2024 Puget Sound Regional, Day One: Monday, August 19 (Charity Day)

Welcome to Lynnwood!

Complete! Included: Results, Masterpoints, Attendance, Tomorrow's Schedule and Checking Out.

Alert: your browser may be showing you an old version of a page which is updated often. F5 (computer) or the ↻ button (phone or tablet) will get you the most recent version.

Attendance So Far

32½ tables at the end of Day One (Monday), 23.9% of the 2019 total.
In 2023, there were 23; tables to this point.
In 2019, there were 136; tables to this point.
For full details, check out the
Table Counts page!

Bridge clubs and tournaments throughout the ACBL are struggling with returning to live play, so comparing this tournament's attendance to one before the pandemic is not really fair. We'll hope to get a little more than last year, around 60% of the 2019 attendance, making the target number 771½ tables this time — but perhaps we will be pleasantly surprised!

Checking Out

One problem with doing puzzles for Daily Bulletins based on dates is that tournaments tend to be held on the same dates year to year. We've done puzzles based on births, and news events, and every time I put them together I realize I've done this before. So, a new angle this time: famous people who died on this day. Here are five from August 19: how many can you guess? Answers near the end of the page.

Today's Bridge Advice

Directly from Michael Corleone

Both vulnerable at matchpoint pairs, you hold:

A J T 8 6 4 2   A 4   Q T 5   A

LHO is the dealer and opens a weak 2. Partner passes and RHO bids 2. What's your call here?

(Answer below)

Masterpoint Leaders thru Monday Evening

(Not including the knockout that continues Tuesday)

Masterpoints for all players are updated nightly here first, with everyone's current red and gold point total listed alphabetically below the leaders, before a shorter leaderboard is added to this page. Knockouts that extend over two days are not added until the entire event is over on the second day.

Overall Leaders

1Eric Sieg, Issaquah WA6.71
1Kim Eng, Issaquah WA6.71
3Gregory Trautman, Olympia WA5.03
3Jessie Brunswig, Scottsdale AZ5.03
5Alan Tesler, Mercer Island WA4.90
5Sheila Dahl, Mercer Island WA4.90
7JC Chupack, Seattle WA4.16
7Scott Chupack, Seattle WA4.16
9David Dailey, Shoreline WA4.04
9John Krah, Seattle WA4.04
11Jolanta O'Brien, Mountlake Ter WA3.77
11William O'Brien, Mountlake Ter WA3.77
13Jason Yao, Bellevue WA3.68
13Nathan Gong, Sammamish WA3.68
15Martin Greene, Seattle WA3.12
15Robert Munger, Seattle WA3.12

Non-Life Master Leaders

1Sheila Dahl, Mercer Island WA4.90
2David Dailey, Shoreline WA4.04
3Jason Yao, Bellevue WA3.68
4Ella Su, Redmond WA2.76
5Roger Crew, Mercer Island WA1.72

Masterpoints will be updated first on the masterpoints page. Leaders will appear here later, when the results are posted.

Results — Day One — Monday, August 19

Monday Afternoon Pro-Am Pairs

Winners: Sheila Dahl, Alan Tesler

This new opening event was for partnerships consisting of at least one player under 300 masterpoints. Winners Sheila Dahl and Alan Tesler recovered from a tough start to sprint to a win by half a board, taking all three strats!

Single-session pairs event, scored in matchpoints.  Strat limits (by pair average): A: 1500+ / B: 750 - 1500 / C: 0 - 750.  
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 1254

MPts Score A B C Monday Afternoon Pro-Am Pairs (10½ tables)
ACBL Live Link
4.90 65.08% 1 1 1 Sheila Dahl - Alan Tesler, Mercer Island WA
3.68 61.98% 2 2 2 Nathan Gong, Sammamish WA; Jason Yao, Bellevue WA
2.76 61.56% 3 3 3 Arthur Gong, Sammamish WA; Ella Su, Redmond WA
2.07 58.40% 4 4 4 John Krah, Seattle WA; David Dailey, Shoreline WA
1.72 57.67% 5 5 Steve Kasner, Bellevue WA; Roger Crew, Mercer Island WA
1.23 56.96% 6 Marla Patterson, Arlington WA; Thomas Sparks, Seattle WA

