.55% Rank in Strat 7: 12 Currently 0.77 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
13 Round # 1 score: 37.78% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 13 Event score so far: 52.68% Currently 1.78 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
12 Round # 2 score: 51.11% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 12 Event score so far: 52.53% Currently 1.85 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
13 Round # 3 score: 45.55% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 13 Event score so far: 51.89% Currently 1.88 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
13 Round # 4 score: 43.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 13 Event score so far: 51.18% Currently 2.46 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
14 Round # 5 score: 46.67% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 14 Event score so far: 50.83% Currently 3.01 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
11 Round # 6 score: 63.33% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 11 Event score so far: 51.72% Currently 3.71 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 76.67% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 7 Event score so far: 53.39% Currently 2.88 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 40.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 6 Event score so far: 52.55% Currently 3.48 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Amber Garon - Paul Jackson, Kelowna BC: | 2 Start of Final Session: Score: 57.39% Rank in Strat 7: 2 Currently 0.09 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
8 Round # 1 score: 32.22% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 8 Event score so far: 54.59% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
7 Round # 2 score: 55.55% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 7 Event score so far: 54.69% Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 43.33% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 8 Event score so far: 53.65% Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
11 Round # 4 score: 38.89% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 11 Event score so far: 52.42% Currently 2.02 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
11 Round # 5 score: 53.33% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 11 Event score so far: 52.49% Currently 2.36 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
10 Round # 6 score: 50.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 10 Event score so far: 52.32% Currently 3.46 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
10 Round # 7 score: 51.11% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 10 Event score so far: 52.24% Currently 3.39 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 56.67% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 7 Event score so far: 52.51% Currently 3.49 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Wendy Webb - Pirjo Holt, Kelowna BC: | 7 Start of Final Session: Score: 55.87% Rank in Strat 7: 7 Currently 0.46 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
1 Round # 1 score: 86.67% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 1 Event score so far: 59.29% Current Lead in Strat 7: 0.38 boards. |
1 Round # 2 score: 53.33% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 1 Event score so far: 58.70% Current Lead in Strat 7: 0.45 boards. |
4 Round # 3 score: 23.33% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 4 Event score so far: 55.48% Currently 0.7 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 76.67% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 4 Event score so far: 57.25% Currently 0.28 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 45.56% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 3 Event score so far: 56.35% Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 56.67% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 3 Event score so far: 56.37% Currently 1.76 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 21.11% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 4 Event score so far: 54.02% Currently 2.59 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
8 Round # 8 score: 28.89% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 8 Event score so far: 52.45% Currently 3.52 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Craig Wilson, Burnaby BC; Donna Dahl, Calgary AB: | 16 Start of Final Session: Score: 52.08% Rank in Strat 7: 16 Currently 1.37 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
15 Round # 1 score: 46.66% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 15 Event score so far: 51.48% Currently 2.11 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
15 Round # 2 score: 51.11% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 15 Event score so far: 51.44% Currently 2.18 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
17 Round # 3 score: 38.89% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 17 Event score so far: 50.30% Currently 2.41 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
17 Round # 4 score: 56.66% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 17 Event score so far: 50.83% Currently 2.59 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
17 Round # 5 score: 41.11% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 17 Event score so far: 50.08% Currently 3.3 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
12 Round # 6 score: 63.33% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 12 Event score so far: 51.03% Currently 4.0 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 83.33% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 8 Event score so far: 53.18% Currently 2.97 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
9 Round # 8 score: 36.67% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 9 Event score so far: 52.15% Currently 3.67 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Sarah Thesenvitz - Greg Thesenvitz, Black Diamond WA: | 9 Start of Final Session: Score: 55.30% Rank in Strat 7: 9 Currently 0.59 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
4 Round # 1 score: 66.67% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 4 Event score so far: 56.57% Currently 0.73 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 50.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 5 Event score so far: 55.91% Currently 0.84 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
1 Round # 3 score: 74.45% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 1 Event score so far: 57.59% Current Lead in Strat 7: 0.11 boards. |
3 Round # 4 score: 57.78% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 3 Event score so far: 57.61% Currently 0.15 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 16.67% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 5 Event score so far: 54.46% Currently 1.6 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
8 Round # 6 score: 31.11% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 8 Event score so far: 52.79% Currently 3.26 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
9 Round # 7 score: 48.89% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 9 Event score so far: 52.53% Currently 3.26 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
10 Round # 8 score: 40.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 10 Event score so far: 51.75% Currently 3.86 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Doreen Mavritsakis, Penticton BC; Monica Ondrus, Osoyoos BC: | 6 Start of Final Session: Score: 55.87% Rank in Strat 7: 6 Currently 0.46 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
10 Round # 1 score: 37.78% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 10 Event score so far: 53.86% Currently 1.47 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
11 Round # 2 score: 42.22% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 11 Event score so far: 52.70% Currently 1.8 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
10 Round # 3 score: 60.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 10 Event score so far: 53.36% Currently 1.4 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 51.11% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 9 Event score so far: 53.17% Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
12 Round # 5 score: 37.78% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 12 Event score so far: 51.99% Currently 2.56 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
18 Round # 6 score: 20.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 18 Event score so far: 49.70% Currently 4.56 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
13 Round # 7 score: 66.67% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 13 Event score so far: 50.83% Currently 4.03 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
11 Round # 8 score: 54.44% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 11 Event score so far: 51.06% Currently 4.19 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Grace Kennedy - Bill Kennedy, Campbell River BC: | 1 Start of Final Session: Score: 57.77% Rank in Strat 7: 1 Current Lead in 7: 0.09 boards. |
7 Round # 1 score: 33.33% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 7 Event score so far: 55.05% Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 74.44% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 3 Event score so far: 56.99% Currently 0.51 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 35.56% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 6 Event score so far: 55.04% Currently 0.84 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
8 Round # 4 score: 35.56% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 8 Event score so far: 53.42% Currently 1.66 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
7 Round # 5 score: 58.89% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 7 Event score so far: 53.84% Currently 1.84 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 50.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 5 Event score so far: 53.56% Currently 2.94 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
11 Round # 7 score: 32.22% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 11 Event score so far: 52.14% Currently 3.44 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
12 Round # 8 score: 33.33% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 12 Event score so far: 50.97% Currently 4.23 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Jerzy Jankowski - Allison Sawyer, Kelowna BC: | 11 Start of Final Session: Score: 55.11% Rank in Strat 7: 11 Currently 0.64 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
5 Round # 1 score: 58.89% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 5 Event score so far: 55.53% Currently 1.02 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 46.67% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 8 Event score so far: 54.65% Currently 1.22 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
12 Round # 3 score: 28.89% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 12 Event score so far: 52.30% Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
10 Round # 4 score: 60.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 10 Event score so far: 52.95% Currently 1.83 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
8 Round # 5 score: 62.22% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 8 Event score so far: 53.66% Currently 1.91 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 44.45% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 6 Event score so far: 53.00% Currently 3.18 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
12 Round # 7 score: 38.89% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 12 Event score so far: 52.06% Currently 3.47 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
13 Round # 8 score: 25.56% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 13 Event score so far: 50.40% Currently 4.51 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat 4 (under 400): 5 overall spots available. | |||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Carryover Rank |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Final Rank |
Mary Frances Bishop - Bud Bishop, Delta BC: | 10 Start of Final Session: Score: 46.40% Rank in Strat 4: 10 Currently 2.64 boards behind the strat 4 leader. |
7 Round # 1 score: 67.78% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 4: 7 Event score so far: 48.78% Currently 2.1 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 43.33% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 4: 8 Event score so far: 48.23% Currently 2.3 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 87.78% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 4: 5 Event score so far: 51.83% Currently 1.9 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
7 Round # 4 score: 36.67% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 4: 7 Event score so far: 50.56% Currently 2.54 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 83.33% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 4: 2 Event score so far: 53.08% Currently 0.54 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 43.33% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 4: 2 Event score so far: 52.39% Currently 0.17 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
1 Round # 7 score: 68.89% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 4: 1 Event score so far: 53.49% Current Lead in Strat 4: 0.14 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 93.33% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 4: 1 Event score so far: 55.98% Current Lead in Strat 4: 1.67 boards. |
Amber Garon - Paul Jackson, Kelowna BC: | 1 Start of Final Session: Score: 57.39% Rank in Strat 4: 1 Current Lead in 4: 0.36 boards. |
3 Round # 1 score: 32.22% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 4: 3 Event score so far: 54.59% Currently 0.53 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 55.55% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 4: 2 Event score so far: 54.69% Currently 0.37 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 43.33% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 4: 2 Event score so far: 53.65% Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 38.89% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 4: 3 Event score so far: 52.42% Currently 1.87 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 53.33% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 4: 3 Event score so far: 52.49% Currently 0.77 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 50.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 4: 3 Event score so far: 52.32% Currently 0.2 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 51.11% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 4: 4 Event score so far: 52.24% Currently 0.56 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 56.67% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 4: 2 Event score so far: 52.51% Currently 1.67 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
Craig Wilson, Burnaby BC; Donna Dahl, Calgary AB: | 6 Start of Final Session: Score: 52.08% Rank in Strat 4: 6 Currently 1.27 boards behind the strat 4 leader. |
5 Round # 1 score: 46.66% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 4: 5 Event score so far: 51.48% Currently 1.37 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
6 Round # 2 score: 51.11% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 4: 6 Event score so far: 51.44% Currently 1.34 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
7 Round # 3 score: 38.89% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 4: 7 Event score so far: 50.30% Currently 2.41 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 56.66% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 4: 6 Event score so far: 50.83% Currently 2.44 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 41.11% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 4: 6 Event score so far: 50.08% Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 63.33% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 4: 4 Event score so far: 51.03% Currently 0.74 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 83.33% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 4: 2 Event score so far: 53.18% Currently 0.14 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 36.67% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 4: 3 Event score so far: 52.15% Currently 1.84 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
Sarah Thesenvitz - Greg Thesenvitz, Black Diamond WA: | 3 Start of Final Session: Score: 55.30% Rank in Strat 4: 3 Currently 0.5 boards behind the strat 4 leader. |
1 Round # 1 score: 66.67% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 4: 1 Event score so far: 56.57% Current Lead in Strat 4: 0.37 boards. |
1 Round # 2 score: 50.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 4: 1 Event score so far: 55.91% Current Lead in Strat 4: 0.37 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 74.45% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 4: 1 Event score so far: 57.59% Current Lead in Strat 4: 1.3 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 57.78% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 4: 1 Event score so far: 57.61% Current Lead in Strat 4: 1.6 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 16.67% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 4: 1 Event score so far: 54.46% Current Lead in Strat 4: 0.54 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 31.11% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 4: 1 Event score so far: 52.79% Current Lead in Strat 4: 0.17 boards. |
3 Round # 7 score: 48.89% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 4: 3 Event score so far: 52.53% Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 40.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 4: 4 Event score so far: 51.75% Currently 2.03 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
Doreen Mavritsakis, Penticton BC; Monica Ondrus, Osoyoos BC: | 2 Start of Final Session: Score: 55.87% Rank in Strat 4: 2 Currently 0.36 boards behind the strat 4 leader. |
4 Round # 1 score: 37.78% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 4: 4 Event score so far: 53.86% Currently 0.73 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 42.22% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 4: 4 Event score so far: 52.70% Currently 0.96 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 60.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 4: 3 Event score so far: 53.36% Currently 1.4 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 51.11% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 4: 2 Event score so far: 53.17% Currently 1.6 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 37.78% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 4: 4 Event score so far: 51.99% Currently 0.96 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 20.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 4: 7 Event score so far: 49.70% Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 66.67% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 4: 5 Event score so far: 50.83% Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 54.44% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 4: 5 Event score so far: 51.06% Currently 2.36 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
Gisele Maher - Lynda Duignan, Abbotsford BC: | 5 Start of Final Session: Score: 53.22% Rank in Strat 4: 5 Currently 1.0 boards behind the strat 4 leader. |
6 Round # 1 score: 13.33% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 4: 6 Event score so far: 48.79% Currently 2.1 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
7 Round # 2 score: 73.33% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 4: 7 Event score so far: 51.24% Currently 1.4 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 64.44% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 4: 4 Event score so far: 52.44% Currently 1.7 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 48.89% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 4: 4 Event score so far: 52.15% Currently 1.97 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
7 Round # 5 score: 24.44% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 4: 7 Event score so far: 50.02% Currently 1.73 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
8 Round # 6 score: 24.44% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 4: 8 Event score so far: 48.19% Currently 1.93 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 78.89% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 4: 6 Event score so far: 50.24% Currently 1.46 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 47.78% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 4: 6 Event score so far: 50.08% Currently 2.83 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
Gene Nagy - Byron Stewart, Vancouver BC: | 12 Start of Final Session: Score: 38.83% Rank in Strat 4: 12 Currently 4.45 boards behind the strat 4 leader. |
12 Round # 1 score: 64.44% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 4: 12 Event score so far: 41.67% Currently 4.02 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
12 Round # 2 score: 26.67% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 4: 12 Event score so far: 40.17% Currently 4.72 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
12 Round # 3 score: 71.11% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 4: 12 Event score so far: 42.98% Currently 4.82 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
12 Round # 4 score: 30.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 4: 12 Event score so far: 41.90% Currently 5.66 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
12 Round # 5 score: 71.11% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 4: 12 Event score so far: 44.15% Currently 4.02 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
12 Round # 6 score: 51.11% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 4: 12 Event score so far: 44.65% Currently 3.42 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
9 Round # 7 score: 86.67% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 4: 9 Event score so far: 47.45% Currently 2.72 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 77.78% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 4: 7 Event score so far: 49.34% Currently 3.19 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
W Blair Robinson - Brenda Robinson, Viking AB: | 9 Start of Final Session: Score: 47.35% Rank in Strat 4: 9 Currently 2.41 boards behind the strat 4 leader. |
8 Round # 1 score: 53.34% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 4: 8 Event score so far: 48.01% Currently 2.31 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
9 Round # 2 score: 44.45% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 4: 9 Event score so far: 47.66% Currently 2.48 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
10 Round # 3 score: 43.33% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 4: 10 Event score so far: 47.26% Currently 3.41 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
10 Round # 4 score: 50.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 4: 10 Event score so far: 47.49% Currently 3.64 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
10 Round # 5 score: 32.22% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 4: 10 Event score so far: 46.32% Currently 3.17 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
9 Round # 6 score: 68.89% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 4: 9 Event score so far: 47.93% Currently 2.04 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
11 Round # 7 score: 37.78% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 4: 11 Event score so far: 47.25% Currently 2.81 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
8 Round # 8 score: 75.55% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 4: 8 Event score so far: 49.02% Currently 3.34 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat 3 (under 300): 3 overall spots available. | |||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Carryover Rank |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Final Rank |
Mary Frances Bishop - Bud Bishop, Delta BC: | 5 Start of Final Session: Score: 46.40% Rank in Strat 3: 5 Currently 2.64 boards behind the strat 3 leader. |
4 Round # 1 score: 67.78% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 3: 4 Event score so far: 48.78% Currently 2.1 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 43.33% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 3: 5 Event score so far: 48.23% Currently 2.3 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 87.78% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 3: 4 Event score so far: 51.83% Currently 1.9 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 36.67% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 3: 4 Event score so far: 50.56% Currently 2.54 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 83.33% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 3: 2 Event score so far: 53.08% Currently 0.54 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 43.33% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 3: 2 Event score so far: 52.39% Currently 0.17 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
1 Round # 7 score: 68.89% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 3: 1 Event score so far: 53.49% Current Lead in Strat 3: 0.43 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 93.33% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 3: 1 Event score so far: 55.98% Current Lead in Strat 3: 1.67 boards. |
Amber Garon - Paul Jackson, Kelowna BC: | 1 Start of Final Session: Score: 57.39% Rank in Strat 3: 1 Current Lead in 3: 0.36 boards. |
2 Round # 1 score: 32.22% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 3: 2 Event score so far: 54.59% Currently 0.53 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 55.55% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 3: 2 Event score so far: 54.69% Currently 0.37 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 43.33% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 3: 2 Event score so far: 53.65% Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 38.89% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 3: 3 Event score so far: 52.42% Currently 1.87 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 53.33% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 3: 3 Event score so far: 52.49% Currently 0.77 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 50.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 3: 3 Event score so far: 52.32% Currently 0.2 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 51.11% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 3: 3 Event score so far: 52.24% Currently 0.56 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 56.67% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 3: 2 Event score so far: 52.51% Currently 1.67 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
Sarah Thesenvitz - Greg Thesenvitz, Black Diamond WA: | 3 Start of Final Session: Score: 55.30% Rank in Strat 3: 3 Currently 0.5 boards behind the strat 3 leader. |
1 Round # 1 score: 66.67% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 3: 1 Event score so far: 56.57% Current Lead in Strat 3: 0.53 boards. |
1 Round # 2 score: 50.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 3: 1 Event score so far: 55.91% Current Lead in Strat 3: 0.37 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 74.45% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 3: 1 Event score so far: 57.59% Current Lead in Strat 3: 1.3 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 57.78% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 3: 1 Event score so far: 57.61% Current Lead in Strat 3: 1.6 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 16.67% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 3: 1 Event score so far: 54.46% Current Lead in Strat 3: 0.54 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 31.11% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 3: 1 Event score so far: 52.79% Current Lead in Strat 3: 0.17 boards. |
2 Round # 7 score: 48.89% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 3: 2 Event score so far: 52.53% Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 40.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 3: 3 Event score so far: 51.75% Currently 2.03 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
Doreen Mavritsakis, Penticton BC; Monica Ondrus, Osoyoos BC: | 2 Start of Final Session: Score: 55.87% Rank in Strat 3: 2 Currently 0.36 boards behind the strat 3 leader. |
3 Round # 1 score: 37.78% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 3: 3 Event score so far: 53.86% Currently 0.73 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 42.22% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 3: 3 Event score so far: 52.70% Currently 0.96 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 60.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 3: 3 Event score so far: 53.36% Currently 1.4 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 51.11% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 3: 2 Event score so far: 53.17% Currently 1.6 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 37.78% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 3: 4 Event score so far: 51.99% Currently 0.96 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 20.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 3: 4 Event score so far: 49.70% Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 66.67% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 3: 4 Event score so far: 50.83% Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 54.44% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 3: 4 Event score so far: 51.06% Currently 2.36 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
Oliver Cornwall, Port Coquitlam BC; Sherrie Shorman, Maple Ridge BC: | 4 Start of Final Session: Score: 47.92% Rank in Strat 3: 4 Currently 2.27 boards behind the strat 3 leader. |
5 Round # 1 score: 45.56% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 3: 5 Event score so far: 47.65% Currently 2.41 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 91.11% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 3: 4 Event score so far: 52.00% Currently 1.17 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 12.22% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 3: 5 Event score so far: 48.38% Currently 3.04 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 50.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 3: 5 Event score so far: 48.52% Currently 3.27 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 36.67% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 3: 5 Event score so far: 47.61% Currently 2.67 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 32.22% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 3: 5 Event score so far: 46.51% Currently 2.64 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 23.33% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 3: 5 Event score so far: 44.96% Currently 3.84 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 66.67% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 3: 5 Event score so far: 46.32% Currently 4.64 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
Usually when there are two tied teams atop the leaderboard going into the last round and they are matched together and tie again, the teams behind pass them and leave them both down in the final table. Not this time; Visentin and Coole watched as 58VPs emerged as the winning total by the slimmest of margins. Wallace won the under-2000 strat by 4VP, and Pool won the under-750 strat by 5VP.
