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Welcome | Masterpoints! | Photos | Table Counts | ACBL Live Results |
Included so far: Everything: Results (we'll add in the Zip KO tomorrow), Masterpoints, Attendance, Tomorrow's Schedule and Brain Warmups.
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Entry Express Returns! The ACBL's Entry Express program is coming back online for Penticton and is now available. This is a special pre-Toronto test and only the Penticton Regional will be active, not other sectionals and regionals, yet. Here is the link for Penticton online entries, although you will probably need to sign in to access the page. If you do buy online, the new system may ask for a five-digit ZIP Code: Canadians are to use their postal code, ignoring the LETTERS and inputting only the three NUMBERS in their postal code followed by a pair of zeroes. So if your postal code is X4A 2H9, for example, you would enter 42900 as a ZIP code. Once you enter the names of the players on your pair or team, you can skip the lineups and proceed straight to the table, indicated in an e-mail you will get on the morning of the game. Online entries can be purchased until midnight the day before the event. Entry fees are charged in Canadian dollars and CBF events are not included in the test.
1136 tables at the end of Day Four (Thursday), 58.7% of the 2019 total.
In 2023, there were 1082 tables to this point.
In 2019, there were 1934 tables to this point.
For full details, check out the Table Counts page!
Bridge clubs and tournaments throughout the ACBL are struggling with returning to live play, so comparing this tournament's attendance to one before the pandemic is not really fair. We'll hope to get a little more than last year, around 60% of the 2019 attendance, making the target number 1930 tables this time — but perhaps we will be pleasantly surprised!
On one episode of TV political drama The West Wing, President Bartlet is gifted a number of beautiful chess sets following a trip to a foreign country, and has one placed in the office of each of his top advisors and begins a game with each. To one advisor he gives very simple advice after they get through the opening moves and settle into serious thought: "Take your time. See the whole board."
Of course, in chess, the whole board is in full view. In bridge, 39 of the 52 cards are unseen during the auction and appear only gradually during the play. Often we need to make crucial decisions without knowing what's where. Every bridge player has frustrating "I should have worked that out!" or "I considered that but thought it was too remote!" moments once the cards are revealed.
There's no easy way to teach a player how to see the whole deck. Reading examples of good cardreading very carefully will give you insights into what to think about, and playing experience will sharpen your awareness when there is something strange about a deal that you need to consider, and hopefully, discover the clues that point the way to the correct countermeasure. But straight "what would you do in this situation?" questions don't work very well, because the responder immediately thinks something special is required, and on that basis can usually work out what it is. In real bridge, you're on your own; no guardian angel is going to tap you on the shoulder at the crucial moment and tell you to think again before playing.
But, we'll press on anyhow. Here are three deals from a recent pairs game where visualizing the whole deck might lead to something surprising:
Problem 1: Opponents are vulnerable
You: ♠ Q J 6 ♥ K J 8 6 2 ♦ Q 4 ♣ J T 5
Partner opens 1♣ as dealer and RHO bids 4♦, which ends the auction. You lead the Q♠ and see this:
(Q♠ led vs 4♦)
Dummy: ♠ 8 5 3 ♥ Q T 4 3 ♦ (void) ♣ K Q 9 6 3 2
You: ♠ Q J 6 ♥ K J 8 6 2 ♦ Q 4 ♣ J T 5
Declarer calls for a low card from dummy, partner plays the 9♠, and declarer wins the ace and returns the 2♠. What do you do?
Problem 2: Our side is vulnerable
You: ♠ Q T 7 ♥ 5 4 2 ♦ 8 5 ♣ A Q 6 4 3
RHO is dealer and passes; you do as well. LHO opens 1♥ in third seat, partner passes and RHO responds 1♠. You pass and LHO rebids 2♥, which ends the auction. Partner leads the 9♣ into this dummy:
(9♣ led vs 2♥)
♠ A 6 4 2 ♥ Q 6 ♦ Q J T 6 ♣ J T 2
You: ♠ Q T 7 ♥ 5 4 2 ♦ 8 5 ♣ A Q 6 4 3
Declarer looks at dummy for a few moments and then calls for a low club. What do you do?
Problem 3: Both sides vulnerable.
You: ♠ (void) ♥ A K 3 2 ♦ K T 9 ♣ Q J T 9 8 3
RHO opens 1♦ as dealer and you overcall 2♣. LHO bids 2♥ and partner raises to 5♣! RHO passes and it is your call. Any ideas?
All of these problems require you to see the whole deck, without actually being able to see the whole deck. Take your time. No points for guessing the right answer; you should have good solid reasoning behind your choices.
Problem 1: Opponents are vulnerable
You: ♠ Q J 6 ♥ K J 8 6 2 ♦ Q 4 ♣ J T 5
Partner opens 1♣ as dealer and RHO bids 4♦, which ends the auction. You lead the Q♠ and see this:
(Q♠ led vs 4♦)
Dummy: ♠ 8 5 3 ♥ Q T 4 3 ♦ (void) ♣ K Q 9 6 3 2
You: ♠ Q J 6 ♥ K J 8 6 2 ♦ Q 4 ♣ J T 5
Declarer calls for a low card from dummy, partner plays the 9♠, and declarer wins the ace and returns the 2♠. What do you do?
It's a bit surprising that declarer did not immediately start on the diamonds, and it must be the missing Q♦ that is causing this. A jump to 4♦ is not the type of bid that is particularly concerned with the possibility of partner showing up with a void. But we can see a little about the distribution and work a few things out. Partner opened 1♣ and dummy's clubs indicate that partner has three or four clubs but no more, and therefore cannot have five spades, so declarer has a third spade and may even have the 13th spade. Declarer's A♠ leaves very little for partner's opener, and unless declarer is bidding on nine or ten to the ♦KJ, partner must have the A♥, A♣, and K♠ to even justify an opener. Declarer is hoping for something helpful to happen by leading a second spade from what appears to be two inescapable losers in the suit. If we lazily duck this trick and win the third round, we lose a key chance to get an extra trick.
Grabbing the J♠ and continuing with a third spade to partner's king is the winning play. Partner will see declarer follow to the third spade and realize that the 13th spade cannot hurt: and in this case, it makes a winner out of your Q♦ before declarer gets a second chance to drop it!
And what if declarer has the 13th spade? In that case, declarer was always getting it and there was nothing we could do to stop it with spades 3-3.
Problem 2: Our side is vulnerable
You: ♠ Q T 7 ♥ 5 4 2 ♦ 8 5 ♣ A Q 6 4 3
RHO is dealer and passes; you do as well. LHO opens 1♥ in third seat, partner passes and RHO responds 1♠. You pass and LHO rebids 2♥, which ends the auction. Partner leads the 9♣ into this dummy:
(9♣ led vs 2♥)
♠ A 6 4 2 ♥ Q 6 ♦ Q J T 6 ♣ J T 2
You: ♠ Q T 7 ♥ 5 4 2 ♦ 8 5 ♣ A Q 6 4 3
Declarer looks at dummy for a few moments and then calls for a low club. What do you do?
A count of points shows that partner must have some values here: we have eight, dummy has ten and declarer, who opened the bidding, must have at least twelve, leaving about 8-10 points for partner. There's no holding with the K♣ where the nine is the right lead so we can give declarer that card. If we win the ace and partner has led a doubleton or 9 from 9xx, declarer will be able to lead clubs from dummy through me for a straight finesse or perhaps a ruffing finesse. It seems like ducking is the right play.
But is it? Partner may have ♣9875 and ducking may allow declarer to win the singleton king! We know partner has values but chose not to lead a spade or a diamond. With AK in either suit that would have been a no-brainer, so partner's values cannot be quick tricks. Give partner ♠KJx and a diamond winner, and if I let the K♣ win the first trick, declarer has time to knock out the diamond loser before we can dislodge declarer's A♠ and set up our spade tricks. Danger, Will Robinson!
I missed this possibility and declarer had ♠ 9 8 3 ♥ A K T 9 8 3 ♦ K 7 3 ♣ K
The K♣ won the first trick and declarer pulled trumps and dislodged the A♦, eventually coming to eleven tricks. Winning the A♣ at trick one and switching to a spade gets us a club, a diamond, and two spades. The difference between -140 and -200 was 50%! Arrrgh!
Problem 3: Both sides vulnerable.
You: ♠ (void) ♥ A K 3 2 ♦ K T 9 ♣ Q J T 9 8 3
RHO opens 1♦ as dealer and you overcall 2♣. LHO bids 2♥ and partner raises to 5♣! RHO passes and it is your call. Any ideas?
This is the type of question that begs the answer that turns out to be right, so if you chose to do something other than pass, you should have a good reason. My own reason for raising to 6♣, I have to admit, was that I had unique options available to me in this situation. Context in bridge is everything. I was a playing director after a 5-table game became a 5½ table game with a late-but-not-actually-late arriving pair (we had changed the start time to 15 minutes earlier since the last time we had seen them), and we called a player down to play with me to complete a sixth table. My partner's arrival took some time and I was aware when I picked up this hand that this was going to be the only board in the first round we would have time to play. The other two would be scored as averages, and while our side would get 50% for the two unplayed boards, the other side really should be given 60% (since they were not at fault for the boards not being played), so if this worked, the other pair would get some compensation, and if not, they'd be off to a good start and we could cheer them on in their return. As it turned out, the returning pair did quite well even after I stuck them with a zero on the first board. So I was inclined to take a chance and maybe have some fun.
But the more I think about it, the more I like 6♣. Raises to 5♣ in auctions like this are usually two types of hands: absolute pre-empts with clubs and little else, or "this will make it difficult for them to get in but with perfect cards you may have a chance" hand types. If partner has few points and five small clubs or even six to the king, the other side may outbid us, may find their spade fit, and what defense do we have? But if partner has a good hand, my spade void, heart honours and diamond values over the 1♦ opener could be absolute gold! And it was the other option; partner had:
♠ J T 7 6 ♥ (void) ♦ J 5 4 2 ♣ A K 6 4 2
Cold on any lead with the diamond honours onside, and they were! Lucky, or reasoned?
JACK, the computer program that has been computer World Champion most years, thinks I was insane to bid 6♣. You can enter a deal into the program, give it an auction up to the point given above, and have it 'analyze the position.' This means that JACK sees only the 13 cards in my hand, and deals the other 39 randomly over and over again, looking for layouts that fit the bidding so far. Whenever it finds such a layout, it checks to see which contracts make and which fail, completing the auction and play for that particular layout, considering each possible call. Once 1000 fitting layouts are found, it gives an average score for each considered call. In this case, it takes JACK most of a minute to find 1000 fitting layouts, and this is the report:
Expected Scores:
Pass 5♣: 239
6♣: -526
7♣: -1076
Expected opponent scores:
5♦: -690
5♥: -893
5NT: -1300
JACK's intention: pass
Since 6♣ making is 1370 and going down one is -100, or -200 if doubled, JACK seems to expect that 6♣ will usually be doubled and go for a number. But 5♣ has about a 40% chance of making to get an average of +239. The opponent's potential contracts at the five level appear to be likely losers as well, going for very large numbers. JACK does not appear to consider spades as a potential strain at all.
However, the 5♣ call is defined by JACK, playing a 2/1 system, as showing 13-15 'total points' (which may include distribution bonuses) and 3+ clubs. Here may be where the computer is going astray. Few players would consider a jump to 5♣ with only three-card support in this auction. They might raise to 3♣ with ♣AKx or ♣Axx or even ♣Kxx or even ♣xxx with some side suit cards and shape. But I think a jump to 5♣ in this context has to be at least four to an honour, with a strong expectation that partner will have AKxx or a fifth club. Throwing out the layouts where partner raises on only three with a near opener has to change the expectations considerably. Or, maybe I am just an incurable optimist!
One thing is for sure. Bridge is an incredibly interesting game when you're "on" and are seeing the whole deck. It is difficult to keep up the focus required to see the whole deck and distractions don't help. On the first problem above I worked out what to do, grabbed the second spade and put partner in with the third, and declarer followed, and then partner thought for some time. I was, of course, hoping for the thirteenth spade to be the next lead, setting up the trump promotion before declarer could get in and drop my doubleton queen. I exerted considerable mental energy silently rooting for a spade return, and after a minute of deep thought partner emerged and said "is it my lead?"
Partner did in fact return the spade and we got a good score.
Masterpoints for all players are updated nightly here first, with everyone's current red and gold point total listed alphabetically below the leaders, before a shorter leaderboard is added to this page.
Overall Leaders | ||
1 | Kevin Cline, Seattle WA | 66.80 |
1 | Leo Glaser, Lake Country BC | 66.80 |
1 | Nicholas Stock, North Vancouver BC | 66.80 |
1 | Ray Miller, Seattle WA | 66.80 |
5 | Peter Jones, Edmonton AB | 53.01 |
6 | Allan Graves, Saint Johnsbury VT | 52.46 |
6 | Billy Cohen, Sherman Oaks CA | 52.46 |
6 | David Bakhshi, London | 52.46 |
6 | Reanette Frobouck, Pittsburgh PA | 52.46 |
10 | Mitch Dunitz, Sherman Oaks CA | 51.05 |
11 | Alex Hudson, Morrisville NC | 50.14 |
11 | Jonathan Steinberg, Toronto ON | 50.14 |
13 | Gerry McCully, Victoria BC | 49.71 |
14 | Daniel Bertrand, Calgary AB | 46.83 |
14 | Gerry Marshall, Calgary AB | 46.83 |
16 | Hendrik Sharples, Brush Prairie WA | 44.95 |
16 | J. Jay Roll, Kelso WA | 44.95 |
18 | Mark Itabashi, Newport Beach CA | 43.34 |
19 | Lorna McDonald, St Albert AB | 40.75 |
20 | Kim Koski, Gilford ON | 39.27 |
20 | William Koski, Gilford ON | 39.27 |
22 | Steven Lawrence, Calgary AB | 36.61 |
23 | Manohara Senaratne, Edmonton AB | 36.49 |
24 | Mike D Aguiar, Calgary AB | 36.19 |
25 | John Demeulemeester, Burnaby BC | 34.41 |
26 | Marinus Nyholt, St Albert AB | 33.99 |
27 | Gray McMullin, Vancouver BC | 33.11 |
27 | Kelvin Raywood, Vancouver BC | 33.11 |
29 | Roberta Stirling, Edmonton AB | 32.79 |
30 | Ken Connell, Saskatoon SK | 32.63 |
30 | Linda Connell, Saskatoon SK | 32.63 |
Non-Life Master Leaders | ||
1 | David Bakhshi, London | 52.46 |
2 | Kim Regier, Kelowna BC | 18.34 |
3 | Dolores Johnson, Brentwood Bay BC | 16.72 |
4 | Denise Anthony, Terrace BC | 15.65 |
4 | Michael Anthony, Terrace BC | 15.65 |
6 | Peggy Fekete, Kelowna BC | 15.12 |
7 | Patrick Noel, Winnipeg MB | 14.95 |
8 | Zakery Simpson, Prince George BC | 14.72 |
9 | Craig Leonard, Pahoa HI | 13.55 |
10 | Bill Cooke, North Vancouver BC | 13.49 |
10 | Karen Cooke, North Vancouver BC | 13.49 |
12 | Beryl Senger, Penticton BC | 13.20 |
13 | Richard Barr, Ponoka AB | 12.39 |
14 | Pirjo Holt, Kelowna BC | 12.35 |
14 | Wendy Webb, Kelowna BC | 12.35 |
16 | Mavis Bollman, Winnipeg MB | 12.29 |
17 | Pat Hodgson, North Vancouver BC | 12.17 |
18 | Wenmin Chen, Richmond BC | 12.00 |
19 | Brenda Jordan, Asquith SK | 11.89 |
20 | Lorraine Cameron, Kelowna BC | 11.56 |
Masterpoints will be updated first on the masterpoints page. Leaders will appear here later, when the results are posted. ALERT: the link above also has the 2023 Leavenworth Regional final masterpoints, and the 2023 Final Kirkwood Standings. This makes it a lot of data on that page and it might take a few seconds to download on an iffy connection. |
The Canadian Bridge Federation's Annual General Meeting takes place at 9am this morning. I would guess this would be set up either in one of the rooms at the north end, or in the CBF playing area itself.
Today is the final in two events: the second day of the Canadian National Teams Championships Flight A, and the final of the Canadian Womens Teams Championship, as well as the final sessions of the Canadian Open Pairs Championship.
CNTC Flight A (teams determined on Tuesday, final played over two days, began Wednesday)
Bart 269 (Brad Bart, Coquitlam BC; Jeff Blond, Brossard QC; Michael Roche - Daniel Lyder, Victoria BC)
Zheng 206 (Andrew Zheng - Terry Du, Maple ON; Mike Xiaofeng Xue, Markham ON; Peter Wong; North York ON)
CWTC Finalists (determined on Wednesday)
Li 86 (Lisa Li - Diana Jing, Surrey BC; Amy Gao, New Westminster BC; Jennifer Hong - Jin Mei Luo, Burnaby BC; Juan Xu, Coquitlam BC)
NPC Mittelman 121 (George Mittelman, Thornhill ON (non-playing captain); Lesley Thomson - Hazel Wolpert, North York ON; Barbara Shnier - Linda Wynston, Toronto ON; Ina Demme, Nobelton ON; Roisin O'Hara, Oakville ON)
Play begins in these matches at 10:00am, and a small portion of the Convention Centre, divided from the rest of the tournament but open to kibitzers, will be the venue for all of the CBF Bridge Week events this week.
Also today: Final sessions for the Canadian Open Pairs Championship, at 1pm and 7pm. To play in the COPC you must have qualified at a COPC Club Game (a list is here), OR, you can purchase qualification for $25 and play (assuming your CBF membership is current). Players may "drop in" to the COPC final tomorrow if they were eliminated from the CNTC or CWTC yesterday, with a quarter-board carryover per player involved in today's team play. (I wouldn't count on getting in unless you let the Directors know of your intentions yesterday....)
From fifth at the break, Kelvin Raywood and Gray McMullin began the evening with a 74% round that vaulted them into second overall, and they bounced between second and third for most of the evening before exploding in the final round for 96% and vaulting into a lead by two-thirds of a top! Craig Harrison and Donald Perry won the under-3000 strat after leading at the break and holding the lead for most of the evening session, winning by nearly a full board. The under-1500 strat was won by Avery Silverstein and Barry Balof by nearly a full board, with a true wire-to-wire win: leading at halftime and after every evening round!
Two-session pairs event, scored in matchpoints. Strat limits (by pair average): A: 3000+ / B: 1500 - 3000 / C: 0 - 1500.
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 2382
MPts | Score | A | B | C | Thursday Open Pairs | (33, 33 tables) ACBL Live Link |
33.11 | 62.42% | 1 | Kelvin Raywood - Gray McMullin, Vancouver BC | |||
24.83 | 61.12% | 2 | Gerry McCully, Victoria BC; Peter Jones, Edmonton AB | |||
18.62 | 60.95% | 3 | 1 | Craig Harrison, Normandy Park WA; Donald Perry, Deer Park WA | ||
13.97 | 60.90% | 4 | Janet Galbraith - Christopher Galbraith, Calgary AB | |||
11.04 | 60.26% | 5 | Mark Itabashi, Newport Beach CA; Iftikhar Baqai, Irvine CA | |||
9.59 | 59.19% | 6 | 2 | Ross Bates, Castlegar BC; David Reid, Victoria BC | ||
8.28 | 57.97% | 7 | Mitch Dunitz, Sherman Oaks CA; Michael Mikyska, Los Angeles CA | |||
7.36 | 56.71% | 8 | Layne Noble - Deborah Harper, Ottawa ON | |||
6.62 | 56.53% | 9 | Michael Ainsley, Victoria BC; Sheldon Spier, Chemainus BC | |||
6.02 | 56.42% | 10 | Duncan Smith, Victoria BC; Elaine Sorensen, Winfield BC | |||
5.52 | 55.58% | 11 | Nader Hanna - John Rayner, Toronto ON | |||
5.09 | 55.44% | 12 | Allen Kane - En Hay, Highlands Ranch CO | |||
7.19 | 55.12% | 13 | 3 | 1 | Avery Silverstein, Ridgefield CT; Barry Balof, Walla Walla WA | |
4.41 | 55.05% | 14 | Donald Sache, West Vancouver BC; Cameron Doner, Surrey BC | |||
4.14 | 54.98% | 15 | Jonathan Steinberg, Toronto ON; Alex Hudson, Morrisville NC | |||
3.90 | 54.79% | 16 | Lino D'Souza, Burlington ON; Paul Thurston, Wellington ON | |||
3.68 | 54.72% | 17 | Judy Clerke, Vernon BC; Aline Vance, West Kelowna BC | |||
5.40 | 54.02% | 4 | Neal Rechtman; Christ Church, Barbados; Cindy Oishi, West Vancouver BC | |||
4.26 | 53.23% | 5 | 2 | Don Sharp, Salt-Sprg-Isl BC; Don Nemeth, Salt Spring Isl BC | ||
3.65 | 50.83% | 6 | Sandy McIlwain - Roberta McIlwain, Invermere BC | |||
3.20 | 49.88% | 7 | Lisa Hebert, Ottawa ON; Richard A Gamble, Mill Bay BC | |||
2.84 | 48.39% | 8 | Mike Christensen, Red Deer AB; William McDonald, St Albert AB | |||
2.56 | 48.20% | 9 | Diana Knowles - Leah Koffski, Kelowna BC | |||
3.05 | 47.90% | 3 | Denis Powers - Jutta Jealouse, Kamloops BC | |||
2.29 | 47.87% | 4 | Mike Shafer, Blaine WA; John Nader, Ferndale WA | |||
1.81 | 47.73% | 5 | Maarten Tjebbes - Brad Digby, Vancouver BC |
The Race For Overalls in Strat A (unlimited): 17 overall spots available. | ||||||||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Carryover Rank |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Rd. 8 Rank |
Rd. 9 Rank |
Rd. 10 Rank |
Rd. 11 Rank |
Rd. 12 Rank |
Final Rank |
Kelvin Raywood - Gray McMullin, Vancouver BC: | 5 Start of Final Session: Score: 60.00% Rank in Strat A: 5 Currently 1.39 boards behind the strat A leader. |
2 Round # 1 score: 73.44% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 60.96% Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 65.62% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 61.27% Currently 0.74 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 76.56% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 62.23% Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 78.13% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 63.16% Currently 0.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 58.59% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 62.91% Currently 0.61 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 55.47% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 62.52% Currently 0.63 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 47.66% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 61.78% Currently 1.12 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 82.03% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 62.74% Currently 0.77 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 9 score: 64.84% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 62.84% Currently 0.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 10 score: 45.31% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 62.07% Currently 0.23 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 11 score: 46.88% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 61.44% Currently 0.41 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 12 score: 52.34% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 61.08% Currently 1.13 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 13 score: 96.09% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 62.42% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.68 boards. |
Gerry McCully, Victoria BC; Peter Jones, Edmonton AB: | 7 Start of Final Session: Score: 59.56% Rank in Strat A: 7 Currently 1.51 boards behind the strat A leader. |
3 Round # 1 score: 72.66% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 60.49% Currently 1.56 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 71.87% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 61.25% Currently 0.74 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 91.41% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 63.13% Currently 0.14 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 4 score: 66.41% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 63.33% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.06 boards. |
2 Round # 5 score: 75.78% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 64.02% Currently 0.21 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 51.56% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 63.36% Currently 0.31 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 66.41% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 63.52% Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 40.62% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 62.43% Currently 0.9 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 9 score: 49.22% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 61.83% Currently 0.77 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 10 score: 60.94% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 61.79% Currently 0.35 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 11 score: 74.22% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 62.30% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.07 boards. |
1 Round # 12 score: 88.28% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 63.34% Current Lead in Strat A: 1.05 boards. |
2 Round # 13 score: 5.46% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 61.12% Currently 0.68 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Craig Harrison, Normandy Park WA; Donald Perry, Deer Park WA: | 8 Start of Final Session: Score: 59.45% Rank in Strat A: 8 Currently 1.54 boards behind the strat A leader. |
4 Round # 1 score: 72.66% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 60.39% Currently 1.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 44.53% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 59.34% Currently 1.32 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 51.56% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 58.85% Currently 1.51 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 30.46% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 57.18% Currently 2.09 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 5 score: 53.12% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 56.96% Currently 2.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 6 score: 69.53% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 57.62% Currently 2.49 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 52.34% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 57.35% Currently 2.9 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 75.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 58.19% Currently 2.68 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 9 score: 53.12% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 57.96% Currently 2.48 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 10 score: 81.25% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 58.98% Currently 1.65 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 11 score: 89.06% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 60.23% Currently 0.99 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 12 score: 64.06% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 60.38% Currently 1.48 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 13 score: 75.00% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 60.95% Currently 0.76 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Janet Galbraith - Christopher Galbraith, Calgary AB: | 1 Start of Final Session: Score: 65.36% Rank in Strat A: 1 Current Lead in A: 0.88 boards. |
1 Round # 1 score: 75.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 66.05% Current Lead in Strat A: 1.43 boards. |
1 Round # 2 score: 31.25% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 63.73% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.74 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 60.94% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 63.56% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.14 boards. |
3 Round # 4 score: 51.56% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 62.85% Currently 0.16 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 5 score: 94.53% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 64.61% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.21 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 56.25% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 64.17% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.31 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 72.66% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 64.59% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.43 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 64.06% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 64.57% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.77 boards. |
1 Round # 9 score: 42.97% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 63.59% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.33 boards. |
1 Round # 10 score: 39.84% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 62.56% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.23 boards. |
2 Round # 11 score: 53.12% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 62.16% Currently 0.07 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 12 score: 39.06% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 61.24% Currently 1.05 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 13 score: 52.34% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 60.90% Currently 0.79 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Mark Itabashi, Newport Beach CA; Iftikhar Baqai, Irvine CA: | 11 Start of Final Session: Score: 58.15% Rank in Strat A: 11 Currently 1.87 boards behind the strat A leader. |
11 Round # 1 score: 53.91% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 57.84% Currently 2.3 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 2 score: 32.81% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 56.18% Currently 2.26 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 3 score: 27.35% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 54.37% Currently 2.94 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 4 score: 76.56% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 55.68% Currently 2.6 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 5 score: 76.56% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 56.84% Currently 2.8 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 6 score: 18.75% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 54.83% Currently 3.55 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 7 score: 53.91% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 54.79% Currently 3.92 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 8 score: 74.22% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 55.71% Currently 3.72 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 9 score: 64.84% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 56.13% Currently 3.28 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 10 score: 68.75% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 56.68% Currently 2.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 11 score: 95.31% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 58.29% Currently 1.92 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 12 score: 86.72% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 59.42% Currently 1.96 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 13 score: 81.25% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 60.26% Currently 1.12 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Ross Bates, Castlegar BC; David Reid, Victoria BC: | 10 Start of Final Session: Score: 58.27% Rank in Strat A: 10 Currently 1.84 boards behind the strat A leader. |
19 Round # 1 score: 13.28% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 55.06% Currently 3.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 2 score: 67.19% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 55.87% Currently 2.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 3 score: 54.69% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 55.79% Currently 2.49 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 4 score: 42.97% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 55.04% Currently 2.82 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 5 score: 92.19% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 57.10% Currently 2.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 100.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 59.36% Currently 1.83 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 7 score: 5.47% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 56.67% Currently 3.17 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 8 score: 63.28% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 56.98% Currently 3.19 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 9 score: 74.22% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 57.77% Currently 2.56 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 10 score: 72.66% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 58.41% Currently 1.91 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 11 score: 64.06% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 58.65% Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 12 score: 57.81% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 58.61% Currently 2.37 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 13 score: 73.44% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 59.18% Currently 1.68 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Mitch Dunitz, Sherman Oaks CA; Michael Mikyska, Los Angeles CA: | 2 Start of Final Session: Score: 61.97% Rank in Strat A: 2 Currently 0.88 boards behind the strat A leader. |
5 Round # 1 score: 34.38% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 60.00% Currently 1.69 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 2 score: 49.22% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 59.28% Currently 1.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 71.09% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 60.02% Currently 1.13 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 49.22% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 59.39% Currently 1.34 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 54.69% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 59.13% Currently 1.97 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 59.38% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 59.14% Currently 1.91 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 53.91% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 58.88% Currently 2.28 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 82.03% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 59.98% Currently 1.93 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 9 score: 64.06% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 60.17% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 10 score: 23.43% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 58.57% Currently 1.84 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 11 score: 57.03% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 58.50% Currently 1.82 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 12 score: 79.69% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 59.35% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 13 score: 23.44% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 57.97% Currently 2.31 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Layne Noble - Deborah Harper, Ottawa ON: | 31 Start of Final Session: Score: 51.22% Rank in Strat A: 31 Currently 3.68 boards behind the strat A leader. |
21 Round # 1 score: 90.62% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 54.04% Currently 3.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 2 score: 66.41% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 54.86% Currently 2.66 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 3 score: 85.16% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 56.76% Currently 2.18 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 4 score: 34.38% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 55.44% Currently 2.68 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 5 score: 69.53% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 56.22% Currently 3.02 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 85.16% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 57.75% Currently 2.44 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 74.22% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 58.57% Currently 2.41 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 47.66% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 58.05% Currently 2.74 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 9 score: 68.75% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 58.54% Currently 2.22 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 10 score: 52.34% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 58.27% Currently 1.97 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 11 score: 11.72% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 56.33% Currently 2.87 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 12 score: 57.03% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 56.36% Currently 3.49 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 13 score: 65.62% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 56.71% Currently 2.97 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Michael Ainsley, Victoria BC; Sheldon Spier, Chemainus BC: | 17 Start of Final Session: Score: 55.24% Rank in Strat A: 17 Currently 2.63 boards behind the strat A leader. |
25 Round # 1 score: 9.38% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 51.97% Currently 3.94 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 2 score: 97.66% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 55.01% Currently 2.62 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 3 score: 72.66% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 56.12% Currently 2.38 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 4 score: 54.69% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 56.03% Currently 2.48 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 5 score: 58.59% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 56.17% Currently 3.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 6 score: 56.25% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 56.18% Currently 3.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 7 score: 29.69% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 54.85% Currently 3.9 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 8 score: 78.91% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 56.00% Currently 3.6 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 9 score: 60.94% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 56.22% Currently 3.24 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 10 score: 39.84% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 55.51% Currently 3.24 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 11 score: 57.81% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 55.61% Currently 3.21 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 12 score: 52.34% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 55.48% Currently 3.93 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 13 score: 82.81% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 56.53% Currently 3.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Duncan Smith, Victoria BC; Elaine Sorensen, Winfield BC: | 19 Start of Final Session: Score: 54.79% Rank in Strat A: 19 Currently 2.75 boards behind the strat A leader. |
20 Round # 1 score: 52.34% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 54.61% Currently 3.2 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 2 score: 89.06% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 56.91% Currently 2.05 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 75.78% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 58.09% Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 66.41% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 58.58% Currently 1.61 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 5 score: 17.18% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 56.28% Currently 3.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 6 score: 41.41% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 55.50% Currently 3.29 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 7 score: 58.59% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 55.65% Currently 3.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 8 score: 79.69% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 56.80% Currently 3.26 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 9 score: 44.53% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 56.24% Currently 3.23 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 10 score: 34.38% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 55.29% Currently 3.34 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 11 score: 49.22% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 55.03% Currently 3.49 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 12 score: 71.09% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 55.68% Currently 3.83 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 13 score: 75.00% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 56.42% Currently 3.12 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Nader Hanna - John Rayner, Toronto ON: | 27 Start of Final Session: Score: 51.85% Rank in Strat A: 27 Currently 3.51 boards behind the strat A leader. |
31 Round # 1 score: 41.41% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 31 Event score so far: 51.11% Currently 4.18 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
26 Round # 2 score: 75.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 26 Event score so far: 52.70% Currently 3.31 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 3 score: 69.53% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 53.75% Currently 3.14 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 4 score: 87.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 55.74% Currently 2.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 5 score: 39.84% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 54.85% Currently 3.51 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 6 score: 67.97% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 55.55% Currently 3.28 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 7 score: 32.04% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 54.37% Currently 4.09 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 8 score: 75.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 55.35% Currently 3.87 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 9 score: 58.59% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 55.50% Currently 3.56 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 10 score: 64.84% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 55.91% Currently 3.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 11 score: 48.44% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 55.59% Currently 3.22 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 12 score: 84.38% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 56.75% Currently 3.3 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 13 score: 26.56% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 55.58% Currently 3.56 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Allen Kane - En Hay, Highlands Ranch CO: | 22 Start of Final Session: Score: 54.52% Rank in Strat A: 22 Currently 2.82 boards behind the strat A leader. |
16 Round # 1 score: 67.97% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 55.48% Currently 2.96 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 88.28% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 57.67% Currently 1.82 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 3 score: 37.50% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 56.41% Currently 2.29 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 4 score: 39.06% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 55.39% Currently 2.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 5 score: 64.06% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 55.87% Currently 3.15 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 6 score: 54.69% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 55.81% Currently 3.18 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 7 score: 47.66% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 55.40% Currently 3.68 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 8 score: 60.16% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 55.62% Currently 3.76 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 9 score: 44.53% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 55.12% Currently 3.73 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 10 score: 78.91% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 56.16% Currently 2.94 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 11 score: 57.81% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 56.22% Currently 2.92 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 12 score: 53.12% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 56.10% Currently 3.62 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 13 score: 39.06% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 55.44% Currently 3.63 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Avery Silverstein, Ridgefield CT; Barry Balof, Walla Walla WA: | 15 Start of Final Session: Score: 56.21% Rank in Strat A: 15 Currently 2.38 boards behind the strat A leader. |
13 Round # 1 score: 70.31% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 57.22% Currently 2.47 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 2 score: 50.78% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 56.79% Currently 2.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 3 score: 38.29% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 55.63% Currently 2.54 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 4 score: 65.62% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 56.22% Currently 2.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 5 score: 61.72% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 56.53% Currently 2.91 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 6 score: 58.59% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 56.64% Currently 2.86 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 7 score: 10.15% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 54.31% Currently 4.11 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 8 score: 40.62% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 53.66% Currently 4.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 9 score: 57.03% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 53.81% Currently 4.3 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 10 score: 61.72% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 54.16% Currently 3.86 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 11 score: 75.00% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 55.03% Currently 3.49 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 12 score: 46.88% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 54.70% Currently 4.32 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 13 score: 65.62% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 55.12% Currently 3.8 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Donald Sache, West Vancouver BC; Cameron Doner, Surrey BC: | 3 Start of Final Session: Score: 60.59% Rank in Strat A: 3 Currently 1.24 boards behind the strat A leader. |
10 Round # 1 score: 25.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 58.05% Currently 2.24 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 2 score: 35.16% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 56.52% Currently 2.16 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 3 score: 21.88% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 54.36% Currently 2.94 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 4 score: 70.31% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 55.29% Currently 2.73 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 5 score: 90.62% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 57.26% Currently 2.65 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 70.31% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 57.94% Currently 2.37 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 41.41% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 57.12% Currently 2.99 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 8 score: 59.38% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 57.22% Currently 3.09 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 9 score: 23.43% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 55.69% Currently 3.48 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 10 score: 42.97% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 55.14% Currently 3.41 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 11 score: 35.16% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 54.30% Currently 3.84 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 12 score: 89.06% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 55.69% Currently 3.83 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 13 score: 39.06% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 55.05% Currently 3.83 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Jonathan Steinberg, Toronto ON; Alex Hudson, Morrisville NC: | 4 Start of Final Session: Score: 60.08% Rank in Strat A: 4 Currently 1.37 boards behind the strat A leader. |
7 Round # 1 score: 47.66% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 59.19% Currently 1.92 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 2 score: 17.97% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 56.44% Currently 2.19 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 3 score: 78.12% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 57.80% Currently 1.84 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 4 score: 48.44% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 57.25% Currently 2.07 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 5 score: 40.62% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 56.32% Currently 2.98 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 6 score: 35.94% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 55.25% Currently 3.39 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 7 score: 52.34% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 55.10% Currently 3.8 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 8 score: 50.78% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 54.90% Currently 4.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 9 score: 67.97% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 55.49% Currently 3.56 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 10 score: 39.06% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 54.78% Currently 3.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 11 score: 10.94% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 52.95% Currently 4.49 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 12 score: 82.03% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 54.12% Currently 4.61 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 13 score: 76.56% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 54.98% Currently 3.87 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Lino D'Souza, Burlington ON; Paul Thurston, Wellington ON: | 23 Start of Final Session: Score: 54.35% Rank in Strat A: 23 Currently 2.86 boards behind the strat A leader. |
18 Round # 1 score: 65.62% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 55.16% Currently 3.05 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 2 score: 50.78% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 54.87% Currently 2.66 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
24 Round # 3 score: 26.56% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 53.10% Currently 3.35 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 4 score: 94.53% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 55.53% Currently 2.65 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 5 score: 82.81% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 57.05% Currently 2.72 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 6 score: 44.53% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 56.39% Currently 2.96 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 7 score: 58.59% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 56.50% Currently 3.24 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 8 score: 35.94% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 55.52% Currently 3.8 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 9 score: 80.47% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 56.66% Currently 3.05 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 10 score: 10.94% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 54.67% Currently 3.63 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 11 score: 42.19% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 54.15% Currently 3.91 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 12 score: 69.53% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 54.76% Currently 4.29 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 13 score: 55.47% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 54.79% Currently 3.97 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Judy Clerke, Vernon BC; Aline Vance, West Kelowna BC: | 9 Start of Final Session: Score: 58.30% Rank in Strat A: 9 Currently 1.84 boards behind the strat A leader. |
6 Round # 1 score: 82.03% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 59.99% Currently 1.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 58.59% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 59.90% Currently 1.15 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 41.41% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 58.74% Currently 1.54 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 55.47% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 58.55% Currently 1.63 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 5 score: 25.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 56.69% Currently 2.85 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 6 score: 38.28% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 55.72% Currently 3.21 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 7 score: 51.56% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 55.51% Currently 3.63 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 8 score: 52.34% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 55.36% Currently 3.87 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 9 score: 32.03% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 54.30% Currently 4.09 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 10 score: 71.09% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 55.03% Currently 3.46 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 11 score: 60.94% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 55.28% Currently 3.37 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 12 score: 51.56% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 55.13% Currently 4.11 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 13 score: 44.53% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 54.72% Currently 4.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Jessie Brunswig, Scottsdale AZ; Sandra Scholes, Bellevue WA: | 14 Start of Final Session: Score: 56.90% Rank in Strat A: 14 Currently 2.2 boards behind the strat A leader. |
9 Round # 1 score: 79.69% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 58.53% Currently 2.11 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 2 score: 59.38% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 58.58% Currently 1.54 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 3 score: 55.47% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 58.39% Currently 1.65 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 4 score: 33.59% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 56.93% Currently 2.18 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 76.56% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 58.02% Currently 2.37 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 6 score: 29.69% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 56.53% Currently 2.9 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 7 score: 27.34% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 55.07% Currently 3.81 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 8 score: 28.91% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 53.83% Currently 4.51 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 9 score: 63.28% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 54.26% Currently 4.11 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 10 score: 21.09% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 52.81% Currently 4.49 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 11 score: 50.78% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 52.73% Currently 4.59 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 12 score: 48.44% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 52.56% Currently 5.39 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 13 score: 94.53% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 4.29 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Neal Rechtman; Christ Church, Barbados; Cindy Oishi, West Vancouver BC: | 28 Start of Final Session: Score: 51.79% Rank in Strat A: 28 Currently 3.53 boards behind the strat A leader. |
33 Round # 1 score: 39.06% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 33 Event score so far: 50.88% Currently 4.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
24 Round # 2 score: 82.03% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 52.96% Currently 3.23 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 3 score: 61.72% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 53.50% Currently 3.22 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 4 score: 71.09% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 54.54% Currently 2.99 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
25 Round # 5 score: 23.43% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 52.81% Currently 4.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 6 score: 55.47% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 52.95% Currently 4.26 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 7 score: 89.84% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 54.80% Currently 3.92 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 8 score: 44.53% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 54.31% Currently 4.31 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 9 score: 51.56% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 54.18% Currently 4.14 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 10 score: 30.46% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 53.15% Currently 4.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 11 score: 71.09% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 53.90% Currently 4.03 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 12 score: 99.22% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 55.71% Currently 3.82 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 13 score: 11.72% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 54.02% Currently 4.37 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Dwight Bender, London ON; Saleh Fetouh, Buffalo NY: | 6 Start of Final Session: Score: 59.57% Rank in Strat A: 6 Currently 1.51 boards behind the strat A leader. |
12 Round # 1 score: 31.25% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 57.54% Currently 2.38 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 2 score: 53.91% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 57.30% Currently 1.93 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 3 score: 31.25% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 55.67% Currently 2.52 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 4 score: 44.53% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 55.02% Currently 2.83 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 5 score: 59.38% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 55.26% Currently 3.37 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 6 score: 46.09% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 54.78% Currently 3.57 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 96.88% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 56.88% Currently 3.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 71.09% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 57.56% Currently 2.94 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 9 score: 19.53% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 55.83% Currently 3.41 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 10 score: 38.28% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 55.07% Currently 3.45 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 11 score: 59.38% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 55.25% Currently 3.38 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 12 score: 52.34% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 55.13% Currently 4.11 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 13 score: 25.78% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 54.00% Currently 4.38 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
James Sache, Rosedale BC; June Keith, Surrey BC: | 30 Start of Final Session: Score: 51.65% Rank in Strat A: 30 Currently 3.56 boards behind the strat A leader. |
39 Round # 1 score: 17.97% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 39 Event score so far: 49.24% Currently 4.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
42 Round # 2 score: 28.13% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 42 Event score so far: 47.83% Currently 4.77 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
41 Round # 3 score: 48.44% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 41 Event score so far: 47.87% Currently 5.02 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
39 Round # 4 score: 50.78% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 39 Event score so far: 48.04% Currently 5.2 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
40 Round # 5 score: 45.31% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 40 Event score so far: 47.89% Currently 6.02 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
39 Round # 6 score: 69.53% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 39 Event score so far: 49.03% Currently 5.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
30 Round # 7 score: 66.41% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 30 Event score so far: 49.90% Currently 5.88 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
28 Round # 8 score: 76.56% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 28 Event score so far: 51.17% Currently 5.63 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
28 Round # 9 score: 55.47% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 28 Event score so far: 51.36% Currently 5.38 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
28 Round # 10 score: 69.53% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 28 Event score so far: 52.15% Currently 4.79 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
24 Round # 11 score: 64.84% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 52.68% Currently 4.62 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 12 score: 60.94% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 53.01% Currently 5.17 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 13 score: 74.22% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 53.83% Currently 4.47 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Allan Terplawy, Edmonton AB; Laurie Shapka, Red Deer AB: | 32 Start of Final Session: Score: 51.03% Rank in Strat A: 32 Currently 3.73 boards behind the strat A leader. |