The Race For Overalls in Strat A (unlimited): 6 overall spots available. 
(Hover over a rank for more detail) 
Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) 
Rd. 1
Rd. 2
Rd. 3
Rd. 4
Rd. 5
Rd. 6
Rd. 7
Rd. 8
Sheila Dahl - Alan Tesler, Mercer Island WA: 
 7 Round # 1 score: 60.56%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 60.56%
Currently 0.66 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 11 Round # 2 score: 35.94%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 11
Event score so far: 48.25%
Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 3 score: 68.75%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 55.09%
Currently 1.4 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 4 score: 71.88%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 59.28%
Currently 0.7 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 5 score: 50.00%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 57.43%
Currently 0.48 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 6 score: 53.56%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 56.78%
Currently 0.42 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 7 score: 78.19%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 59.84%
Currently 0.49 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 1 Round # 8 score: 92.19%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 63.88%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.28 boards.
 1 Round # 9 score: 74.62%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 65.08%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.5 boards.
Nathan Gong, Sammamish WA; Jason Yao, Bellevue WA: 
 8 Round # 1 score: 60.56%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 8
Event score so far: 60.56%
Currently 0.66 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 2 score: 100.00%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 80.28%
Currently 0.02 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 1 Round # 3 score: 74.62%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 78.39%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.27 boards.
 3 Round # 4 score: 18.38%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 63.39%
Currently 0.37 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 5 score: 21.88%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 55.09%
Currently 0.72 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 8 Round # 6 score: 46.50%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 8
Event score so far: 53.66%
Currently 0.8 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 7 score: 92.19%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 59.16%
Currently 0.59 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 8 score: 81.69%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 61.98%
Currently 0.3 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 9 score: 000.00%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 61.98%
Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Arthur Gong, Sammamish WA; Ella Su, Redmond WA: 
 3 Round # 1 score: 74.62%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 74.62%
Currently 0.38 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 2 score: 56.25%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 65.44%
Currently 0.61 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 3 score: 56.25%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 62.38%
Currently 0.96 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 4 score: 81.62%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 67.19%
Currently 0.06 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 5 score: 32.44%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 60.24%
Currently 0.2 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 1 Round # 6 score: 60.56%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 60.29%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.25 boards.
 1 Round # 7 score: 81.62%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 63.34%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.49 boards.
 2 Round # 8 score: 53.56%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 62.12%
Currently 0.28 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 9 score: 57.06%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 61.55%
Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat A leader.
John Krah, Seattle WA; David Dailey, Shoreline WA: 
 1 Round # 1 score: 93.75%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 93.75%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.24 boards.
 1 Round # 2 score: 67.56%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 80.66%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.02 boards.
 2 Round # 3 score: 60.56%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 73.96%
Currently 0.27 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 1 Round # 4 score: 50.00%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 67.97%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.06 boards.
 1 Round # 5 score: 39.50%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 62.27%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.2 boards.
 4 Round # 6 score: 28.94%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 56.72%
Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 7 score: 43.00%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 54.76%
Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 8 score: 78.19%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 57.69%
Currently 0.99 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 9 score: 64.06%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 58.40%
Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Steve Kasner, Bellevue WA; Roger Crew, Mercer Island WA: 
 18 Round # 1 score: 25.44%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 18
Event score so far: 25.44%
Currently 1.37 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 12 Round # 2 score: 64.06%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 12
Event score so far: 44.75%
Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 13 Round # 3 score: 000.00%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 13
Event score so far: 44.75%
Currently 1.35 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 15 Round # 4 score: 46.50%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 15
Event score so far: 45.33%
Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 13 Round # 5 score: 60.56%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 13
Event score so far: 49.14%
Currently 1.05 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 11 Round # 6 score: 62.50%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 11
Event score so far: 51.81%
Currently 0.85 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 7 score: 78.12%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 56.20%
Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 8 score: 81.25%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 59.78%
Currently 0.57 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 9 score: 42.94%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 57.67%
Currently 1.19 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Marla Patterson, Arlington WA; Thomas Sparks, Seattle WA: 
 6 Round # 1 score: 62.50%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 62.50%