Swiss Teams event with 4 matches of 6 boards, scored in Victory Points (maximum 20 per match. Strat limits (by team average): A: 2000+ / B: 750 - 2000 / C: 0 - 750.
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 2594
MPts | VPs | A | B | C | Friday Evening Swiss Teams | (27 teams) ACBL Live Link |
6.05 | 58 | 1/2 | Terry Visentin, Kitchener ON; Ken Goodridge - Marlene Pontifex - David Sired, Winnipeg MB | |||
6.05 | 58 | 1/2 | Robert Coole - Anne Kendall, Prince George BC; Angela Taylor, Nanaimo BC; Sandra Robson, New Westminster BC | |||
3.89 | 57 | 3 | Cynthia Clark - Patrick Murphy - Don Copeland, Calgary AB; Ernie Tradewell, Victoria BC | |||
2.92 | 56 | 4 | Hendrik Sharples, Brush Prairie WA; J. Jay Roll, Kelso WA; Daniel Bertrand - Gerry Marshall, Calgary AB | |||
2.19 | 54 | 5 | Eric Pan - David Huang - William Ge, Burnaby BC; Jack Lee, Richmond BC | |||
3.79 | 52 | 6 | 1 | Don Wallace - Leah Koffski - Elaine Beyeler, Kelowna BC; Janet Mori, Vernon BC | ||
1.08 | 51 | 7/8 | Andy Anderson - Curley Anderson, Saskatoon SK; Cindy Cossey - Glenn Cossey, Innisfail AB | |||
1.08 | 51 | 7/8 | Jadwiga Polujan - Marc Maes - Mike D Aguiar - Howard Coren, Calgary AB | |||
2.49 | 48 | 2/3 | Manohara Senaratne - Roberta Stirling - William Miller, Edmonton AB; Marinus Nyholt, St Albert AB | |||
2.49 | 48 | 2/3 | Karen Eveland, Lewiston ID; Renee Petersen, Moscow ID; Patricia Kopec, Kamloops BC; Susie Ball, Yakima WA | |||
1.40 | 42 | 4/5 | Suzan Blatt, Montreal QC; Kathy Turnbull, Edmonton AB; Janice Smith, Ruidoso NM; Joan Spence, Hillsboro OR | |||
1.40 | 42 | 4/5 | Anne Lamarche - William Mitchell - Bonnie Wilson - Gaylia Ohlman, Kingston ON | |||
1.59 | 32 | 1 | Judy Pool - Lindsay Robinson - Gerry Goyeau - Angela Brigley, Edmonton AB |
The Race For Overalls in Strat A (unlimited): 7 overall spots available. | |||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Final Rank |
Terry Visentin, Kitchener ON; Ken Goodridge - Marlene Pontifex - David Sired, Winnipeg MB — Team #103: | 9 Round # 1 result: Defeated Team #104 by 8 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 14.00 Total VPs so far: 14 Currently 6 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #117 by 24 IMPs for 19 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 33.00 Total VPs so far: 33 Currently 6 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 3 result: Defeated Team #120 by 12 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 48.00 Total VPs so far: 48 Current Lead in Strat A: 0 VPs. |
1 Round # 4 result: Tied Team #126 for 10 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 58.00 Total VPs so far: 58 Current Lead in Strat A: 0 VPs. |
Robert Coole - Anne Kendall, Prince George BC; Angela Taylor, Nanaimo BC; Sandra Robson, New Westminster BC — Team #126: | 10 Round # 1 result: Defeated Team #125 by 8 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 14.00 Total VPs so far: 14 Currently 6 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #127 by 23 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 32.00 Total VPs so far: 32 Currently 7 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 3 result: Defeated Team #121 by 15 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 48.00 Total VPs so far: 48 Current Lead in Strat A: 0 VPs. |
2 Round # 4 result: Tied Team #103 for 10 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 58.00 Total VPs so far: 58 Current Lead in Strat A: 0 VPs. |
Cynthia Clark - Patrick Murphy - Don Copeland, Calgary AB; Ernie Tradewell, Victoria BC — Team #108: | 11 Round # 1 result: Defeated Team #107 by 9 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 14.00 Total VPs so far: 14 Currently 6 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #101 by 3 IMPs for 12 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 26.00 Total VPs so far: 26 Currently 13 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 3 result: Defeated Team #115 by 22 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 44.00 Total VPs so far: 44 Currently 4 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #112 by 7 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 57.00 Total VPs so far: 57 Currently 1 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
Hendrik Sharples, Brush Prairie WA; J. Jay Roll, Kelso WA; Daniel Bertrand - Gerry Marshall, Calgary AB — Team #104: | 15 Round # 1 result: Lost to Team #103 by 8 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 6.00 Total VPs so far: 6 Currently 14 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #124 by 22 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 24.00 Total VPs so far: 24 Currently 15 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 3 result: Defeated Team #101 by 8 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 38.00 Total VPs so far: 38 Currently 10 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #121 by 21 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 56.00 Total VPs so far: 56 Currently 2 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
Eric Pan - David Huang - William Ge, Burnaby BC; Jack Lee, Richmond BC — Team #109: | 1 Round # 1 result: Defeated Team #110 by 48 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 20.00 Total VPs so far: 20 Current Lead in Strat A: 0 VPs. |
13 Round # 2 result: Lost to Team #120 by 26 IMPs for 1 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 21.00 Total VPs so far: 21 Currently 18 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 3 result: Defeated Team #114 by 7 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 34.00 Total VPs so far: 34 Currently 14 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #123 by 38 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 54.00 Total VPs so far: 54 Currently 4 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
Don Wallace - Leah Koffski - Elaine Beyeler, Kelowna BC; Janet Mori, Vernon BC — Team #105: | 4 Round # 1 result: Defeated Team #106 by 19 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 17.00 Total VPs so far: 17 Currently 3 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 2 result: Lost to Team #112 by 12 IMPs for 5 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 22.00 Total VPs so far: 22 Currently 17 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 3 result: Defeated Team #111 by 17 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 39.00 Total VPs so far: 39 Currently 9 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #120 by 6 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 52.00 Total VPs so far: 52 Currently 6 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
Andy Anderson - Curley Anderson, Saskatoon SK; Cindy Cossey - Glenn Cossey, Innisfail AB — Team #112: | 8 Round # 1 result: Defeated Team #111 by 12 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 15.00 Total VPs so far: 15 Currently 5 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #105 by 12 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 30.00 Total VPs so far: 30 Currently 9 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 3 result: Defeated Team #123 by 10 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 44.00 Total VPs so far: 44 Currently 4 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 4 result: Lost to Team #108 by 7 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 51.00 Total VPs so far: 51 Currently 7 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
Jadwiga Polujan - Marc Maes - Mike D Aguiar - Howard Coren, Calgary AB — Team #120: | 2 Round # 1 result: Defeated Team #119 by 32 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 20.00 Total VPs so far: 20 Current Lead in Strat A: 0 VPs. |
1 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #109 by 26 IMPs for 19 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 39.00 Total VPs so far: 39 Current Lead in Strat A: 6 VPs. |
5 Round # 3 result: Lost to Team #103 by 12 IMPs for 5 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 44.00 Total VPs so far: 44 Currently 4 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 4 result: Lost to Team #105 by 6 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 51.00 Total VPs so far: 51 Currently 7 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
Manohara Senaratne - Roberta Stirling - William Miller, Edmonton AB; Marinus Nyholt, St Albert AB — Team #114: | 6 Round # 1 result: Defeated Team #113 by 15 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 16.00 Total VPs so far: 16 Currently 4 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 2 result: Lost to Team #123 by 2 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 25.00 Total VPs so far: 25 Currently 14 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 3 result: Lost to Team #109 by 7 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 32.00 Total VPs so far: 32 Currently 16 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #117 by 15 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 48.00 Total VPs so far: 48 Currently 10 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
Karen Eveland, Lewiston ID; Renee Petersen, Moscow ID; Patricia Kopec, Kamloops BC; Susie Ball, Yakima WA — Team #122: | 25 Round # 1 result: Lost to Team #121 by 31 IMPs for 0 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 0.00 Total VPs so far: 0 Currently 20 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #119 by 17 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 17.00 Total VPs so far: 17 Currently 22 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 3 result: Defeated Team #118 by 5 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 30.00 Total VPs so far: 30 Currently 18 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #125 by 22 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 48.00 Total VPs so far: 48 Currently 10 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
Suzan Blatt, Montreal QC; Kathy Turnbull, Edmonton AB; Janice Smith, Ruidoso NM; Joan Spence, Hillsboro OR — Team #102: | 16 Round # 1 result: Lost to Team #101 by 8 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 6.00 Total VPs so far: 6 Currently 14 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 2 result: Lost to Team #111 by 16 IMPs for 4 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 10.00 Total VPs so far: 10 Currently 29 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 3 result: Defeated Team #106 by 8 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 24.00 Total VPs so far: 24 Currently 24 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #116 by 22 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 42.00 Total VPs so far: 42 Currently 16 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
Anne Lamarche - William Mitchell - Bonnie Wilson - Gaylia Ohlman, Kingston ON — Team #118: | 17 Round # 1 result: Lost to Team #117 by 8 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 6.00 Total VPs so far: 6 Currently 14 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #106 by 3 IMPs for 12 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 18.00 Total VPs so far: 18 Currently 21 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 3 result: Lost to Team #122 by 5 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 25.00 Total VPs so far: 25 Currently 23 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #127 by 17 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 42.00 Total VPs so far: 42 Currently 16 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat B (under 2000): 5 overall spots available. | |||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Final Rank |
Don Wallace - Leah Koffski - Elaine Beyeler, Kelowna BC; Janet Mori, Vernon BC — Team #105: | 2 Round # 1 result: Defeated Team #106 by 19 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 4 Total VPs so far: 17 Currently 3 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 2 result: Lost to Team #112 by 12 IMPs for 5 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 11 Total VPs so far: 22 Currently 9 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 3 result: Defeated Team #111 by 17 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 6 Total VPs so far: 39 Current Lead in Strat B: 4 VPs. |
1 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #120 by 6 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 6 Total VPs so far: 52 Current Lead in Strat B: 4 VPs. |
Manohara Senaratne - Roberta Stirling - William Miller, Edmonton AB; Marinus Nyholt, St Albert AB — Team #114: | 3 Round # 1 result: Defeated Team #113 by 15 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 6 Total VPs so far: 16 Currently 4 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 2 result: Lost to Team #123 by 2 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 9 Total VPs so far: 25 Currently 6 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 3 result: Lost to Team #109 by 7 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 11 Total VPs so far: 32 Currently 7 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #117 by 15 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 9 Total VPs so far: 48 Currently 4 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
Karen Eveland, Lewiston ID; Renee Petersen, Moscow ID; Patricia Kopec, Kamloops BC; Susie Ball, Yakima WA — Team #122: | 13 Round # 1 result: Lost to Team #121 by 31 IMPs for 0 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 25 Total VPs so far: 0 Currently 20 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #119 by 17 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 18 Total VPs so far: 17 Currently 14 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 3 result: Defeated Team #118 by 5 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 12 Total VPs so far: 30 Currently 9 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #125 by 22 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 10 Total VPs so far: 48 Currently 4 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
Suzan Blatt, Montreal QC; Kathy Turnbull, Edmonton AB; Janice Smith, Ruidoso NM; Joan Spence, Hillsboro OR — Team #102: | 6 Round # 1 result: Lost to Team #101 by 8 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 16 Total VPs so far: 6 Currently 14 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 2 result: Lost to Team #111 by 16 IMPs for 4 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 23 Total VPs so far: 10 Currently 21 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 3 result: Defeated Team #106 by 8 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 21 Total VPs so far: 24 Currently 15 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #116 by 22 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 11 Total VPs so far: 42 Currently 10 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
Anne Lamarche - William Mitchell - Bonnie Wilson - Gaylia Ohlman, Kingston ON — Team #118: | 7 Round # 1 result: Lost to Team #117 by 8 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 17 Total VPs so far: 6 Currently 14 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #106 by 3 IMPs for 12 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 16 Total VPs so far: 18 Currently 13 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 3 result: Lost to Team #122 by 5 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 19 Total VPs so far: 25 Currently 14 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #127 by 17 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 12 Total VPs so far: 42 Currently 10 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
Laurie Bell - Linda Ball, Vernon BC; Douglas Cramen - Clive Elkin, Kelowna BC — Team #101: | 4 Round # 1 result: Defeated Team #102 by 8 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 12 Total VPs so far: 14 Currently 6 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 2 result: Lost to Team #108 by 3 IMPs for 8 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 12 Total VPs so far: 22 Currently 9 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 3 result: Lost to Team #104 by 8 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 14 Total VPs so far: 28 Currently 11 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #111 by 5 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 13 Total VPs so far: 41 Currently 11 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
Wanda Deisman - Darlene Carolsfeld - Mary Dewar - Cathy McCully, Nanaimo BC — Team #113: | 9 Round # 1 result: Lost to Team #114 by 15 IMPs for 4 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 20 Total VPs so far: 4 Currently 16 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #107 by 14 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 15 Total VPs so far: 20 Currently 11 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 3 result: Lost to Team #125 by 2 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 13 Total VPs so far: 29 Currently 10 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #115 by 2 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 14 Total VPs so far: 40 Currently 12 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
Lana Chow - Joyce Tokarek, Vancouver BC; Alvin Nastrom - Jozef Stencel, Kamloops BC — Team #121: | 1 Round # 1 result: Defeated Team #122 by 31 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 3 Total VPs so far: 20 Current Lead in Strat B: 3 VPs. |
1 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #115 by 2 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 4 Total VPs so far: 31 Current Lead in Strat B: 6 VPs. |
2 Round # 3 result: Lost to Team #126 by 15 IMPs for 4 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 8 Total VPs so far: 35 Currently 4 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 4 result: Lost to Team #104 by 21 IMPs for 2 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 16 Total VPs so far: 37 Currently 15 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat C (under 750): 1 overall spots available. | |||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Final Rank |
Judy Pool - Lindsay Robinson - Gerry Goyeau - Angela Brigley, Edmonton AB — Team #106: | 1 Round # 1 result: Lost to Team #105 by 19 IMPs for 3 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 10 Total VPs so far: 3 Current Lead in Strat C: 0 VPs. |
2 Round # 2 result: Lost to Team #118 by 3 IMPs for 8 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 11 Total VPs so far: 11 Currently 7 VPs behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 3 result: Lost to Team #102 by 8 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 13 Total VPs so far: 17 Currently 8 VPs behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #107 by 12 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 10 Total VPs so far: 32 Current Lead in Strat C: 5 VPs. |
Bruce Boan - Peggy Boan, Mill Bay BC; Audrey Sekulich, Cobble Hill BC; Helen Schuckel, Duncan BC — Team #116: | 2 Round # 1 result: Lost to Team #115 by 17 IMPs for 3 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 11 Total VPs so far: 3 Current Lead in Strat C: 0 VPs. |
1 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #110 by 12 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 8 Total VPs so far: 18 Current Lead in Strat C: 7 VPs. |
1 Round # 3 result: Lost to Team #117 by 5 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 10 Total VPs so far: 25 Current Lead in Strat C: 8 VPs. |
2 Round # 4 result: Lost to Team #102 by 22 IMPs for 2 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 14 Total VPs so far: 27 Currently 5 VPs behind the Strat C leader. |
A final round blitz by Zhao won the event by 3VPs when one-round-to-go leaders Jordan got only 14VP in the finale.
Bracketed Swiss Teams scored in Victory Points. Teams played all or most of the teams in their bracket in short matches.