29 Round # 1 score: 55.47% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 29 Event score so far: 51.35% Currently 4.12 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 2 score: 89.06% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 53.86% Currently 2.96 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 3 score: 99.22% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 56.70% Currently 2.2 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 4 score: 69.53% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 57.45% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 67.97% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 58.04% Currently 2.37 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 6 score: 10.94% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 55.56% Currently 3.27 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 7 score: 61.72% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 55.87% Currently 3.49 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 8 score: 58.59% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 56.00% Currently 3.6 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 9 score: 78.91% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 57.04% Currently 2.88 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 10 score: 32.03% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 55.95% Currently 3.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 11 score: 35.94% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 55.12% Currently 3.45 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 12 score: 47.66% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 54.82% Currently 4.26 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 13 score: 28.12% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 53.79% Currently 4.49 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Don Sharp, Salt-Sprg-Isl BC; Don Nemeth, Salt Spring Isl BC: | 48 Start of Final Session: Score: 44.45% Rank in Strat A: 48 Currently 5.44 boards behind the strat A leader. |
51 Round # 1 score: 28.91% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 51 Event score so far: 43.34% Currently 6.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
52 Round # 2 score: 47.66% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 52 Event score so far: 43.62% Currently 6.03 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
52 Round # 3 score: 63.28% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 52 Event score so far: 44.85% Currently 5.99 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
49 Round # 4 score: 57.03% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 49 Event score so far: 45.57% Currently 6.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
51 Round # 5 score: 41.41% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 51 Event score so far: 45.34% Currently 6.94 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
45 Round # 6 score: 64.84% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 45 Event score so far: 46.36% Currently 6.77 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
45 Round # 7 score: 59.38% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 45 Event score so far: 47.02% Currently 7.03 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
41 Round # 8 score: 67.97% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 41 Event score so far: 48.01% Currently 6.96 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
31 Round # 9 score: 91.41% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 31 Event score so far: 49.99% Currently 5.98 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
33 Round # 10 score: 36.72% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 33 Event score so far: 49.41% Currently 6.05 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
31 Round # 11 score: 71.09% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 31 Event score so far: 50.31% Currently 5.76 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
25 Round # 12 score: 97.66% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 52.21% Currently 5.57 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 13 score: 78.91% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 53.23% Currently 4.78 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Howard Epley - Karen Epley, Kent WA: | 37 Start of Final Session: Score: 49.10% Rank in Strat A: 37 Currently 4.23 boards behind the strat A leader. |
34 Round # 1 score: 69.53% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 34 Event score so far: 50.56% Currently 4.34 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
30 Round # 2 score: 67.97% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 30 Event score so far: 51.72% Currently 3.6 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
26 Round # 3 score: 65.62% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 26 Event score so far: 52.59% Currently 3.51 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
25 Round # 4 score: 57.03% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 52.85% Currently 3.56 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
31 Round # 5 score: 7.82% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 31 Event score so far: 50.35% Currently 5.13 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
33 Round # 6 score: 43.75% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 33 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 5.38 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
27 Round # 7 score: 65.62% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 27 Event score so far: 50.78% Currently 5.52 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
26 Round # 8 score: 66.41% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 26 Event score so far: 51.53% Currently 5.48 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
24 Round # 9 score: 75.00% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 52.60% Currently 4.84 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 10 score: 78.91% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 53.74% Currently 4.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 11 score: 35.94% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 53.00% Currently 4.46 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
24 Round # 12 score: 41.41% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 52.53% Currently 5.41 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
24 Round # 13 score: 40.62% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 52.08% Currently 5.38 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Lorna McDonald, St Albert AB; Rhonda Foster, Victoria BC: | 34 Start of Final Session: Score: 50.43% Rank in Strat A: 34 Currently 3.88 boards behind the strat A leader. |
27 Round # 1 score: 65.62% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 27 Event score so far: 51.52% Currently 4.07 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
33 Round # 2 score: 53.12% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 33 Event score so far: 51.62% Currently 3.63 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
33 Round # 3 score: 42.97% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 33 Event score so far: 51.08% Currently 3.99 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
27 Round # 4 score: 75.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 27 Event score so far: 52.49% Currently 3.69 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 5 score: 100.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 55.13% Currently 3.41 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 6 score: 25.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 53.54% Currently 4.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 7 score: 53.91% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 53.56% Currently 4.41 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 8 score: 49.22% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 53.35% Currently 4.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 9 score: 38.28% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 52.67% Currently 4.8 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 10 score: 75.00% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 53.64% Currently 4.1 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 11 score: 49.22% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 53.46% Currently 4.24 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 12 score: 30.46% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 52.54% Currently 5.4 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
25 Round # 13 score: 34.38% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 51.84% Currently 5.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Sandy McIlwain - Roberta McIlwain, Invermere BC: | 40 Start of Final Session: Score: 48.53% Rank in Strat A: 40 Currently 4.38 boards behind the strat A leader. |
35 Round # 1 score: 75.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 35 Event score so far: 50.43% Currently 4.37 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
32 Round # 2 score: 68.75% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 32 Event score so far: 51.65% Currently 3.62 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
25 Round # 3 score: 68.75% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 52.72% Currently 3.47 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 4 score: 67.97% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 53.61% Currently 3.3 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
26 Round # 5 score: 35.94% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 26 Event score so far: 52.63% Currently 4.31 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 6 score: 75.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 53.81% Currently 3.94 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 7 score: 48.44% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 53.54% Currently 4.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 8 score: 59.38% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 53.82% Currently 4.51 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 9 score: 46.88% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 53.50% Currently 4.44 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
25 Round # 10 score: 28.91% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 52.43% Currently 4.66 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
26 Round # 11 score: 42.97% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 26 Event score so far: 52.04% Currently 4.92 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
26 Round # 12 score: 40.62% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 26 Event score so far: 51.58% Currently 5.88 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
26 Round # 13 score: 32.04% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 26 Event score so far: 50.83% Currently 6.03 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Karen Turner, Victoria BC; Ken Scholes, Bellevue WA: | 33 Start of Final Session: Score: 50.80% Rank in Strat A: 33 Currently 3.79 boards behind the strat A leader. |
24 Round # 1 score: 68.75% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 52.09% Currently 3.91 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 2 score: 65.62% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 52.99% Currently 3.22 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 3 score: 62.50% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 53.58% Currently 3.19 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
29 Round # 4 score: 25.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 29 Event score so far: 51.90% Currently 3.89 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
24 Round # 5 score: 75.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 53.18% Currently 4.11 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
24 Round # 6 score: 48.44% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 52.93% Currently 4.27 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
26 Round # 7 score: 47.66% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 26 Event score so far: 52.67% Currently 4.77 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
25 Round # 8 score: 46.88% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 52.39% Currently 5.12 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
26 Round # 9 score: 35.94% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 26 Event score so far: 51.65% Currently 5.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
29 Round # 10 score: 58.59% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 29 Event score so far: 51.95% Currently 4.88 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
25 Round # 11 score: 55.47% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 52.10% Currently 4.9 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
27 Round # 12 score: 39.06% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 27 Event score so far: 51.57% Currently 5.89 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
27 Round # 13 score: 25.00% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 27 Event score so far: 50.55% Currently 6.17 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Farley Mawyer - Jill Marshall, Port Chester NY: | 26 Start of Final Session: Score: 52.86% Rank in Strat A: 26 Currently 3.25 boards behind the strat A leader. |
32 Round # 1 score: 26.56% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 32 Event score so far: 50.98% Currently 4.22 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
29 Round # 2 score: 64.06% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 29 Event score so far: 51.86% Currently 3.56 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
36 Round # 3 score: 14.84% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 36 Event score so far: 49.54% Currently 4.49 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
30 Round # 4 score: 89.06% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 30 Event score so far: 51.87% Currently 3.9 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
34 Round # 5 score: 23.44% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 34 Event score so far: 50.29% Currently 5.16 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
30 Round # 6 score: 51.56% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 30 Event score so far: 50.35% Currently 5.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
32 Round # 7 score: 40.62% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 32 Event score so far: 49.87% Currently 5.89 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
36 Round # 8 score: 33.59% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 36 Event score so far: 49.09% Currently 6.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
30 Round # 9 score: 82.03% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 30 Event score so far: 50.59% Currently 5.72 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
26 Round # 10 score: 90.62% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 26 Event score so far: 52.33% Currently 4.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
30 Round # 11 score: 20.31% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 30 Event score so far: 51.00% Currently 5.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
28 Round # 12 score: 63.28% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 28 Event score so far: 51.49% Currently 5.93 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
28 Round # 13 score: 19.53% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 28 Event score so far: 50.26% Currently 6.32 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat B (under 3000): 9 overall spots available. | ||||||||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Carryover Rank |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Rd. 8 Rank |
Rd. 9 Rank |
Rd. 10 Rank |
Rd. 11 Rank |
Rd. 12 Rank |
Final Rank |
Craig Harrison, Normandy Park WA; Donald Perry, Deer Park WA: | 1 Start of Final Session: Score: 59.45% Rank in Strat B: 1 Current Lead in B: 0.31 boards. |
1 Round # 1 score: 72.66% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 60.39% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.36 boards. |
1 Round # 2 score: 44.53% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 59.34% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.75 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 51.56% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 58.85% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.98 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 30.46% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 57.18% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.33 boards. |
2 Round # 5 score: 53.12% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 56.96% Currently 0.05 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 69.53% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 57.62% Currently 0.66 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 7 score: 52.34% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 57.35% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.27 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 75.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 58.19% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.51 boards. |
1 Round # 9 score: 53.12% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 57.96% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.08 boards. |
1 Round # 10 score: 81.25% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 58.98% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.26 boards. |
1 Round # 11 score: 89.06% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 60.23% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.76 boards. |
1 Round # 12 score: 64.06% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 60.38% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.89 boards. |
1 Round # 13 score: 75.00% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 60.95% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.92 boards. |
Ross Bates, Castlegar BC; David Reid, Victoria BC: | 2 Start of Final Session: Score: 58.27% Rank in Strat B: 2 Currently 0.31 boards behind the strat B leader. |
6 Round # 1 score: 13.28% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 55.06% Currently 1.49 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 67.19% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 55.87% Currently 1.04 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 54.69% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 55.79% Currently 0.98 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 42.97% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 55.04% Currently 0.73 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 5 score: 92.19% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 57.10% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.05 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 100.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 59.36% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.66 boards. |
2 Round # 7 score: 5.47% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 56.67% Currently 0.27 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 63.28% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 56.98% Currently 0.51 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 9 score: 74.22% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 57.77% Currently 0.08 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 10 score: 72.66% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 58.41% Currently 0.26 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 11 score: 64.06% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 58.65% Currently 0.76 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 12 score: 57.81% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 58.61% Currently 0.89 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 13 score: 73.44% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 59.18% Currently 0.92 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Avery Silverstein, Ridgefield CT; Barry Balof, Walla Walla WA: | 4 Start of Final Session: Score: 56.21% Rank in Strat B: 4 Currently 0.84 boards behind the strat B leader. |
3 Round # 1 score: 70.31% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 57.22% Currently 0.89 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 50.78% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 56.79% Currently 0.77 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 38.29% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 55.63% Currently 1.03 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 65.62% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 56.22% Currently 0.33 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 61.72% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 56.53% Currently 0.21 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 58.59% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 56.64% Currently 1.03 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 10.15% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 54.31% Currently 1.22 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 40.62% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 53.66% Currently 1.9 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 9 score: 57.03% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 53.81% Currently 1.83 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 10 score: 61.72% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 54.16% Currently 2.22 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 11 score: 75.00% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 55.03% Currently 2.5 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 12 score: 46.88% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 54.70% Currently 2.84 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 13 score: 65.62% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 55.12% Currently 3.03 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Neal Rechtman; Christ Church, Barbados; Cindy Oishi, West Vancouver BC: | 9 Start of Final Session: Score: 51.79% Rank in Strat B: 9 Currently 1.99 boards behind the strat B leader. |
9 Round # 1 score: 39.06% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 50.88% Currently 2.66 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 2 score: 82.03% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 52.96% Currently 1.91 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 61.72% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 53.50% Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 71.09% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 54.54% Currently 0.9 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 23.43% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 52.81% Currently 1.54 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 55.47% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 52.95% Currently 2.44 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 89.84% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 54.80% Currently 1.02 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 44.53% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 54.31% Currently 1.63 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 9 score: 51.56% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 54.18% Currently 1.66 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 10 score: 30.46% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 53.15% Currently 2.68 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 11 score: 71.09% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 53.90% Currently 3.04 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 12 score: 99.22% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 55.71% Currently 2.34 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 13 score: 11.72% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 54.02% Currently 3.6 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Don Sharp, Salt-Sprg-Isl BC; Don Nemeth, Salt Spring Isl BC: | 17 Start of Final Session: Score: 44.45% Rank in Strat B: 17 Currently 3.9 boards behind the strat B leader. |
20 Round # 1 score: 28.91% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 20 Event score so far: 43.34% Currently 4.77 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
20 Round # 2 score: 47.66% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 20 Event score so far: 43.62% Currently 4.72 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
20 Round # 3 score: 63.28% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 20 Event score so far: 44.85% Currently 4.48 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
18 Round # 4 score: 57.03% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 18 Event score so far: 45.57% Currently 3.95 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
19 Round # 5 score: 41.41% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 19 Event score so far: 45.34% Currently 4.23 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
16 Round # 6 score: 64.84% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 46.36% Currently 4.94 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 7 score: 59.38% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 47.02% Currently 4.13 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 8 score: 67.97% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 48.01% Currently 4.28 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 9 score: 91.41% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 49.99% Currently 3.51 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 10 score: 36.72% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 49.41% Currently 4.4 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 11 score: 71.09% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 50.31% Currently 4.76 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 12 score: 97.66% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 52.21% Currently 4.09 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 13 score: 78.91% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 53.23% Currently 4.01 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Sandy McIlwain - Roberta McIlwain, Invermere BC: | 12 Start of Final Session: Score: 48.53% Rank in Strat B: 12 Currently 2.84 boards behind the strat B leader. |
10 Round # 1 score: 75.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 50.43% Currently 2.79 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 2 score: 68.75% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 51.65% Currently 2.31 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 3 score: 68.75% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 52.72% Currently 1.96 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 67.97% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 53.61% Currently 1.21 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 35.94% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 52.63% Currently 1.61 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 75.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 53.81% Currently 2.11 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 48.44% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 53.54% Currently 1.52 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 59.38% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 53.82% Currently 1.84 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 9 score: 46.88% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 53.50% Currently 1.96 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 10 score: 28.91% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 52.43% Currently 3.01 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 11 score: 42.97% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 52.04% Currently 3.93 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 12 score: 40.62% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 51.58% Currently 4.4 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 13 score: 32.04% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 50.83% Currently 5.26 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Lisa Hebert, Ottawa ON; Richard A Gamble, Mill Bay BC: | 7 Start of Final Session: Score: 54.63% Rank in Strat B: 7 Currently 1.25 boards behind the strat B leader. |
7 Round # 1 score: 27.34% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 52.68% Currently 2.16 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 2 score: 55.47% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 52.87% Currently 1.94 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 3 score: 39.06% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 52.01% Currently 2.19 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 4 score: 50.78% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 51.94% Currently 1.78 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 5 score: 34.38% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 50.96% Currently 2.21 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 64.84% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 51.69% Currently 2.91 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 76.56% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 52.93% Currently 1.77 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 20.31% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 51.38% Currently 2.86 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 9 score: 48.44% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 51.25% Currently 2.95 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 10 score: 57.03% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 51.50% Currently 3.44 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 11 score: 46.88% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 51.31% Currently 4.28 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 12 score: 47.66% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 51.16% Currently 4.61 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 13 score: 17.96% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 49.88% Currently 5.76 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Mike Christensen, Red Deer AB; William McDonald, St Albert AB: | 10 Start of Final Session: Score: 50.20% Rank in Strat B: 10 Currently 2.4 boards behind the strat B leader. |
12 Round # 1 score: 35.16% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 49.13% Currently 3.15 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 2 score: 33.59% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 48.09% Currently 3.38 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 3 score: 54.69% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 48.50% Currently 3.31 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 4 score: 23.44% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 47.03% Currently 3.45 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
18 Round # 5 score: 17.18% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 18 Event score so far: 45.37% Currently 4.22 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
19 Round # 6 score: 35.16% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 19 Event score so far: 44.83% Currently 5.52 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
21 Round # 7 score: 34.38% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 21 Event score so far: 44.31% Currently 5.22 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
21 Round # 8 score: 45.31% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 21 Event score so far: 44.36% Currently 5.81 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 9 score: 96.09% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 46.71% Currently 4.95 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 10 score: 73.44% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 47.87% Currently 5.11 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
16 Round # 11 score: 33.59% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 47.28% Currently 6.22 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 12 score: 51.56% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 47.45% Currently 6.46 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 13 score: 71.88% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 48.39% Currently 6.53 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Diana Knowles - Leah Koffski, Kelowna BC: | 3 Start of Final Session: Score: 58.00% Rank in Strat B: 3 Currently 0.38 boards behind the strat B leader. |
2 Round # 1 score: 73.44% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 59.11% Currently 0.36 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 25.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 56.83% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 25.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 54.84% Currently 1.28 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 4 score: 21.87% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 52.90% Currently 1.46 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 61.72% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 53.39% Currently 1.34 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 14.84% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 51.36% Currently 3.04 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 15.62% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 49.58% Currently 3.11 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 8 score: 25.78% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 48.44% Currently 4.09 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 9 score: 36.72% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 47.91% Currently 4.42 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 10 score: 63.28% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 48.58% Currently 4.78 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 11 score: 64.06% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 49.22% Currently 5.28 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 12 score: 42.97% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 48.97% Currently 5.71 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 13 score: 28.91% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 48.20% Currently 6.63 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Denis Powers - Jutta Jealouse, Kamloops BC: | 18 Start of Final Session: Score: 44.36% Rank in Strat B: 18 Currently 3.92 boards behind the strat B leader. |
21 Round # 1 score: 29.69% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 21 Event score so far: 43.32% Currently 4.78 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
19 Round # 2 score: 51.56% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 19 Event score so far: 43.87% Currently 4.64 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
19 Round # 3 score: 60.94% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 19 Event score so far: 44.93% Currently 4.45 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
19 Round # 4 score: 49.22% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 19 Event score so far: 45.18% Currently 4.08 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
20 Round # 5 score: 32.03% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 20 Event score so far: 44.45% Currently 4.55 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
20 Round # 6 score: 51.56% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 20 Event score so far: 44.83% Currently 5.52 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
16 Round # 7 score: 82.81% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 46.73% Currently 4.25 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 8 score: 53.12% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 47.03% Currently 4.69 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 9 score: 85.94% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 48.80% Currently 4.03 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 10 score: 71.09% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 49.77% Currently 4.24 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 11 score: 23.43% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 48.67% Currently 5.55 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 12 score: 17.97% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 47.44% Currently 6.47 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 13 score: 59.38% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 47.90% Currently 6.79 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Mike Shafer, Blaine WA; John Nader, Ferndale WA: | 8 Start of Final Session: Score: 54.52% Rank in Strat B: 8 Currently 1.28 boards behind the strat B leader. |
8 Round # 1 score: 25.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 52.41% Currently 2.23 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 2 score: 46.09% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 51.99% Currently 2.21 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 3 score: 40.62% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 51.28% Currently 2.42 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 60.94% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 51.85% Currently 1.81 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 5 score: 0.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 48.97% Currently 2.93 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 6 score: 61.72% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 49.64% Currently 3.69 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 7 score: 33.59% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 48.84% Currently 3.4 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 8 score: 25.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 47.70% Currently 4.41 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
17 Round # 9 score: 14.07% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 17 Event score so far: 46.17% Currently 5.19 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 10 score: 76.56% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 47.49% Currently 5.29 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 11 score: 57.03% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 47.89% Currently 5.92 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 12 score: 48.44% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 47.91% Currently 6.24 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 13 score: 46.88% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 47.87% Currently 6.8 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Maarten Tjebbes - Brad Digby, Vancouver BC: | 11 Start of Final Session: Score: 48.88% Rank in Strat B: 11 Currently 2.75 boards behind the strat B leader. |
13 Round # 1 score: 35.94% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 47.95% Currently 3.48 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 2 score: 32.03% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 46.89% Currently 3.74 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 3 score: 78.12% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 48.84% Currently 3.2 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 4 score: 30.47% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 47.76% Currently 3.2 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 5 score: 61.72% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 48.54% Currently 3.08 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 6 score: 70.31% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 49.68% Currently 3.68 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 7 score: 41.41% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 49.27% Currently 3.23 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 8 score: 36.72% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 48.67% Currently 4.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 9 score: 39.06% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 48.24% Currently 4.28 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 10 score: 26.56% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 47.29% Currently 5.38 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 11 score: 79.69% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 48.64% Currently 5.56 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 12 score: 25.78% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 47.73% Currently 6.33 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 13 score: 47.66% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 47.73% Currently 6.87 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Patricia Long - Blanche Saelhof, Saskatoon SK: | 21 Start of Final Session: Score: 43.10% Rank in Strat B: 21 Currently 4.25 boards behind the strat B leader. |
18 Round # 1 score: 64.84% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 18 Event score so far: 44.66% Currently 4.4 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 2 score: 79.69% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 46.99% Currently 3.71 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
16 Round # 3 score: 45.31% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 46.89% Currently 3.83 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
16 Round # 4 score: 45.31% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 46.79% Currently 3.53 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 5 score: 82.81% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 48.79% Currently 2.99 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 6 score: 48.44% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 48.78% Currently 4.02 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 7 score: 32.81% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 47.98% Currently 3.75 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 8 score: 75.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 49.26% Currently 3.75 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 9 score: 63.28% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 49.90% Currently 3.55 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 10 score: 14.84% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 48.38% Currently 4.88 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 11 score: 57.03% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 48.74% Currently 5.52 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 12 score: 34.38% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 48.16% Currently 6.11 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 13 score: 35.16% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 47.66% Currently 6.91 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Martin Klaponski - Zsoka Balla, Toronto ON: | 13 Start of Final Session: Score: 48.39% Rank in Strat B: 13 Currently 2.88 boards behind the strat B leader. |
11 Round # 1 score: 60.94% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 49.28% Currently 3.11 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 2 score: 64.84% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 50.32% Currently 2.71 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 3 score: 39.06% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 49.62% Currently 2.95 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 4 score: 55.47% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 49.96% Currently 2.45 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 5 score: 57.03% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 50.35% Currently 2.43 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 6 score: 45.31% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 50.09% Currently 3.52 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 46.09% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 49.89% Currently 2.98 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 47.66% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 49.78% Currently 3.53 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 9 score: 50.78% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 49.83% Currently 3.58 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 10 score: 18.75% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 48.48% Currently 4.83 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 11 score: 76.56% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 49.65% Currently 5.08 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 12 score: 20.31% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 48.47% Currently 5.96 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 13 score: 27.34% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 47.66% Currently 6.91 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Charles Tompkins - John Leishman, Bellingham WA: | 16 Start of Final Session: Score: 45.33% Rank in Strat B: 16 Currently 3.67 boards behind the strat B leader. |
19 Round # 1 score: 27.34% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 19 Event score so far: 44.05% Currently 4.58 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
18 Round # 2 score: 55.47% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 18 Event score so far: 44.81% Currently 4.36 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
17 Round # 3 score: 69.53% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 17 Event score so far: 46.35% Currently 4.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
17 Round # 4 score: 50.78% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 17 Event score so far: 46.61% Currently 3.59 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 5 score: 48.44% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 46.72% Currently 3.74 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 6 score: 53.91% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 47.09% Currently 4.66 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
17 Round # 7 score: 25.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 17 Event score so far: 45.99% Currently 4.54 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
17 Round # 8 score: 32.03% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 17 Event score so far: 45.32% Currently 5.41 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
22 Round # 9 score: 25.79% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 22 Event score so far: 44.44% Currently 5.95 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
20 Round # 10 score: 60.16% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 20 Event score so far: 45.12% Currently 6.38 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
19 Round # 11 score: 66.41% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 19 Event score so far: 46.01% Currently 6.83 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
18 Round # 12 score: 36.72% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 18 Event score so far: 45.64% Currently 7.37 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 13 score: 96.09% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 47.58% Currently 6.95 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat C (under 1500): 5 overall spots available. | ||||||||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Carryover Rank |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Rd. 8 Rank |
Rd. 9 Rank |
Rd. 10 Rank |
Rd. 11 Rank |
Rd. 12 Rank |
Final Rank |
Avery Silverstein, Ridgefield CT; Barry Balof, Walla Walla WA: | 1 Start of Final Session: Score: 56.21% Rank in Strat C: 1 Current Lead in C: 0.1 boards. |
1 Round # 1 score: 70.31% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 57.22% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.46 boards. |
1 Round # 2 score: 50.78% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 56.79% Current Lead in Strat C: 1.25 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 38.29% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 55.63% Current Lead in Strat C: 1.05 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 65.62% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 56.22% Current Lead in Strat C: 1.49 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 61.72% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 56.53% Current Lead in Strat C: 2.02 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 58.59% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 56.64% Current Lead in Strat C: 2.3 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 10.15% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 54.31% Current Lead in Strat C: 1.98 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 40.62% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 53.66% Current Lead in Strat C: 1.75 boards. |
1 Round # 9 score: 57.03% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 53.81% Current Lead in Strat C: 1.68 boards. |
1 Round # 10 score: 61.72% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 54.16% Current Lead in Strat C: 2.02 boards. |
1 Round # 11 score: 75.00% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 55.03% Current Lead in Strat C: 2.27 boards. |
1 Round # 12 score: 46.88% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 54.70% Current Lead in Strat C: 1.25 boards. |
1 Round # 13 score: 65.62% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 55.12% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.98 boards. |
Don Sharp, Salt-Sprg-Isl BC; Don Nemeth, Salt Spring Isl BC: | 7 Start of Final Session: Score: 44.45% Rank in Strat C: 7 Currently 3.06 boards behind the strat C leader. |
9 Round # 1 score: 28.91% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 43.34% Currently 3.89 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 2 score: 47.66% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 43.62% Currently 3.95 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 63.28% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 44.85% Currently 3.45 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 4 score: 57.03% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 45.57% Currently 3.62 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 5 score: 41.41% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 45.34% Currently 4.03 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 64.84% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 46.36% Currently 3.91 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 59.38% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 47.02% Currently 2.92 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 67.97% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 48.01% Currently 2.37 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 9 score: 91.41% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 49.99% Currently 1.68 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 10 score: 36.72% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 49.41% Currently 2.19 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 11 score: 71.09% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 50.31% Currently 2.27 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 12 score: 97.66% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 52.21% Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 13 score: 78.91% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 53.23% Currently 0.98 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Denis Powers - Jutta Jealouse, Kamloops BC: | 8 Start of Final Session: Score: 44.36% Rank in Strat C: 8 Currently 3.08 boards behind the strat C leader. |
10 Round # 1 score: 29.69% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 43.32% Currently 3.89 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 51.56% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 43.87% Currently 3.88 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 3 score: 60.94% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 44.93% Currently 3.42 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 4 score: 49.22% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 45.18% Currently 3.75 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 5 score: 32.03% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 44.45% Currently 4.35 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 6 score: 51.56% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 44.83% Currently 4.49 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 82.81% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 46.73% Currently 3.03 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 53.12% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 47.03% Currently 2.78 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 9 score: 85.94% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 48.80% Currently 2.2 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 10 score: 71.09% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 49.77% Currently 2.02 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 11 score: 23.43% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 48.67% Currently 3.05 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 12 score: 17.97% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 47.44% Currently 3.63 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 13 score: 59.38% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 47.90% Currently 3.75 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Mike Shafer, Blaine WA; John Nader, Ferndale WA: | 3 Start of Final Session: Score: 54.52% Rank in Strat C: 3 Currently 0.44 boards behind the strat C leader. |
3 Round # 1 score: 25.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 52.41% Currently 1.35 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 46.09% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 51.99% Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 40.62% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 51.28% Currently 1.39 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 60.94% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 51.85% Currently 1.49 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 0.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 48.97% Currently 2.72 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 61.72% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 49.64% Currently 2.66 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 33.59% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 48.84% Currently 2.19 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 25.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 47.70% Currently 2.5 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 9 score: 14.07% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 46.17% Currently 3.36 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 10 score: 76.56% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 47.49% Currently 3.07 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 11 score: 57.03% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 47.89% Currently 3.43 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 12 score: 48.44% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 47.91% Currently 3.4 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 13 score: 46.88% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 47.87% Currently 3.77 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Maarten Tjebbes - Brad Digby, Vancouver BC: | 4 Start of Final Session: Score: 48.88% Rank in Strat C: 4 Currently 1.91 boards behind the strat C leader. |
4 Round # 1 score: 35.94% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 47.95% Currently 2.6 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 32.03% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 46.89% Currently 2.97 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 78.12% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 48.84% Currently 2.17 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 30.47% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 47.76% Currently 2.88 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 61.72% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 48.54% Currently 2.88 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 70.31% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 49.68% Currently 2.64 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 41.41% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 49.27% Currently 2.02 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 36.72% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 48.67% Currently 2.1 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 9 score: 39.06% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 48.24% Currently 2.45 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 10 score: 26.56% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 47.29% Currently 3.16 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 11 score: 79.69% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 48.64% Currently 3.07 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 12 score: 25.78% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 47.73% Currently 3.49 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 13 score: 47.66% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 47.73% Currently 3.84 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Patricia Long - Blanche Saelhof, Saskatoon SK: | 10 Start of Final Session: Score: 43.10% Rank in Strat C: 10 Currently 3.41 boards behind the strat C leader. |
8 Round # 1 score: 64.84% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 44.66% Currently 3.52 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 79.69% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 46.99% Currently 2.94 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 45.31% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 46.89% Currently 2.8 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 45.31% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 46.79% Currently 3.21 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 82.81% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 48.79% Currently 2.79 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 48.44% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 48.78% Currently 2.99 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 32.81% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 47.98% Currently 2.53 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 75.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 49.26% Currently 1.85 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 9 score: 63.28% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 49.90% Currently 1.72 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 10 score: 14.84% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 48.38% Currently 2.66 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 11 score: 57.03% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 48.74% Currently 3.02 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 12 score: 34.38% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 48.16% Currently 3.27 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 13 score: 35.16% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 47.66% Currently 3.88 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Daniel Balof - Claire Valente, Walla Walla WA: | 2 Start of Final Session: Score: 55.84% Rank in Strat C: 2 Currently 0.1 boards behind the strat C leader. |
2 Round # 1 score: 52.34% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 55.59% Currently 0.46 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 10.94% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 52.62% Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 48.44% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 52.36% Currently 1.05 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 12.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 50.01% Currently 2.11 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 66.41% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 50.92% Currently 2.02 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 44.53% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 50.59% Currently 2.3 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 25.78% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 49.35% Currently 1.98 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 52.34% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 49.49% Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 9 score: 35.16% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 48.84% Currently 2.19 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 10 score: 31.25% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 48.07% Currently 2.8 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 11 score: 42.97% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 47.86% Currently 3.44 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 12 score: 2.35% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 46.04% Currently 4.33 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 13 score: 59.38% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 46.55% Currently 4.46 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Howard Shimokura, Vancouver BC; Margaret Gibson, Port Moody BC: | 13 Start of Final Session: Score: 41.37% Rank in Strat C: 13 Currently 3.86 boards behind the strat C leader. |
15 Round # 1 score: 20.31% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 15 Event score so far: 39.87% Currently 4.86 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
14 Round # 2 score: 49.22% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 14 Event score so far: 40.49% Currently 4.89 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
12 Round # 3 score: 61.72% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 12 Event score so far: 41.82% Currently 4.42 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 85.16% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 44.37% Currently 4.03 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 5 score: 65.62% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 45.55% Currently 3.95 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 6 score: 30.46% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 44.75% Currently 4.52 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
11 Round # 7 score: 35.16% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 11 Event score so far: 44.27% Currently 4.02 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 8 score: 54.69% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 44.77% Currently 3.73 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 9 score: 46.09% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 44.83% Currently 3.95 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 10 score: 41.41% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 44.68% Currently 4.36 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 11 score: 42.97% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 44.61% Currently 5.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 12 score: 59.38% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 45.20% Currently 4.75 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 13 score: 72.66% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 46.26% Currently 4.61 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Event winners Lorraine Cameron and Matt Bootle were tenth at the break but must have found the perfect dinner break, for it only took them three rounds to pass nine pairs and take the lead for good, winning by almost half a board. The under-400 and under-300 strats were both won by Karen and Bill Cooke, second at the break but first for good after just a single round in the evening session.