Currently 0.62 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 2 score: 67.62%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 65.06%
Currently 0.62 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 6 Round # 3 score: 43.75%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 57.96%
Currently 1.23 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 4 score: 74.62%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 62.12%
Currently 0.47 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 5 score: 50.00%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 59.70%
Currently 0.26 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 9 Round # 6 score: 21.94%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 9
Event score so far: 53.41%
Currently 0.83 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 7 score: 67.62%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 55.44%
Currently 1.11 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 6 Round # 8 score: 000.00%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 55.44%
Currently 1.18 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 6 Round # 9 score: 67.62%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 56.96%
Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Grant Davis, Snohomish WA; Mikayla Davis, Lynnwood WA: 
 10 Round # 1 score: 53.56%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 10
Event score so far: 53.56%
Currently 0.8 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 2 score: 64.06%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 58.81%
Currently 0.87 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 3 score: 74.62%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 64.08%
Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 4 score: 40.62%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 58.22%
Currently 0.78 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 5 score: 000.00%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 58.22%
Currently 0.32 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 6 score: 40.62%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 54.70%
Currently 0.56 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 6 Round # 7 score: 57.00%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 55.08%
Currently 0.99 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 8 Round # 8 score: 35.94%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 8
Event score so far: 52.35%
Currently 1.61 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 9 score: 64.06%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 53.81%
Currently 1.8 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Jim Windus, Seattle WA; Dean Lin, Tallahassee FL: 
 11 Round # 1 score: 46.50%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 11
Event score so far: 46.50%
Currently 0.94 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 13 Round # 2 score: 42.94%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 13
Event score so far: 44.72%
Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 8 Round # 3 score: 74.62%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 8
Event score so far: 54.69%
Currently 1.42 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 10 Round # 4 score: 25.44%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 10
Event score so far: 47.37%
Currently 1.65 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 9 Round # 5 score: 78.12%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 9
Event score so far: 53.52%
Currently 0.88 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 6 score: 71.12%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 56.46%
Currently 0.46 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 10 Round # 7 score: 28.94%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 10
Event score so far: 52.53%
Currently 1.51 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 8 score: 56.25%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 52.99%
Currently 1.74 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 8 Round # 9 score: 56.25%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 8
Event score so far: 53.35%
Currently 2.11 boards behind the Strat A leader.
William Campbell, Mercer Island WA; Dee Dee Brochu, Bellevue WA: 
 13 Round # 1 score: 39.50%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 13
Event score so far: 39.50%
Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 14 Round # 2 score: 46.50%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 14
Event score so far: 43.00%
Currently 1.51 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 12 Round # 3 score: 50.00%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 12
Event score so far: 45.33%
Currently 1.98 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 14 Round # 4 score: 000.00%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 14
Event score so far: 45.33%
Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 14 Round # 5 score: 59.38%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 14
Event score so far: 48.84%
Currently 1.07 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 10 Round # 6 score: 71.06%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 10
Event score so far: 53.29%
Currently 0.7 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 8 Round # 7 score: 59.38%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 8
Event score so far: 54.30%
Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 15 Round # 8 score: 7.82%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 15
Event score so far: 47.66%
Currently 2.27 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 9 Round # 9 score: 85.19%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 9
Event score so far: 52.35%
Currently 2.04 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Ray Miller, Seattle WA; Donald Kossmann, Kirkland WA: 
 20 Round # 1 score: 6.25%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 20
Event score so far: 6.25%
Currently 1.75 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 18 Round # 2 score: 57.00%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 18
Event score so far: 31.62%
Currently 1.96 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 20 Round # 3 score: 32.44%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 20
Event score so far: 31.90%
Currently 2.79 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 12 Round # 4 score: 92.19%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 12
Event score so far: 46.97%
Currently 1.68 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 11 Round # 5 score: 67.62%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 11
Event score so far: 51.10%
Currently 1.12 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 15 Round # 6 score: 28.88%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 15
Event score so far: 47.40%
Currently 1.55 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 16 Round # 7 score: 21.94%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 16
Event score so far: 43.76%
Currently 2.74 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 11 Round # 8 score: 88.69%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 11
Event score so far: 49.38%
Currently 2.32 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 10 Round # 9 score: 60.56%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 10
Event score so far: 50.62%
Currently 2.6 boards behind the Strat A leader.