MPts | VPs | Bracket | Rank | Thursday-Friday Morning Bracketed Teams | ACBL Live Links: Bracket: I (9 teams in 1 brackets) |
10.85 | 103 | I | 1 | Xiaodong Zhao, Edmonton AB; Yi Peng Mai - Runan Du - Qi Ju, Calgary AB | |
8.14 | 100 | 2 | Douglas Jordan - Zsoka Balla - Martin Klaponski, Toronto ON; Roberta Stirling, Edmonton AB | ||
6.10 | 87 | 3 | Ralph Lipe - Lynda Lipe, Chelan WA; Brian Sims, Cultus Lake BC; D Glassford, Chilliwack BC | ||
4.10 | 85 | 4/5 | Wanda Deisman - Mary Dewar, Nanaimo BC; Donald Shatilla, Saskatoon SK; Vanda Blok, Gabriola BC | ||
4.10 | 85 | 4/5 | Marsha Kimelman - Doug Kimelman - Mavis Bollman - John Sired, Winnipeg MB |
Bracket One Race For The Overalls (4 spots) | ||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Teams Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Final Rank |
Xiaodong Zhao, Edmonton AB; Yi Peng Mai - Runan Du - Qi Ju, Calgary AB — Team # 21: | 1 Round # 1 result: beat team #23 by 30 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 1: 20 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 2 VPs. |
1 Round # 2 result: beat team #22 by 29 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 2: 40 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 9 VPs. |
2 Round # 3 result: beaten by team #27 by 22 IMPs for 2 VPs After Round # 3: 42 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 1 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #24 by 14 IMPs for 4 VPs After Round # 4: 46 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 5 result: beat team #29 by 24 IMPs for 19 VPs After Round # 5: 65 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 1 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #25 by 5 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 6: 72 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 6 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 7 result: beat team #28 by 2 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 7: 83 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 3 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
1 Round # 8 result: beat team #26 by 52 IMPs for 20 VPs Final Score: 103 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Won bracket by 3 VPs. |
Douglas Jordan - Zsoka Balla - Martin Klaponski, Toronto ON; Roberta Stirling, Edmonton AB — Team # 27: | 6 Round # 1 result: beat team #29 by 7 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 1: 13 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 7 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #28 by 9 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 2: 19 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 21 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 3 result: beat team #24 by 17 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 3: 36 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 7 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
1 Round # 4 result: beat team #21 by 22 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 4: 54 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 3 VPs. |
3 Round # 5 result: beaten by team #26 by 1 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 5: 63 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 3 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
1 Round # 6 result: beat team #22 by 13 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 6: 78 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 6 VPs. |
1 Round # 7 result: beaten by team #25 by 4 IMPs for 8 VPs After Round # 7: 86 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 3 VPs. |
2 Round # 8 result: beat team #23 by 9 IMPs for 14 VPs Final Score: 100 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Finished 3 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Ralph Lipe - Lynda Lipe, Chelan WA; Brian Sims, Cultus Lake BC; D Glassford, Chilliwack BC — Team # 22: | 9 Round # 1 result: beaten by team #21 by 29 IMPs for 0 VPs After Round # 1: 0 Total VPs; Rank: 9 Currently 20 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 2 result: beat team #23 by 18 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 2: 17 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 23 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 3 result: beat team #28 by 1 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 3: 28 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 15 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #25 by 4 IMPs for 8 VPs After Round # 4: 36 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 18 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 5 result: beaten by team #27 by 13 IMPs for 5 VPs After Round # 5: 41 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 25 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
8 Round # 6 result: tied team #26 for 10 VPs After Round # 6: 51 Total VPs; Rank: 8 Currently 27 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 7 result: beat team #29 by 23 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 7: 69 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 17 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 8 result: beat team #24 by 23 IMPs for 18 VPs Final Score: 87 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Finished 16 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Wanda Deisman - Mary Dewar, Nanaimo BC; Donald Shatilla, Saskatoon SK; Vanda Blok, Gabriola BC — Team # 28: | 5 Round # 1 result: beat team #27 by 9 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 1: 14 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 6 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #29 by 23 IMPs for 2 VPs After Round # 2: 16 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 24 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 3 result: beat team #25 by 18 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 3: 33 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 10 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #22 by 1 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 4: 42 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 12 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 5 result: beat team #24 by 9 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 5: 56 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 10 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 6 result: beat team #23 by 14 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 6: 72 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 6 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 7 result: beaten by team #26 by 14 IMPs for 4 VPs After Round # 7: 76 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 10 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 8 result: beaten by team #21 by 2 IMPs for 9 VPs Final Score: 85 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Finished 18 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Marsha Kimelman - Doug Kimelman - Mavis Bollman - John Sired, Winnipeg MB — Team # 29: | 2 Round # 1 result: beat team #28 by 23 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 1: 18 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 2 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #27 by 7 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 2: 25 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 15 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 3 result: beaten by team #26 by 9 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 3: 31 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 12 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 4 result: beat team #23 by 44 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 4: 51 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 3 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
1 Round # 5 result: beat team #25 by 12 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 5: 66 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 1 VPs. |
4 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #21 by 24 IMPs for 1 VPs After Round # 6: 67 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 11 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 7 result: beat team #24 by 16 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 7: 83 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 3 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 8 result: beaten by team #22 by 23 IMPs for 2 VPs Final Score: 85 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Finished 18 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Wayne Fahie, Saskatoon SK; Bob Nell, Zehner SK; Fraser Glen, N-Battleford SK; Rick Grieman, Regina SK — Team # 25: | 3 Round # 1 result: beat team #24 by 22 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 1: 18 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 2 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 2 result: beat team #26 by 5 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 2: 31 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 9 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
1 Round # 3 result: beat team #22 by 4 IMPs for 12 VPs After Round # 3: 43 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 1 VPs. |
4 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #28 by 18 IMPs for 3 VPs After Round # 4: 46 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 5 result: beat team #21 by 5 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 5: 59 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 7 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #29 by 12 IMPs for 5 VPs After Round # 6: 64 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 14 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 7 result: beaten by team #23 by 5 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 7: 71 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 15 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 8 result: beat team #27 by 4 IMPs for 12 VPs Final Score: 83 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Finished 20 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Lana Chow - Joyce Tokarek - Irene Dundon, Vancouver BC; Rolande Joly, Vernon BC — Team # 26: | 7 Round # 1 result: beaten by team #25 by 5 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 1: 7 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 13 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
8 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #24 by 17 IMPs for 3 VPs After Round # 2: 10 Total VPs; Rank: 8 Currently 30 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
8 Round # 3 result: beaten by team #23 by 6 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 3: 17 Total VPs; Rank: 8 Currently 26 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
8 Round # 4 result: beat team #29 by 9 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 4: 31 Total VPs; Rank: 8 Currently 23 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
8 Round # 5 result: tied team #22 for 10 VPs After Round # 5: 41 Total VPs; Rank: 8 Currently 25 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 6 result: beat team #27 by 1 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 6: 52 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 26 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
8 Round # 7 result: beaten by team #21 by 52 IMPs for 0 VPs After Round # 7: 52 Total VPs; Rank: 8 Currently 34 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 8 result: beat team #28 by 14 IMPs for 16 VPs Final Score: 68 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Finished 35 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Bracket One Race For The Overalls (4 spots) | ||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Teams Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Final Rank |
Douglas Jordan - Zsoka Balla - Martin Klaponski, Toronto ON; Roberta Stirling, Edmonton AB — Team # 27: | 6 Round # 1 result: beat team #29 by 7 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 1: 13 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 7 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #28 by 9 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 2: 19 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 21 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 3 result: beat team #24 by 17 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 3: 36 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 7 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
1 Round # 4 result: beat team #21 by 22 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 4: 54 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 3 VPs. |
1 Round # 5 result: tied team #26 for 10 VPs After Round # 5: 54 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 3 VPs. |
1 Round # 6 result: tied team #22 for 10 VPs After Round # 6: 54 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 3 VPs. |
1 Round # 7 result: tied team #25 for 10 VPs After Round # 7: 54 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 3 VPs. |
1 Round # 8 result: tied team #23 for 10 VPs Final Score: 54 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Won bracket by 3 VPs. |
Marsha Kimelman - Doug Kimelman - Mavis Bollman - John Sired, Winnipeg MB — Team # 29: | 2 Round # 1 result: beat team #28 by 23 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 1: 18 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 2 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #27 by 7 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 2: 25 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 15 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 3 result: beaten by team #26 by 9 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 3: 31 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 12 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 4 result: beat team #23 by 44 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 4: 51 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 3 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 5 result: tied team #25 for 10 VPs After Round # 5: 51 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 3 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 6 result: tied team #21 for 10 VPs After Round # 6: 51 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 3 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 7 result: tied team #24 for 10 VPs After Round # 7: 51 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 3 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 8 result: tied team #22 for 10 VPs Final Score: 51 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Finished 3 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Xiaodong Zhao, Edmonton AB; Yi Peng Mai - Runan Du - Qi Ju, Calgary AB — Team # 21: | 1 Round # 1 result: beat team #23 by 30 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 1: 20 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 2 VPs. |
1 Round # 2 result: beat team #22 by 29 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 2: 40 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 9 VPs. |
2 Round # 3 result: beaten by team #27 by 22 IMPs for 2 VPs After Round # 3: 42 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 1 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #24 by 14 IMPs for 4 VPs After Round # 4: 46 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 5 result: tied team #29 for 10 VPs After Round # 5: 46 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 6 result: tied team #25 for 10 VPs After Round # 6: 46 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 7 result: tied team #28 for 10 VPs After Round # 7: 46 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 8 result: tied team #26 for 10 VPs Final Score: 46 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Finished 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Wayne Fahie, Saskatoon SK; Bob Nell, Zehner SK; Fraser Glen, N-Battleford SK; Rick Grieman, Regina SK — Team # 25: | 3 Round # 1 result: beat team #24 by 22 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 1: 18 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 2 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 2 result: beat team #26 by 5 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 2: 31 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 9 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
1 Round # 3 result: beat team #22 by 4 IMPs for 12 VPs After Round # 3: 43 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 1 VPs. |
4 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #28 by 18 IMPs for 3 VPs After Round # 4: 46 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 5 result: tied team #21 for 10 VPs After Round # 5: 46 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 6 result: tied team #29 for 10 VPs After Round # 6: 46 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 7 result: tied team #23 for 10 VPs After Round # 7: 46 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 8 result: tied team #27 for 10 VPs Final Score: 46 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Finished 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Wanda Deisman - Mary Dewar, Nanaimo BC; Donald Shatilla, Saskatoon SK; Vanda Blok, Gabriola BC — Team # 28: | 5 Round # 1 result: beat team #27 by 9 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 1: 14 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 6 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #29 by 23 IMPs for 2 VPs After Round # 2: 16 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 24 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 3 result: beat team #25 by 18 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 3: 33 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 10 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #22 by 1 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 4: 42 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 12 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 5 result: tied team #24 for 10 VPs After Round # 5: 42 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 12 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 6 result: tied team #23 for 10 VPs After Round # 6: 42 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 12 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 7 result: tied team #26 for 10 VPs After Round # 7: 42 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 12 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 8 result: tied team #21 for 10 VPs Final Score: 42 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Finished 12 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Martha Burdick - Jacqui Erwert, Liberty Lake WA; Keith Carter, Sandpoint ID; Denny Tweed, Coeur D Alene ID — Team # 24: | 4 Round # 1 result: beat team #26 by 17 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 1: 17 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 3 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #25 by 22 IMPs for 2 VPs After Round # 2: 19 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 21 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 3 result: beat team #21 by 14 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 3: 35 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #27 by 17 IMPs for 3 VPs After Round # 4: 38 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 16 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 5 result: tied team #23 for 10 VPs After Round # 5: 38 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 16 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 6 result: tied team #28 for 10 VPs After Round # 6: 38 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 16 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 7 result: tied team #22 for 10 VPs After Round # 7: 38 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 16 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 8 result: tied team #29 for 10 VPs Final Score: 38 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Finished 16 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Ralph Lipe - Lynda Lipe, Chelan WA; Brian Sims, Cultus Lake BC; D Glassford, Chilliwack BC — Team # 22: | 9 Round # 1 result: beaten by team #21 by 29 IMPs for 0 VPs After Round # 1: 0 Total VPs; Rank: 9 Currently 20 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 2 result: beat team #23 by 18 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 2: 17 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 23 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 3 result: beat team #28 by 1 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 3: 28 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 15 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #25 by 4 IMPs for 8 VPs After Round # 4: 36 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 18 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 5 result: tied team #27 for 10 VPs After Round # 5: 36 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 18 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 6 result: tied team #26 for 10 VPs After Round # 6: 36 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 18 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 7 result: tied team #29 for 10 VPs After Round # 7: 36 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 18 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 8 result: tied team #24 for 10 VPs Final Score: 36 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Finished 18 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Friday-Saturday Riesling Bracketed Knockout Teams, Bracket OneBracket One has fourteen teams and a masterpoint average of 7794 per player. ACBL Live link to brackets |
Opening Round Friday Afternoon 4.50 red |
Quarterfinals Friday Evening 19.20 gold |
Semifinals Saturday Morning 33.60 gold |
Final Saturday Afternoon 48.00 gold |
Bruno vs Smith Pan vs Zhou 3-way : Jing vs Bart vs Coole Bakhshi vs Bertrand 3-way : Anderson vs Miller vs Cremin Rais vs D'Litzenberger |
Bruno vs Jing Bakhshi vs Miller Zhou vs Bart Cremin vs D'Litzenberger |
Jing vs Miller Zhou vs Cremin |
??? vs ??? |
Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Prediction: Cremin over Miller in the final. |
Bracket One Semifinalist Team Rosters:Diana Jing, Surrey BC; Baixiang Liu, New Westminster BC; Gerard Laquerriere, Clovis CA; Joel Martineau, Vancouver BC Kai Zhou - David Yu, Burnaby BC; Amy Gao, New Westminster BC; Wenmin Chen, Richmond BC |
Friday-Saturday Bracketed Knockout Teams, Bracket 2, Bracket TwoBracket Two has thirteen teams and a masterpoint average of 2892 per player. ACBL Live link to brackets |
Opening Round Friday Afternoon 2.50 red |
Quarterfinals Friday Evening 10.01 gold |
Semifinals Saturday Morning 17.51 gold |
Final Saturday Afternoon 25.02 gold |
3-way : Shapka vs Lambert vs Haggins 3-way : Harvey vs Anderson vs Gibson 3-way : Kelton vs Dufault vs Bates 3-way : Goodridge vs Larin vs Hong |
3-way : Shapka vs Anderson vs Kelton 3-way : Lambert vs Bates vs Hong 3-way : Harvey vs Larin vs Zhao |
Shapka vs Harvey Anderson vs Hong Zhao vs Bates |
3-way : ??? vs ??? vs ??? |
Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Prediction: Zhao first, Harvey second, in the three-way final. |
Bracket Two Semifinalist Team Rosters:Laurie Shapka - Mike Christensen - Ian Gatenby, Red Deer AB; Allan Terplawy, Edmonton AB Thomas Anderson - Lucy Zhong - Jack Qi, North Vancouver BC; Ryley Breiddal, Pemberton BC Xiaodong Zhao, Edmonton AB; Yi Peng Mai - Qi Ju - Runan Du, Calgary AB |
Friday-Saturday Bracketed Knockout Teams, Bracket 3, Bracket ThreeBracket Three has thirteen teams and a masterpoint average of about 1946 per player. A team eliminated in round one had blanks in place of their names, and I added some other names to make it work, but when they add the actual names tomorrow, the masterpoints for this bracket may change slightly. ACBL Live link to brackets |
Opening Round Friday Afternoon 2.21 red |
Quarterfinals Friday Evening 8.83 gold |
Semifinals Saturday Morning 15.46 gold |
Final Saturday Afternoon 22.08 gold |
3-way : Romeo vs Nell vs Mathews Klaponski vs Hellquist Harries vs Webb 3-way : Gallo vs [names missing] vs Berry 3-way : Senaratne vs Stephens vs Vazeux |
Romeo vs Stephens Hellquist vs Webb Gallo vs Vazeux Berry vs Nell |
Hellquist vs Nell Gallo vs Stephens |
??? vs ??? |
Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Prediction: Gallo over Nell in the final. |
Bracket Three Semifinalist Team Rosters:Andy Hellquist, Strathmore AB; Debbie Martignago, Port Coquitlam BC; Dariusz Matus, Surrey BC; Michael Desaulniers, Maple Ridge BC Maryellen Gallo - Jack Johnson, Surrey BC; Edgar L'Heureux, White Rock BC; Sally Craig, Port Moody BC |
Friday-Saturday Bracketed Knockout Teams, Bracket 4, Bracket FourBracket Four has ten teams and a masterpoint average of 1365 per player. ACBL Live link to brackets |
Opening Round Friday Afternoon 1.65 red |
Quarterfinals Friday Evening 6.58 gold |
Semifinals Saturday Morning 11.51 gold |
Final Saturday Afternoon 16.45 gold |
Hutchings vs Carolsfeld Eveland vs Boyd 3-way : Jordan vs Fraser vs Ohlman 3-way : Preston vs Mooney vs Hastings |
3-way : Hutchings vs Preston vs Jordan 3-way : Fraser vs Boyd vs Mooney |
Hutchings vs Fraser Jordan vs Boyd |
??? vs ??? |
Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Prediction: Jordan over Hutchings in the final. |
Bracket Four Semifinalist Team Rosters:Ken Hutchings - Alberta Hutchings - Birgitta Faraday, Penticton BC; Kevin Fleming, Osoyoos BC Douglas Jordan - Chris Robinson, Toronto ON; Eileen Currier, Oliver BC; Patricia Baughan, Esquimalt BC |
Friday-Saturday Bracketed Knockout Teams, Bracket 5, Bracket FiveBracket Five has twelve teams and a masterpoint average of 1105 per player. ACBL Live link to brackets |
Opening Round Friday Afternoon 1.64 red |
Quarterfinals Friday Evening 6.56 gold |
Semifinals Saturday Morning 11.49 gold |
Final Saturday Afternoon 16.41 gold |
3-way : Dukelow Jr vs Johnson vs Lipe 3-way : Blatt vs Cooper vs McGuire 3-way : Wilson vs Dodd vs Olson 3-way : Lindsay vs Abelseth vs Link |
Dukelow Jr vs Cooper Lipe vs Abelseth Wilson vs Lindsay McGuire vs Dodd |
Dukelow Jr vs Wilson Lipe vs Dodd |
??? vs ??? |
Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Prediction: Wilson over Dodd in the final. |
Bracket Five Semifinalist Team Rosters:James Dukelow Jr, Benton City WA; Beau Hovda, Camano Island WA; Parise Guerette - Karin Keyes Endemann, Ottawa ON Ralph Lipe - Lynda Lipe, Chelan WA; Brian Sims, Cultus Lake BC; D Glassford, Chilliwack BC |
Friday-Saturday Bracketed Knockout Teams, Bracket 6, Bracket SixBracket Six has fourteen teams and a masterpoint average of 735 per player. ACBL Live link to brackets |
Opening Round Friday Afternoon 1.46 red |
Quarterfinals Friday Evening 3.89 red, 1.94 gold |
Semifinals Saturday Morning 6.81 red, 3.40 gold |
Final Saturday Afternoon 9.72 red, 4.86 gold |
3-way : Geber vs Renner vs Ball DeBiasio vs Bootle 3-way : Cripps vs Weckworth vs Gangl Chow vs Perry Smith vs Wallace Ferguson vs Boan |
Geber vs Perry Bootle vs Ferguson Cripps vs Smith Renner vs Weckworth |
Geber vs Bootle Weckworth vs Smith |
??? vs ??? |
Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Prediction: Smith over Geber in the final. |
Bracket Six Semifinalist Team Rosters:Joan Geber - Susan Jobbins - Janette Magne - Susan M Breiddal, Victoria BC Tom Weckworth - Linda Angstadt - Denis Powers - Jutta Jealouse, Kamloops BC |
Leaders in the Morning Side Game Series are below: the Saturday Morning Side Game begins at 10am.
Single-session pairs event, scored in matchpoints. Part of the Morning Side Game Series, session 4 of 5 in the series. (In a side game series you are free to play as many sessions as you wish, even with different partners.) Strat limits (by pair average): A: 2000+ / B: 750 - 2000 / C: 0 - 750.