Two-session pairs event, scored in matchpoints. Strat limits (by pair average): 7: 400 - 750 / 4: 300 - 400 / 3: 0 - 300. No player over 750 was eligible.
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 200
MPts | Score | 7 | 4 | 3 | Thursday Gold Rush Pairs | (22, 21 tables) ACBL Live Link |
7.35 | 59.53% | 1 | Lorraine Cameron, Kelowna BC; Matt Bootle, Calgary AB | |||
5.51 | 58.60% | 2 | Bryan Brooking, North Vancouver BC; Bob Draginda, Edmonton AB | |||
4.13 | 57.57% | 3 | Reza Hadavi - Mitra Hadavi, West Vancouver BC | |||
4.33 | 57.15% | 4 | 1 | 1 | Karen Cooke - Bill Cooke, North Vancouver BC | |
2.45 | 56.94% | 5 | Barbara Bjorgan - Kim Regier, Kelowna BC | |||
2.10 | 56.57% | 6 | Doug Riopelle - Linda Riopelle, St Albert AB | |||
3.25 | 55.91% | 7 | 2 | 2 | John Page - Dell Hall, Penticton BC | |
1.63 | 55.69% | 8 | Jerzy Jankowski - Allison Sawyer, Kelowna BC | |||
2.68 | 55.04% | 9 | Ted Parker - Joanne Parker, Abbotsford BC | |||
1.34 | 54.80% | 10 | Colleen Perry - Susan Craven, North Vancouver BC | |||
2.44 | 54.25% | 11 | 3 | 3 | Katayoun Shirzad - Joseph Shirzad, Vancouver BC | |
1.83 | 53.22% | 4 | 4 | Gail Sharp, Salt-Sprg-Isl BC; Marjorie Miller, Grosse Pt Farms MI | ||
1.44 | 52.23% | 5 | 5 | Greg Thesenvitz - Sarah Thesenvitz, Black Diamond WA | ||
2.03 | 52.03% | 6 | Judy Cass - Trevor Haight, West Kelowna BC |
The Race For Overalls in Strat 7 (under 750): 11 overall spots available. | |||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Carryover Rank |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Final Rank |
Lorraine Cameron, Kelowna BC; Matt Bootle, Calgary AB: | 10 Start of Final Session: Score: 55.56% Rank in Strat 7: 10 Currently 2.07 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
5 Round # 1 score: 78.91% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 5 Event score so far: 58.15% Currently 0.78 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 70.18% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 3 Event score so far: 59.35% Currently 0.34 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
1 Round # 3 score: 82.16% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 1 Event score so far: 61.43% Current Lead in Strat 7: 0.11 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 67.55% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 1 Event score so far: 61.94% Current Lead in Strat 7: 0.6 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 64.03% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 1 Event score so far: 62.10% Current Lead in Strat 7: 0.55 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 57.81% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 1 Event score so far: 61.79% Current Lead in Strat 7: 0.5 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 39.28% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 1 Event score so far: 60.29% Current Lead in Strat 7: 0.72 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 48.05% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 1 Event score so far: 59.53% Current Lead in Strat 7: 0.45 boards. |
Bryan Brooking, North Vancouver BC; Bob Draginda, Edmonton AB: | 8 Start of Final Session: Score: 56.85% Rank in Strat 7: 8 Currently 1.76 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
6 Round # 1 score: 64.61% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 6 Event score so far: 57.71% Currently 0.9 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 84.21% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 2 Event score so far: 60.36% Currently 0.04 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 68.42% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 2 Event score so far: 61.09% Currently 0.11 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 38.60% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 3 Event score so far: 59.22% Currently 0.98 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 36.16% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 5 Event score so far: 57.44% Currently 1.82 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 73.39% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 3 Event score so far: 58.58% Currently 1.35 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 50.96% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 3 Event score so far: 58.07% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 66.56% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 2 Event score so far: 58.60% Currently 0.45 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Reza Hadavi - Mitra Hadavi, West Vancouver BC: | 1 Start of Final Session: Score: 64.19% Rank in Strat 7: 1 Current Lead in 7: 0.14 boards. |
2 Round # 1 score: 30.40% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 2 Event score so far: 60.43% Currently 0.16 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
9 Round # 2 score: 22.72% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 9 Event score so far: 56.66% Currently 1.15 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
7 Round # 3 score: 63.84% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 7 Event score so far: 57.31% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 55.26% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 6 Event score so far: 57.14% Currently 1.73 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 83.14% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 3 Event score so far: 59.14% Currently 1.15 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 20.18% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 6 Event score so far: 56.36% Currently 2.28 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 67.55% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 6 Event score so far: 57.11% Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 64.61% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 3 Event score so far: 57.58% Currently 0.94 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Karen Cooke - Bill Cooke, North Vancouver BC: | 4 Start of Final Session: Score: 61.81% Rank in Strat 7: 4 Currently 0.57 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
1 Round # 1 score: 54.88% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 1 Event score so far: 61.04% Current Lead in Strat 7: 0.16 boards. |
1 Round # 2 score: 55.53% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 1 Event score so far: 60.48% Current Lead in Strat 7: 0.04 boards. |
3 Round # 3 score: 59.65% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 3 Event score so far: 60.41% Currently 0.34 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 58.77% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 2 Event score so far: 60.27% Currently 0.6 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 65.60% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 2 Event score so far: 60.68% Currently 0.55 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 59.74% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 2 Event score so far: 60.61% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 31.58% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 2 Event score so far: 58.68% Currently 0.72 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 34.21% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 4 Event score so far: 57.15% Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Barbara Bjorgan - Kim Regier, Kelowna BC: | 20 Start of Final Session: Score: 52.28% Rank in Strat 7: 20 Currently 2.86 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
18 Round # 1 score: 59.74% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 18 Event score so far: 53.11% Currently 2.14 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
14 Round # 2 score: 62.69% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 14 Event score so far: 54.07% Currently 1.92 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
13 Round # 3 score: 59.73% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 13 Event score so far: 54.58% Currently 2.26 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
10 Round # 4 score: 58.77% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 10 Event score so far: 54.93% Currently 2.52 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
8 Round # 5 score: 64.04% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 8 Event score so far: 55.63% Currently 2.52 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 86.14% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 4 Event score so far: 57.81% Currently 1.67 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 48.05% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 5 Event score so far: 57.16% Currently 1.41 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 53.68% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 5 Event score so far: 56.94% Currently 1.24 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Doug Riopelle - Linda Riopelle, St Albert AB: | 7 Start of Final Session: Score: 56.94% Rank in Strat 7: 7 Currently 1.74 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
17 Round # 1 score: 25.23% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 17 Event score so far: 53.42% Currently 2.06 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
11 Round # 2 score: 75.33% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 11 Event score so far: 55.61% Currently 1.46 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 60.16% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 8 Event score so far: 56.03% Currently 1.78 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
7 Round # 4 score: 64.03% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 7 Event score so far: 56.69% Currently 1.89 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
7 Round # 5 score: 49.03% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 7 Event score so far: 56.10% Currently 2.34 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 74.37% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 5 Event score so far: 57.41% Currently 1.84 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 55.84% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 4 Event score so far: 57.30% Currently 1.35 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 45.62% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 6 Event score so far: 56.57% Currently 1.42 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
John Page - Dell Hall, Penticton BC: | 17 Start of Final Session: Score: 52.68% Rank in Strat 7: 17 Currently 2.76 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
11 Round # 1 score: 79.83% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 11 Event score so far: 55.70% Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 72.70% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 8 Event score so far: 57.40% Currently 0.92 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
10 Round # 3 score: 39.28% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 10 Event score so far: 55.75% Currently 1.87 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 51.75% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 9 Event score so far: 55.42% Currently 2.35 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
9 Round # 5 score: 54.62% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 9 Event score so far: 55.35% Currently 2.63 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
10 Round # 6 score: 44.74% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 10 Event score so far: 54.60% Currently 3.02 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
13 Round # 7 score: 44.16% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 13 Event score so far: 53.90% Currently 2.88 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 86.05% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 7 Event score so far: 55.91% Currently 1.74 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Jerzy Jankowski - Allison Sawyer, Kelowna BC: | 21 Start of Final Session: Score: 52.08% Rank in Strat 7: 21 Currently 2.91 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
15 Round # 1 score: 71.44% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 15 Event score so far: 54.23% Currently 1.84 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
15 Round # 2 score: 50.96% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 15 Event score so far: 53.91% Currently 1.97 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
9 Round # 3 score: 75.33% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 9 Event score so far: 55.85% Currently 1.84 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
12 Round # 4 score: 31.42% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 12 Event score so far: 53.82% Currently 2.92 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
14 Round # 5 score: 37.33% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 14 Event score so far: 52.55% Currently 3.72 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
11 Round # 6 score: 79.82% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 11 Event score so far: 54.50% Currently 3.06 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
10 Round # 7 score: 58.77% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 10 Event score so far: 54.78% Currently 2.48 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
8 Round # 8 score: 69.30% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 8 Event score so far: 55.69% Currently 1.84 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Ted Parker - Joanne Parker, Abbotsford BC: | 14 Start of Final Session: Score: 53.37% Rank in Strat 7: 14 Currently 2.6 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
9 Round # 1 score: 78.95% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 9 Event score so far: 56.21% Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
7 Round # 2 score: 73.68% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 7 Event score so far: 57.96% Currently 0.76 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 65.79% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 4 Event score so far: 58.67% Currently 0.91 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 41.23% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 5 Event score so far: 57.22% Currently 1.7 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 64.45% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 4 Event score so far: 57.78% Currently 1.68 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
8 Round # 6 score: 25.63% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 8 Event score so far: 55.48% Currently 2.65 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 51.95% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 8 Event score so far: 55.24% Currently 2.27 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
9 Round # 8 score: 51.95% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 9 Event score so far: 55.04% Currently 2.16 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Colleen Perry - Susan Craven, North Vancouver BC: | 9 Start of Final Session: Score: 56.75% Rank in Strat 7: 9 Currently 1.79 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
14 Round # 1 score: 39.28% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 14 Event score so far: 54.81% Currently 1.68 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
10 Round # 2 score: 71.44% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 10 Event score so far: 56.47% Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
12 Round # 3 score: 36.16% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 12 Event score so far: 54.62% Currently 2.25 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
16 Round # 4 score: 18.42% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 16 Event score so far: 51.61% Currently 3.72 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
13 Round # 5 score: 74.56% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 13 Event score so far: 53.37% Currently 3.4 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
14 Round # 6 score: 56.14% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 14 Event score so far: 53.57% Currently 3.45 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
14 Round # 7 score: 50.98% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 14 Event score so far: 53.40% Currently 3.1 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
10 Round # 8 score: 75.81% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 10 Event score so far: 54.80% Currently 2.27 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Katayoun Shirzad - Joseph Shirzad, Vancouver BC: | 29 Start of Final Session: Score: 47.32% Rank in Strat 7: 29 Currently 4.05 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
31 Round # 1 score: 39.28% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 31 Event score so far: 46.43% Currently 3.94 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
33 Round # 2 score: 30.61% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 33 Event score so far: 44.85% Currently 4.69 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
27 Round # 3 score: 78.07% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 27 Event score so far: 47.87% Currently 4.47 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
28 Round # 4 score: 44.74% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 28 Event score so far: 47.61% Currently 5.16 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
26 Round # 5 score: 69.30% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 26 Event score so far: 49.27% Currently 5.0 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
21 Round # 6 score: 63.63% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 21 Event score so far: 50.30% Currently 4.83 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
15 Round # 7 score: 94.37% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 15 Event score so far: 53.24% Currently 3.17 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
11 Round # 8 score: 69.49% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 11 Event score so far: 54.25% Currently 2.53 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Marta Cecchi, Chilliwack BC; Donna Cusson, Abbotsford BC: | 5 Start of Final Session: Score: 60.81% Rank in Strat 7: 5 Currently 0.81 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
8 Round # 1 score: 28.56% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 8 Event score so far: 57.23% Currently 1.03 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
6 Round # 2 score: 64.63% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 6 Event score so far: 57.97% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 58.77% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 5 Event score so far: 58.04% Currently 1.12 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
8 Round # 4 score: 41.23% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 8 Event score so far: 56.64% Currently 1.91 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 63.84% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 6 Event score so far: 57.19% Currently 1.91 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
9 Round # 6 score: 31.58% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 9 Event score so far: 55.37% Currently 2.7 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 66.67% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 7 Event score so far: 56.12% Currently 1.88 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
12 Round # 8 score: 24.19% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 12 Event score so far: 54.12% Currently 2.6 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Stewart Brightman - Kevin Trickett, Calgary AB: | 26 Start of Final Session: Score: 48.41% Rank in Strat 7: 26 Currently 3.79 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
25 Round # 1 score: 60.72% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 25 Event score so far: 49.78% Currently 3.04 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
21 Round # 2 score: 69.39% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 21 Event score so far: 51.74% Currently 2.62 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
17 Round # 3 score: 59.65% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 17 Event score so far: 52.46% Currently 2.96 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
13 Round # 4 score: 68.58% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 13 Event score so far: 53.80% Currently 2.93 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
11 Round # 5 score: 55.27% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 11 Event score so far: 53.92% Currently 3.19 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
12 Round # 6 score: 60.52% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 12 Event score so far: 54.39% Currently 3.11 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
9 Round # 7 score: 61.70% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 9 Event score so far: 54.88% Currently 2.43 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
13 Round # 8 score: 33.44% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 13 Event score so far: 53.54% Currently 2.88 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Judy Valiquette, Kingston ON; Regina Clarke, St John's NL: | 2 Start of Final Session: Score: 63.59% Rank in Strat 7: 2 Currently 0.14 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
3 Round # 1 score: 21.05% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 3 Event score so far: 58.86% Currently 0.59 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 54.39% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 4 Event score so far: 58.42% Currently 0.62 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 46.90% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 6 Event score so far: 57.37% Currently 1.34 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 55.84% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 4 Event score so far: 57.24% Currently 1.69 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
12 Round # 5 score: 13.07% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 12 Event score so far: 53.84% Currently 3.22 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
13 Round # 6 score: 54.88% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 13 Event score so far: 53.92% Currently 3.31 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
11 Round # 7 score: 62.28% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 11 Event score so far: 54.48% Currently 2.61 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
14 Round # 8 score: 37.33% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 14 Event score so far: 53.40% Currently 2.94 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Gail Sharp, Salt-Sprg-Isl BC; Marjorie Miller, Grosse Pt Farms MI: | 30 Start of Final Session: Score: 47.02% Rank in Strat 7: 30 Currently 4.12 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
26 Round # 1 score: 69.60% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 26 Event score so far: 49.53% Currently 3.11 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
23 Round # 2 score: 64.63% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 23 Event score so far: 51.04% Currently 2.83 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
14 Round # 3 score: 79.23% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 14 Event score so far: 53.60% Currently 2.58 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
11 Round # 4 score: 63.65% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 11 Event score so far: 54.44% Currently 2.7 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
10 Round # 5 score: 65.70% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 10 Event score so far: 55.31% Currently 2.65 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 68.42% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 7 Event score so far: 56.24% Currently 2.33 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
12 Round # 7 score: 28.95% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 12 Event score so far: 54.42% Currently 2.64 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
15 Round # 8 score: 35.09% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 15 Event score so far: 53.22% Currently 3.03 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Carolanne DeBiasio - Sandra Stewart, Calgary AB: | 19 Start of Final Session: Score: 52.48% Rank in Strat 7: 19 Currently 2.81 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
28 Round # 1 score: 21.09% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 28 Event score so far: 48.99% Currently 3.25 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
27 Round # 2 score: 32.48% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 27 Event score so far: 47.34% Currently 3.94 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
25 Round # 3 score: 60.72% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 25 Event score so far: 48.56% Currently 4.25 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
29 Round # 4 score: 35.39% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 29 Event score so far: 47.46% Currently 5.21 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
23 Round # 5 score: 86.93% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 23 Event score so far: 50.50% Currently 4.52 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
17 Round # 6 score: 69.30% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 17 Event score so far: 51.84% Currently 4.18 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
16 Round # 7 score: 58.77% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 16 Event score so far: 52.30% Currently 3.6 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
16 Round # 8 score: 65.79% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 16 Event score so far: 53.14% Currently 3.07 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Greg Thesenvitz - Sarah Thesenvitz, Black Diamond WA: | 12 Start of Final Session: Score: 54.76% Rank in Strat 7: 12 Currently 2.26 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
13 Round # 1 score: 60.72% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 13 Event score so far: 55.42% Currently 1.52 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 81.58% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 5 Event score so far: 58.04% Currently 0.73 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
11 Round # 3 score: 24.67% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 11 Event score so far: 55.01% Currently 2.12 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
14 Round # 4 score: 17.84% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 14 Event score so far: 51.91% Currently 3.61 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
17 Round # 5 score: 53.51% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 17 Event score so far: 52.03% Currently 3.93 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
18 Round # 6 score: 45.39% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 18 Event score so far: 51.56% Currently 4.3 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
18 Round # 7 score: 49.04% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 18 Event score so far: 51.39% Currently 4.0 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
17 Round # 8 score: 64.91% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 17 Event score so far: 52.23% Currently 3.5 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
Judy Cass - Trevor Haight, West Kelowna BC: | 15 Start of Final Session: Score: 53.17% Rank in Strat 7: 15 Currently 2.64 boards behind the strat 7 leader. |
12 Round # 1 score: 74.77% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 7: 12 Event score so far: 55.57% Currently 1.48 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
16 Round # 2 score: 37.31% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 7: 16 Event score so far: 53.75% Currently 2.02 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
23 Round # 3 score: 17.84% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 7: 23 Event score so far: 50.48% Currently 3.61 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
19 Round # 4 score: 60.72% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 7: 19 Event score so far: 51.34% Currently 3.82 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
20 Round # 5 score: 45.38% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 7: 20 Event score so far: 50.88% Currently 4.38 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
15 Round # 6 score: 78.07% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 7: 15 Event score so far: 52.82% Currently 3.77 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
17 Round # 7 score: 37.72% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 7: 17 Event score so far: 51.81% Currently 3.82 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
18 Round # 8 score: 55.26% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 7: 18 Event score so far: 52.03% Currently 3.6 boards behind the Strat 7 leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat 4 (under 400): 6 overall spots available. | |||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Carryover Rank |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Final Rank |
Karen Cooke - Bill Cooke, North Vancouver BC: | 2 Start of Final Session: Score: 61.81% Rank in Strat 4: 2 Currently 0.02 boards behind the strat 4 leader. |
1 Round # 1 score: 54.88% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 4: 1 Event score so far: 61.04% Current Lead in Strat 4: 0.68 boards. |
1 Round # 2 score: 55.53% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 4: 1 Event score so far: 60.48% Current Lead in Strat 4: 0.73 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 59.65% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 4: 1 Event score so far: 60.41% Current Lead in Strat 4: 1.54 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 58.77% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 4: 1 Event score so far: 60.27% Current Lead in Strat 4: 1.75 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 65.60% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 4: 1 Event score so far: 60.68% Current Lead in Strat 4: 2.08 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 59.74% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 4: 1 Event score so far: 60.61% Current Lead in Strat 4: 1.84 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 31.58% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 4: 1 Event score so far: 58.68% Current Lead in Strat 4: 1.92 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 34.21% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 4: 1 Event score so far: 57.15% Current Lead in Strat 4: 0.6 boards. |
John Page - Dell Hall, Penticton BC: | 7 Start of Final Session: Score: 52.68% Rank in Strat 4: 7 Currently 2.21 boards behind the strat 4 leader. |
4 Round # 1 score: 79.83% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 4: 4 Event score so far: 55.70% Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 72.70% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 4: 3 Event score so far: 57.40% Currently 0.92 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 39.28% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 4: 2 Event score so far: 55.75% Currently 1.54 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 51.75% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 4: 2 Event score so far: 55.42% Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 54.62% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 4: 2 Event score so far: 55.35% Currently 2.08 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 44.74% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 4: 3 Event score so far: 54.60% Currently 2.52 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 44.16% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 4: 3 Event score so far: 53.90% Currently 2.15 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 86.05% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 4: 2 Event score so far: 55.91% Currently 0.6 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
Katayoun Shirzad - Joseph Shirzad, Vancouver BC: | 13 Start of Final Session: Score: 47.32% Rank in Strat 4: 13 Currently 3.5 boards behind the strat 4 leader. |
15 Round # 1 score: 39.28% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 4: 15 Event score so far: 46.43% Currently 3.94 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
16 Round # 2 score: 30.61% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 4: 16 Event score so far: 44.85% Currently 4.69 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
12 Round # 3 score: 78.07% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 4: 12 Event score so far: 47.87% Currently 4.14 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
13 Round # 4 score: 44.74% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 4: 13 Event score so far: 47.61% Currently 4.56 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
11 Round # 5 score: 69.30% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 4: 11 Event score so far: 49.27% Currently 4.45 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 63.63% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 4: 7 Event score so far: 50.30% Currently 4.33 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 94.37% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 4: 4 Event score so far: 53.24% Currently 2.45 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 69.49% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 4: 3 Event score so far: 54.25% Currently 1.39 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
Gail Sharp, Salt-Sprg-Isl BC; Marjorie Miller, Grosse Pt Farms MI: | 14 Start of Final Session: Score: 47.02% Rank in Strat 4: 14 Currently 3.57 boards behind the strat 4 leader. |
12 Round # 1 score: 69.60% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 4: 12 Event score so far: 49.53% Currently 3.11 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
9 Round # 2 score: 64.63% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 4: 9 Event score so far: 51.04% Currently 2.83 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 79.23% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 4: 4 Event score so far: 53.60% Currently 2.25 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 63.65% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 4: 3 Event score so far: 54.44% Currently 2.1 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 65.70% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 4: 3 Event score so far: 55.31% Currently 2.09 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 68.42% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 4: 2 Event score so far: 56.24% Currently 1.84 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 28.95% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 4: 2 Event score so far: 54.42% Currently 1.92 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 35.09% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 4: 4 Event score so far: 53.22% Currently 1.89 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
Greg Thesenvitz - Sarah Thesenvitz, Black Diamond WA: | 5 Start of Final Session: Score: 54.76% Rank in Strat 4: 5 Currently 1.71 boards behind the strat 4 leader. |
6 Round # 1 score: 60.72% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 4: 6 Event score so far: 55.42% Currently 1.52 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 81.58% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 4: 2 Event score so far: 58.04% Currently 0.73 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 24.67% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 4: 3 Event score so far: 55.01% Currently 1.78 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 17.84% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 4: 4 Event score so far: 51.91% Currently 3.01 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 53.51% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 4: 5 Event score so far: 52.03% Currently 3.37 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 45.39% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 4: 5 Event score so far: 51.56% Currently 3.8 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 49.04% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 4: 6 Event score so far: 51.39% Currently 3.28 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 64.91% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 4: 5 Event score so far: 52.23% Currently 2.36 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
Judy Cass - Trevor Haight, West Kelowna BC: | 6 Start of Final Session: Score: 53.17% Rank in Strat 4: 6 Currently 2.1 boards behind the strat 4 leader. |
5 Round # 1 score: 74.77% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 4: 5 Event score so far: 55.57% Currently 1.48 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 37.31% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 4: 5 Event score so far: 53.75% Currently 2.02 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
9 Round # 3 score: 17.84% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 4: 9 Event score so far: 50.48% Currently 3.28 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
7 Round # 4 score: 60.72% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 4: 7 Event score so far: 51.34% Currently 3.21 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
7 Round # 5 score: 45.38% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 4: 7 Event score so far: 50.88% Currently 3.82 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 78.07% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 4: 4 Event score so far: 52.82% Currently 3.27 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 37.72% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 4: 5 Event score so far: 51.81% Currently 3.09 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 55.26% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 4: 6 Event score so far: 52.03% Currently 2.46 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
Gisele Maher - Lynda Duignan, Abbotsford BC: | 8 Start of Final Session: Score: 51.79% Rank in Strat 4: 8 Currently 2.43 boards behind the strat 4 leader. |
8 Round # 1 score: 46.30% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 4: 8 Event score so far: 51.18% Currently 2.66 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
10 Round # 2 score: 49.04% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 4: 10 Event score so far: 50.96% Currently 2.86 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 62.39% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 4: 6 Event score so far: 52.00% Currently 2.78 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 25.44% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 4: 9 Event score so far: 49.79% Currently 3.77 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 74.56% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 4: 6 Event score so far: 51.69% Currently 3.51 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
8 Round # 6 score: 26.61% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 4: 8 Event score so far: 49.90% Currently 4.5 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 71.05% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 4: 7 Event score so far: 51.31% Currently 3.32 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 39.28% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 4: 7 Event score so far: 50.56% Currently 3.16 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
Bill Walter - Christine Walter, Vancouver BC: | 9 Start of Final Session: Score: 51.39% Rank in Strat 4: 9 Currently 2.52 boards behind the strat 4 leader. |
13 Round # 1 score: 30.61% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 4: 13 Event score so far: 49.08% Currently 3.23 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
14 Round # 2 score: 26.32% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 4: 14 Event score so far: 46.80% Currently 4.1 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
11 Round # 3 score: 59.74% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 4: 11 Event score so far: 47.98% Currently 4.1 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
10 Round # 4 score: 65.60% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 4: 10 Event score so far: 49.45% Currently 3.9 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
8 Round # 5 score: 67.55% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 4: 8 Event score so far: 50.84% Currently 3.84 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
11 Round # 6 score: 30.70% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 4: 11 Event score so far: 49.40% Currently 4.71 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 66.56% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 4: 8 Event score so far: 50.55% Currently 3.66 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
8 Round # 8 score: 44.74% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 4: 8 Event score so far: 50.18% Currently 3.35 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
Joseph Stewart, Kamloops BC; Leona Ashcroft, Nelson BC: | 15 Start of Final Session: Score: 46.33% Rank in Strat 4: 15 Currently 3.74 boards behind the strat 4 leader. |
14 Round # 1 score: 60.72% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 4: 14 Event score so far: 47.93% Currently 3.54 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
15 Round # 2 score: 35.37% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 4: 15 Event score so far: 46.67% Currently 4.14 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
16 Round # 3 score: 37.61% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 4: 16 Event score so far: 45.85% Currently 4.8 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
12 Round # 4 score: 82.16% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 4: 12 Event score so far: 48.87% Currently 4.1 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
13 Round # 5 score: 44.73% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 4: 13 Event score so far: 48.56% Currently 4.73 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
9 Round # 6 score: 64.03% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 4: 9 Event score so far: 49.66% Currently 4.6 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
11 Round # 7 score: 32.45% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 4: 11 Event score so far: 48.51% Currently 4.58 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
9 Round # 8 score: 72.18% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 4: 9 Event score so far: 49.99% Currently 3.44 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
Marjory Sword, Canmore AB; Elaine Beyeler, Kelowna BC: | 1 Start of Final Session: Score: 61.90% Rank in Strat 4: 1 Current Lead in 4: 0.02 boards. |
2 Round # 1 score: 31.47% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 4: 2 Event score so far: 58.52% Currently 0.68 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 28.56% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 4: 4 Event score so far: 55.53% Currently 1.48 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 21.93% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 4: 5 Event score so far: 52.47% Currently 2.62 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
8 Round # 4 score: 38.60% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 4: 8 Event score so far: 51.32% Currently 3.22 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 62.67% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 4: 4 Event score so far: 52.19% Currently 3.31 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 35.97% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 4: 6 Event score so far: 51.03% Currently 4.02 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
10 Round # 7 score: 23.23% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 4: 10 Event score so far: 49.18% Currently 4.27 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
10 Round # 8 score: 42.21% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 4: 10 Event score so far: 48.74% Currently 4.04 boards behind the Strat 4 leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat 3 (under 300): 5 overall spots available. | |||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Carryover Rank |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Final Rank |
Karen Cooke - Bill Cooke, North Vancouver BC: | 2 Start of Final Session: Score: 61.81% Rank in Strat 3: 2 Currently 0.02 boards behind the strat 3 leader. |
1 Round # 1 score: 54.88% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 3: 1 Event score so far: 61.04% Current Lead in Strat 3: 0.68 boards. |