The Race For Overalls in Strat B (under 1500): 5 overall spots available. 
(Hover over a rank for more detail) 
Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) 
Rd. 1
Rd. 2
Rd. 3
Rd. 4
Rd. 5
Rd. 6
Rd. 7
Rd. 8
Sheila Dahl - Alan Tesler, Mercer Island WA: 
 6 Round # 1 score: 60.56%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 60.56%
Currently 0.66 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 9 Round # 2 score: 35.94%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 9
Event score so far: 48.25%
Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 3 score: 68.75%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 55.09%
Currently 1.4 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 5 Round # 4 score: 71.88%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 59.28%
Currently 0.7 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 5 Round # 5 score: 50.00%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 57.43%
Currently 0.48 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 6 score: 53.56%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 56.78%
Currently 0.42 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 2 Round # 7 score: 78.19%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 59.84%
Currently 0.49 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 1 Round # 8 score: 92.19%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 63.88%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.28 boards.
 1 Round # 9 score: 74.62%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 65.08%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.5 boards.
Nathan Gong, Sammamish WA; Jason Yao, Bellevue WA: 
 7 Round # 1 score: 60.56%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 60.56%
Currently 0.66 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 2 Round # 2 score: 100.00%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 80.28%
Currently 0.02 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 1 Round # 3 score: 74.62%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 78.39%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.27 boards.
 3 Round # 4 score: 18.38%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 63.39%
Currently 0.37 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 5 score: 21.88%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 55.09%
Currently 0.72 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 6 score: 46.50%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 53.66%
Currently 0.8 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 7 score: 92.19%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 59.16%
Currently 0.59 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 8 score: 81.69%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 61.98%
Currently 0.3 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 2 Round # 9 score: 000.00%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 61.98%
Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat B leader.
Arthur Gong, Sammamish WA; Ella Su, Redmond WA: 
 3 Round # 1 score: 74.62%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 74.62%
Currently 0.38 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 2 score: 56.25%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 65.44%
Currently 0.61 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 3 score: 56.25%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 62.38%
Currently 0.96 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 2 Round # 4 score: 81.62%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 67.19%
Currently 0.06 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 2 Round # 5 score: 32.44%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 60.24%
Currently 0.2 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 1 Round # 6 score: 60.56%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 60.29%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.25 boards.
 1 Round # 7 score: 81.62%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 63.34%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.49 boards.
 2 Round # 8 score: 53.56%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 62.12%
Currently 0.28 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 9 score: 57.06%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 61.55%
Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat B leader.
John Krah, Seattle WA; David Dailey, Shoreline WA: 
 1 Round # 1 score: 93.75%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 93.75%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.24 boards.
 1 Round # 2 score: 67.56%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 80.66%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.02 boards.
 2 Round # 3 score: 60.56%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 73.96%
Currently 0.27 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 1 Round # 4 score: 50.00%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 67.97%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.06 boards.
 1 Round # 5 score: 39.50%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 62.27%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.2 boards.
 4 Round # 6 score: 28.94%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 56.72%
Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 7 score: 43.00%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 54.76%
Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 5 Round # 8 score: 78.19%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 57.69%
Currently 0.99 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 9 score: 64.06%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 58.40%
Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat B leader.