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 1548
MPts | Score | A | B | C | Friday Morning Side Game | (24 tables) ACBL Live Link |
6.45 | 63.52% | 1 | 1 | 1 | Margaret Barr - Richard Barr, Ponoka AB | |
4.84 | 62.88% | 2 | Daryl Sallaz - Kathy Dowen, Boise ID | |||
4.13 | 61.72% | 3 | 2 | Patricia Long - Blanche Saelhof, Saskatoon SK | ||
3.09 | 60.86% | 4 | 3 | 2 | Zhuo Sun, Saskatoon SK; Brenda Jordan, Asquith SK | |
2.78 | 60.49% | 5 | Linda Wynston, Toronto ON; Lesley Thomson, North York ON | |||
2.75 | 59.70% | 6 | 4 | Margot Young, Victoria BC; Susan Jonvik, Vancouver BC | ||
1.93 | 57.67% | 7 | 5 | Shirley McGuire - Claire Cook, Saskatoon SK | ||
1.38 | 53.98% | 6 | Nicholas Buck, Prince George BC; Tom Weckworth, Kamloops BC | |||
1.72 | 53.57% | 3 | Andrew Melton - Jamie Watt, Calgary AB | |||
1.29 | 52.61% | 4 | Kathy Molnar - Debbie Harris, North Vancouver BC | |||
0.97 | 51.03% | 5 | Debra Sutherland, Burnaby BC; Kathy Dreisinger, Delta BC | |||
0.77 | 49.90% | 6 | Patricia Hartley - Natalie Warnes, West Vancouver BC |
The Race For Overalls in Strat A (unlimited): 7 overall spots available. | |||||||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Rd. 8 Rank |
Rd. 9 Rank |
Rd. 10 Rank |
Rd. 11 Rank |
Final Rank |
Margaret Barr - Richard Barr, Ponoka AB: | 11 Round # 1 score: 65.22% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 65.22% Currently 0.54 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 2 score: 42.39% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 53.80% Currently 1.26 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 3 score: 76.09% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 61.23% Currently 0.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 4 score: 47.82% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 57.88% Currently 1.46 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 5 score: 68.48% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 60.00% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 56.52% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 59.42% Currently 0.87 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 69.56% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 60.87% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 48.92% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 59.38% Currently 1.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 9 score: 73.91% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 60.99% Currently 0.66 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 10 score: 67.63% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 61.65% Currently 0.46 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 11 score: 67.40% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 62.18% Currently 0.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 12 score: 78.26% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 63.52% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.16 boards. |
Daryl Sallaz - Kathy Dowen, Boise ID: | 28 Round # 1 score: 45.65% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 28 Event score so far: 45.65% Currently 0.93 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 2 score: 86.96% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 66.31% Currently 0.76 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 73.91% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 68.84% Currently 0.24 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 79.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 71.47% Currently 0.37 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 43.48% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 65.87% Currently 0.41 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 6 score: 70.65% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 66.67% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.11 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 76.08% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 68.01% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.35 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 51.08% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 65.90% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.04 boards. |
3 Round # 9 score: 31.68% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 62.09% Currently 0.46 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 10 score: 80.44% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 63.93% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.46 boards. |
1 Round # 11 score: 46.74% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 62.37% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.04 boards. |
2 Round # 12 score: 68.47% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 62.87% Currently 0.16 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Patricia Long - Blanche Saelhof, Saskatoon SK: | 5 Round # 1 score: 76.08% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 76.08% Currently 0.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 2 score: 40.22% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 58.15% Currently 1.09 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 3 score: 73.91% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 63.41% Currently 0.57 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 47.83% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 59.51% Currently 1.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 85.87% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 64.78% Currently 0.52 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 6 score: 28.26% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 58.70% Currently 0.96 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 83.69% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 62.27% Currently 0.8 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 56.52% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 61.55% Currently 0.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 9 score: 44.94% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 59.70% Currently 0.89 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 10 score: 77.17% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 61.45% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 11 score: 58.70% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 61.20% Currently 0.26 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 12 score: 67.39% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 61.72% Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Zhuo Sun, Saskatoon SK; Brenda Jordan, Asquith SK: | 25 Round # 1 score: 48.91% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 48.91% Currently 0.87 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
27 Round # 2 score: 47.83% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 27 Event score so far: 48.37% Currently 1.48 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
28 Round # 3 score: 45.65% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 28 Event score so far: 47.46% Currently 1.52 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 91.31% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 58.42% Currently 1.41 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 73.91% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 61.52% Currently 0.85 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 60.87% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 61.41% Currently 0.63 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 69.56% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 62.58% Currently 0.76 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 73.91% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 63.99% Currently 0.31 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 9 score: 68.32% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 64.48% Currently 0.03 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 10 score: 29.35% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 60.96% Currently 0.59 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 11 score: 50.00% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 59.97% Currently 0.53 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 12 score: 70.65% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 60.86% Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Linda Wynston, Toronto ON; Lesley Thomson, North York ON: | 1 Round # 1 score: 92.39% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 92.39% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.17 boards. |
1 Round # 2 score: 78.26% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 85.33% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.33 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 47.83% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 72.83% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.24 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 85.87% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 76.09% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.37 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 45.65% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 70.00% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.41 boards. |
2 Round # 6 score: 44.56% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 65.76% Currently 0.11 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 7 score: 16.30% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 58.70% Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 8 score: 23.67% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 54.32% Currently 1.85 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 9 score: 97.83% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 59.15% Currently 0.99 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 10 score: 45.66% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 57.80% Currently 1.23 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 11 score: 85.87% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 60.35% Currently 0.44 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 12 score: 61.96% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 60.49% Currently 0.73 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Margot Young, Victoria BC; Susan Jonvik, Vancouver BC: | 19 Round # 1 score: 56.61% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 56.61% Currently 0.72 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 85.87% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 71.24% Currently 0.56 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 3 score: 41.30% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 61.26% Currently 0.69 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 4 score: 52.18% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 58.99% Currently 1.37 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 5 score: 26.09% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 52.41% Currently 1.76 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 6 score: 52.17% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 52.37% Currently 1.72 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 7 score: 93.48% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 58.24% Currently 1.37 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 66.30% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 59.25% Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 9 score: 44.56% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 57.62% Currently 1.26 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 10 score: 53.26% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 57.18% Currently 1.35 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 11 score: 78.26% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 59.10% Currently 0.72 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 12 score: 66.30% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 59.70% Currently 0.92 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Shirley McGuire - Claire Cook, Saskatoon SK: | 12 Round # 1 score: 65.22% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 65.22% Currently 0.54 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 2 score: 51.09% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 58.16% Currently 1.09 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
32 Round # 3 score: 25.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 32 Event score so far: 47.10% Currently 1.54 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
29 Round # 4 score: 51.09% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 29 Event score so far: 48.10% Currently 2.24 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
24 Round # 5 score: 51.09% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 48.70% Currently 2.13 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 6 score: 97.83% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 56.89% Currently 1.17 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 7 score: 56.52% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 56.83% Currently 1.57 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 8 score: 50.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 55.98% Currently 1.59 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 9 score: 55.07% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 55.88% Currently 1.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 10 score: 71.74% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 57.46% Currently 1.29 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 11 score: 56.53% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 57.38% Currently 1.1 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 12 score: 60.87% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 57.67% Currently 1.4 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Marinus Nyholt - Helen Nyholt, St Albert AB: | 27 Round # 1 score: 46.74% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 27 Event score so far: 46.74% Currently 0.91 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 2 score: 78.26% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 62.50% Currently 0.91 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 64.13% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 63.04% Currently 0.59 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 4 score: 43.48% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 58.15% Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 5 score: 64.13% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 59.35% Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 69.56% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 61.05% Currently 0.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 82.61% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 64.13% Currently 0.54 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 76.33% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 65.65% Currently 0.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 9 score: 56.52% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 64.64% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.03 boards. |
4 Round # 10 score: 28.26% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 61.00% Currently 0.59 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 11 score: 41.30% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 59.21% Currently 0.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 12 score: 31.52% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 56.90% Currently 1.59 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Gray McMullin - Andrew Nalos, Vancouver BC: | 7 Round # 1 score: 70.66% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 70.66% Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 61.52% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 66.09% Currently 0.77 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 63.04% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 65.07% Currently 0.47 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 4 score: 18.48% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 53.42% Currently 1.81 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 5 score: 56.52% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 54.04% Currently 1.6 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 6 score: 54.34% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 54.09% Currently 1.51 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 7 score: 34.78% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 51.33% Currently 2.34 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 8 score: 61.96% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 52.66% Currently 2.12 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 9 score: 40.22% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 51.28% Currently 2.4 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 10 score: 64.13% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 52.56% Currently 2.27 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 11 score: 60.87% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 53.32% Currently 1.99 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 12 score: 75.00% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 55.13% Currently 2.01 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Jennifer Beall - Ron Beall, Bellingham WA: | 21 Round # 1 score: 54.35% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 54.35% Currently 0.76 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 2 score: 76.08% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 65.22% Currently 0.8 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 64.13% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 64.86% Currently 0.48 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 47.82% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 60.60% Currently 1.24 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 76.09% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 63.70% Currently 0.63 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 6 score: 18.48% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 56.16% Currently 1.26 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 7 score: 70.65% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 58.23% Currently 1.37 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 8 score: 50.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 57.20% Currently 1.39 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 9 score: 75.00% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 59.18% Currently 0.98 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 10 score: 64.89% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 59.75% Currently 0.84 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 11 score: 34.78% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 57.48% Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 12 score: 28.26% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 55.05% Currently 2.03 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Nicholas Buck, Prince George BC; Tom Weckworth, Kamloops BC: | 47 Round # 1 score: 16.30% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 47 Event score so far: 16.30% Currently 1.52 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
39 Round # 2 score: 57.61% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 39 Event score so far: 36.96% Currently 1.93 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
38 Round # 3 score: 54.34% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 38 Event score so far: 42.75% Currently 1.8 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
31 Round # 4 score: 61.96% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 31 Event score so far: 47.55% Currently 2.28 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
33 Round # 5 score: 31.52% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 33 Event score so far: 44.35% Currently 2.56 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
31 Round # 6 score: 55.34% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 31 Event score so far: 46.18% Currently 2.46 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 7 score: 81.53% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 51.23% Currently 2.35 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 8 score: 66.30% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 53.11% Currently 2.05 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 9 score: 77.17% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 55.79% Currently 1.59 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 10 score: 51.09% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 55.32% Currently 1.72 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 11 score: 71.73% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 56.81% Currently 1.22 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 12 score: 22.82% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 53.98% Currently 2.29 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Kathy Bye, Burnaby BC; Suzette Bahar, West Vancouver BC: | 20 Round # 1 score: 54.35% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 54.35% Currently 0.76 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 2 score: 64.13% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 59.24% Currently 1.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 3 score: 29.34% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 49.28% Currently 1.41 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
25 Round # 4 score: 48.92% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 49.19% Currently 2.15 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 5 score: 72.83% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 53.91% Currently 1.61 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 6 score: 67.63% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 56.20% Currently 1.26 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 7 score: 38.05% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 53.61% Currently 2.02 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 8 score: 83.69% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 57.37% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 9 score: 32.60% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 54.62% Currently 1.8 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 10 score: 54.34% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 54.59% Currently 1.87 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 11 score: 60.87% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 55.16% Currently 1.59 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 12 score: 39.13% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 53.82% Currently 2.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat B (under 2000): 6 overall spots available. | |||||||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Rd. 8 Rank |
Rd. 9 Rank |
Rd. 10 Rank |
Rd. 11 Rank |
Final Rank |
Margaret Barr - Richard Barr, Ponoka AB: | 9 Round # 1 score: 65.22% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 65.22% Currently 0.37 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 2 score: 42.39% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 53.80% Currently 0.93 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 76.09% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 61.23% Currently 0.33 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 4 score: 47.82% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 57.88% Currently 0.35 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 5 score: 68.48% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 60.00% Currently 0.48 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 56.52% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 59.42% Currently 0.63 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 69.56% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 60.87% Currently 0.65 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 48.92% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 59.38% Currently 0.74 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 9 score: 73.91% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 60.99% Currently 0.63 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 10 score: 67.63% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 61.65% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.04 boards. |
1 Round # 11 score: 67.40% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 62.18% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.22 boards. |
1 Round # 12 score: 78.26% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 63.52% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.43 boards. |
Patricia Long - Blanche Saelhof, Saskatoon SK: | 4 Round # 1 score: 76.08% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 76.08% Currently 0.15 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 2 score: 40.22% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 58.15% Currently 0.76 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 73.91% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 63.41% Currently 0.2 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 47.83% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 59.51% Currently 0.22 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 5 score: 85.87% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 64.78% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.02 boards. |
5 Round # 6 score: 28.26% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 58.70% Currently 0.71 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 83.69% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 62.27% Currently 0.45 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 56.52% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 61.55% Currently 0.39 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 9 score: 44.94% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 59.70% Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 10 score: 77.17% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 61.45% Currently 0.04 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 11 score: 58.70% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 61.20% Currently 0.22 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 12 score: 67.39% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 61.72% Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Zhuo Sun, Saskatoon SK; Brenda Jordan, Asquith SK: | 19 Round # 1 score: 48.91% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 19 Event score so far: 48.91% Currently 0.7 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
18 Round # 2 score: 47.83% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 18 Event score so far: 48.37% Currently 1.15 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
21 Round # 3 score: 45.65% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 21 Event score so far: 47.46% Currently 1.15 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 91.31% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 58.42% Currently 0.3 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 73.91% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 61.52% Currently 0.33 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 60.87% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 61.41% Currently 0.39 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 69.56% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 62.58% Currently 0.41 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 8 score: 73.91% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 63.99% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.39 boards. |
1 Round # 9 score: 68.32% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 64.48% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.63 boards. |
3 Round # 10 score: 29.35% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 60.96% Currently 0.14 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 11 score: 50.00% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 59.97% Currently 0.49 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 12 score: 70.65% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 60.86% Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Margot Young, Victoria BC; Susan Jonvik, Vancouver BC: | 16 Round # 1 score: 56.61% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 56.61% Currently 0.54 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 85.87% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 71.24% Currently 0.24 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 41.30% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 61.26% Currently 0.32 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 52.18% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 58.99% Currently 0.26 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 5 score: 26.09% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 52.41% Currently 1.24 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 6 score: 52.17% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 52.37% Currently 1.47 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 93.48% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 58.24% Currently 1.02 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 66.30% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 59.25% Currently 0.76 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 9 score: 44.56% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 57.62% Currently 1.23 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 10 score: 53.26% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 57.18% Currently 0.89 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 11 score: 78.26% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 59.10% Currently 0.68 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 12 score: 66.30% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 59.70% Currently 0.92 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Shirley McGuire - Claire Cook, Saskatoon SK: | 10 Round # 1 score: 65.22% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 65.22% Currently 0.37 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 2 score: 51.09% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 58.16% Currently 0.76 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
23 Round # 3 score: 25.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 23 Event score so far: 47.10% Currently 1.17 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
19 Round # 4 score: 51.09% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 19 Event score so far: 48.10% Currently 1.13 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
17 Round # 5 score: 51.09% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 17 Event score so far: 48.70% Currently 1.61 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 6 score: 97.83% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 56.89% Currently 0.93 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 7 score: 56.52% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 56.83% Currently 1.22 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 8 score: 50.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 55.98% Currently 1.28 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 9 score: 55.07% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 55.88% Currently 1.55 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 10 score: 71.74% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 57.46% Currently 0.84 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 11 score: 56.53% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 57.38% Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 12 score: 60.87% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 57.67% Currently 1.4 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Nicholas Buck, Prince George BC; Tom Weckworth, Kamloops BC: | 37 Round # 1 score: 16.30% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 37 Event score so far: 16.30% Currently 1.35 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
30 Round # 2 score: 57.61% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 30 Event score so far: 36.96% Currently 1.61 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
28 Round # 3 score: 54.34% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 28 Event score so far: 42.75% Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
21 Round # 4 score: 61.96% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 21 Event score so far: 47.55% Currently 1.17 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
23 Round # 5 score: 31.52% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 23 Event score so far: 44.35% Currently 2.04 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
23 Round # 6 score: 55.34% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 23 Event score so far: 46.18% Currently 2.22 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
16 Round # 7 score: 81.53% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 51.23% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 8 score: 66.30% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 53.11% Currently 1.74 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 9 score: 77.17% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 55.79% Currently 1.56 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 10 score: 51.09% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 55.32% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 11 score: 71.73% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 56.81% Currently 1.18 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 12 score: 22.82% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 53.98% Currently 2.29 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Andrew Melton - Jamie Watt, Calgary AB: | 18 Round # 1 score: 51.09% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 18 Event score so far: 51.09% Currently 0.65 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 2 score: 52.17% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 51.63% Currently 1.02 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
17 Round # 3 score: 44.56% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 17 Event score so far: 49.27% Currently 1.04 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 4 score: 69.56% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 54.35% Currently 0.63 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 5 score: 52.61% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 54.00% Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 6 score: 71.74% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 56.96% Currently 0.92 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 61.95% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 57.67% Currently 1.1 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 8 score: 42.39% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 55.76% Currently 1.32 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 9 score: 56.52% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 55.84% Currently 1.56 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 10 score: 42.39% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 54.50% Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 11 score: 65.22% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 55.47% Currently 1.48 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 12 score: 32.61% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 53.57% Currently 2.39 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Dariusz Matus, Surrey BC; Michael Desaulniers, Maple Ridge BC: | 6 Round # 1 score: 69.56% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 69.56% Currently 0.28 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
20 Round # 2 score: 21.73% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 20 Event score so far: 45.65% Currently 1.26 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 97.67% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 62.99% Currently 0.22 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 48.91% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 59.47% Currently 0.22 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 68.48% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 61.27% Currently 0.35 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 6 score: 81.52% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 64.65% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.39 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 70.65% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 65.51% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.41 boards. |
3 Round # 8 score: 33.70% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 61.53% Currently 0.39 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 9 score: 31.52% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 58.20% Currently 1.13 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 10 score: 46.74% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 57.05% Currently 0.92 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 11 score: 30.44% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 54.63% Currently 1.66 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 12 score: 32.60% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 52.80% Currently 2.57 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Kathy Molnar - Debbie Harris, North Vancouver BC: | 11 Round # 1 score: 64.13% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 64.13% Currently 0.39 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 79.34% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 71.74% Currently 0.22 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 3 score: 23.91% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 55.79% Currently 0.65 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
25 Round # 4 score: 8.70% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 25 Event score so far: 44.02% Currently 1.46 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
19 Round # 5 score: 57.60% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 19 Event score so far: 46.74% Currently 1.8 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 6 score: 90.22% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 53.98% Currently 1.28 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 7 score: 52.17% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 53.73% Currently 1.65 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
16 Round # 8 score: 35.87% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 51.49% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 9 score: 68.47% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 53.38% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
17 Round # 10 score: 18.48% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 17 Event score so far: 49.89% Currently 2.35 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 11 score: 69.56% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 51.68% Currently 2.31 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 12 score: 62.80% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 52.61% Currently 2.62 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Bruce Peterson, Aloha OR; Brian Koblenz, Leavenworth WA: | 32 Round # 1 score: 29.35% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 32 Event score so far: 29.35% Currently 1.09 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
27 Round # 2 score: 56.52% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 27 Event score so far: 42.93% Currently 1.37 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 3 score: 83.69% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 56.52% Currently 0.61 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 51.09% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 55.16% Currently 0.57 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 5 score: 31.52% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 50.43% Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