1 Round # 2 score: 55.53% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 3: 1 Event score so far: 60.48% Current Lead in Strat 3: 0.73 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 59.65% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 3: 1 Event score so far: 60.41% Current Lead in Strat 3: 1.54 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 58.77% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 3: 1 Event score so far: 60.27% Current Lead in Strat 3: 1.75 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 65.60% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 3: 1 Event score so far: 60.68% Current Lead in Strat 3: 2.08 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 59.74% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 3: 1 Event score so far: 60.61% Current Lead in Strat 3: 1.84 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 31.58% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 3: 1 Event score so far: 58.68% Current Lead in Strat 3: 1.92 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 34.21% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 3: 1 Event score so far: 57.15% Current Lead in Strat 3: 0.6 boards. |
John Page - Dell Hall, Penticton BC: | 6 Start of Final Session: Score: 52.68% Rank in Strat 3: 6 Currently 2.21 boards behind the strat 3 leader. |
4 Round # 1 score: 79.83% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 3: 4 Event score so far: 55.70% Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 72.70% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 3: 3 Event score so far: 57.40% Currently 0.92 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 39.28% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 3: 2 Event score so far: 55.75% Currently 1.54 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 51.75% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 3: 2 Event score so far: 55.42% Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 54.62% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 3: 2 Event score so far: 55.35% Currently 2.08 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 44.74% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 3: 3 Event score so far: 54.60% Currently 2.52 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 44.16% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 3: 3 Event score so far: 53.90% Currently 2.15 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 86.05% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 3: 2 Event score so far: 55.91% Currently 0.6 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
Katayoun Shirzad - Joseph Shirzad, Vancouver BC: | 10 Start of Final Session: Score: 47.32% Rank in Strat 3: 10 Currently 3.5 boards behind the strat 3 leader. |
11 Round # 1 score: 39.28% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 3: 11 Event score so far: 46.43% Currently 3.94 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
12 Round # 2 score: 30.61% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 3: 12 Event score so far: 44.85% Currently 4.69 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
9 Round # 3 score: 78.07% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 3: 9 Event score so far: 47.87% Currently 4.14 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 44.74% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 3: 9 Event score so far: 47.61% Currently 4.56 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
9 Round # 5 score: 69.30% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 3: 9 Event score so far: 49.27% Currently 4.45 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 63.63% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 3: 7 Event score so far: 50.30% Currently 4.33 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 94.37% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 3: 4 Event score so far: 53.24% Currently 2.45 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 69.49% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 3: 3 Event score so far: 54.25% Currently 1.39 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
Gail Sharp, Salt-Sprg-Isl BC; Marjorie Miller, Grosse Pt Farms MI: | 11 Start of Final Session: Score: 47.02% Rank in Strat 3: 11 Currently 3.57 boards behind the strat 3 leader. |
10 Round # 1 score: 69.60% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 3: 10 Event score so far: 49.53% Currently 3.11 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 64.63% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 3: 8 Event score so far: 51.04% Currently 2.83 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 79.23% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 3: 4 Event score so far: 53.60% Currently 2.25 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 63.65% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 3: 3 Event score so far: 54.44% Currently 2.1 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 65.70% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 3: 3 Event score so far: 55.31% Currently 2.09 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 68.42% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 3: 2 Event score so far: 56.24% Currently 1.84 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 28.95% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 3: 2 Event score so far: 54.42% Currently 1.92 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 35.09% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 3: 4 Event score so far: 53.22% Currently 1.89 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
Greg Thesenvitz - Sarah Thesenvitz, Black Diamond WA: | 4 Start of Final Session: Score: 54.76% Rank in Strat 3: 4 Currently 1.71 boards behind the strat 3 leader. |
6 Round # 1 score: 60.72% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 3: 6 Event score so far: 55.42% Currently 1.52 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 81.58% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 3: 2 Event score so far: 58.04% Currently 0.73 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 24.67% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 3: 3 Event score so far: 55.01% Currently 1.78 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 17.84% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 3: 4 Event score so far: 51.91% Currently 3.01 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 53.51% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 3: 5 Event score so far: 52.03% Currently 3.37 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 45.39% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 3: 5 Event score so far: 51.56% Currently 3.8 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 49.04% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 3: 6 Event score so far: 51.39% Currently 3.28 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 64.91% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 3: 5 Event score so far: 52.23% Currently 2.36 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
Judy Cass - Trevor Haight, West Kelowna BC: | 5 Start of Final Session: Score: 53.17% Rank in Strat 3: 5 Currently 2.1 boards behind the strat 3 leader. |
5 Round # 1 score: 74.77% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 3: 5 Event score so far: 55.57% Currently 1.48 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 37.31% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 3: 5 Event score so far: 53.75% Currently 2.02 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
7 Round # 3 score: 17.84% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 3: 7 Event score so far: 50.48% Currently 3.28 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 60.72% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 3: 6 Event score so far: 51.34% Currently 3.21 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 45.38% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 3: 6 Event score so far: 50.88% Currently 3.82 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 78.07% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 3: 4 Event score so far: 52.82% Currently 3.27 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 37.72% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 3: 5 Event score so far: 51.81% Currently 3.09 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 55.26% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 3: 6 Event score so far: 52.03% Currently 2.46 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
Marjory Sword, Canmore AB; Elaine Beyeler, Kelowna BC: | 1 Start of Final Session: Score: 61.90% Rank in Strat 3: 1 Current Lead in 3: 0.02 boards. |
2 Round # 1 score: 31.47% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 3: 2 Event score so far: 58.52% Currently 0.68 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 28.56% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 3: 4 Event score so far: 55.53% Currently 1.48 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 21.93% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 3: 5 Event score so far: 52.47% Currently 2.62 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
7 Round # 4 score: 38.60% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 3: 7 Event score so far: 51.32% Currently 3.22 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 62.67% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 3: 4 Event score so far: 52.19% Currently 3.31 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 35.97% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 3: 6 Event score so far: 51.03% Currently 4.02 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 23.23% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 3: 8 Event score so far: 49.18% Currently 4.27 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 42.21% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 3: 7 Event score so far: 48.74% Currently 4.04 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
Nancy Mulroney, Hailey ID; John Carr, Victor ID: | 3 Start of Final Session: Score: 58.13% Rank in Strat 3: 3 Currently 0.9 boards behind the strat 3 leader. |
3 Round # 1 score: 54.14% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat 3: 3 Event score so far: 57.69% Currently 0.9 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
6 Round # 2 score: 15.79% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat 3: 6 Event score so far: 53.50% Currently 2.09 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 20.77% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat 3: 6 Event score so far: 50.53% Currently 3.26 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 62.91% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat 3: 5 Event score so far: 51.56% Currently 3.14 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
8 Round # 5 score: 25.44% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat 3: 8 Event score so far: 49.55% Currently 4.34 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
9 Round # 6 score: 36.37% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat 3: 9 Event score so far: 48.61% Currently 5.04 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 59.74% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat 3: 7 Event score so far: 49.35% Currently 4.2 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
8 Round # 8 score: 30.70% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat 3: 8 Event score so far: 48.18% Currently 4.31 boards behind the Strat 3 leader. |
None of the seven teams was able to win all four matches, a Penticton Evening Swiss rarity (although usually there are more teams entered). Strat A winners Copeland and Strat B/C winners Coole both scored 13-7 wins in the final round, leaving them 1-2 as they were with a match left to go.
Swiss Teams event with 4 matches of 6 boards, scored in Victory Points (maximum 20 per match. Strat limits (by team average): A: 4000+ / B: 2000 - 4000 / C: 0 - 2000.
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 2589
MPts | VPs | A | B | C | Thursday Evening Side Swiss Teams | (7 teams) ACBL Live Link |
3.17 | 56 | 1 | Don Copeland - Steven Lawrence, Calgary AB; Ernie Tradewell, Victoria BC; Steve Bates, Edmonton AB | |||
2.80 | 52 | 2 | 1 | 1 | Robert Coole - Anne Kendall - Shirley Campbell - Jeff Rowland, Prince George BC | |
2.10 | 46 | 3 | 2 | James Metcalfe - Patty Metcalfe - Karen Long, Edmonton AB; Terri Bedard, Calgary AB |
The Race For Overalls in Strat A (unlimited): 3 overall spots available. | |||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Final Rank |
Don Copeland - Steven Lawrence, Calgary AB; Ernie Tradewell, Victoria BC; Steve Bates, Edmonton AB — Team #82: | 1 Round # 1 result: Defeated Team #81 by 28 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 20.00 Total VPs so far: 20 Current Lead in Strat A: 9 VPs. |
2 Round # 2 result: Lost to Team #84 by 17 IMPs for 3 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 23.00 Total VPs so far: 23 Currently 5 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 3 result: Defeated Team #85 by 33 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 43.00 Total VPs so far: 43 Current Lead in Strat A: 4 VPs. |
1 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #83 by 5 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 56.00 Total VPs so far: 56 Current Lead in Strat A: 4 VPs. |
Robert Coole - Anne Kendall - Shirley Campbell - Jeff Rowland, Prince George BC — Team #86: | 3 Round # 1 result: Lost to Team #85 by 1 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 9.00 Total VPs so far: 9 Currently 11 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #87 by 8 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 23.00 Total VPs so far: 23 Currently 5 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 3 result: Defeated Team #84 by 15 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 39.00 Total VPs so far: 39 Currently 4 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #81 by 6 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 52.00 Total VPs so far: 52 Currently 4 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
James Metcalfe - Patty Metcalfe - Karen Long, Edmonton AB; Terri Bedard, Calgary AB — Team #84: | 2 Round # 1 result: Defeated Team #83 by 2 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 11.00 Total VPs so far: 11 Currently 9 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #82 by 17 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 28.00 Total VPs so far: 28 Current Lead in Strat A: 5 VPs. |
4 Round # 3 result: Lost to Team #86 by 15 IMPs for 4 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 32.00 Total VPs so far: 32 Currently 11 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #87 by 8 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 46.00 Total VPs so far: 46 Currently 10 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
Sandra Robson, New Westminster BC; Angela Taylor, Nanaimo BC; Gaylia Ohlman - Bonnie Wilson, Kingston ON — Team #87: | 5 Round # 1 result: Lost to Team #86 by 8 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 6.00 Total VPs so far: 6 Currently 14 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #85 by 10 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 20.00 Total VPs so far: 20 Currently 8 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 3 result: Defeated Team #81 by 22 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 38.00 Total VPs so far: 38 Currently 5 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 4 result: Lost to Team #84 by 8 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 44.00 Total VPs so far: 44 Currently 12 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
William Wilson - Nancy Wilson - Lorna Tinney - Paul Tinney, Parksville BC — Team #83: | 4 Round # 1 result: Lost to Team #84 by 2 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 9.00 Total VPs so far: 9 Currently 11 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #81 by 7 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 22.00 Total VPs so far: 22 Currently 6 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 3 result: Lost to Team #82 by 5 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 29.00 Total VPs so far: 29 Currently 14 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 4 result: Lost to Team #85 by 1 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 38.00 Total VPs so far: 38 Currently 18 VPs behind the Strat A leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat B (under 4000): 2 overall spots available. | |||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Final Rank |
Robert Coole - Anne Kendall - Shirley Campbell - Jeff Rowland, Prince George BC — Team #86: | 2 Round # 1 result: Lost to Team #85 by 1 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 3 Total VPs so far: 9 Currently 2 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #87 by 8 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 3 Total VPs so far: 23 Currently 5 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 3 result: Defeated Team #84 by 15 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 2 Total VPs so far: 39 Current Lead in Strat B: 7 VPs. |
1 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #81 by 6 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 2 Total VPs so far: 52 Current Lead in Strat B: 6 VPs. |
James Metcalfe - Patty Metcalfe - Karen Long, Edmonton AB; Terri Bedard, Calgary AB — Team #84: | 1 Round # 1 result: Defeated Team #83 by 2 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 2 Total VPs so far: 11 Current Lead in Strat B: 2 VPs. |
1 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #82 by 17 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 1 Total VPs so far: 28 Current Lead in Strat B: 5 VPs. |
2 Round # 3 result: Lost to Team #86 by 15 IMPs for 4 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 4 Total VPs so far: 32 Currently 7 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #87 by 8 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 3 Total VPs so far: 46 Currently 6 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
William Wilson - Nancy Wilson - Lorna Tinney - Paul Tinney, Parksville BC — Team #83: | 3 Round # 1 result: Lost to Team #84 by 2 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 4 Total VPs so far: 9 Currently 2 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #81 by 7 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 4 Total VPs so far: 22 Currently 6 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 3 result: Lost to Team #82 by 5 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 5 Total VPs so far: 29 Currently 10 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 4 result: Lost to Team #85 by 1 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 5 Total VPs so far: 38 Currently 14 VPs behind the Strat B leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat C (under 2000): 1 overall spots available. | |||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Final Rank |
Robert Coole - Anne Kendall - Shirley Campbell - Jeff Rowland, Prince George BC — Team #86: | 1 Round # 1 result: Lost to Team #85 by 1 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 2 Total VPs so far: 9 Current Lead in Strat C: 0 VPs. |
1 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #87 by 8 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 2 Total VPs so far: 23 Current Lead in Strat C: 1 VPs. |
1 Round # 3 result: Defeated Team #84 by 15 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 1 Total VPs so far: 39 Current Lead in Strat C: 10 VPs. |
1 Round # 4 result: Defeated Team #81 by 6 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 1 Total VPs so far: 52 Current Lead in Strat C: 14 VPs. |
William Wilson - Nancy Wilson - Lorna Tinney - Paul Tinney, Parksville BC — Team #83: | 2 Round # 1 result: Lost to Team #84 by 2 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 3 Total VPs so far: 9 Current Lead in Strat C: 0 VPs. |
2 Round # 2 result: Defeated Team #81 by 7 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 3 Total VPs so far: 22 Currently 1 VPs behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 3 result: Lost to Team #82 by 5 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 3 Total VPs so far: 29 Currently 10 VPs behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 4 result: Lost to Team #85 by 1 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 3 Total VPs so far: 38 Currently 14 VPs behind the Strat C leader. |
The Hideous Hog (In Training) fluked out a perfect prediction in Bracket Four, but the rest of his picks were pretty dismal, scoring 21 of 50 points, 10 of them in Bracket Four, for a total so far of 57/150, 38%.
Bracketed Knockout Teams event, with 4 rounds of 24-board matches. Teams are grouped by team masterpoints into team brackets, with three-way matches where neccessary in the first and second rounds to reduce to four teams.
MPts | Bracket | Rank | Wednesday-Thursday Cider Knockout Teams | ACBL Live Links: Bracket: I II III IV V (53 teams in 5 brackets) |
28.44 | I | 1 | Ray Miller - Kevin Cline, Seattle WA; Leo Glaser, Lake Country BC; Nicholas Stock, North Vancouver BC | |
19.91 | 2 | Andy Anderson - Curley Anderson, Saskatoon SK; Cindy Cossey - Glenn Cossey, Innisfail AB | ||
11.38 | 3/4 | Kai Zhou - Long Xie - David Yu, Burnaby BC; Wenmin Chen, Richmond BC | ||
11.38 | 3/4 | Don Copeland - Steven Lawrence, Calgary AB; Ernie Tradewell, Victoria BC; Steve Bates, Edmonton AB | ||
22.51 | II | 1 | Pete Cowles, Lynnwood WA; Brian Koblenz, Leavenworth WA; Jack Qi - Lucy Zhong, North Vancouver BC | |
15.76 | 2 | Wayne Fahie, Saskatoon SK; Fraser Glen, N-Battleford SK; Bob Nell, Zehner SK; Rick Grieman, Regina SK | ||
9.00 | 3/4 | James Madison, Cheney WA; Tom McKenna, Portland OR; Marty O'Malley - Kathy O'Malley, Spokane Valley WA | ||
9.00 | 3/4 | Carol Harries, Kingston ON; Ed W J Wright, St Thomas ON; Ted Kennedy, Port Elgin ON; Bernice Muma, Guelph ON | ||
16.54 | III | 1 | James Dukelow Jr, Benton City WA; Susie Ball, Yakima WA; Karen Eveland, Lewiston ID; Renee Petersen, Moscow ID | |
11.58 | 2 | Darlene Carolsfeld - Mary Dewar - Cathy McCully - Wanda Deisman, Nanaimo BC | ||
6.62 | 3/4 | Gaylia Ohlman - Bonnie Wilson, Kingston ON; Karin Keyes Endemann - Parise Guerette, Ottawa ON | ||
6.62 | 3/4 | Robert Coole - Anne Kendall - Shirley Campbell - Jeff Rowland, Prince George BC | ||
14.10 | IV | 1 | William Voth - Peggy Fekete - Douglas Cramen - Clive Elkin, Kelowna BC | |
9.87 | 2 | Alan Dodd - Sharon Dodd - Brenda Klassen - Lorna Fuoco, Kamloops BC | ||
5.64 | 3/4 | Ralph Lipe - Lynda Lipe, Chelan WA; D Glassford, Chilliwack BC; Brian Sims, Cultus Lake BC | ||
5.64 | 3/4 | Linda Ball - Laurie Bell - Maureen Sheasby - Al Sheasby, Vernon BC | ||
12.35 | V | 1 | Charlene Fraser, West Kelowna BC; Faye Pollhammer - Wendy Webb - Pirjo Holt, Kelowna BC | |
8.65 | 2 | Tom Weckworth - Carl Abbott - Jennifer Melville - Patricia Kopec, Kamloops BC | ||
4.94 | 3/4 | Karen Cunningham - Ellen Parsons, Vancouver BC; Sandy Young, Palm Desert CA; Carrie Cade, North Vancouver BC | ||
4.94 | 3/4 | Bruce Boan - Peggy Boan, Mill Bay BC; Audrey Sekulich, Cobble Hill BC; Helen Schuckel, Duncan BC |
Bracketed Swiss Teams scored in Victory Points. Teams played all or most of the teams in their bracket in short matches.
MPts | VPs | Bracket | Rank | Thursday Shiraz Bracketed Teams | ACBL Live Links: Bracket: I II III IV V VI VII (57 teams in 7 brackets) |
24.03 | 88 | I | 1 | Gayle Covey - Steven Devico, Tucson AZ; John Demeulemeester, Burnaby BC; Jane Youngberg, Surrey BC | |
18.02 | 85 | 2 | Billy Cohen, Sherman Oaks CA; Allan Graves, Saint Johnsbury VT; Reanette Frobouck, Pittsburgh PA; David Bakhshi; London, England | ||
13.52 | 78 | 3 | Gustav Axen, New Westminster BC; Andrew Krywaniuk, Burnaby BC; Gerard Laquerriere, Clovis CA; Joel Martineau, Vancouver BC | ||
10.14 | 72 | 4 | Howard Huynh, Gatineau QC; Craig Symington - Tim Edwards-Davies, Ottawa ON; Richard D'Litzenberger, Leavenworth WA | ||
14.60 | 133 | II | 1 | Bryant Town - Jason Dufault, Edmonton AB; Jadwiga Polujan - Mike D Aguiar, Calgary AB | |
10.95 | 92 | 2 | Andrea James - Craig Leonard, Pahoa HI; Linda Connell - Ken Connell, Saskatoon SK | ||
8.21 | 90 | 3 | Bernie Lambert, Acme AB; Blake Fleming, Calgary AB; Robert Pratt, Edmonton AB; Kevin Strangway, Grande Prairie AB | ||
6.16 | 88 | 4 | Eleanor Gibson - Gail Richardson - Tony Farr - Danielle Goulet, Victoria BC | ||
12.32 | 117 | III | 1 | Thomas Anderson, North Vancouver BC; Ryley Breiddal, Pemberton BC; Eda Kadar - Andrew Nalos, Vancouver BC | |
9.24 | 109 | 2 | Edgar L'Heureux, White Rock BC; Sally Craig, Port Moody BC; Maryellen Gallo - Jack Johnson, Surrey BC | ||
6.93 | 104 | 3 | Rosemay Vazeux - Paul Wayne English - Robert Munger - Mirjana Reams, Seattle WA | ||
5.20 | 95 | 4 | Marlene Sumi, Burnaby BC; Debbie Martignago, Port Coquitlam BC; Khosrow Shad - Mojgan Shad, West Vancouver BC | ||
10.79 | 99 | IV | 1 | Manohara Senaratne - Roberta Stirling - William Miller, Edmonton AB; Marinus Nyholt, St Albert AB | |
8.09 | 94 | 2 | Ken Hutchings - Alberta Hutchings - Birgitta Faraday, Penticton BC; Kevin Fleming, Osoyoos BC | ||
6.07 | 92 | 3 | Rick Boyd - Richard Piette - Ryan Clark, Calgary AB; Terry Nazar, Cochrane AB | ||
4.55 | 91 | 4 | Patrick Murphy - Cynthia Clark - Howard Coren - Marc Maes, Calgary AB | ||
8.29 | 92 | V | 1 | Shirley McGuire - Claire Cook - Zhuo Sun, Saskatoon SK; Brenda Jordan, Asquith SK | |
6.22 | 72 | 2 | Margaret Skinner - Holly Boudreau - Esther Wiebe, Victoria BC; Dolores Johnson, Brentwood Bay BC | ||
4.66 | 69 | 3 | Suzan Blatt, Montreal QC; Kathy Turnbull, Edmonton AB; Janice Smith, Ruidoso NM; Joan Spence, Hillsboro OR | ||
7.13 | 82 | VI | 1 | Kirk Rustad - Zakery Simpson - John Perry - Julie Perry, Prince George BC | |
5.35 | 81 | 2 | Gloria Woloshyn - Marsha Kimelman - Mavis Bollman - Gisele Girardin, Winnipeg MB | ||
4.01 | 79 | 3 | Lana Chow - Joyce Tokarek, Vancouver BC; Jozef Stencel - Alvin Nastrom, Kamloops BC | ||
5.94 | 96 | VII | 1 | Travis Gangl - Janet Gangl, Red Deer AB; Margaret Barr - Richard Barr, Ponoka AB | |
4.46 | 70 | 2 | Michael Anthony - Denise Anthony, Terrace BC; Dennis Lee - Susan Lee, Smithers BC | ||
3.34 | 68 | 3 | Linda Palm - Robin Adams, Surrey BC; Mary Frances Bishop - Bud Bishop, Delta BC |
Bracket One Race For The Overalls (4 spots) | ||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Teams Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Final Rank |
Gayle Covey - Steven Devico, Tucson AZ; John Demeulemeester, Burnaby BC; Jane Youngberg, Surrey BC — Team # 15: | 9 Round # 1 result: tied team #14 for 10 VPs After Round # 1: 0 Total VPs; Rank: 9 Currently 15 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 2 result: beat team #16 by 9 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 2: 14 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 14 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 3 result: beat team #12 by 5 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 3: 27 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 10 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #18 by 6 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 4: 34 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 14 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 5 result: beaten by team #11 by 13 IMPs for 5 VPs After Round # 5: 39 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 13 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 6 result: beat team #19 by 12 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 6: 54 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 5 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
1 Round # 7 result: beat team #13 by 30 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 7: 74 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 3 VPs. |
1 Round # 8 result: beat team #17 by 9 IMPs for 14 VPs Final Score: 88 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Won bracket by 3 VPs. |
Billy Cohen, Sherman Oaks CA; Allan Graves, Saint Johnsbury VT; Reanette Frobouck, Pittsburgh PA; David Bakhshi; London, England — Team # 11: | 2 Round # 1 result: beat team #13 by 9 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 1: 14 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 1 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
1 Round # 2 result: beat team #12 by 10 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 2: 28 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 6 VPs. |
2 Round # 3 result: beaten by team #17 by 5 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 3: 35 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 2 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 4 result: tied team #14 for 10 VPs After Round # 4: 35 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 13 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 5 result: beaten by team #19 by 1 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 5: 44 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
1 Round # 6 result: beat team #15 by 13 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 6: 59 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 2 VPs. |
2 Round # 7 result: beat team #18 by 4 IMPs for 12 VPs After Round # 7: 71 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 3 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 8 result: beat team #16 by 8 IMPs for 14 VPs Final Score: 85 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Finished 3 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Gustav Axen, New Westminster BC; Andrew Krywaniuk, Burnaby BC; Gerard Laquerriere, Clovis CA; Joel Martineau, Vancouver BC — Team # 17: | 4 Round # 1 result: beat team #19 by 5 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 1: 13 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 2 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #18 by 5 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 2: 20 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 3 result: tied team #14 for 10 VPs After Round # 3: 20 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 17 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 4 result: beat team #11 by 5 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 4: 33 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 15 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 5 result: beat team #16 by 7 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 5: 46 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 6 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 6 result: beat team #12 by 1 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 6: 57 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 2 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 7 result: beaten by team #15 by 9 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 7: 63 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 11 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 8 result: beat team #13 by 12 IMPs for 15 VPs Final Score: 78 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Finished 10 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Howard Huynh, Gatineau QC; Craig Symington - Tim Edwards-Davies, Ottawa ON; Richard D'Litzenberger, Leavenworth WA — Team # 19: | 1 Round # 1 result: beat team #18 by 13 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 1: 15 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 1 VPs. |
2 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #17 by 5 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 2: 22 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 6 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 3 result: beat team #16 by 1 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 3: 33 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 4 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #13 by 19 IMPs for 3 VPs After Round # 4: 36 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 12 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 5 result: beaten by team #15 by 12 IMPs for 5 VPs After Round # 5: 41 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 11 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 6 result: beat team #11 by 1 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 6: 52 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 7 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 7 result: beaten by team #14 by 23 IMPs for 0 VPs After Round # 7: 52 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 22 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 8 result: beat team #12 by 33 IMPs for 20 VPs Final Score: 72 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Finished 16 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Xiaodong Zhao, Edmonton AB; Yi Peng Mai - Runan Du - Qi Ju, Calgary AB — Team # 18: | 5 Round # 1 result: beat team #17 by 5 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 1: 13 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 2 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #19 by 13 IMPs for 5 VPs After Round # 2: 18 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 10 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 3 result: beat team #15 by 6 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 3: 31 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 6 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #12 by 22 IMPs for 2 VPs After Round # 4: 33 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 15 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
8 Round # 5 result: beat team #14 by 2 IMPs for 0 VPs After Round # 5: 33 Total VPs; Rank: 8 Currently 19 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 6 result: beat team #13 by 15 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 6: 49 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 10 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 7 result: beat team #16 by 10 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 7: 63 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 11 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 8 result: beaten by team #11 by 4 IMPs for 8 VPs Final Score: 71 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Finished 17 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Gerry Marshall - Daniel Bertrand, Calgary AB; Hendrik Sharples, Brush Prairie WA; J. Jay Roll, Kelso WA — Team # 13: | 3 Round # 1 result: beat team #12 by 8 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 1: 14 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 1 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #11 by 9 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 2: 20 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
1 Round # 3 result: beat team #19 by 19 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 3: 37 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 2 VPs. |
1 Round # 4 result: beat team #16 by 1 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 4: 48 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 11 VPs. |
1 Round # 5 result: beaten by team #18 by 15 IMPs for 4 VPs After Round # 5: 52 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 6 VPs. |
6 Round # 6 result: tied team #14 for 10 VPs After Round # 6: 52 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 7 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 7 result: beaten by team #17 by 12 IMPs for 5 VPs After Round # 7: 57 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 17 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 8 result: beaten by team #15 by 30 IMPs for 0 VPs Final Score: 57 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Finished 31 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Kai Zhou - David Yu - Long Xie, Burnaby BC; Wenmin Chen, Richmond BC — Team # 14: | 8 Round # 1 result: beaten by team #16 by 24 IMPs for 1 VPs After Round # 1: 1 Total VPs; Rank: 8 Currently 14 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
8 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #15 by 12 IMPs for 5 VPs After Round # 2: 6 Total VPs; Rank: 8 Currently 22 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
9 Round # 3 result: beaten by team #11 by 29 IMPs for 0 VPs After Round # 3: 6 Total VPs; Rank: 9 Currently 31 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
9 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #17 by 1 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 4: 15 Total VPs; Rank: 9 Currently 33 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
9 Round # 5 result: beaten by team #13 by 22 IMPs for 2 VPs After Round # 5: 17 Total VPs; Rank: 9 Currently 35 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
9 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #18 by 2 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 6: 26 Total VPs; Rank: 9 Currently 33 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
9 Round # 7 result: beat team #12 by 4 IMPs for 12 VPs After Round # 7: 38 Total VPs; Rank: 9 Currently 36 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 8 result: beat team #19 by 23 IMPs for 18 VPs Final Score: 56 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Finished 32 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Bracket Two Race For The Overalls (4 spots) | ||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Teams Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Final Rank |
Bryant Town - Jason Dufault, Edmonton AB; Jadwiga Polujan - Mike D Aguiar, Calgary AB — Team # 23: | 1 Round # 1 result: beat team #22 by 35 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 1: 20 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 1 VPs. |
1 Round # 2 result: beat team #21 by 6 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 2: 33 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 4 VPs. |
1 Round # 3 result: beat team #29 by 21 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 3: 51 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 13 VPs. |
1 Round # 4 result: beat team #26 by 30 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 4: 71 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 26 VPs. |
1 Round # 5 result: beat team #28 by 17 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 5: 88 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 29 VPs. |
1 Round # 6 result: tied team #24 for 10 VPs After Round # 6: 98 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 27 VPs. |
1 Round # 7 result: beat team #27 by 17 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 7: 115 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 26 VPs. |
1 Round # 8 result: beat team #25 by 20 IMPs for 18 VPs Final Score: 133 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Won bracket by 41 VPs. |
Andrea James - Craig Leonard, Pahoa HI; Linda Connell - Ken Connell, Saskatoon SK — Team # 24: | 8 Round # 1 result: beaten by team #26 by 12 IMPs for 5 VPs After Round # 1: 5 Total VPs; Rank: 8 Currently 15 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 2 result: beat team #25 by 1 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 2: 16 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 17 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 3 result: beat team #21 by 16 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 3: 32 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 19 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 4 result: tied team #27 for 10 VPs After Round # 4: 42 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 29 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 5 result: tied team #23 for 10 VPs After Round # 5: 52 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 36 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #28 by 17 IMPs for 3 VPs After Round # 6: 55 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 43 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 7 result: beat team #22 by 24 IMPs for 19 VPs After Round # 7: 74 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 41 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 8 result: beat team #29 by 20 IMPs for 18 VPs Final Score: 92 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Finished 41 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Bernie Lambert, Acme AB; Blake Fleming, Calgary AB; Robert Pratt, Edmonton AB; Kevin Strangway, Grande Prairie AB — Team # 22: | 5 Round # 1 result: beaten by team #21 by 1 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 1: 9 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 11 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
8 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #23 by 35 IMPs for 0 VPs After Round # 2: 9 Total VPs; Rank: 8 Currently 24 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 3 result: beat team #28 by 15 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 3: 25 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 26 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 4 result: beat team #25 by 24 IMPs for 19 VPs After Round # 4: 44 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 27 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 5 result: beat team #27 by 12 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 5: 59 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 29 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 6 result: beat team #26 by 3 IMPs for 12 VPs After Round # 6: 71 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 27 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 7 result: beat team #29 by 22 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 7: 89 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 26 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 8 result: beaten by team #24 by 24 IMPs for 1 VPs Final Score: 90 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Finished 43 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Eleanor Gibson - Gail Richardson - Tony Farr - Danielle Goulet, Victoria BC — Team # 26: | 3 Round # 1 result: beat team #25 by 9 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 1: 14 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 6 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 2 result: beat team #24 by 12 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 2: 29 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 4 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 3 result: beaten by team #23 by 30 IMPs for 0 VPs After Round # 3: 29 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 22 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 4 result: beat team #29 by 6 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 4: 42 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 29 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 5 result: beaten by team #22 by 3 IMPs for 8 VPs After Round # 5: 50 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 38 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 6 result: beat team #27 by 25 IMPs for 19 VPs After Round # 6: 69 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 29 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 7 result: beaten by team #21 by 3 IMPs for 8 VPs After Round # 7: 77 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 38 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 8 result: beat team #28 by 2 IMPs for 11 VPs Final Score: 88 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Finished 45 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Ann Romeo - David Binney, Seattle WA; Marla Patterson, Arlington WA; Brenda Glaze, Anchorage AK — Team # 21: | 7 Round # 1 result: beaten by team #23 by 6 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 1: 7 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 13 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 2 result: beat team #22 by 1 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 2: 18 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 15 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 3 result: beat team #27 by 7 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 3: 31 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 20 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #24 by 16 IMPs for 4 VPs After Round # 4: 35 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 36 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 5 result: beat team #29 by 6 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 5: 48 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 40 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 6 result: beat team #25 by 12 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 6: 63 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 35 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 7 result: beaten by team #28 by 15 IMPs for 4 VPs After Round # 7: 67 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 48 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 8 result: beat team #26 by 3 IMPs for 12 VPs Final Score: 79 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Finished 54 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Jim Murphy - Chris Murphy - Murray Haggins - Marilyn Haggins, Calgary AB — Team # 27: | 4 Round # 1 result: beat team #29 by 1 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 1: 11 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 9 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 2 result: beat team #28 by 17 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 2: 28 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 5 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 3 result: tied team #24 for 10 VPs After Round # 3: 38 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 13 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #21 by 7 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 4: 45 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 26 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 5 result: beaten by team #26 by 25 IMPs for 1 VPs After Round # 5: 46 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 42 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #22 by 12 IMPs for 5 VPs After Round # 6: 51 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 47 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 7 result: beat team #25 by 15 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 7: 67 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 48 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 8 result: beaten by team #23 by 17 IMPs for 3 VPs Final Score: 70 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Finished 63 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Marlene Powell, Vancouver BC; Myra Johnston, North Vancouver BC; Edee Rumley, Ucluelet BC; Diane Griffiths, Langley BC — Team # 29: | 2 Round # 1 result: beat team #28 by 26 IMPs for 19 VPs After Round # 1: 19 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 1 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #27 by 1 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 2: 28 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 5 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 3 result: beaten by team #26 by 6 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 3: 35 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 16 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #23 by 21 IMPs for 2 VPs After Round # 4: 37 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 34 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 5 result: beat team #25 by 8 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 5: 51 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 37 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #21 by 6 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 6: 58 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 40 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 7 result: beaten by team #24 by 20 IMPs for 2 VPs After Round # 7: 60 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 55 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 8 result: beaten by team #22 by 22 IMPs for 2 VPs Final Score: 62 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Finished 71 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Bracket Three Race For The Overalls (4 spots) | ||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Teams Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Final Rank |