Steve Kasner, Bellevue WA; Roger Crew, Mercer Island WA: 
 16 Round # 1 score: 25.44%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 16
Event score so far: 25.44%
Currently 1.37 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 10 Round # 2 score: 64.06%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 10
Event score so far: 44.75%
Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 11 Round # 3 score: 000.00%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 11
Event score so far: 44.75%
Currently 1.35 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 13 Round # 4 score: 46.50%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 13
Event score so far: 45.33%
Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 10 Round # 5 score: 60.56%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 10
Event score so far: 49.14%
Currently 1.05 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 10 Round # 6 score: 62.50%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 10
Event score so far: 51.81%
Currently 0.85 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 7 score: 78.12%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 56.20%
Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 8 score: 81.25%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 59.78%
Currently 0.57 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 5 Round # 9 score: 42.94%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 57.67%
Currently 1.19 boards behind the Strat B leader.
Marla Patterson, Arlington WA; Thomas Sparks, Seattle WA: 
 5 Round # 1 score: 62.50%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 62.50%
Currently 0.62 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 2 score: 67.62%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 65.06%
Currently 0.62 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 5 Round # 3 score: 43.75%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 57.96%
Currently 1.23 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 4 score: 74.62%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 62.12%
Currently 0.47 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 5 score: 50.00%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 59.70%
Currently 0.26 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 8 Round # 6 score: 21.94%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 8
Event score so far: 53.41%
Currently 0.83 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 5 Round # 7 score: 67.62%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 55.44%
Currently 1.11 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 8 score: 000.00%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 55.44%
Currently 1.18 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 9 score: 67.62%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 56.96%
Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat B leader.
Grant Davis, Snohomish WA; Mikayla Davis, Lynnwood WA: 
 9 Round # 1 score: 53.56%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 9
Event score so far: 53.56%
Currently 0.8 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 2 score: 64.06%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 58.81%
Currently 0.87 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 3 score: 74.62%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 64.08%
Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 4 score: 40.62%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 58.22%
Currently 0.78 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 5 score: 000.00%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 58.22%
Currently 0.32 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 6 score: 40.62%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 54.70%
Currently 0.56 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 7 score: 57.00%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 55.08%
Currently 0.99 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 8 Round # 8 score: 35.94%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 8
Event score so far: 52.35%
Currently 1.61 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 9 score: 64.06%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 53.81%
Currently 1.8 boards behind the Strat B leader.
Jim Windus, Seattle WA; Dean Lin, Tallahassee FL: 
 10 Round # 1 score: 46.50%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 10
Event score so far: 46.50%
Currently 0.94 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 11 Round # 2 score: 42.94%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 11
Event score so far: 44.72%
Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 3 score: 74.62%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 54.69%
Currently 1.42 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 9 Round # 4 score: 25.44%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 9
Event score so far: 47.37%
Currently 1.65 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 8 Round # 5 score: 78.12%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 8
Event score so far: 53.52%
Currently 0.88 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 5 Round # 6 score: 71.12%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 56.46%
Currently 0.46 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 9 Round # 7 score: 28.94%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 9
Event score so far: 52.53%
Currently 1.51 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 8 score: 56.25%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 52.99%
Currently 1.74 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 8 Round # 9 score: 56.25%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 8
Event score so far: 53.35%
Currently 2.11 boards behind the Strat B leader.