18 Round # 6 score: 39.13% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 18 Event score so far: 48.55% Currently 1.93 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 7 score: 85.50% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 53.83% Currently 1.64 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 8 score: 68.47% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 55.66% Currently 1.33 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 9 score: 66.31% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 56.84% Currently 1.38 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 10 score: 39.13% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 55.07% Currently 1.32 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 11 score: 69.56% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 56.39% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 12 score: 10.87% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 52.59% Currently 2.62 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat C (under 750): 6 overall spots available. | |||||||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Rd. 8 Rank |
Rd. 9 Rank |
Rd. 10 Rank |
Rd. 11 Rank |
Final Rank |
Margaret Barr - Richard Barr, Ponoka AB: | 4 Round # 1 score: 65.22% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 65.22% Currently 0.22 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 2 score: 42.39% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 53.80% Currently 0.93 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 76.09% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 61.23% Currently 0.33 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 47.82% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 57.88% Currently 0.15 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 68.48% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 60.00% Currently 0.46 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 56.52% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 59.42% Currently 0.24 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 69.56% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 60.87% Currently 0.24 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 48.92% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 59.38% Currently 0.74 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 9 score: 73.91% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 60.99% Currently 0.63 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 10 score: 67.63% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 61.65% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.14 boards. |
1 Round # 11 score: 67.40% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 62.18% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.49 boards. |
1 Round # 12 score: 78.26% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 63.52% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.64 boards. |
Zhuo Sun, Saskatoon SK; Brenda Jordan, Asquith SK: | 11 Round # 1 score: 48.91% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 11 Event score so far: 48.91% Currently 0.54 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 2 score: 47.83% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 48.37% Currently 1.15 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
12 Round # 3 score: 45.65% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 12 Event score so far: 47.46% Currently 1.15 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 91.31% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 58.42% Currently 0.11 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 73.91% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 61.52% Currently 0.3 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 6 score: 60.87% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 61.41% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.24 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 69.56% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 62.58% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.24 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 73.91% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 63.99% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.74 boards. |
1 Round # 9 score: 68.32% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 64.48% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.63 boards. |
2 Round # 10 score: 29.35% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 60.96% Currently 0.14 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 11 score: 50.00% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 59.97% Currently 0.49 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 12 score: 70.65% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 60.86% Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Andrew Melton - Jamie Watt, Calgary AB: | 10 Round # 1 score: 51.09% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 51.09% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 52.17% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 51.63% Currently 1.02 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 3 score: 44.56% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 49.27% Currently 1.04 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 69.56% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 54.35% Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 52.61% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 54.00% Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 71.74% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 56.96% Currently 0.53 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 61.95% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 57.67% Currently 0.69 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 42.39% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 55.76% Currently 1.32 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 9 score: 56.52% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 55.84% Currently 1.56 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 10 score: 42.39% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 54.50% Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 11 score: 65.22% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 55.47% Currently 1.48 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 12 score: 32.61% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 53.57% Currently 2.39 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Kathy Molnar - Debbie Harris, North Vancouver BC: | 5 Round # 1 score: 64.13% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 64.13% Currently 0.24 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 79.34% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 71.74% Currently 0.22 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 23.91% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 55.79% Currently 0.65 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
13 Round # 4 score: 8.70% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 13 Event score so far: 44.02% Currently 1.26 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 5 score: 57.60% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 46.74% Currently 1.78 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 90.22% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 53.98% Currently 0.89 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 52.17% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 53.73% Currently 1.24 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 35.87% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 51.49% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 9 score: 68.47% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 53.38% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 10 score: 18.48% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 49.89% Currently 2.35 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 11 score: 69.56% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 51.68% Currently 2.31 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 12 score: 62.80% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 52.61% Currently 2.62 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Debra Sutherland, Burnaby BC; Kathy Dreisinger, Delta BC: | 3 Round # 1 score: 68.47% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 68.47% Currently 0.15 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 2 score: 38.48% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 53.48% Currently 0.95 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 50.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 52.32% Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
11 Round # 4 score: 32.61% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 11 Event score so far: 47.39% Currently 0.99 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 5 score: 60.87% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 50.09% Currently 1.45 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 6 score: 43.48% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 48.99% Currently 1.49 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 65.22% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 51.31% Currently 1.58 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 76.08% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 54.40% Currently 1.53 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 9 score: 39.13% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 52.71% Currently 2.12 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 10 score: 59.78% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 53.41% Currently 1.65 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 11 score: 10.87% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 49.55% Currently 2.78 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 12 score: 67.39% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 51.03% Currently 3.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Patricia Hartley - Natalie Warnes, West Vancouver BC: | 13 Round # 1 score: 43.39% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 13 Event score so far: 43.39% Currently 0.65 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
14 Round # 2 score: 43.48% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 14 Event score so far: 43.44% Currently 1.35 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
15 Round # 3 score: 50.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 15 Event score so far: 45.62% Currently 1.26 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 61.95% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 49.71% Currently 0.81 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 5 score: 58.70% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 51.50% Currently 1.31 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 6 score: 29.35% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 47.81% Currently 1.63 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 77.18% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 52.01% Currently 1.48 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 60.87% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 53.11% Currently 1.74 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 9 score: 10.87% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 48.42% Currently 2.89 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 10 score: 48.91% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 48.47% Currently 2.64 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 11 score: 48.92% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 48.51% Currently 3.01 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 12 score: 65.22% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 49.90% Currently 3.27 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Jane Gray - Paul Gray, Vancouver BC: | 18 Round # 1 score: 31.52% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 18 Event score so far: 31.52% Currently 0.89 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
17 Round # 2 score: 35.87% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 17 Event score so far: 33.70% Currently 1.74 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
18 Round # 3 score: 33.70% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 18 Event score so far: 33.70% Currently 1.98 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
15 Round # 4 score: 62.29% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 15 Event score so far: 40.84% Currently 1.52 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
14 Round # 5 score: 50.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 14 Event score so far: 42.67% Currently 2.19 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
15 Round # 6 score: 45.66% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 15 Event score so far: 43.17% Currently 2.19 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 88.05% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 49.58% Currently 1.82 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 8 score: 58.70% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 50.72% Currently 2.12 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 9 score: 26.09% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 47.98% Currently 2.97 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 10 score: 70.65% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 50.25% Currently 2.28 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 11 score: 47.83% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 50.03% Currently 2.67 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 12 score: 41.30% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 49.30% Currently 3.41 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Jeff Rowland - Shirley Campbell, Prince George BC: | 2 Round # 1 score: 68.48% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 68.48% Currently 0.15 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 85.87% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 77.17% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.22 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 45.65% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 66.67% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.33 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 39.13% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 59.78% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.11 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 83.69% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 64.57% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.3 boards. |
3 Round # 6 score: 28.26% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 58.51% Currently 0.35 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 28.63% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 54.25% Currently 1.17 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 39.13% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 52.36% Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 9 score: 2.17% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 46.78% Currently 3.19 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 10 score: 42.39% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 46.34% Currently 3.06 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 11 score: 43.48% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 46.08% Currently 3.54 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 12 score: 68.48% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 47.95% Currently 3.74 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Bea Dunkley - Robert Wahl, Penticton BC: | 8 Round # 1 score: 60.87% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 60.87% Currently 0.3 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 78.26% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 69.56% Currently 0.3 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
13 Round # 3 score: 2.33% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 13 Event score so far: 47.15% Currently 1.17 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 71.74% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 53.30% Currently 0.52 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 44.56% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 51.55% Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 39.13% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 49.48% Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 7 score: 29.35% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 46.61% Currently 2.24 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
11 Round # 8 score: 43.48% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 11 Event score so far: 46.22% Currently 2.84 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 9 score: 43.48% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 45.91% Currently 3.34 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 10 score: 57.61% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 47.08% Currently 2.91 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 11 score: 39.13% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 46.36% Currently 3.48 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 12 score: 65.22% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 47.93% Currently 3.74 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Patrice Gorton, Spokane WA; Bonnie Russell-Hunt, Hayden ID: | 6 Round # 1 score: 63.05% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 63.05% Currently 0.26 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
15 Round # 2 score: 17.39% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 15 Event score so far: 40.22% Currently 1.48 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 3 score: 64.13% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 48.19% Currently 1.11 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
16 Round # 4 score: 18.48% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 16 Event score so far: 40.76% Currently 1.52 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
17 Round # 5 score: 47.83% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 17 Event score so far: 42.17% Currently 2.24 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
12 Round # 6 score: 55.44% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 12 Event score so far: 44.38% Currently 2.04 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
12 Round # 7 score: 43.48% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 12 Event score so far: 44.26% Currently 2.56 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 8 score: 77.17% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 48.37% Currently 2.5 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
12 Round # 9 score: 10.87% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 12 Event score so far: 44.20% Currently 3.65 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 10 score: 57.61% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 45.54% Currently 3.22 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
11 Round # 11 score: 40.65% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 11 Event score so far: 45.10% Currently 3.76 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 12 score: 77.17% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 47.77% Currently 3.78 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Leading individuals in the Morning Side Game Series, after 4 completed sessions out of 5. Scores are based on the sum (in percent) of an individuals two best games, even if played with different partners.
%Sum of Best Two Games |
Rank | Morning Side Game Series Leaders | (194 players so far) |
130.25% | 1/2 | Richard Barr - Margaret Barr, Ponoka AB | |
120.42% | 3 | Dennis Ooms, Calgary AB | |
120.26% | 4/5 | Ron Beall - Jennifer Beall, Bellingham WA | |
119.67% | 6/7 | Brenda Jordan, Asquith SK; Zhuo Sun, Saskatoon SK | |
119.45% | 8 | Gordon Hepperle, Summerland BC | |
118.43% | 9/10 | Blanche Saelhof - Patricia Long, Saskatoon SK |
Leaders in the Afternoon Side Game Series are below: the Saturday Afternoon Side Game begins at 3pm.
Single-session pairs event, scored in matchpoints. Part of the Afternoon Side Game Series, session 4 of 5 in the series. (In a side game series you are free to play as many sessions as you wish, even with different partners.) Strat limits (by pair average): A: 2000+ / B: 750 - 2000 / C: 0 - 750.
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 2309
MPts | Score | A | B | C | Friday Afternoon Side Game | (27 tables) ACBL Live Link |
7.01 | 63.39% | 1 | Mike D Aguiar - Jadwiga Polujan, Calgary AB | |||
5.26 | 62.65% | 2 | Farley Mawyer - Jill Marshall, Port Chester NY | |||
3.94 | 60.58% | 3 | Alden Edwards - Jennifer Edwards, Kelowna BC | |||
4.93 | 60.43% | 4 | 1 | Mary Carson - Donald Carson, Edmonton AB | ||
3.70 | 58.95% | 5 | 2 | Howard Coren - Marc Maes, Calgary AB | ||
2.80 | 57.32% | 6 | Richard Zucker, Dobbs Ferry NY; Pamela Furtsch, Armonk NY | |||
2.77 | 56.58% | 7 | 3 | Pat Harlton - Kathy Bryden, Regina SK | ||
2.60 | 54.22% | 4 | 1 | Lynne Westlund, Salmon Arm BC; Rolande Joly, Vernon BC | ||
1.95 | 53.48% | 5 | 2 | Linda Palm - Robin Adams, Surrey BC | ||
1.17 | 53.18% | 6 | Maureen Sheasby - Al Sheasby, Vernon BC | |||
1.46 | 51.70% | 3 | Nicholas Buck, Prince George BC; Bruce Nelms, Qualicum Beach BC | |||
1.61 | 51.26% | 4 | Shirley Campbell - Jeff Rowland, Prince George BC | |||
0.82 | 48.52% | 5 | Wanda Mazurkewich - Chris Mazurkewich, Kelowna BC |
The Race For Overalls in Strat A (unlimited): 7 overall spots available. | ||||||||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Rd. 8 Rank |
Rd. 9 Rank |
Rd. 10 Rank |
Rd. 11 Rank |
Rd. 12 Rank |
Final Rank |
Mike D Aguiar - Jadwiga Polujan, Calgary AB: | 16 Round # 1 score: 58.66% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 58.66% Currently 0.63 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 2 score: 55.77% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 57.21% Currently 1.23 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 3 score: 59.62% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 58.01% Currently 0.89 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 78.85% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 63.22% Currently 0.6 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 54.81% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 61.54% Currently 0.63 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 50.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 59.62% Currently 0.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 65.39% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 60.44% Currently 0.69 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 87.50% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 63.82% Currently 0.1 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 9 score: 86.53% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 66.35% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.44 boards. |
1 Round # 10 score: 59.61% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 65.67% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.38 boards. |
2 Round # 11 score: 39.43% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 63.29% Currently 0.21 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 12 score: 82.69% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 64.90% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.25 boards. |
1 Round # 13 score: 45.19% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 63.39% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.19 boards. |
Farley Mawyer - Jill Marshall, Port Chester NY: | 47 Round # 1 score: 29.80% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 47 Event score so far: 29.80% Currently 1.21 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
52 Round # 2 score: 33.66% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 52 Event score so far: 31.73% Currently 2.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
41 Round # 3 score: 69.23% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 41 Event score so far: 44.23% Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 4 score: 98.08% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 57.69% Currently 1.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 5 score: 52.89% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 56.73% Currently 1.11 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 93.27% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 62.82% Currently 0.19 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 69.23% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 63.74% Currently 0.23 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 68.27% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 64.30% Currently 0.02 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 9 score: 44.23% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 62.07% Currently 0.77 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 10 score: 78.84% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 63.75% Currently 0.38 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 11 score: 69.23% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 64.25% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.21 boards. |
2 Round # 12 score: 59.62% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 63.86% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 13 score: 48.07% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 62.65% Currently 0.19 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Alden Edwards - Jennifer Edwards, Kelowna BC: | 17 Round # 1 score: 57.69% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 57.69% Currently 0.65 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 69.23% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 63.46% Currently 0.98 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 61.54% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 62.82% Currently 0.6 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 39.42% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 56.97% Currently 1.1 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 5 score: 49.04% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 55.39% Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 6 score: 69.23% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 57.69% Currently 0.81 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 7 score: 25.96% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 53.16% Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 8 score: 75.97% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 56.01% Currently 1.35 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 9 score: 64.42% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 56.95% Currently 1.69 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 10 score: 92.31% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 60.48% Currently 1.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 11 score: 77.89% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 62.06% Currently 0.48 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 12 score: 32.69% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 59.62% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 13 score: 72.12% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 60.58% Currently 0.73 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Mary Carson - Donald Carson, Edmonton AB: | 21 Round # 1 score: 54.80% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 54.80% Currently 0.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 84.62% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 69.71% Currently 0.73 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 40.38% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 59.93% Currently 0.77 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 4 score: 44.23% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 56.01% Currently 1.17 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 5 score: 70.19% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 58.85% Currently 0.9 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 6 score: 52.89% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 57.85% Currently 0.79 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 85.58% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 61.81% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 66.34% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 62.38% Currently 0.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 9 score: 24.04% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 58.12% Currently 1.48 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 10 score: 87.50% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 61.06% Currently 0.92 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 11 score: 60.58% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 61.01% Currently 0.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 12 score: 71.16% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 61.86% Currently 0.73 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 13 score: 43.27% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 60.43% Currently 0.77 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Howard Coren - Marc Maes, Calgary AB: | 36 Round # 1 score: 44.23% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 36 Event score so far: 44.23% Currently 0.92 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 2 score: 59.62% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 51.93% Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 3 score: 50.96% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 51.60% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
32 Round # 4 score: 43.27% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 32 Event score so far: 49.52% Currently 1.69 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
32 Round # 5 score: 42.31% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 32 Event score so far: 48.08% Currently 1.98 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
32 Round # 6 score: 50.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 32 Event score so far: 48.40% Currently 1.92 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 7 score: 72.11% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 51.79% Currently 1.9 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 92.31% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 56.85% Currently 1.21 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
24 Round # 9 score: 11.54% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 51.82% Currently 2.62 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 10 score: 81.73% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 54.81% Currently 2.17 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 11 score: 85.58% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 57.61% Currently 1.46 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 12 score: 77.89% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 59.30% Currently 1.34 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 13 score: 54.80% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 58.95% Currently 1.15 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Richard Zucker, Dobbs Ferry NY; Pamela Furtsch, Armonk NY: | 7 Round # 1 score: 73.08% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 73.08% Currently 0.35 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
28 Round # 2 score: 26.92% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 28 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 1.52 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 3 score: 58.66% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 52.88% Currently 1.19 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 4 score: 55.77% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 53.61% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 89.43% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 60.77% Currently 0.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 64.42% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 61.38% Currently 0.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 7 score: 89.42% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 65.38% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.17 boards. |
5 Round # 8 score: 31.73% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 61.18% Currently 0.52 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 9 score: 14.42% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 55.98% Currently 1.87 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 10 score: 55.77% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 55.96% Currently 1.94 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 11 score: 70.19% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 57.25% Currently 1.54 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 12 score: 70.19% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 58.33% Currently 1.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 13 score: 45.20% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 57.32% Currently 1.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Pat Harlton - Kathy Bryden, Regina SK: | 33 Round # 1 score: 45.20% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 33 Event score so far: 45.20% Currently 0.9 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
39 Round # 2 score: 40.38% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 39 Event score so far: 42.79% Currently 1.81 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 3 score: 81.73% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 55.77% Currently 1.02 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 4 score: 52.88% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 55.05% Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 5 score: 55.77% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 55.19% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
29 Round # 6 score: 18.27% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 29 Event score so far: 49.04% Currently 1.85 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
25 Round # 7 score: 65.39% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 51.37% Currently 1.96 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 100.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 57.45% Currently 1.12 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 9 score: 87.50% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 60.79% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 10 score: 42.30% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 58.94% Currently 1.35 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 11 score: 33.65% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 56.64% Currently 1.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 12 score: 63.46% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 57.21% Currently 1.85 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 13 score: 49.04% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 56.58% Currently 1.77 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Khosrow Shad - Mojgan Shad, West Vancouver BC: | 4 Round # 1 score: 81.73% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 81.73% Currently 0.17 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 94.23% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 87.98% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.38 boards. |
2 Round # 3 score: 36.53% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 70.83% Currently 0.12 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 57.69% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 67.55% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 45.19% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 63.08% Currently 0.48 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 68.27% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 63.94% Currently 0.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 65.39% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 64.15% Currently 0.17 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 8 score: 66.34% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 64.42% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.02 boards. |
2 Round # 9 score: 59.61% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 63.89% Currently 0.44 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 10 score: 40.39% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 61.54% Currently 0.83 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 11 score: 14.42% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 57.25% Currently 1.54 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 12 score: 45.20% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 56.25% Currently 2.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 13 score: 59.61% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 56.51% Currently 1.79 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Dennis Ooms, Calgary AB; Ian Gibson, Naramata BC: | 37 Round # 1 score: 43.27% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 37 Event score so far: 43.27% Currently 0.94 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 2 score: 73.08% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 58.17% Currently 1.19 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 3 score: 50.96% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 55.77% Currently 1.02 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 75.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 60.58% Currently 0.81 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 5 score: 41.34% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 56.73% Currently 1.11 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
25 Round # 6 score: 21.15% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 50.80% Currently 1.63 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
39 Round # 7 score: 27.88% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 39 Event score so far: 47.53% Currently 2.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
34 Round # 8 score: 61.54% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 34 Event score so far: 49.28% Currently 2.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 9 score: 80.77% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 52.78% Currently 2.44 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 10 score: 29.81% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 50.48% Currently 3.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 11 score: 78.85% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 53.06% Currently 2.46 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 12 score: 70.19% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 54.49% Currently 2.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 13 score: 52.88% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 54.36% Currently 2.35 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Lynne Westlund, Salmon Arm BC; Rolande Joly, Vernon BC: | 2 Round # 1 score: 88.46% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 88.46% Currently 0.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
36 Round # 2 score: 5.77% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 36 Event score so far: 47.12% Currently 1.63 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
30 Round # 3 score: 51.92% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 30 Event score so far: 48.72% Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
30 Round # 4 score: 52.89% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 30 Event score so far: 49.76% Currently 1.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
30 Round # 5 score: 43.27% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 30 Event score so far: 48.46% Currently 1.94 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 6 score: 81.73% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 54.01% Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 7 score: 44.23% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 52.61% Currently 1.79 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 8 score: 84.62% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 56.61% Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 9 score: 78.84% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 59.08% Currently 1.31 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 10 score: 40.39% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 57.21% Currently 1.69 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 11 score: 21.15% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 53.93% Currently 2.27 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 12 score: 58.66% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 54.33% Currently 2.54 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 13 score: 52.88% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 54.22% Currently 2.38 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Linda Palm - Robin Adams, Surrey BC: | 19 Round # 1 score: 55.77% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 55.77% Currently 0.69 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 2 score: 46.16% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 50.96% Currently 1.48 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