Thomas Anderson, North Vancouver BC; Ryley Breiddal, Pemberton BC; Eda Kadar - Andrew Nalos, Vancouver BC — Team # 36: | 6 Round # 1 result: beaten by team #35 by 1 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 1: 9 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 11 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 2 result: beat team #34 by 11 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 2: 24 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 6 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 3 result: beat team #33 by 11 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 3: 39 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 5 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
1 Round # 4 result: beat team #39 by 23 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 4: 57 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 0 VPs. |
1 Round # 5 result: beat team #32 by 16 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 5: 73 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 7 VPs. |
1 Round # 6 result: beat team #37 by 2 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 6: 84 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 4 VPs. |
1 Round # 7 result: beat team #31 by 10 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 7: 98 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 0 VPs. |
1 Round # 8 result: beat team #38 by 26 IMPs for 19 VPs Final Score: 117 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Won bracket by 8 VPs. |
Edgar L'Heureux, White Rock BC; Sally Craig, Port Moody BC; Maryellen Gallo - Jack Johnson, Surrey BC — Team # 37: | 2 Round # 1 result: beat team #39 by 24 IMPs for 19 VPs After Round # 1: 19 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 1 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #38 by 3 IMPs for 8 VPs After Round # 2: 27 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 3 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
1 Round # 3 result: beat team #34 by 19 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 3: 44 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 4 VPs. |
2 Round # 4 result: beat team #31 by 7 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 4: 57 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Current Lead in bracket: 0 VPs. |
2 Round # 5 result: beaten by team #36 by 2 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 5: 66 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 7 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 6 result: beat team #32 by 8 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 6: 80 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 4 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 7 result: beat team #35 by 7 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 7: 93 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 5 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 8 result: beat team #33 by 15 IMPs for 16 VPs Final Score: 109 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Finished 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Rosemay Vazeux - Paul Wayne English - Robert Munger - Mirjana Reams, Seattle WA — Team # 31: | 3 Round # 1 result: beat team #33 by 7 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 1: 13 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 7 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
1 Round # 2 result: beat team #32 by 19 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 2: 30 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 2 VPs. |
5 Round # 3 result: beaten by team #37 by 7 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 3: 37 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 7 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #34 by 1 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 4: 46 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 11 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 5 result: beat team #39 by 24 IMPs for 19 VPs After Round # 5: 65 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 6 result: beat team #35 by 13 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 6: 80 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 4 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 7 result: beat team #38 by 21 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 7: 98 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Current Lead in bracket: 0 VPs. |
3 Round # 8 result: beaten by team #36 by 10 IMPs for 6 VPs Final Score: 104 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Finished 13 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Marlene Sumi, Burnaby BC; Debbie Martignago, Port Coquitlam BC; Khosrow Shad - Mojgan Shad, West Vancouver BC — Team # 34: | 7 Round # 1 result: beaten by team #36 by 11 IMPs for 5 VPs After Round # 1: 5 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 15 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #35 by 7 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 2: 12 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 18 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 3 result: beat team #31 by 1 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 3: 23 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 21 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #37 by 19 IMPs for 3 VPs After Round # 4: 26 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 31 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 5 result: beat team #33 by 17 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 5: 43 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 30 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 6 result: beat team #38 by 15 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 6: 59 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 25 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 7 result: beat team #32 by 37 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 7: 79 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 19 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 8 result: beat team #39 by 14 IMPs for 16 VPs Final Score: 95 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Finished 22 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Brenda Mathews - Diane Thompson - Dixie Duncan, Kamloops BC; Craig Hamilton, Penticton BC — Team # 35: | 4 Round # 1 result: beat team #34 by 7 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 1: 13 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 7 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 2 result: beat team #36 by 1 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 2: 24 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 6 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 3 result: beat team #32 by 6 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 3: 37 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 7 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #38 by 1 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 4: 46 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 11 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 5 result: beaten by team #31 by 13 IMPs for 5 VPs After Round # 5: 51 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 22 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 6 result: beat team #39 by 8 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 6: 65 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 19 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 7 result: beat team #33 by 2 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 7: 76 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 22 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 8 result: beaten by team #37 by 7 IMPs for 7 VPs Final Score: 83 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Finished 34 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Paul Evanoff, Fife WA; Gary Stephens, Whitefish MT; Elizabeth Sprague, Calgary AB; Amiran Alavidze, Vancouver BC — Team # 33: | 1 Round # 1 result: beat team #32 by 36 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 1: 20 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 1 VPs. |
4 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #31 by 7 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 2: 27 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 3 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 3 result: beat team #39 by 6 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 3: 40 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 4 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #36 by 11 IMPs for 5 VPs After Round # 4: 45 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 12 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 5 result: beat team #38 by 39 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 5: 65 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #34 by 17 IMPs for 3 VPs After Round # 6: 68 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 16 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 7 result: beaten by team #37 by 15 IMPs for 4 VPs After Round # 7: 72 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 26 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 8 result: beaten by team #35 by 2 IMPs for 9 VPs Final Score: 81 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Finished 36 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Paul Reitsma, Parksville BC; Bruce Nelms, Qualicum Beach BC; Phil Sanford - Maureen Olafson, Campbell River BC — Team # 38: | 5 Round # 1 result: beat team #37 by 3 IMPs for 12 VPs After Round # 1: 12 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 2 result: beat team #39 by 16 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 2: 28 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 2 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 3 result: beat team #35 by 1 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 3: 39 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 5 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 4 result: beat team #32 by 8 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 4: 53 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 4 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 5 result: beaten by team #34 by 15 IMPs for 4 VPs After Round # 5: 57 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 16 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #33 by 39 IMPs for 0 VPs After Round # 6: 57 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 27 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 7 result: beaten by team #36 by 26 IMPs for 1 VPs After Round # 7: 58 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 40 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 8 result: beaten by team #31 by 21 IMPs for 2 VPs Final Score: 60 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Finished 57 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Bracket Four Race For The Overalls (4 spots) | ||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Teams Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Final Rank |
Manohara Senaratne - Roberta Stirling - William Miller, Edmonton AB; Marinus Nyholt, St Albert AB — Team # 41: | 4 Round # 1 result: beaten by team #43 by 5 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 1: 7 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 11 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 2 result: beat team #42 by 18 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 2: 24 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 3 result: beat team #47 by 9 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 3: 38 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 9 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 4 result: beat team #44 by 3 IMPs for 12 VPs After Round # 4: 50 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
1 Round # 5 result: beat team #49 by 15 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 5: 66 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 0 VPs. |
2 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #45 by 3 IMPs for 8 VPs After Round # 6: 74 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 5 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
1 Round # 7 result: beaten by team #48 by 3 IMPs for 8 VPs After Round # 7: 82 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 0 VPs. |
1 Round # 8 result: beat team #46 by 18 IMPs for 17 VPs Final Score: 99 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Won bracket by 5 VPs. |
Ken Hutchings - Alberta Hutchings - Birgitta Faraday, Penticton BC; Kevin Fleming, Osoyoos BC — Team # 47: | 1 Round # 1 result: beat team #49 by 20 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 1: 18 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 6 VPs. |
1 Round # 2 result: beat team #48 by 10 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 2: 32 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 2 VPs. |
1 Round # 3 result: beat team #44 by 13 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 3: 47 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 3 VPs. |
2 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #41 by 9 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 4: 53 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 5 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 5 result: beaten by team #46 by 5 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 5: 60 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 6 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #42 by 2 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 6: 69 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 10 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 7 result: beaten by team #45 by 13 IMPs for 5 VPs After Round # 7: 74 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 8 result: beat team #43 by 29 IMPs for 20 VPs Final Score: 94 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Finished 5 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Rick Boyd - Richard Piette - Ryan Clark, Calgary AB; Terry Nazar, Cochrane AB — Team # 48: | 6 Round # 1 result: beaten by team #47 by 10 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 1: 6 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 12 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 2 result: beat team #49 by 28 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 2: 26 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 6 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 3 result: beat team #45 by 10 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 3: 40 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 7 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #42 by 21 IMPs for 2 VPs After Round # 4: 42 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 16 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 5 result: beaten by team #44 by 3 IMPs for 8 VPs After Round # 5: 50 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 16 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 6 result: beat team #43 by 11 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 6: 65 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 14 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 7 result: beat team #46 by 13 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 7: 80 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 2 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 8 result: beat team #41 by 3 IMPs for 12 VPs Final Score: 92 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Finished 7 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Patrick Murphy - Cynthia Clark - Howard Coren - Marc Maes, Calgary AB — Team # 42: | 7 Round # 1 result: beaten by team #41 by 18 IMPs for 3 VPs After Round # 1: 3 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 15 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
8 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #43 by 4 IMPs for 8 VPs After Round # 2: 11 Total VPs; Rank: 8 Currently 21 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 3 result: beat team #48 by 21 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 3: 29 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 18 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 4 result: beat team #45 by 7 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 4: 42 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 16 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 5 result: beat team #47 by 2 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 5: 53 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 13 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 6 result: beat team #46 by 4 IMPs for 12 VPs After Round # 6: 65 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 14 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 7 result: beaten by team #49 by 2 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 7: 74 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 8 result: beat team #44 by 17 IMPs for 17 VPs Final Score: 91 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Finished 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Jill Plasteras - Jon Preston - JP Weber, Victoria BC; Madeleine Tremblay, North Saanich BC — Team # 46: | 3 Round # 1 result: beat team #45 by 1 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 1: 11 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 7 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 2 result: beat team #44 by 27 IMPs for 19 VPs After Round # 2: 30 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 2 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 3 result: beat team #43 by 9 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 3: 44 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 3 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
1 Round # 4 result: beat team #49 by 8 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 4: 58 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 5 VPs. |
2 Round # 5 result: beaten by team #42 by 4 IMPs for 8 VPs After Round # 5: 66 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Current Lead in bracket: 0 VPs. |
1 Round # 6 result: beat team #47 by 5 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 6: 79 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 5 VPs. |
2 Round # 7 result: beaten by team #41 by 18 IMPs for 3 VPs After Round # 7: 82 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Current Lead in bracket: 0 VPs. |
5 Round # 8 result: beaten by team #48 by 13 IMPs for 5 VPs Final Score: 87 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Finished 12 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Douglas Jordan - Chris Robinson, Toronto ON; Lois Mazuren, Chilliwack BC; Eve Jensen, Abbotsford BC — Team # 45: | 5 Round # 1 result: beaten by team #44 by 6 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 1: 7 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 11 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #46 by 1 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 2: 16 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 16 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 3 result: beaten by team #42 by 7 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 3: 23 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 24 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #48 by 10 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 4: 29 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 29 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 5 result: beat team #41 by 3 IMPs for 12 VPs After Round # 5: 41 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 25 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
8 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #49 by 8 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 6: 47 Total VPs; Rank: 8 Currently 32 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 7 result: beat team #43 by 6 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 7: 60 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 22 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 8 result: beat team #47 by 13 IMPs for 15 VPs Final Score: 75 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Finished 24 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
John Emmerson, Federal Way WA; Barbara Hillman, Richmond BC; Christine McKenna, Rancho Mirage CA; Janet Crossley, Nipomo CA — Team # 43: | 2 Round # 1 result: beat team #42 by 4 IMPs for 12 VPs After Round # 1: 12 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 6 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 2 result: beat team #41 by 5 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 2: 25 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 7 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 3 result: beat team #49 by 7 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 3: 38 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 9 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #46 by 9 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 4: 44 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 14 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 5 result: beaten by team #48 by 11 IMPs for 5 VPs After Round # 5: 49 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 17 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #44 by 1 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 6: 58 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 21 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 7 result: beaten by team #47 by 29 IMPs for 0 VPs After Round # 7: 58 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 24 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 8 result: beaten by team #45 by 6 IMPs for 7 VPs Final Score: 65 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Finished 34 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Bracket Five Race For The Overalls (3 spots) | ||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Teams Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Final Rank |
Shirley McGuire - Claire Cook - Zhuo Sun, Saskatoon SK; Brenda Jordan, Asquith SK — Team # 54: | 1 Round # 1 result: beat team #53 by 16 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 1: 16 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 1 VPs. |
2 Round # 2 result: beat team #51 by 10 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 2: 30 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 4 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 3 result: beaten by team #56 by 2 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 3: 39 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 13 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
1 Round # 4 result: beat team #55 by 32 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 4: 59 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 4 VPs. |
1 Round # 5 result: beat team #57 by 30 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 5: 79 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 13 VPs. |
1 Round # 6 result: beat team #52 by 6 IMPs for 13 VPs Final Score: 92 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Won bracket by 20 VPs. |
Margaret Skinner - Holly Boudreau - Esther Wiebe, Victoria BC; Dolores Johnson, Brentwood Bay BC — Team # 56: | 2 Round # 1 result: beat team #57 by 13 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 1: 15 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 1 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #55 by 1 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 2: 24 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 10 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 3 result: beat team #54 by 2 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 3: 35 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 17 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 4 result: beat team #52 by 19 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 4: 52 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 7 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 5 result: beat team #53 by 8 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 5: 66 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 13 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #51 by 10 IMPs for 6 VPs Final Score: 72 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Finished 20 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Suzan Blatt, Montreal QC; Kathy Turnbull, Edmonton AB; Janice Smith, Ruidoso NM; Joan Spence, Hillsboro OR — Team # 52: | 3 Round # 1 result: beat team #51 by 11 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 1: 15 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 1 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
1 Round # 2 result: beat team #53 by 24 IMPs for 19 VPs After Round # 2: 34 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 4 VPs. |
1 Round # 3 result: beat team #55 by 22 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 3: 52 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 13 VPs. |
2 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #56 by 19 IMPs for 3 VPs After Round # 4: 55 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 4 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 5 result: beaten by team #54 by 6 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 5: 62 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 17 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #57 by 7 IMPs for 7 VPs Final Score: 69 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Finished 23 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
David Cooper - Charles Hitschfeld - Gerry Boudrias, Edmonton AB; Leeann Lagace, St Albert AB — Team # 51: | 6 Round # 1 result: beaten by team #52 by 11 IMPs for 5 VPs After Round # 1: 5 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 11 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #54 by 10 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 2: 11 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 23 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 3 result: beat team #53 by 3 IMPs for 12 VPs After Round # 3: 23 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 29 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 4 result: beat team #57 by 19 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 4: 40 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 19 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 5 result: beaten by team #55 by 8 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 5: 46 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 33 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 6 result: beat team #56 by 10 IMPs for 14 VPs Final Score: 60 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Finished 32 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Grace Lindsay, Nanoose Bay BC; John Schuller - Jacqueline Fennellow - Roger Taylor, Parksville BC — Team # 53: | 7 Round # 1 result: beaten by team #54 by 16 IMPs for 4 VPs After Round # 1: 4 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 12 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #52 by 24 IMPs for 1 VPs After Round # 2: 5 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 29 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 3 result: beat team #57 by 18 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 3: 22 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 30 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #51 by 3 IMPs for 8 VPs After Round # 4: 30 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 29 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 5 result: beaten by team #56 by 8 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 5: 36 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 43 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 6 result: tied team #55 for 10 VPs Final Score: 46 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Finished 46 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Bracket Six Race For The Overalls (3 spots) | ||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Teams Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Final Rank |
Kirk Rustad - Zakery Simpson - John Perry - Julie Perry, Prince George BC — Team # 62: | 3 Round # 1 result: beat team #61 by 4 IMPs for 12 VPs After Round # 1: 12 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 2 result: beat team #63 by 29 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 2: 32 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 3 result: beat team #65 by 8 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 3: 46 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
1 Round # 4 result: beat team #66 by 6 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 4: 59 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 2 VPs. |
1 Round # 5 result: beat team #64 by 14 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 5: 75 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 4 VPs. |
1 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #67 by 9 IMPs for 6 VPs Final Score: 81 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Won bracket by 0 VPs. |
Gloria Woloshyn - Marsha Kimelman - Mavis Bollman - Gisele Girardin, Winnipeg MB — Team # 63: | 2 Round # 1 result: beat team #64 by 16 IMPs for 16 VPs After Round # 1: 16 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 4 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #62 by 29 IMPs for 0 VPs After Round # 2: 16 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 24 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 3 result: beat team #67 by 17 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 3: 33 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 21 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 4 result: beat team #61 by 21 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 4: 51 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 8 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 5 result: beat team #66 by 13 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 5: 66 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 9 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 6 result: beat team #65 by 11 IMPs for 15 VPs Final Score: 81 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Won bracket by 0 VPs. |
Lana Chow - Joyce Tokarek, Vancouver BC; Jozef Stencel - Alvin Nastrom, Kamloops BC — Team # 67: | 1 Round # 1 result: beat team #65 by 29 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 1: 20 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 4 VPs. |
1 Round # 2 result: beat team #66 by 35 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 2: 40 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 8 VPs. |
1 Round # 3 result: beat team #61 by 9 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 3: 54 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 8 VPs. |
2 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #63 by 17 IMPs for 3 VPs After Round # 4: 57 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 2 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 5 result: beat team #62 by 9 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 5: 71 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 4 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #64 by 4 IMPs for 8 VPs Final Score: 79 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Finished 2 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Roger Staneslow, Airdrie AB; Carol Porter, Calgary AB; Bill Kennedy - Grace Kennedy, Campbell River BC — Team # 64: | 6 Round # 1 result: beaten by team #63 by 16 IMPs for 4 VPs After Round # 1: 4 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 16 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 2 result: beat team #61 by 26 IMPs for 19 VPs After Round # 2: 23 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 17 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 3 result: beat team #66 by 24 IMPs for 19 VPs After Round # 3: 42 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 12 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #65 by 7 IMPs for 7 VPs After Round # 4: 49 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 10 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 5 result: beat team #67 by 4 IMPs for 12 VPs After Round # 5: 61 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 14 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #62 by 14 IMPs for 4 VPs Final Score: 65 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Finished 16 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Susan Jobbins - Joan Geber - Janette Magne - Susan M Breiddal, Victoria BC — Team # 65: | 5 Round # 1 result: beaten by team #66 by 11 IMPs for 5 VPs After Round # 1: 5 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 15 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #67 by 29 IMPs for 0 VPs After Round # 2: 5 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 35 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 3 result: beaten by team #62 by 8 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 3: 11 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 43 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 4 result: beat team #64 by 7 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 4: 24 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 35 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 5 result: beat team #61 by 5 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 5: 37 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 38 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #63 by 11 IMPs for 5 VPs Final Score: 42 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Finished 39 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Bracket Seven Race For The Overalls (3 spots) | ||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Teams Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Final Rank |
Travis Gangl - Janet Gangl, Red Deer AB; Margaret Barr - Richard Barr, Ponoka AB — Team # 71: | 2 Round # 1 result: beat team #72 by 21 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 1: 18 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 2 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
1 Round # 2 result: beat team #74 by 35 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 2: 38 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 7 VPs. |
1 Round # 3 result: beat team #73 by 30 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 3: 58 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 17 VPs. |
1 Round # 4 result: tied team #77 for 10 VPs After Round # 4: 68 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 12 VPs. |
1 Round # 5 result: beat team #75 by 24 IMPs for 19 VPs After Round # 5: 87 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 19 VPs. |
1 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #76 by 2 IMPs for 9 VPs Final Score: 96 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Won bracket by 26 VPs. |
Michael Anthony - Denise Anthony, Terrace BC; Dennis Lee - Susan Lee, Smithers BC — Team # 76: | 4 Round # 1 result: beaten by team #77 by 2 IMPs for 9 VPs After Round # 1: 9 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 11 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 2 result: beat team #75 by 7 IMPs for 13 VPs After Round # 2: 22 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 16 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 3 result: beat team #74 by 25 IMPs for 19 VPs After Round # 3: 41 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 17 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 4 result: beat team #72 by 13 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 4: 56 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 12 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 5 result: beaten by team #73 by 17 IMPs for 3 VPs After Round # 5: 59 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 28 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 6 result: beat team #71 by 2 IMPs for 11 VPs Final Score: 70 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Finished 26 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Linda Palm - Robin Adams, Surrey BC; Mary Frances Bishop - Bud Bishop, Delta BC — Team # 77: | 1 Round # 1 result: beat team #75 by 44 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 1: 20 Total VPs; Rank: 1 Current Lead in bracket: 2 VPs. |
2 Round # 2 result: beat team #76 by 2 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 2: 31 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 7 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 3 result: tied team #71 for 10 VPs After Round # 3: 41 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 17 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 4 result: beat team #73 by 3 IMPs for 12 VPs After Round # 4: 53 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 15 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
2 Round # 5 result: beat team #72 by 11 IMPs for 15 VPs After Round # 5: 68 Total VPs; Rank: 2 Currently 19 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
3 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #74 by 29 IMPs for 0 VPs Final Score: 68 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Finished 28 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Richard Cripps - Deborah Cripps - Jamie Watt - Andrew Melton, Calgary AB — Team # 74: | 3 Round # 1 result: beat team #73 by 8 IMPs for 14 VPs After Round # 1: 14 Total VPs; Rank: 3 Currently 6 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 2 result: beaten by team #71 by 35 IMPs for 0 VPs After Round # 2: 14 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 24 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
7 Round # 3 result: beaten by team #76 by 25 IMPs for 1 VPs After Round # 3: 15 Total VPs; Rank: 7 Currently 43 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 4 result: beat team #75 by 20 IMPs for 18 VPs After Round # 4: 33 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 35 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 5 result: beat team #77 by 29 IMPs for 20 VPs After Round # 5: 53 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 34 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 6 result: beaten by team #72 by 1 IMPs for 9 VPs Final Score: 62 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Finished 34 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Margaret Pattison - Pat Hodgson - Merilyn Hicks, North Vancouver BC; Don Guichon, White Rock BC — Team # 73: | 6 Round # 1 result: beaten by team #74 by 8 IMPs for 6 VPs After Round # 1: 6 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 14 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 2 result: beat team #72 by 2 IMPs for 11 VPs After Round # 2: 17 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 21 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
4 Round # 3 result: beaten by team #77 by 3 IMPs for 8 VPs After Round # 3: 25 Total VPs; Rank: 4 Currently 33 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
6 Round # 4 result: beaten by team #71 by 30 IMPs for 0 VPs After Round # 4: 25 Total VPs; Rank: 6 Currently 43 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 5 result: beat team #76 by 17 IMPs for 17 VPs After Round # 5: 42 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Currently 45 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
5 Round # 6 result: beat team #75 by 19 IMPs for 17 VPs Final Score: 59 Total VPs; Rank: 5 Finished 37 VPs behind the bracket leader. |
Bracketed Knockout Teams event, with 2 rounds of 10-board matches. Masterpoints still being worked out...
MPts | Bracket | Rank | Thursday Latenight ZIP Knockout Teams | ACBL Live Links: Bracket: I (5 teams in 1 bracket) |
2.52 | I | 1 | Daniel Korbel - Joshua Donn, Las Vegas NV; Jenni Carmichael, Marysville WA; Cindy Oishi, West Vancouver BC |
Be aware that one day often is no predictor of who will eventually win....
Swiss Teams event with 8 matches of 6 boards, scored in Victory Points (maximum 20 per match). Usually with one bracket only we revert to a stratified Swiss, but that hasn't yet been done; check back tomorrow for masterpoints.
Wins | VPs | Thursday-Friday Morning Bracketed Teams | (9 tables) ACBL Live Link |
3 | 54 | Douglas Jordan - Zsoka Balla - Martin Klaponski, Toronto ON; Roberta Stirling, Edmonton AB | |
2 | 51 | Marsha Kimelman - Doug Kimelman - Mavis Bollman - John Sired, Winnipeg MB | |
2 | 46 | Xiaodong Zhao, Edmonton AB; Yi Peng Mai - Runan Du - Qi Ju, Calgary AB | |
3 | 46 | Wayne Fahie, Saskatoon SK; Bob Nell, Zehner SK; Fraser Glen, N-Battleford SK; Rick Grieman, Regina SK | |
2 | 42 | Wanda Deisman - Mary Dewar, Nanaimo BC; Donald Shatilla, Saskatoon SK; Vanda Blok, Gabriola BC | |
2 | 38 | Martha Burdick - Jacqui Erwert, Liberty Lake WA; Keith Carter, Sandpoint ID; Denny Tweed, Coeur D Alene ID | |
2 | 36 | Ralph Lipe - Lynda Lipe, Chelan WA; Brian Sims, Cultus Lake BC; D Glassford, Chilliwack BC | |
1 | 31 | Lana Chow - Joyce Tokarek - Irene Dundon, Vancouver BC; Rolande Joly, Vernon BC | |
1 | 16 | Judy Bateman, Kaleden BC; Audrey Hancock - Marcia Schoffer, Penticton BC; Nancy S Benner, Summerland BC |
Morning Side Game Series Leaders are below.
Single-session pairs event, scored in matchpoints. Part of the Morning Side Game Series, session 3 of 5 in the series. (In a side game series you are free to play as many sessions as you wish, even with different partners.) Strat limits (by pair average): A: 2000+ / B: 750 - 2000 / C: 0 - 750.