The Race For Overalls in Strat C (under 750): 4 overall spots available. 
(Hover over a rank for more detail) 
Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) 
Rd. 1
Rd. 2
Rd. 3
Rd. 4
Rd. 5
Rd. 6
Rd. 7
Rd. 8
Sheila Dahl - Alan Tesler, Mercer Island WA: 
 4 Round # 1 score: 60.56%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 60.56%
Currently 0.66 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 7 Round # 2 score: 35.94%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 48.25%
Currently 1.3 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 5 Round # 3 score: 68.75%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 5
Event score so far: 55.09%
Currently 1.4 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 4 score: 71.88%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 59.28%
Currently 0.7 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 5 score: 50.00%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 57.43%
Currently 0.48 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 6 score: 53.56%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 56.78%
Currently 0.42 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 7 score: 78.19%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 59.84%
Currently 0.49 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 1 Round # 8 score: 92.19%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 63.88%
Current Lead in Strat C: 0.28 boards.
 1 Round # 9 score: 74.62%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 65.08%
Current Lead in Strat C: 0.5 boards.
Nathan Gong, Sammamish WA; Jason Yao, Bellevue WA: 
 5 Round # 1 score: 60.56%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 5
Event score so far: 60.56%
Currently 0.66 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 2 score: 100.00%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 80.28%
Currently 0.02 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 1 Round # 3 score: 74.62%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 78.39%
Current Lead in Strat C: 0.27 boards.
 3 Round # 4 score: 18.38%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 63.39%
Currently 0.37 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 5 Round # 5 score: 21.88%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 5
Event score so far: 55.09%
Currently 0.72 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 5 Round # 6 score: 46.50%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 5
Event score so far: 53.66%
Currently 0.8 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 7 score: 92.19%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 59.16%
Currently 0.59 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 8 score: 81.69%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 61.98%
Currently 0.3 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 9 score: 000.00%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 61.98%
Currently 0.5 boards behind the Strat C leader.
Arthur Gong, Sammamish WA; Ella Su, Redmond WA: 
 3 Round # 1 score: 74.62%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 74.62%
Currently 0.38 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 2 score: 56.25%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 65.44%
Currently 0.61 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 3 score: 56.25%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 62.38%
Currently 0.96 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 4 score: 81.62%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 67.19%
Currently 0.06 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 5 score: 32.44%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 60.24%
Currently 0.2 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 1 Round # 6 score: 60.56%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 60.29%
Current Lead in Strat C: 0.42 boards.
 1 Round # 7 score: 81.62%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 63.34%
Current Lead in Strat C: 0.49 boards.
 2 Round # 8 score: 53.56%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 62.12%
Currently 0.28 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 9 score: 57.06%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 61.55%
Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat C leader.
John Krah, Seattle WA; David Dailey, Shoreline WA: 
 1 Round # 1 score: 93.75%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 93.75%
Current Lead in Strat C: 0.24 boards.
 1 Round # 2 score: 67.56%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 80.66%
Current Lead in Strat C: 0.02 boards.
 2 Round # 3 score: 60.56%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 73.96%
Currently 0.27 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 1 Round # 4 score: 50.00%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 67.97%
Current Lead in Strat C: 0.06 boards.
 1 Round # 5 score: 39.50%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 62.27%
Current Lead in Strat C: 0.2 boards.
 3 Round # 6 score: 28.94%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 56.72%
Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 6 Round # 7 score: 43.00%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 6
Event score so far: 54.76%
Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 5 Round # 8 score: 78.19%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 5
Event score so far: 57.69%
Currently 0.99 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 9 score: 64.06%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 58.40%
Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat C leader.
Steve Kasner, Bellevue WA; Roger Crew, Mercer Island WA: 
 9 Round # 1 score: 25.44%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 9
Event score so far: 25.44%
Currently 1.37 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 8 Round # 2 score: 64.06%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 8
Event score so far: 44.75%
Currently 1.44 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 7 Round # 3 score: 000.00%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 44.75%
Currently 1.35 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 8 Round # 4 score: 46.50%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 8
Event score so far: 45.33%
Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 6 Round # 5 score: 60.56%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 6
Event score so far: 49.14%
Currently 1.05 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 6 Round # 6 score: 62.50%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 6
Event score so far: 51.81%
Currently 0.85 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 7 score: 78.12%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 56.20%
Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 8 score: 81.25%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 59.78%
Currently 0.57 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 5 Round # 9 score: 42.94%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 5
Event score so far: 57.67%
Currently 1.19 boards behind the Strat C leader.
Grant Davis, Snohomish WA; Mikayla Davis, Lynnwood WA: 
 7 Round # 1 score: 53.56%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 53.56%
Currently 0.8 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 5 Round # 2 score: 64.06%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 5
Event score so far: 58.81%
Currently 0.87 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 3 score: 74.62%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 64.08%
Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 5 Round # 4 score: 40.62%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 5
Event score so far: 58.22%
Currently 0.78 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 5 score: 000.00%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 58.22%
Currently 0.32 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 6 score: 40.62%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 54.70%
Currently 0.56 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 5 Round # 7 score: 57.00%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 5
Event score so far: 55.08%
Currently 0.99 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 6 Round # 8 score: 35.94%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 6
Event score so far: 52.35%
Currently 1.61 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 6 Round # 9 score: 64.06%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 6
Event score so far: 53.81%
Currently 1.8 boards behind the Strat C leader.
Thomas Reis, Sequim WA; Donald Bailey, Port Angeles WA: 
 2 Round # 1 score: 81.69%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 81.69%
Currently 0.24 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 2 score: 43.75%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 62.72%
Currently 0.72 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 6 Round # 3 score: 25.44%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 6
Event score so far: 50.29%
Currently 1.69 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 9 Round # 4 score: 28.12%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 9
Event score so far: 44.75%
Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 8 Round # 5 score: 57.00%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 8
Event score so far: 47.20%
Currently 1.51 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 7 Round # 6 score: 71.12%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 51.19%
Currently 1.09 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 7 Round # 7 score: 000.00%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 51.19%
Currently 1.46 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 7 Round # 8 score: 50.06%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 51.03%
Currently 1.8 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 7 Round # 9 score: 35.94%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 49.14%
Currently 2.55 boards behind the Strat C leader.