43 Round # 3 score: 25.96% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 43 Event score so far: 42.63% Currently 1.81 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
42 Round # 4 score: 48.08% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 42 Event score so far: 43.99% Currently 2.13 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
36 Round # 5 score: 56.73% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 36 Event score so far: 46.54% Currently 2.13 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
28 Round # 6 score: 63.47% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 28 Event score so far: 49.36% Currently 1.81 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 7 score: 63.46% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 51.37% Currently 1.96 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
31 Round # 8 score: 40.38% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 31 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 2.31 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
30 Round # 9 score: 47.12% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 30 Event score so far: 49.68% Currently 3.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 10 score: 93.27% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 54.04% Currently 2.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 11 score: 26.92% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 51.57% Currently 2.79 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 12 score: 63.47% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 52.56% Currently 2.96 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 13 score: 64.42% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 53.48% Currently 2.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Maureen Sheasby - Al Sheasby, Vernon BC: | 29 Round # 1 score: 49.04% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 29 Event score so far: 49.04% Currently 0.83 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
38 Round # 2 score: 37.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 38 Event score so far: 43.27% Currently 1.79 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
39 Round # 3 score: 46.16% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 39 Event score so far: 44.23% Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
37 Round # 4 score: 53.84% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 37 Event score so far: 46.63% Currently 1.92 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
29 Round # 5 score: 57.69% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 29 Event score so far: 48.85% Currently 1.9 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 6 score: 85.58% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 54.97% Currently 1.13 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
28 Round # 7 score: 25.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 28 Event score so far: 50.69% Currently 2.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 8 score: 75.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 53.73% Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
26 Round # 9 score: 21.15% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 26 Event score so far: 50.11% Currently 2.92 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
36 Round # 10 score: 21.15% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 36 Event score so far: 47.21% Currently 3.69 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
29 Round # 11 score: 75.97% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 29 Event score so far: 49.82% Currently 3.17 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 12 score: 77.88% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 52.16% Currently 3.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 13 score: 65.39% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 53.18% Currently 2.65 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat B (under 2000): 6 overall spots available. | ||||||||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Rd. 8 Rank |
Rd. 9 Rank |
Rd. 10 Rank |
Rd. 11 Rank |
Rd. 12 Rank |
Final Rank |
Mary Carson - Donald Carson, Edmonton AB: | 12 Round # 1 score: 54.80% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 54.80% Currently 0.67 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 84.62% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 69.71% Current Lead in Strat B: -0.0 boards. |
5 Round # 3 score: 40.38% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 59.93% Currently 0.77 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 44.23% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 56.01% Currently 1.17 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 70.19% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 58.85% Currently 0.9 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 52.89% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 57.85% Currently 0.46 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 7 score: 85.58% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 61.81% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.5 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 66.34% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 62.38% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.79 boards. |
3 Round # 9 score: 24.04% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 58.12% Currently 0.48 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 10 score: 87.50% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 61.06% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.42 boards. |
1 Round # 11 score: 60.58% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 61.01% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.75 boards. |
1 Round # 12 score: 71.16% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 61.86% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.61 boards. |
1 Round # 13 score: 43.27% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 60.43% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.38 boards. |
Howard Coren - Marc Maes, Calgary AB: | 24 Round # 1 score: 44.23% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 24 Event score so far: 44.23% Currently 0.88 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 2 score: 59.62% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 51.93% Currently 0.71 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 3 score: 50.96% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 51.60% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
16 Round # 4 score: 43.27% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 49.52% Currently 1.69 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 5 score: 42.31% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 48.08% Currently 1.98 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
18 Round # 6 score: 50.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 18 Event score so far: 48.40% Currently 1.6 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 7 score: 72.11% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 51.79% Currently 1.4 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 92.31% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 56.85% Currently 0.88 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 9 score: 11.54% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 51.82% Currently 1.61 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 10 score: 81.73% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 54.81% Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 11 score: 85.58% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 57.61% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 12 score: 77.89% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 59.30% Currently 0.61 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 13 score: 54.80% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 58.95% Currently 0.38 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Pat Harlton - Kathy Bryden, Regina SK: | 23 Round # 1 score: 45.20% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 23 Event score so far: 45.20% Currently 0.87 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
23 Round # 2 score: 40.38% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 23 Event score so far: 42.79% Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 3 score: 81.73% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 55.77% Currently 1.02 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 52.88% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 55.05% Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 55.77% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 55.19% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
16 Round # 6 score: 18.27% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 49.04% Currently 1.52 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 7 score: 65.39% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 51.37% Currently 1.46 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 100.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 57.45% Currently 0.79 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 9 score: 87.50% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 60.79% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.31 boards. |
2 Round # 10 score: 42.30% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 58.94% Currently 0.42 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 11 score: 33.65% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 56.64% Currently 0.96 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 12 score: 63.46% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 57.21% Currently 1.12 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 13 score: 49.04% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 56.58% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Lynne Westlund, Salmon Arm BC; Rolande Joly, Vernon BC: | 1 Round # 1 score: 88.46% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 88.46% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.02 boards. |
20 Round # 2 score: 5.77% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 20 Event score so far: 47.12% Currently 0.9 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 3 score: 51.92% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 48.72% Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 4 score: 52.89% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 49.76% Currently 1.67 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 5 score: 43.27% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 48.46% Currently 1.94 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 81.73% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 54.01% Currently 0.92 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 44.23% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 52.61% Currently 1.29 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 84.62% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 56.61% Currently 0.92 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 9 score: 78.84% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 59.08% Currently 0.31 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 10 score: 40.39% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 57.21% Currently 0.77 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 11 score: 21.15% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 53.93% Currently 1.56 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 12 score: 58.66% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 54.33% Currently 1.81 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 13 score: 52.88% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 54.22% Currently 1.61 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Linda Palm - Robin Adams, Surrey BC: | 10 Round # 1 score: 55.77% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 55.77% Currently 0.65 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 2 score: 46.16% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 50.96% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
24 Round # 3 score: 25.96% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 24 Event score so far: 42.63% Currently 1.81 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
24 Round # 4 score: 48.08% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 24 Event score so far: 43.99% Currently 2.13 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
19 Round # 5 score: 56.73% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 19 Event score so far: 46.54% Currently 2.13 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 6 score: 63.47% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 49.36% Currently 1.48 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 7 score: 63.46% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 51.37% Currently 1.46 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
16 Round # 8 score: 40.38% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 1.98 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
16 Round # 9 score: 47.12% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 49.68% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 10 score: 93.27% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 54.04% Currently 1.4 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 11 score: 26.92% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 51.57% Currently 2.08 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 12 score: 63.47% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 52.56% Currently 2.23 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 13 score: 64.42% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 53.48% Currently 1.81 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Maureen Sheasby - Al Sheasby, Vernon BC: | 19 Round # 1 score: 49.04% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 19 Event score so far: 49.04% Currently 0.79 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
22 Round # 2 score: 37.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 22 Event score so far: 43.27% Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
21 Round # 3 score: 46.16% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 21 Event score so far: 44.23% Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
19 Round # 4 score: 53.84% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 19 Event score so far: 46.63% Currently 1.92 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 5 score: 57.69% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 48.85% Currently 1.9 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 85.58% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 54.97% Currently 0.81 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
16 Round # 7 score: 25.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 50.69% Currently 1.56 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 8 score: 75.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 53.73% Currently 1.38 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 9 score: 21.15% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 50.11% Currently 1.92 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
19 Round # 10 score: 21.15% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 19 Event score so far: 47.21% Currently 2.77 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 11 score: 75.97% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 49.82% Currently 2.46 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 12 score: 77.88% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 52.16% Currently 2.33 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 13 score: 65.39% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 53.18% Currently 1.89 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Nicholas Buck, Prince George BC; Bruce Nelms, Qualicum Beach BC: | 25 Round # 1 score: 38.46% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 25 Event score so far: 38.46% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 2 score: 59.61% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 49.04% Currently 0.83 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 3 score: 49.04% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 49.04% Currently 1.42 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 4 score: 66.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 53.37% Currently 1.38 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 5 score: 27.88% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 48.27% Currently 1.96 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 6 score: 65.38% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 51.12% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 55.77% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 51.79% Currently 1.4 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 8 score: 65.39% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 53.49% Currently 1.42 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 9 score: 40.38% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 52.03% Currently 1.58 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 10 score: 70.19% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 53.85% Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 11 score: 30.77% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 51.75% Currently 2.04 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 12 score: 75.96% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 53.77% Currently 1.94 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 13 score: 26.92% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 51.70% Currently 2.27 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Roxann Trouth - Adele Lewchuk, Edmonton AB: | 16 Round # 1 score: 50.96% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 50.96% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 73.08% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 62.02% Currently 0.31 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 3 score: 22.11% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 48.72% Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
21 Round # 4 score: 36.54% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 21 Event score so far: 45.67% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
30 Round # 5 score: 21.15% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 30 Event score so far: 40.77% Currently 2.71 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
28 Round # 6 score: 58.66% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 28 Event score so far: 43.75% Currently 2.15 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
21 Round # 7 score: 82.69% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 21 Event score so far: 49.31% Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 8 score: 57.69% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 50.36% Currently 1.92 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 9 score: 69.23% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 52.46% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 10 score: 30.77% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 50.29% Currently 2.15 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 11 score: 63.47% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 51.49% Currently 2.09 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 12 score: 43.27% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 50.80% Currently 2.65 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 13 score: 57.69% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 51.33% Currently 2.37 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Shirley Campbell - Jeff Rowland, Prince George BC: | 6 Round # 1 score: 64.42% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 64.42% Currently 0.48 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 58.66% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 61.54% Currently 0.33 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 64.42% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 62.50% Currently 0.62 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 4 score: 95.19% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 70.67% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.96 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 56.73% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 67.88% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.69 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 30.77% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 61.70% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.42 boards. |
2 Round # 7 score: 37.50% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 58.24% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 42.31% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 56.25% Currently 0.98 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 9 score: 72.11% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 58.01% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 10 score: 12.50% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 53.46% Currently 1.52 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 11 score: 55.77% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 53.67% Currently 1.61 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 12 score: 49.03% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 53.28% Currently 2.06 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 13 score: 26.92% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 51.26% Currently 2.38 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Donald Cottam, Puyallup WA; Cecie Vatne, Lacey WA: | 13 Round # 1 score: 53.84% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 53.84% Currently 0.69 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 54.80% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 54.32% Currently 0.62 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
17 Round # 3 score: 35.58% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 17 Event score so far: 48.08% Currently 1.48 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 4 score: 56.73% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 50.24% Currently 1.63 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
24 Round # 5 score: 16.34% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 24 Event score so far: 43.46% Currently 2.44 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 6 score: 85.58% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 50.48% Currently 1.35 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 7 score: 56.73% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 51.37% Currently 1.46 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
19 Round # 8 score: 33.66% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 19 Event score so far: 49.16% Currently 2.12 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
23 Round # 9 score: 20.19% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 23 Event score so far: 45.94% Currently 2.67 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
16 Round # 10 score: 76.92% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 49.04% Currently 2.4 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
21 Round # 11 score: 29.80% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 21 Event score so far: 47.29% Currently 3.02 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 12 score: 81.73% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 50.16% Currently 2.81 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 13 score: 59.62% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 50.89% Currently 2.48 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat C (under 750): 5 overall spots available. | ||||||||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Rd. 8 Rank |
Rd. 9 Rank |
Rd. 10 Rank |
Rd. 11 Rank |
Rd. 12 Rank |
Final Rank |
Lynne Westlund, Salmon Arm BC; Rolande Joly, Vernon BC: | 1 Round # 1 score: 88.46% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 88.46% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.02 boards. |
9 Round # 2 score: 5.77% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 47.12% Currently 0.9 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 3 score: 51.92% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 48.72% Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 4 score: 52.89% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 49.76% Currently 1.67 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 5 score: 43.27% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 48.46% Currently 1.94 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 81.73% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 54.01% Currently 0.92 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 44.23% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 52.61% Currently 0.79 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 8 score: 84.62% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 56.61% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.06 boards. |
1 Round # 9 score: 78.84% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 59.08% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.19 boards. |
1 Round # 10 score: 40.39% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 57.21% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.63 boards. |
1 Round # 11 score: 21.15% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 53.93% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.06 boards. |
1 Round # 12 score: 58.66% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 54.33% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.13 boards. |
1 Round # 13 score: 52.88% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 54.22% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.19 boards. |
Linda Palm - Robin Adams, Surrey BC: | 7 Round # 1 score: 55.77% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 55.77% Currently 0.65 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 2 score: 46.16% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 50.96% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
12 Round # 3 score: 25.96% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 12 Event score so far: 42.63% Currently 1.81 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
12 Round # 4 score: 48.08% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 12 Event score so far: 43.99% Currently 2.13 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
11 Round # 5 score: 56.73% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 11 Event score so far: 46.54% Currently 2.13 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 6 score: 63.47% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 49.36% Currently 1.48 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 63.46% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 51.37% Currently 0.96 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 40.38% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 9 score: 47.12% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 49.68% Currently 1.69 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 10 score: 93.27% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 54.04% Currently 0.63 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 11 score: 26.92% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 51.57% Currently 0.52 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 12 score: 63.47% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 52.56% Currently 0.42 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 13 score: 64.42% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 53.48% Currently 0.19 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Nicholas Buck, Prince George BC; Bruce Nelms, Qualicum Beach BC: | 11 Round # 1 score: 38.46% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 11 Event score so far: 38.46% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 59.61% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 49.04% Currently 0.83 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 3 score: 49.04% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 49.04% Currently 1.42 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 66.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 53.37% Currently 1.38 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 5 score: 27.88% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 48.27% Currently 1.96 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 65.38% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 51.12% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 55.77% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 51.79% Currently 0.9 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 65.39% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 53.49% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 9 score: 40.38% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 52.03% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 10 score: 70.19% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 53.85% Currently 0.67 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 11 score: 30.77% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 51.75% Currently 0.48 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 12 score: 75.96% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 53.77% Currently 0.13 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 13 score: 26.92% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 51.70% Currently 0.66 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Shirley Campbell - Jeff Rowland, Prince George BC: | 5 Round # 1 score: 64.42% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 64.42% Currently 0.48 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 58.66% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 61.54% Currently 0.33 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 64.42% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 62.50% Currently 0.62 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 4 score: 95.19% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 70.67% Current Lead in Strat C: 1.15 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 56.73% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 67.88% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.69 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 30.77% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 61.70% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.42 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 37.50% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 58.24% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.31 boards. |
2 Round # 8 score: 42.31% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 56.25% Currently 0.06 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 9 score: 72.11% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 58.01% Currently 0.19 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 10 score: 12.50% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 53.46% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 11 score: 55.77% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 53.67% Currently 0.06 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 12 score: 49.03% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 53.28% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 13 score: 26.92% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 51.26% Currently 0.77 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Wanda Mazurkewich - Chris Mazurkewich, Kelowna BC: | 4 Round # 1 score: 75.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 75.00% Currently 0.27 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 64.42% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 69.71% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.31 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 78.84% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 72.76% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.62 boards. |
3 Round # 4 score: 1.93% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 55.05% Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 65.39% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 57.12% Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 63.47% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 58.17% Currently 0.42 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 43.27% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 56.04% Currently 0.31 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 18.27% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 51.32% Currently 0.85 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 9 score: 40.38% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 50.11% Currently 1.61 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 10 score: 7.69% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 45.87% Currently 2.27 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 11 score: 73.08% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 48.34% Currently 1.23 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 12 score: 56.73% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 49.04% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 13 score: 42.30% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 48.52% Currently 1.48 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Norman Webb - Ivan Sherman; Puerto Vallarta, Mexico: | 10 Round # 1 score: 49.04% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 49.04% Currently 0.79 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
11 Round # 2 score: 26.92% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 11 Event score so far: 37.98% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
13 Round # 3 score: 41.34% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 13 Event score so far: 39.10% Currently 2.02 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 4 score: 74.04% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 47.84% Currently 1.83 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 63.47% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 50.96% Currently 1.69 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 59.62% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 52.41% Currently 1.11 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 38.46% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 50.41% Currently 1.1 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 8 score: 38.47% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 48.92% Currently 1.23 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 9 score: 27.89% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 46.58% Currently 2.25 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 10 score: 31.73% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 45.10% Currently 2.42 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 11 score: 75.00% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 47.82% Currently 1.34 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 12 score: 36.53% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 46.88% Currently 1.79 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 13 score: 57.70% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 47.71% Currently 1.69 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Wendy McCulloch - Terry Huxter, Grand Forks BC: | 6 Round # 1 score: 61.54% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 61.54% Currently 0.54 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 2 score: 40.39% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 50.96% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 63.47% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 55.13% Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 52.88% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 54.57% Currently 1.29 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 36.53% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 50.96% Currently 1.69 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 6 score: 36.53% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 48.56% Currently 1.58 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 7 score: 34.62% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 46.56% Currently 1.64 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 8 score: 34.61% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 45.07% Currently 1.85 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 9 score: 55.77% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 46.26% Currently 2.31 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 10 score: 78.85% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 49.52% Currently 1.54 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 11 score: 60.57% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 50.52% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 12 score: 29.80% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 48.80% Currently 1.33 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 13 score: 33.66% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 47.63% Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Keith Carter, Sandpoint ID; Denny Tweed, Coeur D Alene ID: | 13 Round # 1 score: 25.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 13 Event score so far: 25.00% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
13 Round # 2 score: 40.38% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 13 Event score so far: 32.69% Currently 1.48 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 84.62% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 1.37 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 47.12% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 49.28% Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
12 Round # 5 score: 10.58% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 12 Event score so far: 41.54% Currently 2.63 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
12 Round # 6 score: 69.23% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 12 Event score so far: 46.15% Currently 1.87 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
12 Round # 7 score: 26.93% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 12 Event score so far: 43.41% Currently 2.08 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
11 Round # 8 score: 44.23% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 11 Event score so far: 43.51% Currently 2.1 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
13 Round # 9 score: 34.62% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 13 Event score so far: 42.52% Currently 2.98 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
11 Round # 10 score: 57.69% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 11 Event score so far: 44.04% Currently 2.63 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 11 score: 44.23% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 44.06% Currently 2.17 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 12 score: 77.89% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 46.88% Currently 1.79 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 13 score: 54.80% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 47.49% Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Leading individuals in the Afternoon Side Game Series, after 4 completed sessions out of 5. Scores are based on the sum (in percent) of an individuals two best games, even if played with different partners.