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 1266
MPts | Score | A | B | C | Thursday Morning Side Game | (23½ tables) ACBL Live Link |
6.45 | 66.73% | 1 | 1 | 1 | Margaret Barr - Richard Barr, Ponoka AB | |
4.84 | 61.74% | 2 | 2 | Dennis Ooms, Calgary AB; Manohara Senaratne, Edmonton AB | ||
3.63 | 59.75% | 3 | Paul Reitsma, Parksville BC; Marv Norden, Peachland BC | |||
2.72 | 59.66% | 4 | Marinus Nyholt - Helen Nyholt, St Albert AB | |||
3.20 | 59.00% | 5 | 3 | Nicholas Buck, Prince George BC; Tom Weckworth, Kamloops BC | ||
2.40 | 58.81% | 6 | 4 | 2 | Zhuo Sun, Saskatoon SK; Brenda Jordan, Asquith SK | |
1.93 | 58.57% | 7 | 5 | 3 | Kathy Dreisinger, Delta BC; Debra Sutherland, Burnaby BC | |
1.38 | 56.71% | 6 | Patricia Long - Blanche Saelhof, Saskatoon SK | |||
1.01 | 55.97% | 7 | Vard Nelson - Frances Nelson, Evergreen CO | |||
1.29 | 54.83% | 4 | Andrew Melton - Jamie Watt, Calgary AB | |||
0.97 | 52.94% | 5 | Jane Gray - Paul Gray, Vancouver BC | |||
0.73 | 51.80% | 6 | Sandy Young, Palm Desert CA; Carrie Cade, North Vancouver BC |
The Race For Overalls in Strat A (unlimited): 7 overall spots available. | |||||||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Rd. 8 Rank |
Rd. 9 Rank |
Rd. 10 Rank |
Rd. 11 Rank |
Final Rank |
Margaret Barr - Richard Barr, Ponoka AB: | 12 Round # 1 score: 70.45% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 70.45% Currently 0.45 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 000.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 70.45% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 57.95% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 64.20% Currently 0.45 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 4 score: 86.36% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 71.59% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.05 boards. |
3 Round # 5 score: 37.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 63.07% Currently 0.46 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 6 score: 47.73% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 60.00% Currently 0.44 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 52.27% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 58.71% Currently 0.88 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 8 score: 31.81% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 54.87% Currently 1.45 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 9 score: 90.91% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 59.37% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 10 score: 96.59% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 63.51% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.13 boards. |
1 Round # 11 score: 70.45% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 64.20% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.67 boards. |
1 Round # 12 score: 92.05% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 66.73% Current Lead in Strat A: 1.2 boards. |
Dennis Ooms, Calgary AB; Manohara Senaratne, Edmonton AB: | 11 Round # 1 score: 71.59% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 71.59% Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 2 score: 34.09% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 52.84% Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 3 score: 54.55% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 53.41% Currently 1.32 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 4 score: 67.05% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 56.82% Currently 1.18 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 5 score: 62.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 57.95% Currently 1.09 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 70.45% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 60.04% Currently 0.52 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 94.31% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 64.93% Currently 0.16 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 8 score: 67.05% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 65.20% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.34 boards. |
1 Round # 9 score: 40.91% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 62.50% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.02 boards. |
2 Round # 10 score: 65.91% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 62.84% Currently 0.13 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 11 score: 44.32% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 61.16% Currently 0.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 12 score: 68.19% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 61.74% Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Paul Reitsma, Parksville BC; Marv Norden, Peachland BC: | 13 Round # 1 score: 68.18% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 68.18% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 2 score: 46.59% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 57.39% Currently 1.02 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 3 score: 65.91% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 60.23% Currently 0.91 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 4 score: 27.27% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 51.99% Currently 1.57 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
24 Round # 5 score: 40.91% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 49.77% Currently 1.91 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 6 score: 64.78% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 52.27% Currently 1.45 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 7 score: 76.14% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 55.68% Currently 1.45 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 87.50% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 59.66% Currently 0.89 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 9 score: 34.09% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 56.82% Currently 1.02 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 10 score: 60.23% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 57.16% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 11 score: 64.78% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 57.85% Currently 1.4 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 12 score: 80.68% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 59.75% Currently 1.68 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Marinus Nyholt - Helen Nyholt, St Albert AB: | 27 Round # 1 score: 45.45% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 27 Event score so far: 45.45% Currently 0.95 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 2 score: 65.91% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 55.68% Currently 1.09 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 3 score: 57.95% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 56.44% Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 95.45% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 66.19% Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 5 score: 31.81% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 59.32% Currently 0.96 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 6 score: 37.50% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 55.68% Currently 1.05 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 7 score: 60.23% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 56.33% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 8 score: 37.50% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 53.98% Currently 1.8 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 9 score: 86.37% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 57.58% Currently 0.89 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 10 score: 36.37% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 55.45% Currently 1.61 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 11 score: 68.18% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 56.61% Currently 1.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 12 score: 93.19% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 59.66% Currently 1.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Nicholas Buck, Prince George BC; Tom Weckworth, Kamloops BC: | 1 Round # 1 score: 93.18% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 93.18% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.25 boards. |
9 Round # 2 score: 32.95% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 63.07% Currently 0.8 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 3 score: 42.05% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 56.06% Currently 1.16 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 4 score: 62.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 57.67% Currently 1.11 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 76.14% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 61.36% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 57.95% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 60.80% Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 43.19% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 58.28% Currently 1.09 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 8 score: 23.86% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 53.98% Currently 1.8 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 9 score: 82.95% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 57.20% Currently 0.95 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 10 score: 82.95% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 59.77% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 11 score: 35.23% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 57.54% Currently 1.47 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 12 score: 75.00% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 59.00% Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Zhuo Sun, Saskatoon SK; Brenda Jordan, Asquith SK: | 3 Round # 1 score: 80.68% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 80.68% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
24 Round # 2 score: 25.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 52.84% Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 3 score: 55.69% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 53.79% Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 4 score: 61.36% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 55.68% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 5 score: 57.95% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 56.14% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 82.95% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 60.61% Currently 0.45 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 50.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 59.09% Currently 0.98 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 8 score: 35.23% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 56.11% Currently 1.45 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 9 score: 60.23% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 56.57% Currently 1.07 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 10 score: 72.72% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 58.18% Currently 1.07 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 11 score: 62.50% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 58.57% Currently 1.24 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 12 score: 61.37% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 58.81% Currently 1.9 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Kathy Dreisinger, Delta BC; Debra Sutherland, Burnaby BC: | 6 Round # 1 score: 78.41% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 78.41% Currently 0.3 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 64.78% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 71.59% Currently 0.45 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 46.59% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 63.26% Currently 0.73 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 4 score: 42.05% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 57.96% Currently 1.09 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 5 score: 42.05% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 54.77% Currently 1.41 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 6 score: 80.68% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 59.09% Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 68.18% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 60.39% Currently 0.8 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 000.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 60.39% Currently 0.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 9 score: 76.13% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 62.36% Currently 0.02 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 10 score: 37.50% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 59.60% Currently 0.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 11 score: 55.68% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 59.20% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 12 score: 52.27% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 58.57% Currently 1.8 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
David De Kezel, Penticton BC; Gordon Hepperle, Summerland BC: | 23 Round # 1 score: 50.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 2 score: 75.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 62.50% Currently 0.82 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 82.95% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 69.32% Currently 0.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 64.77% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 68.18% Currently 0.27 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 34.09% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 61.36% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 6 score: 42.05% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 58.14% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 7 score: 42.05% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 55.84% Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 8 score: 57.95% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 56.11% Currently 1.45 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 9 score: 85.22% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 59.34% Currently 0.57 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 10 score: 27.27% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 56.14% Currently 1.47 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 11 score: 56.82% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 56.20% Currently 1.76 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 12 score: 78.41% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 58.05% Currently 2.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Patricia Long - Blanche Saelhof, Saskatoon SK: | 41 Round # 1 score: 21.59% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 41 Event score so far: 21.59% Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
47 Round # 2 score: 15.91% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 47 Event score so far: 18.75% Currently 2.57 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
38 Round # 3 score: 89.78% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 38 Event score so far: 42.43% Currently 1.98 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
39 Round # 4 score: 37.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 39 Event score so far: 41.19% Currently 2.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
31 Round # 5 score: 64.77% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 31 Event score so far: 45.91% Currently 2.3 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
26 Round # 6 score: 64.77% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 26 Event score so far: 49.05% Currently 1.84 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
24 Round # 7 score: 59.09% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 50.49% Currently 2.18 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 8 score: 64.78% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 52.27% Currently 2.07 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 9 score: 68.18% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 54.04% Currently 1.52 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 10 score: 75.00% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 56.14% Currently 1.47 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 11 score: 62.50% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 56.72% Currently 1.65 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 12 score: 000.00% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 56.72% Currently 2.2 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Kathy Bye, Burnaby BC; Suzette Bahar, West Vancouver BC: | 34 Round # 1 score: 31.82% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 34 Event score so far: 31.82% Currently 1.23 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 2 score: 73.86% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 52.84% Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
27 Round # 3 score: 42.05% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 27 Event score so far: 49.24% Currently 1.57 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 4 score: 70.45% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 54.55% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 5 score: 65.91% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 56.82% Currently 1.21 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 6 score: 52.27% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 56.06% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 7 score: 26.14% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 51.79% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 8 score: 63.64% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 53.27% Currently 1.91 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 9 score: 90.91% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 57.45% Currently 0.91 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 10 score: 52.27% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 56.93% Currently 1.32 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 11 score: 56.82% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 56.92% Currently 1.6 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 12 score: 47.73% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 56.16% Currently 2.54 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Vard Nelson - Frances Nelson, Evergreen CO: | 7 Round # 1 score: 77.28% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 77.28% Currently 0.32 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 50.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 63.64% Currently 0.77 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 53.41% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 60.23% Currently 0.91 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 81.82% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 65.63% Currently 0.48 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 57.95% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 64.09% Currently 0.48 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 6 score: 65.91% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 64.39% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.23 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 76.13% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 66.07% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.16 boards. |
2 Round # 8 score: 42.05% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 63.07% Currently 0.34 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 9 score: 51.14% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 61.74% Currently 0.14 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 10 score: 29.55% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 58.52% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 11 score: 51.14% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 57.85% Currently 1.4 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 12 score: 35.23% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 55.97% Currently 2.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Kathy Bryden - Pat Harlton, Regina SK: | 31 Round # 1 score: 34.09% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 31 Event score so far: 34.09% Currently 1.18 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
35 Round # 2 score: 52.27% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 35 Event score so far: 43.18% Currently 1.59 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
39 Round # 3 score: 37.50% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 39 Event score so far: 41.29% Currently 2.05 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
38 Round # 4 score: 000.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 38 Event score so far: 41.29% Currently 1.82 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 5 score: 87.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 52.84% Currently 1.28 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
28 Round # 6 score: 31.81% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 28 Event score so far: 48.64% Currently 1.57 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 7 score: 73.87% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 52.84% Currently 1.59 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 8 score: 46.59% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 51.95% Currently 1.85 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 9 score: 82.96% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 55.82% Currently 1.07 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 10 score: 46.59% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 54.80% Currently 1.57 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 11 score: 39.77% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 53.30% Currently 2.18 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 12 score: 75.00% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 55.27% Currently 2.52 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat B (under 2000): 7 overall spots available. | |||||||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Rd. 8 Rank |
Rd. 9 Rank |
Rd. 10 Rank |
Rd. 11 Rank |
Final Rank |
Margaret Barr - Richard Barr, Ponoka AB: | 12 Round # 1 score: 70.45% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 70.45% Currently 0.45 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 000.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 70.45% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 57.95% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 64.20% Currently 0.45 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 4 score: 86.36% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 71.59% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.05 boards. |
3 Round # 5 score: 37.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 63.07% Currently 0.46 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 6 score: 47.73% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 60.00% Currently 0.44 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 52.27% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 58.71% Currently 0.88 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 8 score: 31.81% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 54.87% Currently 1.45 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 9 score: 90.91% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 59.37% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 10 score: 96.59% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 63.51% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.13 boards. |
1 Round # 11 score: 70.45% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 64.20% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.67 boards. |
1 Round # 12 score: 92.05% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 66.73% Current Lead in Strat B: 1.2 boards. |
Dennis Ooms, Calgary AB; Manohara Senaratne, Edmonton AB: | 11 Round # 1 score: 71.59% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 71.59% Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
16 Round # 2 score: 34.09% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 52.84% Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
17 Round # 3 score: 54.55% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 17 Event score so far: 53.41% Currently 1.32 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 67.05% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 56.82% Currently 1.18 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 5 score: 62.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 57.95% Currently 1.09 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 70.45% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 60.04% Currently 0.52 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 94.31% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 64.93% Currently 0.16 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 8 score: 67.05% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 65.20% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.34 boards. |
1 Round # 9 score: 40.91% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 62.50% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.02 boards. |
2 Round # 10 score: 65.91% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 62.84% Currently 0.13 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 11 score: 44.32% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 61.16% Currently 0.67 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 12 score: 68.19% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 61.74% Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Nicholas Buck, Prince George BC; Tom Weckworth, Kamloops BC: | 1 Round # 1 score: 93.18% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 93.18% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.25 boards. |
7 Round # 2 score: 32.95% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 63.07% Currently 0.8 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 3 score: 42.05% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 56.06% Currently 1.16 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 4 score: 62.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 57.67% Currently 1.11 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 76.14% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 61.36% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 57.95% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 60.80% Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 43.19% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 58.28% Currently 1.09 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 8 score: 23.86% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 53.98% Currently 1.8 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 9 score: 82.95% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 57.20% Currently 0.95 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 10 score: 82.95% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 59.77% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 11 score: 35.23% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 57.54% Currently 1.47 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 12 score: 75.00% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 59.00% Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Zhuo Sun, Saskatoon SK; Brenda Jordan, Asquith SK: | 3 Round # 1 score: 80.68% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 80.68% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
18 Round # 2 score: 25.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 18 Event score so far: 52.84% Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
16 Round # 3 score: 55.69% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 53.79% Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 4 score: 61.36% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 55.68% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 5 score: 57.95% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 56.14% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 82.95% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 60.61% Currently 0.45 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 50.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 59.09% Currently 0.98 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 35.23% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 56.11% Currently 1.45 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 9 score: 60.23% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 56.57% Currently 1.07 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 10 score: 72.72% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 58.18% Currently 1.07 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 11 score: 62.50% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 58.57% Currently 1.24 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 12 score: 61.37% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 58.81% Currently 1.9 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Kathy Dreisinger, Delta BC; Debra Sutherland, Burnaby BC: | 6 Round # 1 score: 78.41% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 78.41% Currently 0.3 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 64.78% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 71.59% Currently 0.45 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 46.59% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 63.26% Currently 0.73 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 4 score: 42.05% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 57.96% Currently 1.09 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 5 score: 42.05% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 54.77% Currently 1.41 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 6 score: 80.68% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 59.09% Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 68.18% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 60.39% Currently 0.8 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 000.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 60.39% Currently 0.67 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 9 score: 76.13% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 62.36% Currently 0.02 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 10 score: 37.50% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 59.60% Currently 0.7 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 11 score: 55.68% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 59.20% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 12 score: 52.27% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 58.57% Currently 1.8 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Patricia Long - Blanche Saelhof, Saskatoon SK: | 34 Round # 1 score: 21.59% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 34 Event score so far: 21.59% Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
39 Round # 2 score: 15.91% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 39 Event score so far: 18.75% Currently 2.57 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
30 Round # 3 score: 89.78% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 30 Event score so far: 42.43% Currently 1.98 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
31 Round # 4 score: 37.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 31 Event score so far: 41.19% Currently 2.43 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
25 Round # 5 score: 64.77% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 25 Event score so far: 45.91% Currently 2.3 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
20 Round # 6 score: 64.77% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 20 Event score so far: 49.05% Currently 1.84 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
18 Round # 7 score: 59.09% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 18 Event score so far: 50.49% Currently 2.18 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 8 score: 64.78% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 52.27% Currently 2.07 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 9 score: 68.18% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 54.04% Currently 1.52 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 10 score: 75.00% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 56.14% Currently 1.47 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 11 score: 62.50% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 56.72% Currently 1.65 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 12 score: 000.00% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 56.72% Currently 2.2 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Vard Nelson - Frances Nelson, Evergreen CO: | 7 Round # 1 score: 77.28% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 77.28% Currently 0.32 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 2 score: 50.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 63.64% Currently 0.77 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 53.41% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 60.23% Currently 0.91 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 81.82% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 65.63% Currently 0.48 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 57.95% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 64.09% Currently 0.48 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 6 score: 65.91% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 64.39% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.23 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 76.13% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 66.07% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.16 boards. |
2 Round # 8 score: 42.05% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 63.07% Currently 0.34 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 9 score: 51.14% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 61.74% Currently 0.14 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 10 score: 29.55% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 58.52% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 11 score: 51.14% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 57.85% Currently 1.4 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 12 score: 35.23% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 55.97% Currently 2.58 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Kathy Bryden - Pat Harlton, Regina SK: | 25 Round # 1 score: 34.09% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 25 Event score so far: 34.09% Currently 1.18 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
27 Round # 2 score: 52.27% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 27 Event score so far: 43.18% Currently 1.59 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
31 Round # 3 score: 37.50% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 31 Event score so far: 41.29% Currently 2.05 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
30 Round # 4 score: 000.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 30 Event score so far: 41.29% Currently 1.82 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 5 score: 87.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 52.84% Currently 1.28 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
22 Round # 6 score: 31.81% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 22 Event score so far: 48.64% Currently 1.57 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 7 score: 73.87% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 52.84% Currently 1.59 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 8 score: 46.59% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 51.95% Currently 1.85 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 9 score: 82.96% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 55.82% Currently 1.07 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 10 score: 46.59% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 54.80% Currently 1.57 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 11 score: 39.77% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 53.30% Currently 2.18 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 12 score: 75.00% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 55.27% Currently 2.52 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Andrew Melton - Jamie Watt, Calgary AB: | 28 Round # 1 score: 29.55% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 28 Event score so far: 29.55% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
17 Round # 2 score: 76.13% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 17 Event score so far: 52.84% Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 62.50% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 56.06% Currently 1.16 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 4 score: 59.09% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 56.82% Currently 1.18 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 72.72% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 60.00% Currently 0.89 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 63.64% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 60.61% Currently 0.45 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 7 score: 31.82% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 56.49% Currently 1.34 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
17 Round # 8 score: 3.41% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 17 Event score so far: 49.86% Currently 2.45 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 9 score: 82.95% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 53.54% Currently 1.61 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 10 score: 50.00% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 53.18% Currently 2.07 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
17 Round # 11 score: 37.50% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 17 Event score so far: 51.76% Currently 2.74 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 12 score: 88.63% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 54.83% Currently 2.86 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Pete Cowles, Lynnwood WA; Brian Koblenz, Leavenworth WA: | 5 Round # 1 score: 78.41% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 78.41% Currently 0.3 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
24 Round # 2 score: 12.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 24 Event score so far: 45.45% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
33 Round # 3 score: 17.05% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 33 Event score so far: 35.99% Currently 2.36 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
24 Round # 4 score: 77.27% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 24 Event score so far: 46.31% Currently 2.02 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
17 Round # 5 score: 72.72% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 17 Event score so far: 51.59% Currently 1.73 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 6 score: 75.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 55.49% Currently 1.07 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 7 score: 46.59% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 54.22% Currently 1.66 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
20 Round # 8 score: 12.50% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 20 Event score so far: 49.01% Currently 2.59 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
24 Round # 9 score: 35.23% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 24 Event score so far: 47.47% Currently 2.71 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
20 Round # 10 score: 63.64% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 20 Event score so far: 49.09% Currently 2.88 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 11 score: 90.91% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 52.89% Currently 2.49 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 12 score: 72.72% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 54.55% Currently 2.92 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Laurie Macdonald, Kelowna BC; Cindy Ferguson, Calgary AB: | 23 Round # 1 score: 44.32% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 23 Event score so far: 44.32% Currently 0.98 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 76.13% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 60.23% Currently 0.91 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 3 score: 42.05% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 4 score: 64.78% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 56.82% Currently 1.18 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 5 score: 52.28% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 55.91% Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 85.22% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 60.80% Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 7 score: 32.95% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 56.82% Currently 1.29 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 60.23% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 57.24% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 9 score: 17.05% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 52.78% Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 10 score: 72.73% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 54.77% Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 11 score: 37.50% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 53.20% Currently 2.42 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 12 score: 64.77% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 3.01 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Gina Curran - Donald Berry, Victoria BC: | 39 Round # 1 score: 6.82% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 39 Event score so far: 6.82% Currently 1.73 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
32 Round # 2 score: 61.37% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 32 Event score so far: 34.09% Currently 1.95 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
22 Round # 3 score: 76.14% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 22 Event score so far: 48.11% Currently 1.64 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
32 Round # 4 score: 18.18% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 32 Event score so far: 40.62% Currently 2.48 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
32 Round # 5 score: 39.77% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 32 Event score so far: 40.45% Currently 2.84 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
36 Round # 6 score: 17.05% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 36 Event score so far: 36.55% Currently 3.34 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
26 Round # 7 score: 95.45% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 26 Event score so far: 44.97% Currently 2.95 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 8 score: 96.59% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 51.42% Currently 2.2 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
17 Round # 9 score: 000.00% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 17 Event score so far: 51.42% Currently 1.77 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 10 score: 81.81% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 54.80% Currently 1.57 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 11 score: 64.77% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 55.79% Currently 1.68 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 12 score: 31.81% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 53.61% Currently 2.89 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat C (under 750): 6 overall spots available. | |||||||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Rd. 8 Rank |
Rd. 9 Rank |
Rd. 10 Rank |
Rd. 11 Rank |
Final Rank |
Margaret Barr - Richard Barr, Ponoka AB: | 6 Round # 1 score: 70.45% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 70.45% Currently 0.2 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 000.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 70.45% Currently 0.02 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 3 score: 57.95% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 64.20% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.06 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 86.36% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 71.59% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.82 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 37.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 63.07% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.31 boards. |
3 Round # 6 score: 47.73% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 60.00% Currently 0.06 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 52.27% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 58.71% Currently 0.2 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 31.81% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 54.87% Currently 0.77 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 9 score: 90.91% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 59.37% Currently 0.48 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 10 score: 96.59% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 63.51% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.7 boards. |
1 Round # 11 score: 70.45% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 64.20% Current Lead in Strat C: 1.0 boards. |
1 Round # 12 score: 92.05% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 66.73% Current Lead in Strat C: 1.9 boards. |
Zhuo Sun, Saskatoon SK; Brenda Jordan, Asquith SK: | 1 Round # 1 score: 80.68% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 80.68% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.02 boards. |
8 Round # 2 score: 25.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 52.84% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 55.69% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 53.79% Currently 0.62 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 61.36% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 55.68% Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 57.95% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 56.14% Currently 0.69 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 82.95% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 60.61% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.0 boards. |
2 Round # 7 score: 50.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 59.09% Currently 0.18 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 35.23% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 56.11% Currently 0.68 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 9 score: 60.23% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 56.57% Currently 1.04 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 10 score: 72.72% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 58.18% Currently 1.07 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 11 score: 62.50% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 58.57% Currently 1.24 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 12 score: 61.37% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 58.81% Currently 1.9 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Kathy Dreisinger, Delta BC; Debra Sutherland, Burnaby BC: | 3 Round # 1 score: 78.41% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 78.41% Currently 0.05 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 64.78% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 71.59% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.02 boards. |
2 Round # 3 score: 46.59% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 63.26% Currently 0.06 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 42.05% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 57.96% Currently 1.09 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 42.05% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 54.77% Currently 0.83 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 80.68% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 59.09% Currently 0.18 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 7 score: 68.18% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 60.39% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.18 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 000.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 60.39% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.68 boards. |
1 Round # 9 score: 76.13% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 62.36% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.48 boards. |
2 Round # 10 score: 37.50% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 59.60% Currently 0.7 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 11 score: 55.68% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 59.20% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 12 score: 52.27% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 58.57% Currently 1.8 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Andrew Melton - Jamie Watt, Calgary AB: | 13 Round # 1 score: 29.55% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 13 Event score so far: 29.55% Currently 1.02 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 2 score: 76.13% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 52.84% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 62.50% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 56.06% Currently 0.49 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 59.09% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 56.82% Currently 1.18 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 72.72% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 60.00% Currently 0.31 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 6 score: 63.64% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 60.61% Current Lead in Strat C: -0.0 boards. |
4 Round # 7 score: 31.82% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 56.49% Currently 0.55 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 3.41% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 49.86% Currently 1.68 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 9 score: 82.95% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 53.54% Currently 1.59 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 10 score: 50.00% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 53.18% Currently 2.07 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 11 score: 37.50% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 51.76% Currently 2.74 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 12 score: 88.63% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 54.83% Currently 2.86 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Jane Gray - Paul Gray, Vancouver BC: | 11 Round # 1 score: 34.09% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 11 Event score so far: 34.09% Currently 0.93 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
12 Round # 2 score: 53.41% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 12 Event score so far: 43.75% Currently 1.11 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 79.55% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 55.68% Currently 0.51 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
14 Round # 4 score: 4.54% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 14 Event score so far: 42.90% Currently 2.3 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
13 Round # 5 score: 46.59% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 13 Event score so far: 43.64% Currently 1.94 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
14 Round # 6 score: 39.77% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 14 Event score so far: 42.99% Currently 2.11 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 78.41% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 48.05% Currently 1.73 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 8 score: 53.41% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 48.72% Currently 1.87 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 9 score: 77.27% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 51.89% Currently 1.88 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 10 score: 57.95% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 52.50% Currently 2.2 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 11 score: 65.91% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 53.72% Currently 2.31 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 12 score: 44.32% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 52.94% Currently 3.31 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Sandy Young, Palm Desert CA; Carrie Cade, North Vancouver BC: | 5 Round # 1 score: 73.86% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 73.86% Currently 0.14 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 2 score: 35.23% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 54.54% Currently 0.68 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
14 Round # 3 score: 23.86% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 14 Event score so far: 44.32% Currently 1.19 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 4 score: 61.36% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 48.58% Currently 1.84 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 89.78% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 56.82% Currently 0.62 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 35.23% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 53.22% Currently 0.89 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 57.95% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 53.90% Currently 0.91 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 30.68% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 50.99% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 9 score: 35.23% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 49.24% Currently 2.36 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 10 score: 68.19% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 51.14% Currently 2.47 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 11 score: 62.50% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 52.17% Currently 2.65 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 12 score: 47.73% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 51.80% Currently 3.58 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
David Johnson - Nikolaus Reitz, Penticton BC: | 8 Round # 1 score: 57.95% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 57.95% Currently 0.45 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 2 score: 47.73% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 52.84% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 39.77% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 48.49% Currently 0.94 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 64.77% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 52.56% Currently 1.52 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 67.05% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 55.45% Currently 0.76 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 54.55% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 55.30% Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 7 score: 4.55% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 48.05% Currently 1.73 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 62.50% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 49.86% Currently 1.68 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 9 score: 59.09% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 50.88% Currently 2.07 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 10 score: 25.00% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 48.30% Currently 3.04 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 11 score: 72.72% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 50.52% Currently 3.01 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 12 score: 21.59% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 48.11% Currently 4.47 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Ruth Embree, Salmon Arm BC; Lynda Duignan, Abbotsford BC: | 17 Round # 1 score: 21.59% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 17 Event score so far: 21.59% Currently 1.18 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
17 Round # 2 score: 38.63% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 17 Event score so far: 30.11% Currently 1.66 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
11 Round # 3 score: 75.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 11 Event score so far: 45.07% Currently 1.15 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
11 Round # 4 score: 57.95% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 11 Event score so far: 48.30% Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
11 Round # 5 score: 35.23% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 11 Event score so far: 45.68% Currently 1.74 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
12 Round # 6 score: 35.23% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 12 Event score so far: 43.94% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
11 Round # 7 score: 53.41% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 11 Event score so far: 45.29% Currently 2.11 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 8 score: 61.37% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 47.30% Currently 2.09 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 9 score: 72.73% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 50.13% Currently 2.2 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 10 score: 27.27% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 47.84% Currently 3.13 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 11 score: 62.50% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 49.17% Currently 3.31 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 12 score: 19.32% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 46.69% Currently 4.81 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Ellen Shatilla, Saskatoon SK; Janice Robbins, Peachland BC: | 15 Round # 1 score: 25.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 15 Event score so far: 25.00% Currently 1.11 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 87.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 56.25% Currently 0.61 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 3 score: 37.50% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 0.85 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 95.45% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 61.36% Currently 0.82 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 5 score: 23.86% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 53.86% Currently 0.92 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 64.78% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 55.68% Currently 0.59 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 23.87% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 51.14% Currently 1.29 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 68.18% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 53.27% Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 9 score: 39.77% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 51.77% Currently 1.91 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 10 score: 52.27% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 51.82% Currently 2.34 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 11 score: 27.27% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 49.59% Currently 3.21 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 12 score: 11.37% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 46.40% Currently 4.88 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Ivan Sherman - Norman Webb; Puerto Vallarta, Mexico: | 18 Round # 1 score: 20.45% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 18 Event score so far: 20.45% Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
19 Round # 2 score: 23.87% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 19 Event score so far: 22.16% Currently 1.98 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
18 Round # 3 score: 44.32% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 18 Event score so far: 29.54% Currently 2.08 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
17 Round # 4 score: 72.72% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 17 Event score so far: 40.34% Currently 2.5 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
15 Round # 5 score: 46.59% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 15 Event score so far: 41.59% Currently 2.15 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 6 score: 62.50% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 45.08% Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
12 Round # 7 score: 44.32% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 12 Event score so far: 44.97% Currently 2.16 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 8 score: 68.19% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 47.87% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 9 score: 27.27% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 45.58% Currently 3.02 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 10 score: 53.41% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 46.36% Currently 3.43 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
12 Round # 11 score: 35.23% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 12 Event score so far: 45.35% Currently 4.15 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 12 score: 53.41% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 46.02% Currently 4.97 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Leading individuals in the Morning Side Game Series, after 3 completed sessions out of 5. Scores are based on the sum (in percent) of an individuals two best games, even if played with different partners.
%Sum of Best Two Games |
Rank | Morning Side Game Series Leaders | (175 players so far) |
120.42% | 1 | Dennis Ooms, Calgary AB | |
119.45% | 2 | Gordon Hepperle, Summerland BC | |
117.73% | 3/4 | Ron Beall - Jennifer Beall, Bellingham WA | |
117.08% | 5 | Marsha Kimelman, Winnipeg MB | |
116.78% | 6/8 | Philip Shadick, Summerland BC; Diane Schnarr - Paul Schnarr, Salt Lake City UT | |
115.42% | 9/10 | Kathy Bryden - Pat Harlton, Regina SK |
Afternoon Side Game Series Leaders are below.
Single-session pairs event, scored in matchpoints. Part of the Afternoon Side Game Series, session 3 of 5 in the series. (In a side game series you are free to play as many sessions as you wish, even with different partners.) Strat limits (by pair average): A: 2000+ / B: 750 - 2000 / C: 0 - 750.
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 1859
MPts | Score | A | B | C | Thursday Afternoon Side Game | (19½ tables) ACBL Live Link |
5.69 | 65.63% | 1 | Carol Gutsell - Gordon Hepperle, Summerland BC | |||
4.36 | 62.93% | 2 | 1 | Barry Yamanouchi, Burnaby BC; Adrianne Wurz, North Vancouver BC | ||
3.20 | 60.58% | 3 | Debbie Wastle, Victoria BC; Katie Christie, Vernon BC | |||
2.45 | 59.94% | 4 | Kathy Bye, Burnaby BC; Suzette Bahar, West Vancouver BC | |||
1.80 | 59.29% | 5 | Mary McGarry - Charles Lamb, Red Deer AB | |||
3.27 | 57.69% | 6 | 2 | Darrel Mooney, Boise ID; Jayne James, Midvale UT | ||
1.23 | 56.48% | 7 | Maxine Webb, High River AB; William Woodfine, Vancouver BC | |||
2.45 | 56.30% | 3 | Bruce Macdonald, Vancouver BC; Carol-Ann Halliday, Vernon BC | |||
2.45 | 55.45% | 4 | 1 | Benjamin Levy, Vancouver WA; Debra Sutherland, Burnaby BC | ||
1.38 | 55.34% | 5 | Patrick O'Neil - Sandra Edson, Nelson BC | |||
2.18 | 53.94% | 6 | Diane Schnarr - Paul Schnarr, Salt Lake City UT | |||
1.84 | 52.88% | 2 | Marcia Schoffer, Penticton BC; Nancy S Benner, Summerland BC | |||
1.53 | 52.78% | 3 | Keith Carter, Sandpoint ID; Denny Tweed, Coeur D Alene ID | |||
1.03 | 48.40% | 4 | Michael Clayton - Ruth Embree, Salmon Arm BC |
The Race For Overalls in Strat A (unlimited): 7 overall spots available. | ||||||||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Rd. 8 Rank |
Rd. 9 Rank |
Rd. 10 Rank |
Rd. 11 Rank |
Rd. 12 Rank |
Final Rank |
Carol Gutsell - Gordon Hepperle, Summerland BC: | 2 Round # 1 score: 88.89% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 88.89% Currently 0.11 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 51.38% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 70.14% Currently 0.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 86.11% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 75.46% Currently 0.17 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 4 score: 91.66% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 79.51% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.58 boards. |
2 Round # 5 score: 36.11% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 70.83% Currently 0.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 6 score: 84.72% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 73.15% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.33 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 41.66% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 68.65% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.36 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 75.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 69.44% Current Lead in Strat A: 1.0 boards. |
1 Round # 9 score: 59.73% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 68.36% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.61 boards. |
1 Round # 10 score: 34.73% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 65.00% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.06 boards. |
1 Round # 11 score: 75.00% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 65.91% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.97 boards. |
1 Round # 12 score: 000.00% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 65.91% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.51 boards. |
1 Round # 13 score: 62.50% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 65.62% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.7 boards. |
Barry Yamanouchi, Burnaby BC; Adrianne Wurz, North Vancouver BC: | 7 Round # 1 score: 66.66% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 66.66% Currently 0.56 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 2 score: 48.62% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 57.64% Currently 0.92 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 63.89% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 59.72% Currently 1.11 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 4 score: 41.66% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 55.21% Currently 1.94 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 5 score: 56.95% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 55.56% Currently 1.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 6 score: 50.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 54.63% Currently 2.22 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 7 score: 63.89% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 55.95% Currently 1.78 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 8 score: 52.77% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 55.56% Currently 2.22 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 9 score: 87.50% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 59.11% Currently 1.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 10 score: 55.55% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 58.75% Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 11 score: 88.88% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 61.49% Currently 0.97 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 12 score: 88.89% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 63.77% Currently 0.51 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 13 score: 52.77% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 62.93% Currently 0.7 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Debbie Wastle, Victoria BC; Katie Christie, Vernon BC: | 37 Round # 1 score: 11.11% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 37 Event score so far: 11.11% Currently 1.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
36 Round # 2 score: 43.05% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 36 Event score so far: 27.08% Currently 2.14 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
27 Round # 3 score: 77.78% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 27 Event score so far: 43.98% Currently 2.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 4 score: 66.66% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 49.65% Currently 2.39 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 5 score: 66.66% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 53.05% Currently 1.83 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 66.66% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 55.32% Currently 2.14 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 75.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 58.13% Currently 1.47 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 61.11% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 58.51% Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 9 score: 47.23% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 57.25% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 10 score: 66.66% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 58.19% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 11 score: 61.11% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 58.46% Currently 1.64 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 12 score: 69.44% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 59.37% Currently 1.57 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 13 score: 75.00% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 60.58% Currently 1.31 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Kathy Bye, Burnaby BC; Suzette Bahar, West Vancouver BC: | 1 Round # 1 score: 94.44% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 94.44% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.11 boards. |
5 Round # 2 score: 41.66% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 68.05% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 3 score: 26.39% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 4 score: 43.05% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 51.39% Currently 2.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
20 Round # 5 score: 45.84% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 20 Event score so far: 50.28% Currently 2.11 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 79.16% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 55.09% Currently 2.17 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 70.83% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 57.34% Currently 1.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 70.83% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 59.03% Currently 1.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 9 score: 52.77% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 58.33% Currently 1.81 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 10 score: 44.45% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 56.94% Currently 1.61 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 11 score: 45.84% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 55.93% Currently 2.2 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 12 score: 91.66% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 58.91% Currently 1.68 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 13 score: 72.22% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 59.93% Currently 1.48 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Mary McGarry - Charles Lamb, Red Deer AB: | 9 Round # 1 score: 62.50% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 62.50% Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 2 score: 36.11% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 49.30% Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
31 Round # 3 score: 22.22% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 31 Event score so far: 40.28% Currently 2.28 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
30 Round # 4 score: 58.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 30 Event score so far: 44.79% Currently 2.78 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
23 Round # 5 score: 58.34% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 47.50% Currently 2.39 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 6 score: 84.72% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 53.70% Currently 2.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 83.34% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 57.94% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 69.44% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 59.37% Currently 1.61 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 9 score: 65.28% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 60.03% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 10 score: 70.84% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 61.11% Currently 0.78 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 11 score: 38.89% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 59.09% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 12 score: 65.28% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 59.61% Currently 1.51 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 13 score: 55.56% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 59.30% Currently 1.64 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Darrel Mooney, Boise ID; Jayne James, Midvale UT: | 4 Round # 1 score: 80.56% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 80.56% Currently 0.28 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 2 score: 37.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 59.03% Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 3 score: 50.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 56.02% Currently 1.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 4 score: 56.95% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 56.25% Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 87.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 62.50% Currently 0.89 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 50.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 60.42% Currently 1.53 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 44.45% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 58.13% Currently 1.47 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 88.89% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 61.98% Currently 1.19 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 9 score: 88.89% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 64.97% Currently 0.61 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 10 score: 62.50% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 64.72% Currently 0.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 11 score: 2.78% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 59.09% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 12 score: 38.89% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 57.41% Currently 2.04 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 13 score: 61.11% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 57.69% Currently 2.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Maxine Webb, High River AB; William Woodfine, Vancouver BC: | 19 Round # 1 score: 50.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 0.89 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 2 score: 62.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 56.25% Currently 0.97 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 3 score: 69.44% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 60.65% Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 62.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 61.11% Currently 1.47 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 98.61% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 68.61% Currently 0.28 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 47.23% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 65.05% Currently 0.97 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 52.78% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 63.29% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 62.50% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 63.20% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 9 score: 45.84% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 61.27% Currently 1.28 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 10 score: 000.00% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 61.27% Currently 0.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 11 score: 36.11% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 58.75% Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 12 score: 70.83% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 59.85% Currently 1.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 13 score: 19.45% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 56.48% Currently 2.19 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Bruce Macdonald, Vancouver BC; Carol-Ann Halliday, Vernon BC: | 6 Round # 1 score: 70.83% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 70.83% Currently 0.47 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 90.28% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 80.55% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.42 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 73.61% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 78.24% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.17 boards. |
2 Round # 4 score: 54.16% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 72.22% Currently 0.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 5 score: 68.06% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 71.39% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.06 boards. |
2 Round # 6 score: 65.28% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 70.37% Currently 0.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 40.28% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 66.07% Currently 0.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 4.17% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 58.33% Currently 1.78 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 9 score: 50.00% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 57.41% Currently 1.97 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 10 score: 59.72% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 57.64% Currently 1.47 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 11 score: 56.95% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 57.58% Currently 1.83 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 12 score: 18.05% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 54.28% Currently 2.79 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 13 score: 80.56% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 56.30% Currently 2.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Nicholas Buck, Prince George BC; David De Kezel, Penticton BC: | 38 Round # 1 score: 5.56% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 38 Event score so far: 5.56% Currently 1.78 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
35 Round # 2 score: 51.38% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 35 Event score so far: 28.47% Currently 2.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
32 Round # 3 score: 59.72% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 32 Event score so far: 38.89% Currently 2.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
35 Round # 4 score: 48.61% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 35 Event score so far: 41.32% Currently 3.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
30 Round # 5 score: 61.11% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 30 Event score so far: 45.28% Currently 2.61 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 6 score: 94.44% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 53.47% Currently 2.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 7 score: 63.89% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 54.96% Currently 1.92 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 8 score: 50.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 54.34% Currently 2.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 9 score: 37.50% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 52.47% Currently 2.86 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 10 score: 75.00% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 54.72% Currently 2.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 11 score: 63.89% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 55.55% Currently 2.28 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 12 score: 80.56% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 57.64% Currently 1.98 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 13 score: 37.50% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 56.09% Currently 2.48 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Benjamin Levy, Vancouver WA; Debra Sutherland, Burnaby BC: | 24 Round # 1 score: 43.05% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 24 Event score so far: 43.05% Currently 1.03 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
31 Round # 2 score: 40.27% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 31 Event score so far: 41.66% Currently 1.56 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 3 score: 84.72% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 56.02% Currently 1.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 4 score: 50.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 54.51% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 5 score: 38.89% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 51.39% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
28 Round # 6 score: 20.84% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 28 Event score so far: 46.30% Currently 3.22 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 7 score: 75.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 50.40% Currently 2.56 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 8 score: 61.11% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 51.74% Currently 2.83 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 9 score: 70.83% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 53.86% Currently 2.61 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 10 score: 73.61% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 55.83% Currently 1.83 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 11 score: 75.00% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 57.58% Currently 1.83 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 12 score: 48.61% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 56.83% Currently 2.18 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 13 score: 38.88% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 55.45% Currently 2.64 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Angela Taylor, Nanaimo BC; Sandra Robson, New Westminster BC: | 34 Round # 1 score: 25.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 34 Event score so far: 25.00% Currently 1.39 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
39 Round # 2 score: 23.61% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 39 Event score so far: 24.30% Currently 2.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
34 Round # 3 score: 66.66% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 34 Event score so far: 38.42% Currently 2.39 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
22 Round # 4 score: 83.33% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 22 Event score so far: 49.65% Currently 2.39 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 5 score: 80.56% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 55.83% Currently 1.56 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 6 score: 33.34% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 52.08% Currently 2.53 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 7 score: 50.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 51.78% Currently 2.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 8 score: 000.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 51.78% Currently 2.47 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 9 score: 62.50% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 53.12% Currently 2.44 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
18 Round # 10 score: 36.12% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 18 Event score so far: 51.23% Currently 2.48 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
21 Round # 11 score: 43.05% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 21 Event score so far: 50.42% Currently 3.1 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
19 Round # 12 score: 61.11% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 19 Event score so far: 51.39% Currently 3.19 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 13 score: 100.00% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 55.44% Currently 2.44 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Patrick O'Neil - Sandra Edson, Nelson BC: | 23 Round # 1 score: 44.45% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 23 Event score so far: 44.45% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
16 Round # 2 score: 63.89% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 16 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
15 Round # 3 score: 54.16% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 15 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
31 Round # 4 score: 15.28% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 31 Event score so far: 44.45% Currently 2.8 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
25 Round # 5 score: 58.34% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 25 Event score so far: 47.22% Currently 2.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 6 score: 73.61% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 51.62% Currently 2.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 7 score: 65.28% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 53.57% Currently 2.11 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 8 score: 29.17% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 50.52% Currently 3.03 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 9 score: 84.72% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 54.32% Currently 2.53 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 10 score: 73.61% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 56.25% Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
13 Round # 11 score: 31.95% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 13 Event score so far: 54.04% Currently 2.61 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 12 score: 40.27% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 52.89% Currently 3.12 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
12 Round # 13 score: 84.72% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 55.34% Currently 2.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat B (under 2000): 6 overall spots available. | ||||||||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Rd. 8 Rank |
Rd. 9 Rank |
Rd. 10 Rank |
Rd. 11 Rank |
Rd. 12 Rank |
Final Rank |
Barry Yamanouchi, Burnaby BC; Adrianne Wurz, North Vancouver BC: | 5 Round # 1 score: 66.66% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 66.66% Currently 0.39 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 2 score: 48.62% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 57.64% Currently 0.92 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 63.89% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 59.72% Currently 1.11 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 4 score: 41.66% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 55.21% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 5 score: 56.95% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 55.56% Currently 1.58 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 50.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 54.63% Currently 1.89 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 63.89% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 55.95% Currently 1.42 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 52.77% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 55.56% Currently 1.03 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 9 score: 87.50% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 59.11% Currently 1.05 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 10 score: 55.55% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 58.75% Currently 1.19 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 11 score: 88.88% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 61.49% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.53 boards. |
1 Round # 12 score: 88.89% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 63.77% Current Lead in Strat B: 1.53 boards. |
1 Round # 13 score: 52.77% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 62.93% Current Lead in Strat B: 1.36 boards. |
Darrel Mooney, Boise ID; Jayne James, Midvale UT: | 2 Round # 1 score: 80.56% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 80.56% Currently 0.11 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 37.50% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 59.03% Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 3 score: 50.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 56.02% Currently 1.33 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 56.95% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 56.25% Currently 1.28 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 87.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 62.50% Currently 0.89 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 50.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 60.42% Currently 1.19 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 44.45% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 58.13% Currently 1.11 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 8 score: 88.89% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 61.98% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.58 boards. |
1 Round # 9 score: 88.89% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 64.97% Current Lead in Strat B: 1.05 boards. |
1 Round # 10 score: 62.50% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 64.72% Current Lead in Strat B: 1.19 boards. |
2 Round # 11 score: 2.78% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 59.09% Currently 0.53 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 12 score: 38.89% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 57.41% Currently 1.53 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 13 score: 61.11% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 57.69% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Bruce Macdonald, Vancouver BC; Carol-Ann Halliday, Vernon BC: | 4 Round # 1 score: 70.83% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 70.83% Currently 0.31 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 90.28% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 80.55% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.42 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 73.61% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 78.24% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.56 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 54.16% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 72.22% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.53 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 68.06% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 71.39% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.89 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 65.28% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 70.37% Current Lead in Strat B: 1.19 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 40.28% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 66.07% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.9 boards. |
2 Round # 8 score: 4.17% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 58.33% Currently 0.58 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 9 score: 50.00% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 57.41% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 10 score: 59.72% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 57.64% Currently 1.42 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 11 score: 56.95% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 57.58% Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 12 score: 18.05% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 54.28% Currently 2.28 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 13 score: 80.56% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 56.30% Currently 1.72 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Benjamin Levy, Vancouver WA; Debra Sutherland, Burnaby BC: | 17 Round # 1 score: 43.05% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 17 Event score so far: 43.05% Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
22 Round # 2 score: 40.27% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 22 Event score so far: 41.66% Currently 1.56 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 84.72% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 56.02% Currently 1.33 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 50.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 54.51% Currently 1.42 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 5 score: 38.89% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 51.39% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
18 Round # 6 score: 20.84% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 18 Event score so far: 46.30% Currently 2.89 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 7 score: 75.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 50.40% Currently 2.19 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 8 score: 61.11% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 51.74% Currently 1.64 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 9 score: 70.83% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 53.86% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 10 score: 73.61% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 55.83% Currently 1.78 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 11 score: 75.00% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 57.58% Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 12 score: 48.61% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 56.83% Currently 1.67 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 13 score: 38.88% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 55.45% Currently 1.94 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Patrick O'Neil - Sandra Edson, Nelson BC: | 16 Round # 1 score: 44.45% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 44.45% Currently 0.83 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
13 Round # 2 score: 63.89% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 13 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 3 score: 54.16% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
20 Round # 4 score: 15.28% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 20 Event score so far: 44.45% Currently 2.22 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
17 Round # 5 score: 58.34% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 17 Event score so far: 47.22% Currently 2.42 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 6 score: 73.61% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 51.62% Currently 2.25 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 65.28% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 53.57% Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 8 score: 29.17% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 50.52% Currently 1.83 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 9 score: 84.72% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 54.32% Currently 1.92 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 10 score: 73.61% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 56.25% Currently 1.69 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 11 score: 31.95% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 54.04% Currently 1.64 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 12 score: 40.27% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 52.89% Currently 2.61 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 13 score: 84.72% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 55.34% Currently 1.97 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Diane Schnarr - Paul Schnarr, Salt Lake City UT: | 24 Round # 1 score: 33.34% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 24 Event score so far: 33.34% Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 2 score: 72.22% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 52.78% Currently 1.11 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 3 score: 61.11% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 55.56% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 4 score: 52.77% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 54.86% Currently 1.39 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 5 score: 41.67% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 52.22% Currently 1.92 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 6 score: 30.55% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 48.61% Currently 2.61 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 7 score: 65.28% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 50.99% Currently 2.11 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 73.61% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 53.82% Currently 1.31 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 9 score: 61.11% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 54.63% Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 10 score: 56.95% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 54.86% Currently 1.97 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 11 score: 000.00% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 54.86% Currently 1.33 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 12 score: 19.45% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 51.64% Currently 2.67 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 13 score: 79.16% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 53.94% Currently 2.16 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Jacqui Erwert - Martha Burdick, Liberty Lake WA: | 22 Round # 1 score: 37.50% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 22 Event score so far: 37.50% Currently 0.97 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
21 Round # 2 score: 48.61% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 21 Event score so far: 43.05% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 3 score: 77.78% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 54.63% Currently 1.42 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
18 Round # 4 score: 22.22% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 18 Event score so far: 46.53% Currently 2.06 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
21 Round # 5 score: 37.50% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 21 Event score so far: 44.72% Currently 2.67 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
20 Round # 6 score: 37.50% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 20 Event score so far: 43.52% Currently 3.22 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
21 Round # 7 score: 29.17% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 21 Event score so far: 41.47% Currently 3.44 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
21 Round # 8 score: 63.89% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 21 Event score so far: 44.27% Currently 2.83 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
14 Round # 9 score: 70.84% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 14 Event score so far: 47.22% Currently 3.2 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 10 score: 80.56% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 50.56% Currently 2.83 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 11 score: 30.55% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 48.74% Currently 2.8 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 12 score: 69.44% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 50.46% Currently 3.19 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 13 score: 93.06% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 53.74% Currently 2.39 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Marcia Schoffer, Penticton BC; Nancy S Benner, Summerland BC: | 6 Round # 1 score: 63.89% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 63.89% Currently 0.44 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 76.39% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 70.14% Currently 0.42 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 66.66% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 68.98% Currently 0.56 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 37.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 61.11% Currently 0.89 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 58.33% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 60.55% Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 15.27% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 53.01% Currently 2.08 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 7 score: 51.39% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 52.78% Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 8 score: 30.55% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 1.92 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 9 score: 91.66% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 54.63% Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 10 score: 63.89% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 55.55% Currently 1.83 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 11 score: 47.23% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 54.80% Currently 1.47 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 12 score: 38.89% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 53.47% Currently 2.47 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 13 score: 45.83% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 52.88% Currently 2.61 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Roxann Trouth - Adele Lewchuk, Edmonton AB: | 20 Round # 1 score: 38.89% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 20 Event score so far: 38.89% Currently 0.94 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
19 Round # 2 score: 52.77% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 19 Event score so far: 45.83% Currently 1.39 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
21 Round # 3 score: 38.89% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 21 Event score so far: 43.52% Currently 2.08 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 4 score: 65.28% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 48.96% Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 5 score: 52.77% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 49.72% Currently 2.17 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 75.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 53.94% Currently 1.97 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 50.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 53.37% Currently 1.78 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 91.66% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 58.16% Currently 0.61 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 9 score: 54.16% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 57.72% Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 10 score: 43.05% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 56.25% Currently 1.69 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 11 score: 25.00% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 53.41% Currently 1.78 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 12 score: 54.16% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 53.47% Currently 2.47 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 13 score: 44.44% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 52.78% Currently 2.64 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Keith Carter, Sandpoint ID; Denny Tweed, Coeur D Alene ID: | 23 Round # 1 score: 36.11% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 23 Event score so far: 36.11% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
20 Round # 2 score: 52.77% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 20 Event score so far: 44.44% Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
15 Round # 3 score: 65.28% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 15 Event score so far: 51.39% Currently 1.61 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
11 Round # 4 score: 58.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 53.12% Currently 1.53 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 5 score: 45.84% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 51.67% Currently 1.97 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
16 Round # 6 score: 25.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 47.22% Currently 2.78 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
17 Round # 7 score: 000.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 17 Event score so far: 47.22% Currently 2.26 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
16 Round # 8 score: 50.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 16 Event score so far: 47.62% Currently 2.01 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
18 Round # 9 score: 23.62% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 18 Event score so far: 44.62% Currently 3.26 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
18 Round # 10 score: 40.28% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 18 Event score so far: 44.14% Currently 3.7 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 11 score: 97.22% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 49.44% Currently 2.41 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 12 score: 77.78% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 52.02% Currently 2.58 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 13 score: 61.12% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 52.78% Currently 2.44 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat C (under 750): 4 overall spots available. | ||||||||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Rd. 8 Rank |
Rd. 9 Rank |
Rd. 10 Rank |
Rd. 11 Rank |
Rd. 12 Rank |
Final Rank |
Benjamin Levy, Vancouver WA; Debra Sutherland, Burnaby BC: | 7 Round # 1 score: 43.05% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 43.05% Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 40.27% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 41.66% Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 84.72% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 56.02% Currently 0.78 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 50.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 54.51% Currently 0.53 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 38.89% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 51.39% Currently 0.92 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 20.84% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 46.30% Currently 0.89 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 75.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 50.40% Currently 0.78 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 61.11% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 51.74% Currently 0.23 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 9 score: 70.83% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 53.86% Currently 0.14 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 10 score: 73.61% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 55.83% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.06 boards. |
1 Round # 11 score: 75.00% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 57.58% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.61 boards. |
1 Round # 12 score: 48.61% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 56.83% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.81 boards. |
1 Round # 13 score: 38.88% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 55.45% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.67 boards. |
Marcia Schoffer, Penticton BC; Nancy S Benner, Summerland BC: | 2 Round # 1 score: 63.89% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 63.89% Currently 0.44 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 76.39% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 70.14% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.39 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 66.66% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 68.98% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.78 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 37.50% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 61.11% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.53 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 58.33% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 60.55% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.22 boards. |
2 Round # 6 score: 15.27% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 53.01% Currently 0.08 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 51.39% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 52.78% Currently 0.44 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 30.55% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 0.51 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 9 score: 91.66% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 54.63% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.14 boards. |
2 Round # 10 score: 63.89% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 55.55% Currently 0.06 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 11 score: 47.23% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 54.80% Currently 0.61 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 12 score: 38.89% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 53.47% Currently 0.81 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 13 score: 45.83% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 52.88% Currently 0.67 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Keith Carter, Sandpoint ID; Denny Tweed, Coeur D Alene ID: | 10 Round # 1 score: 36.11% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 36.11% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 2 score: 52.77% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 44.44% Currently 1.03 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 65.28% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 51.39% Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 58.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 53.12% Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 45.84% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 51.67% Currently 0.89 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 25.00% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 47.22% Currently 0.78 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 000.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 47.22% Currently 1.05 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 50.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 47.62% Currently 0.78 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 9 score: 23.62% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 44.62% Currently 1.6 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 10 score: 40.28% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 44.14% Currently 2.1 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 11 score: 97.22% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 49.44% Currently 1.63 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 12 score: 77.78% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 52.02% Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 13 score: 61.12% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 52.78% Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Michael Clayton - Ruth Embree, Salmon Arm BC: | 11 Round # 1 score: 19.45% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 11 Event score so far: 19.45% Currently 1.33 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 80.56% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 0.81 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 3 score: 15.28% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 38.43% Currently 1.83 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 77.78% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 48.27% Currently 1.03 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 5 score: 41.66% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 46.95% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 33.34% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 44.68% Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 36.11% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 43.45% Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 62.50% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 45.83% Currently 1.17 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 9 score: 52.77% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 46.61% Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 10 score: 83.33% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 50.28% Currently 1.11 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 11 score: 52.77% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 50.50% Currently 1.56 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 12 score: 4.17% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 46.64% Currently 2.45 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 13 score: 69.44% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 48.40% Currently 1.83 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Patrice Gorton, Spokane WA; Bonnie Russell-Hunt, Hayden ID: | 1 Round # 1 score: 86.11% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 86.11% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.44 boards. |
2 Round # 2 score: 34.73% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 60.42% Currently 0.39 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 33.34% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 51.39% Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 45.84% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 0.89 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 91.66% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 58.33% Currently 0.22 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 6 score: 30.55% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 53.70% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.08 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 69.44% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 55.95% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.44 boards. |
3 Round # 8 score: 8.33% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 0.51 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 9 score: 000.00% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 0.74 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 10 score: 25.00% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 47.22% Currently 1.55 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 11 score: 30.56% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 45.56% Currently 2.4 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 12 score: 81.94% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 48.86% Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 13 score: 38.89% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 48.03% Currently 1.78 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Stuart Baughan, Esquimalt BC; Dennis Tottenham, Penticton BC: | 4 Round # 1 score: 59.72% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 59.72% Currently 0.53 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 47.23% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 53.47% Currently 0.67 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 000.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 53.47% Currently 0.62 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 51.39% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 52.78% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 56.95% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 53.82% Currently 0.54 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 34.72% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 0.37 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 55.55% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 50.93% Currently 0.6 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 8 score: 66.66% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 53.17% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.23 boards. |
3 Round # 9 score: 29.17% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 50.17% Currently 0.71 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 10 score: 19.45% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 46.76% Currently 1.63 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 11 score: 68.06% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 48.89% Currently 1.74 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 12 score: 30.55% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 47.22% Currently 2.11 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 13 score: 47.23% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 47.22% Currently 1.98 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Lynne Westlund, Salmon Arm BC; Paul Pattison, North Vancouver BC: | 5 Round # 1 score: 56.95% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 56.95% Currently 0.58 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 51.39% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 45.84% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 51.39% Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 4 score: 33.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 46.88% Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 5 score: 43.05% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 46.11% Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 6 score: 13.89% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 40.74% Currently 1.56 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 7 score: 34.73% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 39.88% Currently 2.25 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 8 score: 47.22% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 40.80% Currently 1.98 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
10 Round # 9 score: 8.34% After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 10 Event score so far: 37.19% Currently 3.14 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 10 score: 86.11% After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 42.08% Currently 2.75 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 11 score: 36.11% After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 41.54% Currently 3.53 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 12 score: 38.89% After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 41.32% Currently 3.72 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 13 score: 93.06% After Round # 13: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 45.30% Currently 2.64 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Leading individuals in the Afternoon Side Game Series, after 3 completed sessions out of 5. Scores are based on the sum (in percent) of an individuals two best games, even if played with different partners.
%Sum of Best Two Games |
Rank | Afternoon Side Game Series Leaders | (164 players so far) |
122.12% | 1 | Gordon Hepperle, Summerland BC | |
119.74% | 2/3 | Adrianne Wurz, North Vancouver BC; Barry Yamanouchi, Burnaby BC | |
116.40% | 4/5 | Bruce Macdonald, Vancouver BC; Carol-Ann Halliday, Vernon BC | |
115.08% | 6/7 | William Woodfine, Vancouver BC; Maxine Webb, High River AB | |
114.53% | 8/9 | Kinga Voorhees - Burton Voorhees, Victoria BC | |
114.51% | 10 | Carol Gutsell, Summerland BC |
Evening Side Game Series Leaders are below.
Single-session pairs event, scored in matchpoints. Part of the Evening Side Game Series, session 4 of 5 in the series. (In a side game series you are free to play as many sessions as you wish, even with different partners.) Strat limits (by pair average): A: 2000+ / B: 0 - 2000. nbsp;
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 2358
MPts | Score | A | B | Thursday Evening Side Game | (7 tables) ACBL Live Link |
3.22 | 65.48% | 1 | Jenni Carmichael, Marysville WA; Ken Horwedel, Las Vegas NV | ||
2.42 | 61.61% | 2 | Katherine Pollock, East Amherst NY; Frank Kelton, Calgary AB | ||
2.65 | 57.44% | 3 | 1 | Benjamin Levy, Vancouver WA; Sharene Jansen, Vancouver BC | |
1.39 | 52.68% | 4 | Matt Koltnow, Bothell WA; Lloyda Jones, Edmonton AB | ||
1.99 | 50.89% | 5 | 2 | D Glassford, Chilliwack BC; Brian Sims, Cultus Lake BC | |
1.49 | 50.00% | 3 | Beryl Senger, Penticton BC; Sharon Gecse, Osoyoos BC |
The Race For Overalls in Strat A (unlimited): 5 overall spots available. | ||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Final Rank |
Jenni Carmichael, Marysville WA; Ken Horwedel, Las Vegas NV: | 6 Round # 1 score: 60.42% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 60.42% Currently 0.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 68.75% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 64.58% Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 66.66% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 65.28% Currently 0.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 4 score: 77.08% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 68.23% Current Lead in Strat A: 1.08 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 41.66% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 62.92% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.42 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 77.09% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 65.28% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.75 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 66.67% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 65.48% Current Lead in Strat A: 1.08 boards. |
Katherine Pollock, East Amherst NY; Frank Kelton, Calgary AB: | 1 Round # 1 score: 75.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 75.00% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.08 boards. |
1 Round # 2 score: 85.42% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 80.21% Current Lead in Strat A: 1.25 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 50.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 70.14% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.58 boards. |
2 Round # 4 score: 35.41% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 61.46% Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 58.34% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 60.83% Currently 0.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 68.75% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 62.15% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 58.33% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 61.61% Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Benjamin Levy, Vancouver WA; Sharene Jansen, Vancouver BC: | 5 Round # 1 score: 66.67% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 66.67% Currently 0.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 58.33% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 62.50% Currently 1.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 66.67% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 63.89% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 33.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 56.25% Currently 1.92 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 72.91% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 59.58% Currently 0.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 70.83% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 61.46% Currently 0.92 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 33.33% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 57.44% Currently 2.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Matt Koltnow, Bothell WA; Lloyda Jones, Edmonton AB: | 3 Round # 1 score: 68.75% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 68.75% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 2 score: 14.58% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 41.67% Currently 3.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 3 score: 41.67% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 41.67% Currently 3.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 66.66% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 47.92% Currently 3.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 5 score: 52.08% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 48.75% Currently 2.83 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 66.66% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 51.74% Currently 3.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 58.34% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 52.68% Currently 3.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
D Glassford, Chilliwack BC; Brian Sims, Cultus Lake BC: | 11 Round # 1 score: 33.33% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 33.33% Currently 1.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 2 score: 66.67% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 2.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 66.67% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 55.56% Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 64.59% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 57.81% Currently 1.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 43.75% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 55.00% Currently 1.58 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 29.17% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 50.69% Currently 3.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 52.08% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 50.89% Currently 4.09 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Beryl Senger, Penticton BC; Sharon Gecse, Osoyoos BC: | 2 Round # 1 score: 72.91% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 72.91% Currently 0.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 54.17% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 63.54% Currently 1.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 58.33% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 61.80% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 45.83% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 57.81% Currently 1.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 56.25% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 57.50% Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 22.91% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 51.74% Currently 3.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 39.59% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 4.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Maxine Webb, High River AB; William Woodfine, Vancouver BC: | 9 Round # 1 score: 39.58% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 39.58% Currently 1.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 52.09% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 45.83% Currently 2.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 47.91% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 46.53% Currently 2.83 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 72.91% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 53.12% Currently 2.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 47.92% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 52.08% Currently 2.17 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 39.58% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 3.67 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 47.92% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 49.70% Currently 4.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Al Freeze - Donna Freeze, Surrey BC: | 8 Round # 1 score: 43.75% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 43.75% Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 56.25% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 2.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 3 score: 50.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 2.42 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 4 score: 54.17% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 51.04% Currently 2.75 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 5 score: 27.09% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 46.25% Currently 3.33 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 6 score: 60.42% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 48.61% Currently 4.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 54.17% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 49.41% Currently 4.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat B (under 2000): 3 overall spots available. | ||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Final Rank |
Benjamin Levy, Vancouver WA; Sharene Jansen, Vancouver BC: | 3 Round # 1 score: 66.67% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 66.67% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 58.33% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 62.50% Currently 0.08 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 3 score: 66.67% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 63.89% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.25 boards. |
3 Round # 4 score: 33.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 56.25% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 5 score: 72.91% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 59.58% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.42 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 70.83% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 61.46% Current Lead in Strat B: 2.33 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 33.33% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 57.44% Current Lead in Strat B: 1.83 boards. |
D Glassford, Chilliwack BC; Brian Sims, Cultus Lake BC: | 5 Round # 1 score: 33.33% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 33.33% Currently 1.58 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 66.67% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 66.67% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 55.56% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 64.59% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 57.81% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.0 boards. |
3 Round # 5 score: 43.75% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 55.00% Currently 0.92 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 29.17% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 50.69% Currently 2.58 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 52.08% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 50.89% Currently 1.83 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Beryl Senger, Penticton BC; Sharon Gecse, Osoyoos BC: | 1 Round # 1 score: 72.91% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 72.91% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.25 boards. |
1 Round # 2 score: 54.17% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 63.54% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.08 boards. |
2 Round # 3 score: 58.33% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 61.80% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 4 score: 45.83% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 57.81% Current Lead in Strat B: -0.0 boards. |
2 Round # 5 score: 56.25% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 57.50% Currently 0.42 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 22.91% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 51.74% Currently 2.33 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 39.59% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 2.08 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Sandy Young, Palm Desert CA; Carrie Cade, North Vancouver BC: | 7 Round # 1 score: 27.09% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 27.09% Currently 1.83 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 2 score: 41.67% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 34.38% Currently 2.33 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 52.09% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 40.28% Currently 2.83 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 60.42% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 45.31% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 25.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 41.25% Currently 3.67 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 81.25% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 47.92% Currently 3.25 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 41.67% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 47.02% Currently 2.92 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Patrick O'Neil - Sandra Edson, Nelson BC: | 2 Round # 1 score: 66.67% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 66.67% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 31.25% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 48.96% Currently 1.17 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 58.33% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 52.08% Currently 1.42 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 39.58% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 48.96% Currently 1.42 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 39.58% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 47.08% Currently 2.5 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 33.34% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 44.79% Currently 4.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 45.83% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 44.94% Currently 3.5 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Leading individuals in the Evening Side Game Series, after 4 completed sessions out of 5. Scores are based on the sum (in percent) of an individuals two best games, even if played with different partners.
%Sum of Best Two Games |
Rank | Evening Side Game Series Leaders | (244 players so far) |
126.28% | 1 | Tom Cotton, Surrey BC | |
118.97% | 2 | Vicki Moffatt, Surrey BC | |
116.03% | 3/4 | Jack Johnson - Maryellen Gallo, Surrey BC | |
114.51% | 5 | Michael Moffatt, Surrey BC | |
111.10% | 6/7 | Don Copeland, Calgary AB; Ernie Tradewell, Victoria BC | |
109.74% | 8/9 | Brian Sims, Cultus Lake BC; D Glassford, Chilliwack BC | |
107.56% | 10 | Shameine Ali, New Westminster BC |
Single-session pairs event, scored in matchpoints. Strat limits (by pair average): A: 100 - 300 / B: 50 - 100 / C: 0 - 50. No player over 300 was eligible.