%Sum of Best Two Games |
Rank | Afternoon Side Game Series Leaders | (214 players so far) |
122.12% | 1 | Gordon Hepperle, Summerland BC | |
119.74% | 2/3 | Adrianne Wurz, North Vancouver BC - Barry Yamanouchi, Burnaby BC | |
116.68% | 4/5 | Mary Carson - Donald Carson, Edmonton AB | |
116.40% | 6/7 | Bruce Macdonald, Vancouver BC; Carol-Ann Halliday, Vernon BC | |
115.08% | 8/9 | William Woodfine, Vancouver BC; Maxine Webb, High River AB | |
114.82% | 10 | Carol Gutsell, Summerland BC |
Final overall awards for the Evening Side Game Series are below.
Single-session pairs event, scored in matchpoints. Part of the Evening Side Game Series, session 5 of 5 in the series. (In a side game series you are free to play as many sessions as you wish, even with different partners.) Strat limits (by pair average): A: 2000+ / B: 750 - 2000 / C: 0 - 750.
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 3483
MPts | Score | A | B | C | Friday Evening Side Game | (9 tables) ACBL Live Link |
3.60 | 67.36% | 1 | Jonathan Steinberg, Toronto ON; Alex Hudson, Morrisville NC | |||
2.70 | 65.51% | 2 | Jason Dufault - Bryant Town, Edmonton AB | |||
2.84 | 63.66% | 3 | 1 | Margaret Skinner - Holly Boudreau, Victoria BC | ||
2.22 | 61.34% | 4 | Paul Reitsma, Parksville BC; Marv Norden, Peachland BC | |||
2.13 | 58.56% | 5 | 2 | 1 | Patricia Hartley - Natalie Warnes, West Vancouver BC | |
1.60 | 50.93% | 3 | 2 | Nicholas Buck, Prince George BC; Bruce Nelms, Qualicum Beach BC | ||
1.20 | 48.61% | 4 | Eve Jensen, Abbotsford BC; Lois Mazuren, Chilliwack BC |
The Race For Overalls in Strat A (unlimited): 5 overall spots available. | ||||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Rd. 8 Rank |
Final Rank |
Jonathan Steinberg, Toronto ON; Alex Hudson, Morrisville NC: | 4 Round # 1 score: 64.58% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 64.58% Currently 0.19 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 79.17% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 71.88% Currently 0.19 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 3 score: 77.08% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 73.61% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.06 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 64.58% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 71.35% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.62 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 62.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 69.58% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.25 boards. |
2 Round # 6 score: 54.17% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 67.01% Currently 0.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 54.17% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 65.18% Currently 0.88 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 8 score: 77.08% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 66.67% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.06 boards. |
1 Round # 9 score: 72.92% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 67.36% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.5 boards. |
Jason Dufault - Bryant Town, Edmonton AB: | 6 Round # 1 score: 58.33% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 58.33% Currently 0.38 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 91.67% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 75.00% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.19 boards. |
2 Round # 3 score: 68.75% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 72.92% Currently 0.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 31.25% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 62.50% Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 89.58% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 67.92% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 6 score: 64.58% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 67.36% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.06 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 81.25% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 69.35% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.44 boards. |
2 Round # 8 score: 45.83% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 66.41% Currently 0.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 9 score: 58.33% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 65.51% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Margaret Skinner - Holly Boudreau, Victoria BC: | 9 Round # 1 score: 54.17% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 66.67% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 60.42% Currently 0.87 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 70.83% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 63.89% Currently 0.87 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 72.92% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 66.15% Currently 0.62 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 41.67% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 61.25% Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 75.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 63.54% Currently 0.69 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 89.58% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 67.26% Currently 0.44 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 43.75% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 64.32% Currently 0.56 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 9 score: 58.33% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 63.66% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Paul Reitsma, Parksville BC; Marv Norden, Peachland BC: | 1 Round # 1 score: 70.83% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 70.83% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.12 boards. |
4 Round # 2 score: 52.08% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 61.46% Currently 0.81 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 93.75% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 72.22% Currently 0.13 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 41.67% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 64.58% Currently 0.81 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 58.33% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 63.33% Currently 0.94 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 45.83% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 60.42% Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 43.75% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 58.04% Currently 2.38 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 54.17% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 57.55% Currently 2.19 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 9 score: 91.67% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 61.34% Currently 1.63 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Patricia Hartley - Natalie Warnes, West Vancouver BC: | 11 Round # 1 score: 45.83% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 45.83% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 2 score: 20.83% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 33.33% Currently 2.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 3 score: 64.58% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 43.75% Currently 2.69 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 4 score: 68.75% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 2.56 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 5 score: 68.75% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 53.75% Currently 2.37 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 47.92% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 52.78% Currently 2.62 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 47.92% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 52.08% Currently 3.63 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 89.58% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 56.77% Currently 2.38 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 9 score: 72.92% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 58.56% Currently 2.38 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Mojgan Shad - Khosrow Shad, West Vancouver BC: | 16 Round # 1 score: 35.42% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 35.42% Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 2 score: 83.33% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 59.38% Currently 0.94 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 31.25% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 2.12 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 4 score: 54.17% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 51.04% Currently 2.44 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 5 score: 41.67% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 49.17% Currently 3.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 6 score: 66.67% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 52.08% Currently 2.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 68.75% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 54.46% Currently 3.13 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 60.42% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 55.21% Currently 2.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 9 score: 41.67% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 53.70% Currently 3.69 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Nicholas Buck, Prince George BC; Bruce Nelms, Qualicum Beach BC: | 3 Round # 1 score: 64.58% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 64.58% Currently 0.19 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 2 score: 25.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 44.79% Currently 1.81 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 3 score: 29.17% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 39.58% Currently 3.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 4 score: 35.42% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 38.54% Currently 3.94 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 5 score: 75.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 45.83% Currently 3.56 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 6 score: 35.42% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 44.10% Currently 4.19 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 7 score: 75.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 48.51% Currently 4.38 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 8 score: 56.25% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 49.48% Currently 4.13 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 9 score: 62.50% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 50.93% Currently 4.44 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Maxine Webb, High River AB; William Woodfine, Vancouver BC: | 17 Round # 1 score: 33.33% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 33.33% Currently 1.12 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 2 score: 8.33% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 20.83% Currently 3.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 3 score: 56.25% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 32.64% Currently 3.69 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 4 score: 56.25% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 38.54% Currently 3.94 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 5 score: 50.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 40.83% Currently 4.31 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 6 score: 83.33% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 47.92% Currently 3.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 68.75% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 50.89% Currently 3.88 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 56.25% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 51.56% Currently 3.63 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 9 score: 27.08% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 48.84% Currently 5.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat B (under 2000): 4 overall spots available. | ||||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Rd. 8 Rank |
Final Rank |
Margaret Skinner - Holly Boudreau, Victoria BC: | 4 Round # 1 score: 54.17% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 0.31 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 66.67% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 60.42% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.44 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 70.83% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 63.89% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.38 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 72.92% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 66.15% Current Lead in Strat B: 1.31 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 41.67% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 61.25% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.38 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 75.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 63.54% Current Lead in Strat B: 1.38 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 89.58% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 67.26% Current Lead in Strat B: 3.19 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 43.75% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 64.32% Current Lead in Strat B: 1.81 boards. |
1 Round # 9 score: 58.33% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 63.66% Current Lead in Strat B: 1.38 boards. |
Patricia Hartley - Natalie Warnes, West Vancouver BC: | 6 Round # 1 score: 45.83% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 45.83% Currently 0.56 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 2 score: 20.83% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 33.33% Currently 1.63 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 64.58% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 43.75% Currently 1.81 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 68.75% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 1.94 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 68.75% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 53.75% Currently 1.12 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 47.92% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 52.78% Currently 1.94 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 47.92% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 52.08% Currently 3.19 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 89.58% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 56.77% Currently 1.81 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 9 score: 72.92% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 58.56% Currently 1.38 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Nicholas Buck, Prince George BC; Bruce Nelms, Qualicum Beach BC: | 1 Round # 1 score: 64.58% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 64.58% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.19 boards. |
6 Round # 2 score: 25.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 44.79% Currently 0.94 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 29.17% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 39.58% Currently 2.19 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 35.42% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 38.54% Currently 3.31 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 75.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 45.83% Currently 2.31 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 35.42% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 44.10% Currently 3.5 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 75.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 48.51% Currently 3.94 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 56.25% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 49.48% Currently 3.56 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 9 score: 62.50% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 50.93% Currently 3.44 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Eve Jensen, Abbotsford BC; Lois Mazuren, Chilliwack BC: | 3 Round # 1 score: 54.17% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 0.31 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 29.17% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 41.67% Currently 1.12 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 95.83% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 59.72% Currently 0.38 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 27.08% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 51.56% Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 37.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 48.75% Currently 1.88 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 37.50% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 46.88% Currently 3.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 18.75% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 42.86% Currently 5.12 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 95.83% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 49.48% Currently 3.56 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 9 score: 41.67% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 48.61% Currently 4.06 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Maureen Sheasby - Al Sheasby, Vernon BC: | 5 Round # 1 score: 45.83% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 45.83% Currently 0.56 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 47.92% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 46.88% Currently 0.81 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 41.67% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 45.14% Currently 1.69 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 41.67% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 44.27% Currently 2.63 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 50.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 45.42% Currently 2.37 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 33.33% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 43.40% Currently 3.63 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 52.08% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 44.64% Currently 4.75 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 43.75% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 44.53% Currently 4.75 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 9 score: 37.50% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 43.75% Currently 5.38 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Linda Palm, Surrey BC; Merilyn Hicks, North Vancouver BC: | 7 Round # 1 score: 41.67% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 41.67% Currently 0.69 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 56.25% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 48.96% Currently 0.69 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 64.58% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 0.87 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 58.33% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 55.21% Currently 1.31 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 72.92% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 58.75% Currently 0.38 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 41.67% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 55.90% Currently 1.38 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 10.42% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 49.40% Currently 3.75 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 22.92% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 46.09% Currently 4.38 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 9 score: 25.00% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 43.75% Currently 5.38 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Margaret Barr - Richard Barr, Ponoka AB: | 2 Round # 1 score: 58.33% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 58.33% Currently 0.19 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 35.42% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 46.88% Currently 0.81 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 58.33% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 50.69% Currently 1.19 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 41.67% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 48.44% Currently 2.13 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 5 score: 25.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 43.75% Currently 2.62 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 6 score: 25.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 40.62% Currently 4.13 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 45.83% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 41.37% Currently 5.44 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 52.08% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 42.71% Currently 5.19 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 9 score: 41.67% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 42.59% Currently 5.69 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat C (under 750): 2 overall spots available. | ||||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Rd. 8 Rank |
Final Rank |
Patricia Hartley - Natalie Warnes, West Vancouver BC: | 3 Round # 1 score: 45.83% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 45.83% Currently 0.56 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 20.83% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 33.33% Currently 1.19 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 64.58% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 43.75% Currently 0.94 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 68.75% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 0.63 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 68.75% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 53.75% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 47.92% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 52.78% Currently 0.56 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 7 score: 47.92% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 52.08% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.56 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 89.58% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 56.77% Current Lead in Strat C: 1.75 boards. |
1 Round # 9 score: 72.92% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 58.56% Current Lead in Strat C: 2.06 boards. |
Nicholas Buck, Prince George BC; Bruce Nelms, Qualicum Beach BC: | 1 Round # 1 score: 64.58% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 64.58% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.19 boards. |
4 Round # 2 score: 25.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 44.79% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 29.17% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 39.58% Currently 1.31 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 35.42% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 38.54% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 75.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 45.83% Currently 1.94 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 35.42% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 44.10% Currently 2.12 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 75.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 48.51% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 56.25% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 49.48% Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 9 score: 62.50% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 50.93% Currently 2.06 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Linda Palm, Surrey BC; Merilyn Hicks, North Vancouver BC: | 4 Round # 1 score: 41.67% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 41.67% Currently 0.69 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 56.25% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 48.96% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 3 score: 64.58% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 54.17% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.31 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 58.33% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 55.21% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.63 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 72.92% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 58.75% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.75 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 41.67% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 55.90% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.56 boards. |
2 Round # 7 score: 10.42% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 49.40% Currently 0.56 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 22.92% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 46.09% Currently 2.56 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 9 score: 25.00% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 43.75% Currently 4.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Overall awards in the Evening Side Game Series, after 5 completed sessions. Scores are based on the sum (in percent) of an individuals two best games, even if played with different partners. Side Game overall awards are in gold points and replace the points you won in individual games in the series. But if you played several games and got masterpoints, that sum may be higher than your overall award, and you would get the overall award in gold points and the rest of your sum in red points.
MPts | %Sum of Best Two Games |
Rank | Evening Side Game Series Leaders | (259 players) ACBL Live Link |
11.95 | 128.11% | 1/2 | Alex Hudson, Morrisville NC; Jonathan Steinberg, Toronto ON | |
7.77 | 126.28% | 3 | Tom Cotton, Surrey BC | |
5.76 | 118.97% | 4 | Vicki Moffatt, Surrey BC | |
5.45 | 116.03% | 5/6 | Jack Johnson, Surrey BC; Maryellen Gallo, Surrey BC | |
5.13 | 114.51% | 7 | Michael Moffatt, Surrey BC | |
3.03 | 111.67% | 8 | Marv Norden, Peachland BC | |
2.61 | 111.10% | 9/10 | Don Copeland, Calgary AB; Ernie Tradewell, Victoria BC | |
4.26 | 109.74% | 11/12 | Brian Sims, Cultus Lake BC; D Glassford, Chilliwack BC | |
2.17 | 108.60% | 13/14 | Mojgan Shad - Khosrow Shad, West Vancouver BC | |
2.22 | 107.61% | 15 | Paul Reitsma, Parksville BC |
Single-session pairs event, scored in matchpoints. Strat limits (by pair average): A: 100 - 300 / B: 50 - 100 / C: 0 - 50. No player over 300 was eligible.