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 65
MPts | Score | A | B | C | Thursday Morning 299er Pairs | (9 tables) ACBL Live Link |
2.49 | 66.37% | 1 | Janet Billon, Westbank BC; Kathleen Smith, Summerland BC | |||
1.98 | 66.07% | 2 | 1 | 1 | Rosie Watson - Bruce Gandossi, Whistler BC | |
1.49 | 58.93% | 3 | 2 | 2 | Debra Contreras, Qualicum Beach BC; Donna Roberts, Parksville BC | |
1.11 | 58.33% | 4 | 3 | Charles Teare - Jennifer Teare, Canmore AB | ||
0.86 | 56.85% | 5 | 4 | 3 | Sharon Knutson, Castleger BC; Deborah Randall, Christina Lake BC | |
0.65 | 56.25% | 5 | 4 | Janey Kippan - Daphne Moore, Kelowna BC |
The Race For Overalls in Strat A (under 300): 5 overall spots available. | |||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Final Rank |
Janet Billon, Westbank BC; Kathleen Smith, Summerland BC: | 10 Round # 1 score: 50.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 2 score: 69.05% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 59.52% Currently 1.29 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 76.19% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 65.08% Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 4 score: 69.05% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 66.07% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.14 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 73.81% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 67.62% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.14 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 69.05% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 67.86% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.5 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 78.57% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 69.39% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.36 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 45.24% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 66.37% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.07 boards. |
Rosie Watson - Bruce Gandossi, Whistler BC: | 6 Round # 1 score: 71.43% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 71.43% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 73.81% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 72.62% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 3 score: 71.43% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 72.22% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.64 boards. |
2 Round # 4 score: 42.86% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 64.88% Currently 0.14 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 73.81% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 66.67% Currently 0.14 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 57.14% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 65.08% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 83.33% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 67.69% Currently 0.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 54.76% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 66.07% Currently 0.07 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Debra Contreras, Qualicum Beach BC; Donna Roberts, Parksville BC: | 2 Round # 1 score: 85.71% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 85.71% Currently 0.07 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 40.47% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 63.09% Currently 1.07 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 54.76% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 60.32% Currently 1.07 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 61.91% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 60.71% Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 57.14% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 60.00% Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 69.05% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 61.51% Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 21.43% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 55.78% Currently 2.86 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 80.95% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 58.93% Currently 1.79 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Charles Teare - Jennifer Teare, Canmore AB: | 5 Round # 1 score: 73.81% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 73.81% Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 2 score: 26.19% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 61.90% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 53.97% Currently 1.64 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 69.05% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 57.74% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 73.81% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 60.95% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 19.05% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 53.97% Currently 2.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 71.43% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 56.46% Currently 2.72 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 71.43% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 58.33% Currently 1.93 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Sharon Knutson, Castleger BC; Deborah Randall, Christina Lake BC: | 3 Round # 1 score: 83.33% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 83.33% Currently 0.14 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 78.57% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 80.95% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.5 boards. |
3 Round # 3 score: 28.57% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 63.49% Currently 0.79 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 38.09% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 57.14% Currently 1.07 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 5 score: 35.71% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 52.86% Currently 2.21 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 80.95% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 57.54% Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 30.95% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 53.74% Currently 3.29 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 78.57% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 56.84% Currently 2.29 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Janey Kippan - Daphne Moore, Kelowna BC: | 9 Round # 1 score: 50.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 80.95% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 65.48% Currently 0.93 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 3 score: 28.57% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 53.18% Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 78.57% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 59.52% Currently 0.79 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 42.86% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 56.19% Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 64.29% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 57.54% Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 69.05% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 59.18% Currently 2.14 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 35.71% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 56.25% Currently 2.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
David Bailey - Judi Francis, Red Deer AB: | 8 Round # 1 score: 54.76% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 54.76% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 59.53% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 57.14% Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 69.05% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 61.11% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 4 score: 30.95% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 53.57% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 5 score: 57.14% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 54.29% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 73.81% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 57.54% Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 14.29% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 51.36% Currently 3.79 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 71.43% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 53.87% Currently 3.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Alison Donoghue - Holly Bennett, North Vancouver BC: | 4 Round # 1 score: 73.81% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 73.81% Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 2 score: 30.95% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 52.38% Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 61.90% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 55.56% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 4 score: 57.14% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 55.95% Currently 1.21 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 47.62% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 54.29% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 6 score: 26.19% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 49.60% Currently 3.29 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 66.66% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 52.04% Currently 3.64 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 8 score: 21.43% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 48.21% Currently 4.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat B (under 100): 5 overall spots available. | |||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Final Rank |
Rosie Watson - Bruce Gandossi, Whistler BC: | 5 Round # 1 score: 71.43% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 71.43% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 73.81% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 72.62% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 3 score: 71.43% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 72.22% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.79 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 42.86% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 64.88% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.5 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 73.81% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 66.67% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.86 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 57.14% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 65.08% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.64 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 83.33% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 67.69% Current Lead in Strat B: 1.79 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 54.76% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 66.07% Current Lead in Strat B: 1.71 boards. |
Debra Contreras, Qualicum Beach BC; Donna Roberts, Parksville BC: | 2 Round # 1 score: 85.71% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 85.71% Currently 0.07 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 40.47% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 63.09% Currently 1.07 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 54.76% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 60.32% Currently 1.07 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 61.91% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 60.71% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 57.14% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 60.00% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 69.05% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 61.51% Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 21.43% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 55.78% Currently 2.5 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 80.95% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 58.93% Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Charles Teare - Jennifer Teare, Canmore AB: | 4 Round # 1 score: 73.81% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 73.81% Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 2 score: 26.19% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 61.90% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 53.97% Currently 1.64 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 69.05% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 57.74% Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 73.81% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 60.95% Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 19.05% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 53.97% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 71.43% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 56.46% Currently 2.36 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 71.43% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 58.33% Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Sharon Knutson, Castleger BC; Deborah Randall, Christina Lake BC: | 3 Round # 1 score: 83.33% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 83.33% Currently 0.14 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 78.57% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 80.95% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.5 boards. |
2 Round # 3 score: 28.57% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 63.49% Currently 0.79 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 38.09% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 57.14% Currently 0.93 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 35.71% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 52.86% Currently 2.07 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 80.95% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 57.54% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 30.95% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 53.74% Currently 2.93 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 78.57% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 56.84% Currently 2.22 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Janey Kippan - Daphne Moore, Kelowna BC: | 8 Round # 1 score: 50.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 80.95% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 65.48% Currently 0.93 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 3 score: 28.57% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 53.18% Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 78.57% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 59.52% Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 42.86% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 56.19% Currently 1.57 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 64.29% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 57.54% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 69.05% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 59.18% Currently 1.79 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 35.71% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 56.25% Currently 2.36 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
David Bailey - Judi Francis, Red Deer AB: | 7 Round # 1 score: 54.76% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 54.76% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 2 score: 59.53% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 57.14% Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 69.05% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 61.11% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 4 score: 30.95% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 53.57% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 57.14% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 54.29% Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 73.81% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 57.54% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 14.29% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 51.36% Currently 3.43 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 71.43% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 53.87% Currently 2.93 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Carol Pietryk - Jim Pietryk, Winnipeg MB: | 9 Round # 1 score: 45.24% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 45.24% Currently 1.29 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 2 score: 35.71% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 40.48% Currently 2.43 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 3 score: 71.43% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 50.79% Currently 1.93 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 66.66% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 54.76% Currently 1.21 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 5 score: 40.48% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 51.90% Currently 2.22 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 30.95% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 48.41% Currently 3.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 40.48% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 47.28% Currently 4.29 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 45.24% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 47.02% Currently 4.57 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Robbie Cox, Kelowna BC; Micheline Bell, Castlegar BC: | 1 Round # 1 score: 88.09% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 88.09% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.07 boards. |
6 Round # 2 score: 26.19% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 57.14% Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 45.24% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 53.17% Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 33.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 48.21% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 5 score: 42.86% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 47.14% Currently 2.93 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 6 score: 30.96% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 44.44% Currently 3.72 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
12 Round # 7 score: 28.57% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 12 Event score so far: 42.18% Currently 5.36 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 8 score: 64.29% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 44.94% Currently 5.07 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat C (under 50): 4 overall spots available. | |||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Final Rank |
Rosie Watson - Bruce Gandossi, Whistler BC: | 4 Round # 1 score: 71.43% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 71.43% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 73.81% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 72.62% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 3 score: 71.43% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 72.22% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.79 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 42.86% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 64.88% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.5 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 73.81% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 66.67% Current Lead in Strat C: 1.0 boards. |
1 Round # 6 score: 57.14% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 65.08% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.64 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 83.33% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 67.69% Current Lead in Strat C: 1.79 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 54.76% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 66.07% Current Lead in Strat C: 1.71 boards. |
Debra Contreras, Qualicum Beach BC; Donna Roberts, Parksville BC: | 2 Round # 1 score: 85.71% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 85.71% Currently 0.07 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 40.47% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 63.09% Currently 1.07 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 54.76% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 60.32% Currently 1.07 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 61.91% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 60.71% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 57.14% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 60.00% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 69.05% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 61.51% Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 21.43% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 55.78% Currently 2.5 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 80.95% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 58.93% Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Sharon Knutson, Castleger BC; Deborah Randall, Christina Lake BC: | 3 Round # 1 score: 83.33% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 83.33% Currently 0.14 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 78.57% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 80.95% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.5 boards. |
2 Round # 3 score: 28.57% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 63.49% Currently 0.79 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 38.09% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 57.14% Currently 0.93 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 35.71% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 52.86% Currently 2.07 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 80.95% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 57.54% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 30.95% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 53.74% Currently 2.93 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 78.57% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 56.84% Currently 2.22 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Janey Kippan - Daphne Moore, Kelowna BC: | 5 Round # 1 score: 50.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 50.00% Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 80.95% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 65.48% Currently 0.93 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 28.57% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 53.18% Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 78.57% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 59.52% Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 42.86% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 56.19% Currently 1.57 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 64.29% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 57.54% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 69.05% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 59.18% Currently 1.79 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 35.71% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 56.25% Currently 2.36 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Carol Pietryk - Jim Pietryk, Winnipeg MB: | 6 Round # 1 score: 45.24% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 45.24% Currently 1.29 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 2 score: 35.71% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 40.48% Currently 2.43 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 71.43% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 50.79% Currently 1.93 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 66.66% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 54.76% Currently 1.21 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 40.48% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 51.90% Currently 2.22 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 30.95% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 48.41% Currently 3.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 40.48% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 47.28% Currently 4.29 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 45.24% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 47.02% Currently 4.57 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Robbie Cox, Kelowna BC; Micheline Bell, Castlegar BC: | 1 Round # 1 score: 88.09% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 88.09% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.07 boards. |
5 Round # 2 score: 26.19% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 57.14% Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 45.24% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 53.17% Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 33.34% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 48.21% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 42.86% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 47.14% Currently 2.93 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 30.96% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 44.44% Currently 3.72 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 28.57% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 42.18% Currently 5.36 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 64.29% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 44.94% Currently 5.07 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Linda Foster - Terri Churchill, Penticton BC: | 8 Round # 1 score: 16.67% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 16.67% Currently 2.14 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 2 score: 73.81% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 45.24% Currently 2.14 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 40.48% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 43.65% Currently 2.57 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
8 Round # 4 score: 30.95% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 40.48% Currently 2.93 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 5 score: 30.95% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 38.57% Currently 4.21 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
9 Round # 6 score: 42.86% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 9 Event score so far: 39.28% Currently 4.64 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 76.19% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 44.56% Currently 4.86 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 28.57% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 42.56% Currently 5.64 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Single-session pairs event, scored in matchpoints. Strat limits (by pair average): A: 100 - 300 / B: 50 - 100 / C: 0 - 50. No player over 300 was eligible.
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 75
MPts | Score | A | B | C | Thursday Afternoon 299er Pairs | (9 tables) ACBL Live Link |
2.49 | 61.01% | 1 | 1 | Marguerite Hartwig - Darlene Yarish, Red Deer AB | ||
1.87 | 60.12% | 2 | Janet Billon, Westbank BC; Kathleen Smith, Summerland BC | |||
1.43 | 59.23% | 3 | 2 | 1 | Bruce Gandossi - Rosie Watson, Whistler BC | |
1.05 | 56.85% | 4 | 3 | Judi Francis - David Bailey, Red Deer AB | ||
1.07 | 55.06% | 5 | 4 | 2 | Meredith Merkel, Vernon BC; Lesley Werry, Kelowna BC | |
0.80 | 54.17% | 3 | Janey Kippan - Daphne Moore, Kelowna BC |
The Race For Overalls in Strat A (under 300): 5 overall spots available. | |||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Final Rank |
Marguerite Hartwig - Darlene Yarish, Red Deer AB: | 14 Round # 1 score: 30.95% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 30.95% Currently 1.64 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 2 score: 80.95% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 55.95% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 61.90% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 57.94% Currently 2.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 50.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 55.95% Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 57.14% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 56.19% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 6 score: 85.71% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 61.11% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.21 boards. |
3 Round # 7 score: 42.86% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 58.50% Currently 0.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 8 score: 78.57% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 61.01% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.21 boards. |
Janet Billon, Westbank BC; Kathleen Smith, Summerland BC: | 1 Round # 1 score: 85.71% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 85.71% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.29 boards. |
1 Round # 2 score: 92.86% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 89.29% Current Lead in Strat A: 1.29 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 76.19% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 84.92% Current Lead in Strat A: 1.5 boards. |
1 Round # 4 score: 26.19% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 70.24% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.79 boards. |
2 Round # 5 score: 23.81% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 60.95% Currently 0.29 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 54.76% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 59.92% Currently 0.21 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 71.43% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 61.57% Currently 0.07 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 50.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 60.12% Currently 0.21 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Bruce Gandossi - Rosie Watson, Whistler BC: | 12 Round # 1 score: 38.09% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 12 Event score so far: 38.09% Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
17 Round # 2 score: 21.43% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 17 Event score so far: 29.76% Currently 3.57 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 3 score: 78.57% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 46.03% Currently 3.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
11 Round # 4 score: 52.38% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 11 Event score so far: 47.62% Currently 2.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 5 score: 76.19% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 53.33% Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 83.33% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 58.33% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 57.14% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 58.16% Currently 0.79 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 66.67% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 59.22% Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Judi Francis - David Bailey, Red Deer AB: | 5 Round # 1 score: 69.05% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 69.05% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 2 score: 26.19% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 47.62% Currently 2.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
14 Round # 3 score: 30.95% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 14 Event score so far: 42.06% Currently 3.86 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 4 score: 80.95% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 51.78% Currently 2.22 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 80.95% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 57.62% Currently 0.79 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 45.24% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 55.55% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 7 score: 100.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 61.90% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.07 boards. |
4 Round # 8 score: 21.43% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 56.84% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Meredith Merkel, Vernon BC; Lesley Werry, Kelowna BC: | 2 Round # 1 score: 76.19% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 76.19% Currently 0.29 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 52.38% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 64.28% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 52.38% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 60.32% Currently 2.21 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 73.81% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 63.69% Currently 0.79 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
1 Round # 5 score: 59.52% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 1 Event score so far: 62.86% Current Lead in Strat A: 0.29 boards. |
6 Round # 6 score: 14.29% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 54.76% Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 7 score: 50.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 54.08% Currently 1.64 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 61.90% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 55.06% Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Janey Kippan - Daphne Moore, Kelowna BC: | 7 Round # 1 score: 61.91% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 61.91% Currently 0.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 2 score: 73.81% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 67.86% Currently 1.29 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 69.05% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 2 Event score so far: 68.25% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 40.48% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 61.31% Currently 1.07 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 45.24% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 58.10% Currently 0.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 38.10% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 54.76% Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 54.76% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 54.76% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 50.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 1.64 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Ray Garcia, Kelowna BC; Lynn Sinclair, Calgary AB: | 6 Round # 1 score: 69.05% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 69.05% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 64.29% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 66.67% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 40.48% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 57.94% Currently 2.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 59.52% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 58.33% Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 47.62% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 5 Event score so far: 56.19% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 54.76% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 4 Event score so far: 55.95% Currently 0.93 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 45.24% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 54.42% Currently 1.57 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 50.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 7 Event score so far: 53.87% Currently 1.71 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
Janice Porter - Vern Porter, North Vancouver BC: | 9 Round # 1 score: 52.38% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 52.38% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 83.33% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 3 Event score so far: 67.86% Currently 1.29 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 23.81% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 53.17% Currently 2.86 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
6 Round # 4 score: 57.14% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 6 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 1.93 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
10 Round # 5 score: 42.86% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 10 Event score so far: 51.91% Currently 1.64 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 6 score: 54.76% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 52.38% Currently 1.57 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
9 Round # 7 score: 45.24% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 9 Event score so far: 51.36% Currently 2.21 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
8 Round # 8 score: 50.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 8 Event score so far: 51.19% Currently 2.36 boards behind the Strat A leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat B (under 100): 4 overall spots available. | |||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Final Rank |
Marguerite Hartwig - Darlene Yarish, Red Deer AB: | 9 Round # 1 score: 30.95% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 30.95% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 80.95% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 55.95% Currently 0.71 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 61.90% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 57.94% Currently 0.93 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 50.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 55.95% Currently 0.93 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 57.14% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 56.19% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 6 score: 85.71% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 61.11% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.5 boards. |
2 Round # 7 score: 42.86% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 58.50% Currently 0.71 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 8 score: 78.57% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 61.01% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.43 boards. |
Bruce Gandossi - Rosie Watson, Whistler BC: | 7 Round # 1 score: 38.09% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 38.09% Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 2 score: 21.43% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 29.76% Currently 2.29 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 3 score: 78.57% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 46.03% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 4 score: 52.38% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 47.62% Currently 1.93 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 5 score: 76.19% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 53.33% Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 6 score: 83.33% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 58.33% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 57.14% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 58.16% Currently 0.79 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 66.67% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 59.22% Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Judi Francis - David Bailey, Red Deer AB: | 3 Round # 1 score: 69.05% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 69.05% Currently 0.21 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 2 score: 26.19% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 47.62% Currently 1.21 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 3 score: 30.95% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 42.06% Currently 2.36 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 80.95% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 51.78% Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 80.95% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 57.62% Currently 0.79 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 45.24% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 55.55% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 7 score: 100.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 61.90% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.71 boards. |
3 Round # 8 score: 21.43% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 3 Event score so far: 56.84% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Meredith Merkel, Vernon BC; Lesley Werry, Kelowna BC: | 1 Round # 1 score: 76.19% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 76.19% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.14 boards. |
2 Round # 2 score: 52.38% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 64.28% Currently 0.21 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 52.38% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 60.32% Currently 0.71 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 4 score: 73.81% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 63.69% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.29 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 59.52% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 62.86% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.71 boards. |
4 Round # 6 score: 14.29% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 54.76% Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 50.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 54.08% Currently 1.64 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 61.90% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 55.06% Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Janey Kippan - Daphne Moore, Kelowna BC: | 4 Round # 1 score: 61.91% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 61.91% Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 73.81% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 67.86% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.21 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 69.05% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 1 Event score so far: 68.25% Current Lead in Strat B: 0.71 boards. |
2 Round # 4 score: 40.48% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 61.31% Currently 0.29 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 45.24% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 2 Event score so far: 58.10% Currently 0.71 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 38.10% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 54.76% Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 54.76% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 54.76% Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 50.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 5 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 1.64 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Cogi Smith - Annelies Reid, Kamloops BC: | 6 Round # 1 score: 42.86% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 42.86% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 2 score: 19.05% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 30.95% Currently 2.21 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 3 score: 45.24% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 35.71% Currently 2.93 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
10 Round # 4 score: 42.86% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 10 Event score so far: 37.50% Currently 3.14 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
9 Round # 5 score: 54.76% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 9 Event score so far: 40.95% Currently 3.29 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 6 score: 83.33% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 48.02% Currently 2.36 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 7 score: 50.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 48.30% Currently 2.86 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 8 score: 42.86% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 47.62% Currently 3.21 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
Karen Roberts - Louise Busch, Penticton BC: | 11 Round # 1 score: 23.81% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 11 Event score so far: 23.81% Currently 1.57 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 78.57% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 51.19% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 3 score: 69.05% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 57.14% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
4 Round # 4 score: 38.10% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 4 Event score so far: 52.38% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 52.38% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 6 Event score so far: 52.38% Currently 1.57 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 6 score: 16.67% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 46.43% Currently 2.64 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
8 Round # 7 score: 40.48% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 8 Event score so far: 45.58% Currently 3.43 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
7 Round # 8 score: 54.76% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 7 Event score so far: 46.73% Currently 3.43 boards behind the Strat B leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat C (under 50): 3 overall spots available. | |||||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Rd. 5 Rank |
Rd. 6 Rank |
Rd. 7 Rank |
Final Rank |
Bruce Gandossi - Rosie Watson, Whistler BC: | 6 Round # 1 score: 38.09% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 38.09% Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 2 score: 21.43% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 29.76% Currently 2.29 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 3 score: 78.57% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 46.03% Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 4 score: 52.38% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 47.62% Currently 1.93 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 76.19% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 53.33% Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 6 score: 83.33% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 58.33% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.64 boards. |
1 Round # 7 score: 57.14% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 58.16% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.71 boards. |
1 Round # 8 score: 66.67% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 59.22% Current Lead in Strat C: 1.0 boards. |
Meredith Merkel, Vernon BC; Lesley Werry, Kelowna BC: | 1 Round # 1 score: 76.19% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 76.19% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.14 boards. |
2 Round # 2 score: 52.38% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 64.28% Currently 0.21 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 3 score: 52.38% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 60.32% Currently 0.71 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 4 score: 73.81% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 63.69% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.29 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 59.52% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 62.86% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.71 boards. |
2 Round # 6 score: 14.29% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 54.76% Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 7 score: 50.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 54.08% Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 8 score: 61.90% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 55.06% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Janey Kippan - Daphne Moore, Kelowna BC: | 3 Round # 1 score: 61.91% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 61.91% Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 73.81% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 67.86% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.21 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 69.05% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 1 Event score so far: 68.25% Current Lead in Strat C: 0.71 boards. |
2 Round # 4 score: 40.48% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 61.31% Currently 0.29 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 45.24% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 58.10% Currently 0.71 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 6 score: 38.10% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 54.76% Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
2 Round # 7 score: 54.76% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 2 Event score so far: 54.76% Currently 0.71 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 8 score: 50.00% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 54.17% Currently 1.21 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Cogi Smith - Annelies Reid, Kamloops BC: | 5 Round # 1 score: 42.86% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 42.86% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 2 score: 19.05% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 30.95% Currently 2.21 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 3 score: 45.24% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 35.71% Currently 2.93 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
7 Round # 4 score: 42.86% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 7 Event score so far: 37.50% Currently 3.14 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
6 Round # 5 score: 54.76% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 6 Event score so far: 40.95% Currently 3.29 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 6 score: 83.33% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 48.02% Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 7 score: 50.00% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 48.30% Currently 2.07 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 8 score: 42.86% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 47.62% Currently 2.78 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Karen Roberts - Louise Busch, Penticton BC: | 8 Round # 1 score: 23.81% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 8 Event score so far: 23.81% Currently 1.57 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 78.57% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 51.19% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 69.05% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 57.14% Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
3 Round # 4 score: 38.10% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 3 Event score so far: 52.38% Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
4 Round # 5 score: 52.38% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 4 Event score so far: 52.38% Currently 1.57 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 6 score: 16.67% After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 46.43% Currently 2.14 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 7 score: 40.48% After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 45.58% Currently 2.64 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
5 Round # 8 score: 54.76% After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 5 Event score so far: 46.73% Currently 3.0 boards behind the Strat C leader. |
Single-session pairs event, scored in matchpoints. Strat limits (by pair average): D: 100 - 300 / E: 20 - 100 / F: 0 - 20. No player over 300 was eligible.
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 34
MPts | Score | D | E | F | Thursday Evening 299er Pairs | (3 tables) ACBL Live Link |
1.71 | 57.00% | 1 | 1 | Patricia Muryn - Lorraine Gallant, Sechelt BC | ||
1.28 | 56.00% | 2 | 2 | Robbie Cox, Kelowna BC; Micheline Bell, Castlegar BC |
The Race For Overalls in Strat D (under 300): 2 overall spots available. | ||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Final Rank |
Patricia Muryn - Lorraine Gallant, Sechelt BC: | 3 Round # 1 score: 55.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat D: 3 Event score so far: 55.00% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat D leader. |
4 Round # 2 score: 40.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat D: 4 Event score so far: 47.50% Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat D leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 70.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat D: 3 Event score so far: 55.00% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat D leader. |
1 Round # 4 score: 65.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat D: 1 Event score so far: 57.50% Current Lead in Strat D: 0.25 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 55.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat D: 1 Event score so far: 57.00% Current Lead in Strat D: 0.25 boards. |
Robbie Cox, Kelowna BC; Micheline Bell, Castlegar BC: | 4 Round # 1 score: 45.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat D: 4 Event score so far: 45.00% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat D leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 75.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat D: 1 Event score so far: 60.00% Current Lead in Strat D: -0.0 boards. |
2 Round # 3 score: 45.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat D: 2 Event score so far: 55.00% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat D leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 60.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat D: 2 Event score so far: 56.25% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat D leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 55.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat D: 2 Event score so far: 56.00% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat D leader. |
Sharon Knutson, Castleger BC; Deborah Randall, Christina Lake BC: | 2 Round # 1 score: 60.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat D: 2 Event score so far: 60.00% Current Lead in Strat D: 0.0 boards. |
2 Round # 2 score: 60.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat D: 2 Event score so far: 60.00% Current Lead in Strat D: 0.0 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 60.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat D: 1 Event score so far: 60.00% Current Lead in Strat D: 0.75 boards. |
3 Round # 4 score: 40.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat D: 3 Event score so far: 55.00% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat D leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 50.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat D: 3 Event score so far: 54.00% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat D leader. |
The Race For Overalls in Strat E (under 100): 2 overall spots available. | ||||||
(Hover over a rank for more detail) Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) |
Rd. 1 Rank |
Rd. 2 Rank |
Rd. 3 Rank |
Rd. 4 Rank |
Final Rank |
Patricia Muryn - Lorraine Gallant, Sechelt BC: | 3 Round # 1 score: 55.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat E: 3 Event score so far: 55.00% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat E leader. |
3 Round # 2 score: 40.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat E: 3 Event score so far: 47.50% Currently 1.25 boards behind the Strat E leader. |
3 Round # 3 score: 70.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat E: 3 Event score so far: 55.00% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat E leader. |
1 Round # 4 score: 65.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat E: 1 Event score so far: 57.50% Current Lead in Strat E: 0.25 boards. |
1 Round # 5 score: 55.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat E: 1 Event score so far: 57.00% Current Lead in Strat E: 0.25 boards. |
Robbie Cox, Kelowna BC; Micheline Bell, Castlegar BC: | 4 Round # 1 score: 45.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat E: 4 Event score so far: 45.00% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat E leader. |
1 Round # 2 score: 75.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat E: 1 Event score so far: 60.00% Current Lead in Strat E: -0.0 boards. |
2 Round # 3 score: 45.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat E: 2 Event score so far: 55.00% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat E leader. |
2 Round # 4 score: 60.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat E: 2 Event score so far: 56.25% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat E leader. |
2 Round # 5 score: 55.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat E: 2 Event score so far: 56.00% Currently 0.25 boards behind the Strat E leader. |
Sharon Knutson, Castleger BC; Deborah Randall, Christina Lake BC: | 2 Round # 1 score: 60.00% After Round # 1: Rank in Strat E: 2 Event score so far: 60.00% Current Lead in Strat E: 0.0 boards. |
2 Round # 2 score: 60.00% After Round # 2: Rank in Strat E: 2 Event score so far: 60.00% Current Lead in Strat E: 0.0 boards. |
1 Round # 3 score: 60.00% After Round # 3: Rank in Strat E: 1 Event score so far: 60.00% Current Lead in Strat E: 0.75 boards. |
3 Round # 4 score: 40.00% After Round # 4: Rank in Strat E: 3 Event score so far: 55.00% Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat E leader. |
3 Round # 5 score: 50.00% After Round # 5: Rank in Strat E: 3 Event score so far: 54.00% Currently 0.75 boards behind the Strat E leader. |
For those of you who used to like the puzzles I printed in the old bulletins, here is a link to an online version: one of the puzzles that I used to feature in the old paper Bulletins, but it is easy to play on a computer as well. Not so easy on a tablet or phone, since most of the puzzles require right-clicks, not easily done in a tablet or phone environment. Unruly gives you a grid of gray squares which you must color in as black or white (some are given as free hints), while keeping to these rules: 1) No three consecutive cells may be the same color going up-down or left-right (diagonally there may be a run of cells of the same color); 2) Each row and column has the same number of black and white cells; and 3) No two rows and no two columns may have exactly the same sequence of black and white cells. Strategy: Begin by looking for two adjacent cells of the same color and color the cells on either side in the opposite color, to avoid a three-in-a-row. Do the same with white-gray-white, or black-gray-black; the middle cell can be colored in the opposite color to avoid a three-in-a-row. This process will create more opportunities to determine the correct colors of cells, but eventually you will have to consult the other two rules to complete the grid. Click on the puzzle you want to try at the right (or the caption below) to go to the page with all the instructions you'll need. These puzzles come from Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection (see below) and there are links there to apps for most devices. ![]() |
![]() Easy puzzle (McBruce's time: 2min 57sec) |
![]() Medium puzzle (McBruce's time: 3min 45sec) |
![]() Tricky puzzle (McBruce's time: 9min 36sec) |
Thursday-Friday Morning Bracketed Round-Robin Teams (began Thursday morning): Team game, 4-6 players on a team, short matches scored in IMPs converted to Victory Points. Teams will play all or almost all of the teams in their bracket over two sessions.
Bracketed, by team average into brackets of usually 7-9 teams.
Masterpoints: Gold points for overalls in each bracket, or red points for each match win. Lower brackets may have part-gold, part-red for overalls, based on masterpoints.
Penticton 2023 winners (8 teams, turned into a Swiss Teams):
A, B: David Huang, Burnaby BC; Diana Jing, Surrey BC; Brian Koblenz, Leavenworth WA; Herman Xiao, Sammamish WA
C: Ralph Lipe - Lynda Lipe, Chelan WA; David Peppar - Dennis Glassford, Chilliwack BC
Friday Morning Side Game: Pairs game, part of the Morning Side Game Series (4th of 5).
Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 2000+, B: 750 - 2000, C: 0 - 750.
Masterpoints: Mostly red points but gold points for overall winners if they play another session in the Morning Side Game Series, and a chance for gold points for individuals whose two best games in the series (played with the same or different partners) are good enough to make the series overalls.
Penticton 2023 winners (19 tables):
A, B: Dariusz Matus, Surrey BC; Michael Desaulniers, Maple Ridge BC
C: Andrew Melton - Jamie Watt, Calgary AB
Friday Morning 299er Pairs: Pairs game, all individual players MUST be below 300 masterpoints.
Strat Limits (by pair average) D: 100 - 300, E: 50 - 100, F: 0 - 50 (may be slightly tweaked to ensure that there are enough pairs in all three strats for overall awards).
Masterpoints: Red points for overall and section awards.
Penticton 2023 winners (3 tables):
D, E: Nancy Mulroney, Hailey ID; John Carr, Victor ID
Friday-Saturday Riesling Knockout Teams (continues Saturday at - *ALERT* - 10am and 3pm for surviving teams): Team game, 4-6 players on a team, 24-board knockout matches scored in IMPs. This knockout will be played in the traditional style, with head-to-head matches or three-ways in the first two rounds. NOTE: different times for Saturday semifinals; be aware!
Bracketed, by team average into brackets of 9-16 teams.
Masterpoints: Gold points for teams that make it to the semifinals, or red points for other match awards. Lower brackets may have part-gold, part-red for overalls, based on masterpoints.
Penticton 2023 winners (43 teams in 4 brackets):
Bracket I: Gerry Marshall - Daniel Bertrand, Calgary AB; Hendrik Sharples, Brush Prairie WA; J. Jay Roll, Kelso WA
Bracket II: Kenny T K Chan, Vancouver BC; Kenny Ying, W Vancouver BC; Julien Levesque, Burnaby BC; Paul Yip, Richmond BC
Bracket III: Bill Webb - Marian Kosior - Irene Morrow, Penticton BC; Alan Whitman, Okanagan Falls BC
Bracket IV: Wanda Deisman - Mary Dewar - Darlene Carolsfeld, Nanaimo BC; Vanda Blok, Gabriola BC
Friday Open Pairs: Two session pairs game, matchpoint scoring.
Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 3000+, B: 1500 - 3000, C: 0 - 1500.
Masterpoints: Gold points for overalls and some section tops, other awards are red points. Note that you can win points in the first session that are replaced by a higher overall award after the second: you get the greater of your overall award or the sum of the session awards; not both combined.
Penticton 2023 winners (39, 39 tables):
A: Joshua Donn, Las Vegas NV; Arti Bhargava, Mill Valley CA
B, C: Daniel Balof - Barry Balof, Walla Walla WA
Friday Gold Rush 0-750 Pairs: Two session pairs game, matchpoint scoring.
Strat Limits (by pair average) 7: 400 - 750, 4: 300 - 400, 3: 0 - 300. No individuals over 750 points may play in this event, even if the pair average is below 750.
Masterpoints: Gold points for overalls and some section tops, other awards are red points. Note that you can win points in the first session that are replaced by a higher overall award after the second: you get the greater of your overall award or the sum of the session awards; not both combined.
Penticton 2023 winners (16, 16 tables):
7, 4: Bill Worobets - Janet Worobets, Victoria BC
3: Betty Hunt, Summerland BC; Dell Hall, Pentiction BC
Friday Afternoon Side Game: Pairs game, part of the Afternoon Side Game Series (4th of 5).
Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 2000+, B: 750 - 2000, C: 0 - 750.
Masterpoints: Mostly red points but gold points for overall winners if they play another session in the Afternoon Side Game Series, and a chance for gold points for individuals whose two best games in the series (played with the same or different partners) are good enough to make the series overalls.
Penticton 2023 winners: (21 tables)
A, B: John Demeulemeester, Burnaby BC; Merilyn Hicks, North Vancouver BC
C: Marlene Mahoney - Liis Jeffries, Merritt BC
Friday Afternoon 299er Pairs: Pairs game, all individual players MUST be below 300 masterpoints.
Strat Limits (by pair average) D: 100 - 300, E: 50 - 100, F: 0 - 50 (may be slightly tweaked to ensure that there are enough pairs in all three strats for overall awards).
Masterpoints: Red points for overall and section awards.
Penticton 2023 winners (4½ tables):
D: Gayle Hanset, Sandpoint ID; John Wilson, New Westminster BC
E, F: Linda Cox - M Haight, West Kelowna BC
Friday Evening Swiss Teams: Team game, 4-6 players on a team, short matches scored in IMPs and converted to Victory Points.
Strat Limits (by team average) A: 2000+, B: 750 - 2000, C: 0 - 750.
Masterpoints: Red points for overalls and match awards, whichever is greater.
Penticton 2023 winners (16 teams):
A: Cameron Doner, Surrey BC; Nicholas Stock, North Vancouver BC; Bob Zeller, Kanata ON; Michael Yuen, Vancouver BC
B: Long Xie - Jennifer Hong - Kai Zhou, Burnaby BC; Amy Gao, New Westminster BC
C: Grace Schmidt, Campbell River BC; Darlene Allen - Bernice Blonarwitz - Denise Holst, Courtenay BC
Friday Evening Side Game: Pairs game, part of the Evening Side Game Series (5th of 5).
Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 2000+, B: 750 - 2000, C: 0 - 750.
Masterpoints: Mostly red points but gold points for overall winners if they play another session in the Evening Side Game Series, and a chance for gold points for individuals whose two best games in the series (played with the same or different partners) are good enough to make the series overalls.
Penticton 2023 winners (15½ tables):
A, B: Mojgan Shad - Khosrow Shad, West Vancouver BC
C:Jo Albinati - Joanna Daam, Victoria BC
Series Overall Winners: Claire Valente - Daniel Balof, Walla Walla WA
Friday Evening 299er Pairs: Pairs game, all individual players MUST be below 300 masterpoints.
Strat Limits (by pair average) D: 100 - 300, E: 50 - 100, F: 0 - 50 (may be slightly tweaked to ensure that there are enough pairs in all three strats for overall awards).
Masterpoints: Red points for overall and section awards.
Penticton 2023 winners (not scheduled)
Headline answer: Vancouver BC, which had been incorporated only five weeks earlier.
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