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 78
MPts | Score | A | B | C | Friday Morning 299er Pairs | (6 tables) ACBL Live Link |
2.10 | 60.42% | 1 | 1 | 1 | Lesley Werry, Kelowna BC; Meredith Merkel, Vernon BC | |
1.58 | 58.75% | 2 | Norma Sloan, Chilliwack BC; Louise Busch, Penticton BC | |||
1.18 | 56.67% | 3 | Sylvia Nazar, Cochrane AB; Patricia Neilson, Red Deer AB | |||
0.89 | 54.58% | 4 | Nancy Chisholm - Debbie Schiller, Vernon BC | |||
1.00 | 51.67% | 2/3 | 2/3 | Debra Contreras, Qualicum Beach BC; Donna Roberts, Parksville BC | ||
1.00 | 51.67% | 2/3 | 2/3 | Rosie Watson - Bruce Gandossi, Whistler BC |
The Race For Overalls in Strat A (under 300): 4 overall spots available. | |||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Final Rank |
Lesley Werry, Kelowna BC; Meredith Merkel, Vernon BC: | 4 Round # 1 score: 55.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 55.00% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 52.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 53.75% Currently 1.4 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 75.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 60.83% Currently 0.1 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 57.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 60.00% Currently 0.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 47.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 57.50% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 6 score: 75.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 60.42% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.4 boards. |
Norma Sloan, Chilliwack BC; Louise Busch, Penticton BC: | 1 Round # 1 score: 67.50% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 67.50% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.2 boards. |
2 Round # 2 score: 47.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 57.50% Currently 1.1 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 67.50% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 60.83% Currently 0.1 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 4 score: 75.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 64.38% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.4 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 67.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 65.00% Current Lead in Strat A: 1.0 boards. |
2 Round # 6 score: 27.50% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 58.75% Currently 0.4 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Sylvia Nazar, Cochrane AB; Patricia Neilson, Red Deer AB: | 6 Round # 1 score: 50.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 0.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 92.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 71.25% Current Lead in Strat A: 1.1 boards. |
4 Round # 3 score: 32.50% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 58.33% Currently 0.4 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 50.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 56.25% Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 75.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 60.00% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 40.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 56.67% Currently 0.9 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Nancy Chisholm - Debbie Schiller, Vernon BC: | 10 Round # 1 score: 42.50% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 42.50% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 2 score: 50.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 46.25% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 55.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 49.17% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 67.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 53.75% Currently 1.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 52.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 53.50% Currently 2.3 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 60.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 54.58% Currently 1.4 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Katherine Dekker, Edmonton AB; Marlene Wildeman, Kamloops BC: | 7 Round # 1 score: 50.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 0.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 57.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 53.75% Currently 1.4 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 3 score: 77.50% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 61.67% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.1 boards. |
2 Round # 4 score: 62.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 61.88% Currently 0.4 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 37.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 57.00% Currently 1.6 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 25.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 51.67% Currently 2.1 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Debra Contreras, Qualicum Beach BC; Donna Roberts, Parksville BC: | 2 Round # 1 score: 62.50% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 62.50% Currently 0.2 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 45.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 53.75% Currently 1.4 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 3 score: 25.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 44.17% Currently 2.1 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 4 score: 50.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 45.62% Currently 3.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 5 score: 50.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 46.50% Currently 3.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 77.50% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 51.67% Currently 2.1 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Rosie Watson - Bruce Gandossi, Whistler BC: | 11 Round # 1 score: 37.50% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 37.50% Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 62.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 1.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 3 score: 45.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 48.33% Currently 1.6 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 37.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 45.62% Currently 3.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 5 score: 55.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 47.50% Currently 3.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 72.50% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 51.67% Currently 2.1 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat B (under 100): 2 overall spots available. | |||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Final Rank |
Lesley Werry, Kelowna BC; Meredith Merkel, Vernon BC: | 3 Round # 1 score: 55.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 55.00% Currently 0.3 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 52.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 53.75% Current Lead in Strat B: -0.0 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 75.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 60.83% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.8 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 57.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 60.00% Current Lead in Strat B: 2.1 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 47.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 57.50% Current Lead in Strat B: 2.0 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 75.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 60.42% Current Lead in Strat B: 2.1 boards. |
Debra Contreras, Qualicum Beach BC; Donna Roberts, Parksville BC: | 1 Round # 1 score: 62.50% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 62.50% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.2 boards. |
2 Round # 2 score: 45.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 53.75% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.0 boards. |
4 Round # 3 score: 25.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 44.17% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 50.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 45.62% Currently 2.3 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 50.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 46.50% Currently 2.2 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 77.50% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 51.67% Currently 2.1 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Rosie Watson - Bruce Gandossi, Whistler BC: | 5 Round # 1 score: 37.50% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 37.50% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 62.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 0.3 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 45.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 48.33% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 37.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 45.62% Currently 2.3 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 55.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 47.50% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 72.50% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 51.67% Currently 2.1 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat C (under 50): 2 overall spots available. | |||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Final Rank |
Lesley Werry, Kelowna BC; Meredith Merkel, Vernon BC: | 3 Round # 1 score: 55.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 55.00% Currently 0.3 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 52.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 53.75% Current Lead in Strat C: -0.0 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 75.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 60.83% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.8 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 57.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 60.00% Current Lead in Strat C: 2.1 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 47.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 57.50% Current Lead in Strat C: 2.0 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 75.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 60.42% Current Lead in Strat C: 2.1 boards. |
Debra Contreras, Qualicum Beach BC; Donna Roberts, Parksville BC: | 1 Round # 1 score: 62.50% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 62.50% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.2 boards. |
2 Round # 2 score: 45.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 53.75% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.0 boards. |
4 Round # 3 score: 25.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 44.17% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 50.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 45.62% Currently 2.3 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 50.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 46.50% Currently 2.2 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 77.50% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 51.67% Currently 2.1 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Rosie Watson - Bruce Gandossi, Whistler BC: | 5 Round # 1 score: 37.50% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 37.50% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 62.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 0.3 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 45.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 48.33% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 37.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 45.62% Currently 2.3 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 55.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 47.50% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 72.50% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 51.67% Currently 2.1 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
The Evening 299ers event didn't go, but there are two more Saturday at 10am and 3pm.
Single-session pairs event, scored in matchpoints. Strat limits (by pair average): A: 100 - 300 / B: 50 - 100 / C: 0 - 50. No player over 300 was eligible.
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 95
MPts | Score | A | B | C | Friday Afternoon 299er Pairs | (7½ tables) ACBL Live Link |
2.36 | 58.33% | 1 | Ray Garcia, Kelowna BC; Lynn Sinclair, Calgary AB | |||
1.77 | 57.64% | 2 | Patricia Neilson, Red Deer AB; Sylvia Nazar, Cochrane AB | |||
1.52 | 57.29% | 3 | 1 | 1 | Rosie Watson - Bruce Gandossi, Whistler BC | |
1.00 | 56.94% | 4 | Marlene Wildeman, Kamloops BC; Katherine Dekker, Edmonton AB | |||
0.83 | 55.95% | 5 | Bev Greenwell - Charles Weber, Princeton BC | |||
1.14 | 54.17% | 2 | Darlene Yarish - Marguerite Hartwig, Red Deer AB | |||
1.00 | 51.99% | 2 | Bonnie Mackenzie - Maureen Fleming, Red Deer AB |
The Race For Overalls in Strat A (under 300): 5 overall spots available. | |||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Final Rank |
Ray Garcia, Kelowna BC; Lynn Sinclair, Calgary AB: | 15 Round # 1 score: 000.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 000.00% Current Lead in Strat A: 24.0 boards. |
2 Round # 2 score: 77.78% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 77.78% Currently 0.12 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 52.78% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 65.28% Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 58.33% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 62.96% Currently 0.77 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 50.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 59.72% Currently 0.3 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 52.78% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 58.33% Currently 0.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 61.11% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 58.80% Currently 0.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 8 score: 55.56% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 58.33% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.17 boards. |
Patricia Neilson, Red Deer AB; Sylvia Nazar, Cochrane AB: | 8 Round # 1 score: 50.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 1.17 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 77.78% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 63.89% Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 44.45% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 57.41% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 4 score: 41.67% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 53.47% Currently 2.17 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 75.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 57.78% Currently 0.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 61.11% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 58.33% Currently 0.8 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 50.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 57.14% Currently 0.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 61.11% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 57.64% Currently 0.17 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Rosie Watson - Bruce Gandossi, Whistler BC: | 3 Round # 1 score: 69.44% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 69.44% Currently 0.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 94.44% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 81.94% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.12 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 75.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 79.63% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.86 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 47.22% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 71.53% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.77 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 25.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 62.22% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.25 boards. |
4 Round # 6 score: 27.78% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 56.48% Currently 1.13 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 7 score: 75.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 59.13% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.06 boards. |
3 Round # 8 score: 44.44% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 57.29% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Marlene Wildeman, Kamloops BC; Katherine Dekker, Edmonton AB: | 11 Round # 1 score: 36.11% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 36.11% Currently 1.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 2 score: 66.67% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 51.39% Currently 1.83 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 3 score: 47.22% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 2.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 63.89% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 53.47% Currently 2.17 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 5 score: 44.45% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 51.67% Currently 1.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 61.11% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 53.24% Currently 1.72 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 61.11% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 54.37% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 75.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 56.95% Currently 0.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Bev Greenwell - Charles Weber, Princeton BC: | 4 Round # 1 score: 63.89% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 63.89% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 50.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 56.95% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 66.67% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 60.19% Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 52.78% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 58.33% Currently 1.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 000.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 58.33% Currently 0.47 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 6 score: 80.55% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 62.78% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.67 boards. |
3 Round # 7 score: 38.89% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 58.80% Currently 0.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 38.89% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 55.95% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Darlene Yarish - Marguerite Hartwig, Red Deer AB: | 6 Round # 1 score: 61.11% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 61.11% Currently 0.83 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 77.78% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 69.45% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 33.33% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 57.41% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 77.78% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 62.50% Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 52.78% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 60.56% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 36.11% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 56.48% Currently 1.13 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 38.89% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 53.97% Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 55.56% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Bonnie Mackenzie - Maureen Fleming, Red Deer AB: | 2 Round # 1 score: 80.56% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 80.56% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 2 score: 33.33% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 56.95% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 55.55% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 56.48% Currently 2.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 47.22% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 2.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 58.33% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 55.00% Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 63.89% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 56.48% Currently 1.13 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 25.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 51.98% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 000.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 51.98% Currently 1.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Bruce Gartrell, Penticton BC; Stuart Baughan, Esquimalt BC: | 5 Round # 1 score: 63.89% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 63.89% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 2 score: 22.22% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 43.06% Currently 2.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 3 score: 38.89% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 41.67% Currently 3.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 4 score: 41.66% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 41.67% Currently 3.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 5 score: 47.22% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 42.78% Currently 2.92 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 6 score: 72.22% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 47.69% Currently 2.72 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 7 score: 000.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 47.69% Currently 2.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 8 score: 69.44% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 50.79% Currently 1.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat B (under 100): 2 overall spots available. | |||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Final Rank |
Rosie Watson - Bruce Gandossi, Whistler BC: | 2 Round # 1 score: 69.44% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 69.44% Currently 0.33 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 94.44% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 81.94% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.75 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 75.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 79.63% Current Lead in Strat B: 2.0 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 47.22% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 71.53% Current Lead in Strat B: 1.08 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 25.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 62.22% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.25 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 27.78% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 56.48% Current Lead in Strat B: -0.0 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 75.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 59.13% Current Lead in Strat B: 1.08 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 44.44% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 57.29% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.75 boards. |
Darlene Yarish - Marguerite Hartwig, Red Deer AB: | 3 Round # 1 score: 61.11% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 61.11% Currently 0.58 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 77.78% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 69.45% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 33.33% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 57.41% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 77.78% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 62.50% Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 52.78% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 60.56% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 36.11% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 56.48% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.0 boards. |
2 Round # 7 score: 38.89% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 53.97% Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 55.56% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Bonnie Mackenzie - Maureen Fleming, Red Deer AB: | 1 Round # 1 score: 80.56% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 80.56% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.33 boards. |
3 Round # 2 score: 33.33% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 56.95% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 55.55% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 56.48% Currently 2.08 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 47.22% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 2.08 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 58.33% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 55.00% Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 63.89% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 56.48% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.0 boards. |
3 Round # 7 score: 25.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 51.98% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 000.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 51.98% Currently 1.12 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat C (under 50): 2 overall spots available. | |||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Final Rank |
Rosie Watson - Bruce Gandossi, Whistler BC: | 2 Round # 1 score: 69.44% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 69.44% Currently 0.33 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 94.44% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 81.94% Current Lead in Strat C: 1.5 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 75.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 79.63% Current Lead in Strat C: 2.08 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 47.22% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 71.53% Current Lead in Strat C: 2.08 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 25.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 62.22% Current Lead in Strat C: 1.08 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 27.78% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 56.48% Current Lead in Strat C: -0.0 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 75.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 59.13% Current Lead in Strat C: 1.5 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 44.44% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 57.29% Current Lead in Strat C: 1.12 boards. |
Bonnie Mackenzie - Maureen Fleming, Red Deer AB: | 1 Round # 1 score: 80.56% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 80.56% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.33 boards. |
2 Round # 2 score: 33.33% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 56.95% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 55.55% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 56.48% Currently 2.08 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 47.22% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 2.08 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 58.33% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 55.00% Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 63.89% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 56.48% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.0 boards. |
2 Round # 7 score: 25.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 51.98% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 000.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 51.98% Currently 1.12 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Patricia Muryn - Lorraine Gallant, Sechelt BC: | 5 Round # 1 score: 11.11% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 11.11% Currently 2.08 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 50.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 30.55% Currently 3.08 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 63.89% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 41.67% Currently 3.42 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 58.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 45.83% Currently 3.08 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 41.67% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 45.00% Currently 2.58 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 47.22% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 45.37% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 38.89% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 44.44% Currently 3.08 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 72.22% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 47.92% Currently 2.25 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
For those of you who used to like the puzzles I printed in the old bulletins, here is a link to an online version: one of the puzzles that I used to feature in the old paper Bulletins, but it is easy to play on a computer as well. Not so easy on a tablet or phone, since most of the puzzles require right-clicks, not easily done in a tablet or phone environment. Net is yet another grid of cells. Your objective is to rotate the grid squares so that all squares are connected to the centre black square with no loops. Connected pipes and squares will light up in blue as you solve. Strategy: Work from the outside into the middle, ensuring that all squares are connected and there are no loops or loose ends. Every cell must be part of the correct solution! Click on the puzzle you want to try at the right (or the caption below) to go to the page with all the instructions you'll need. These puzzles come from Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection (see below) and there are links there to apps for most devices. ![]() |
![]() Easy puzzle (McBruce's time: 3min 13sec) |
![]() Medium puzzle (McBruce's time: 3min 27sec) |
![]() Tricky puzzle (McBruce's time: 7min 26sec) |
Saturday Zinfandel Bracketed Round-Robin Teams: Team game, 4-6 players on a team, short matches scored in IMPs converted to Victory Points. Teams will play all or almost all of the teams in their bracket over two sessions.
Bracketed, by team average into brackets of usually 7-9 teams.
Masterpoints: Gold points for overalls in each bracket, or red points for each match win. Lower brackets may have part-gold, part-red for overalls, based on masterpoints.
Penticton 2023 winners (52 teams in 6 brackets):
Bracket I: Andy Anderson - Curley Anderson, Saskatoon SK; Cindy Cossey - Glenn Cossey, Innisfail AB (tied with) Wenmin Chen - Jack Lee - Xiaoming Shen, Richmond BC; David Yu, Burnaby BC
Bracket II: Michael Moffatt - Vicki Moffatt - Tom Cotton - Isabel Chernoff, Surrey BC
Bracket III: Sally Craig, Port Moody BC; Edgar L'Heureux, White Rock BC; Jack Johnson - Maryellen Gallo, Surrey BC
Bracket IV: Charles Hitschfeld - Michael Harvey, Edmonton AB; Donna Wiwchar - Ian Glover, Kamloops BC
Bracket V: Holly Boudreau - Margaret Skinner - JP Weber - Esther Wiebe, Victoria BC
Bracket VI: Ronald Edgar, Kelowna BC; Felipe Hernandez - Robert Bonkowski, Coquitlam BC; Jim Burt, Port Coquitlam BC
Friday-Saturday Riesling Knockout Teams (began Friday): Team game, 4-6 players on a team, 24-board knockout matches scored in IMPs. This knockout will be played in the traditional style, with head-to-head matches or three-ways in the first two rounds. NOTE: different times for Saturday semifinals; be aware!
Bracketed, by team average into brackets of 9-16 teams.
Masterpoints: Gold points for teams that make it to the semifinals, or red points for other match awards. Lower brackets may have part-gold, part-red for overalls, based on masterpoints.
Penticton 2023 winners (43 teams in 4 brackets):
Bracket I: Gerry Marshall - Daniel Bertrand, Calgary AB; Hendrik Sharples, Brush Prairie WA; J. Jay Roll, Kelso WA
Bracket II: Kenny T K Chan, Vancouver BC; Kenny Ying, W Vancouver BC; Julien Levesque, Burnaby BC; Paul Yip, Richmond BC
Bracket III: Bill Webb - Marian Kosior - Irene Morrow, Penticton BC; Alan Whitman, Okanagan Falls BC
Bracket IV: Wanda Deisman - Mary Dewar - Darlene Carolsfeld, Nanaimo BC; Vanda Blok, Gabriola BC
Saturday Open Pairs: Two session pairs game, matchpoint scoring.
Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 3000+, B: 1500 - 3000, C: 0 - 1500.
Masterpoints: Gold points for overalls and some section tops, other awards are red points. Note that you can win points in the first session that are replaced by a higher overall award after the second: you get the greater of your overall award or the sum of the session awards; not both combined.
Penticton 2023 winners (26, 26 tables):
A: Xiaojing Deng, Richmond BC; Richard Chan, Markham ON
B, C: Claire Valente - Barry Balof, Walla Walla WA
Saturday Gold Rush 0-750 Pairs: Two session pairs game, matchpoint scoring.
Strat Limits (by pair average) 7: 400 - 750, 4: 300 - 400, 3: 0 - 300. No individuals over 750 points may play in this event, even if the pair average is below 750.
Masterpoints: Gold points for overalls and some section tops, other awards are red points. Note that you can win points in the first session that are replaced by a higher overall award after the second: you get the greater of your overall award or the sum of the session awards; not both combined.
Penticton 2023 winners (15, 14 tables):
7: Clive Elkin - Kim Regier, Kelowna BC
4: Jerzy Jankowski - Allison Sawyer, Kelowna BC
3: Beryl Senger, Penticton BC; Jerri Calverley, Oliver BC
Saturday Morning Side Game: Pairs game, part of the Morning Side Game Series (5th of 5).
Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 2000+, B: 750 - 2000, C: 0 - 750.
Masterpoints: Mostly red points but gold points for overall winners if they play another session in the Morning Side Game Series, and a chance for gold points for individuals whose two best games in the series (played with the same or different partners) are good enough to make the series overalls.
Penticton 2023 winners (9 tables):
A, B, C: David Johnson, Penticton BC; Janette Magne, Victoria BC
Series Overall Winners: David Reid, Victoria BC; Ross Bates, Castlegar BC
Saturday Morning 299er Pairs: Pairs game, all individual players MUST be below 300 masterpoints.
Strat Limits (by pair average) D: 100 - 300, E: 50 - 100, F: 0 - 50 (may be slightly tweaked to ensure that there are enough pairs in all three strats for overall awards).
Masterpoints: Red points for overall and section awards.
Penticton 2023 winners: (scheduled but not run, entrants moved to the side game or the Gold Rush)
Note that the original flyer for this tournament had the start time for this event at 9:00am; it actually starts at 10:00 am like the other events on Saturday.
Saturday Afternoon Swiss Teams: Team game, 4-6 players on a team, short matches scored in IMPs and converted to Victory Points.
Strat Limits (by team average) A: 2500+, B: 750 - 2500, C: 0 - 750.
Masterpoints: Red points for overalls and match awards, whichever is greater.
Penticton 2023 winners (scheduled but not held, teams went into the two-session bracketed teams event):
Saturday Afternoon Side Game: Pairs game, part of the Afternoon Side Game Series (5th of 5).
Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 2000+, B: 750 - 2000, C: 0 - 750.
Masterpoints: Mostly red points but gold points for overall winners if they play another session in the Afternoon Side Game Series, and a chance for gold points for individuals whose two best games in the series (played with the same or different partners) are good enough to make the series overalls.
Penticton 2023 winners (17 tables):
A: Martin Caley, Montreal QC; Diane Graese, Jacksonville FL
B: Mary Carson - Donald Carson, Edmonton AB
C: Patricia Hartley, West Vancouver BC; Deborah Davy, Gibsons BC
Series Overall Winners: Donald Carson - Mary Carson, Edmonton AB
Saturday Afternoon 299er Pairs: Pairs game, all individual players MUST be below 300 masterpoints.
Strat Limits (by pair average) D: 100 - 300, E: 50 - 100, F: 0 - 50 (may be slightly tweaked to ensure that there are enough pairs in all three strats for overall awards).
Masterpoints: Red points for overall and section awards.
Penticton 2023 winners: (3 tables)
D, E: Sandra Smith - Kathleen Farmeny, Winnipeg MB
Headline answer: The difference engine was a very early, 19th century prototype of the computer. It was not powered by electricity but it is clearly a computer since Babbage spent the rest of his life (and considerable sums from the government) perfecting it, and then abandoned it entirely to concentrate on something newer called an analytical engine, which was never completed either!
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
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