Monday-Tuesday Mt. Rainier Knockout Teams, Bracket One

Bracket One has nine teams and a masterpoint average of 3521 per player.  ACBL Live link to brackets
Opening Round
Monday Evening
1.18 red
Tuesday Morning
16.58 gold
Tuesday Afternoon
23.69 gold

3-way: Pickett vs Migliorini vs Anderson

3-way: Baer vs Miller vs Wyman

3-way: Markham vs Epley vs Cowles

Pickett vs Cowles

Anderson vs Baer

Miller vs Epley

3-way (3rd place: 8.29 gold):

? vs ? vs ?

Hideous Hog (In Training)'s Prediction:

Miller over Baer over Cowles in the 3-way final

Bracket One Semifinalist Team Rosters:

Stephen Pickett, Vancouver BC; Shameine Ali, New Westminster BC; Khosrow Shad - Mojgan Shad, West Vancouver BC
Pete Cowles, Lynnwood WA; Richard D'Litzenberger, Leavenworth WA; Kailash Birmiwal, Woodway WA; Marv Norden, Peachland BC

Thomas Anderson - Lucy Zhong - Jack Qi, North Vancouver BC; Cindy Oishi, West Vancouver BC
David Baer - Amy DeShaw, Seattle WA; Elaine DeShaw, Federal Way WA; Paul Conroy, Aberdeen WA

Ray Miller, Seattle WA; Leo Glaser, Lake Country BC; Ed Freeman, Tacoma WA; Nicholas Stock, North Vancouver BC
Howard Epley, Kent WA; Barbara Nist, Seatac WA; Jim Aitken, Bellevue WA; Sun-O Ho, Redmond WA

Monday Evening Semi-Fast Side Pairs

Winners: Kim Eng, Eric Sieg

The 0-750 game didn't quite go and we presume several moved into this side game, where only four pairs of the 26 would have been eligible. Reminder: all week, the main events are at 10am and 3pm, conforming with the ACBL-wide trend that most players prefer. The only games in the evenings are the Semi-Fast Side Games, with 6 minutes per board to get you out as quickly as possible. For those preferring single-session games, there are also Side Game series for Morning and Afternoon that go from Tuesday thru Saturday. Saturday evening there are no events, a short respite before we all get ready for Sunday team events.

Single-session pairs event, scored in matchpoints.  Part of the Evening Semi-Fast Side Game Series, session 1 of 5 in the series.  (In a side game series you are free to play as many sessions as you wish, even with different partners.)  Strat limits (by pair average): A: 3000+ / B: 1500 - 3000 / C: 0 - 1500.  
Average masterpoints for players in this event: 4089

MPts Score A B C Monday Evening Semi-Fast Side Pairs (13 tables)
ACBL Live Link
6.71 64.93% 1 Kim Eng - Eric Sieg, Issaquah WA
5.03 60.02% 2 Jessie Brunswig, Scottsdale AZ; Gregory Trautman, Olympia WA
3.77 58.81% 3 William O'Brien - Jolanta O'Brien, Mountlake Ter WA
2.83 58.59% 4 Bryan Maksymetz - Frances Corney, Vancouver BC
2.12 55.94% 5 Daniel Korbel, Las Vegas NV; Carole Liss, San Rafael CA
4.16 55.32% 6 1 JC Chupack - Scott Chupack, Seattle WA
3.12 54.60% 7 2 Martin Greene - Robert Munger, Seattle WA
2.34 54.58% 3 Thomas Kuehne, Bermerton WA; Betsy Brezel, Union WA
2.63 54.23% 4 1 Lisa Brock - Craig Mills, Kirkland WA
1.97 53.98% 5 2 John Krah, Seattle WA; David Dailey, Shoreline WA
1.48 50.70% 3 Thomas Reis, Sequim WA; Donald Bailey, Port Angeles WA
1.23 47.95% 4 Marilyn Olson - Barbra Cowan, Wenatchee WA

The Race For Overalls in Strat A (unlimited): 7 overall spots available. 
(Hover over a rank for more detail) 
Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) 
Rd. 1
Rd. 2
Rd. 3
Rd. 4
Rd. 5
Rd. 6
Rd. 7
Rd. 8
Rd. 9
Rd. 10
Rd. 11
Kim Eng - Eric Sieg, Issaquah WA: 
 3 Round # 1 score: 75.00%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 75.00%
Currently 0.32 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 6 Round # 2 score: 52.27%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 63.64%
Currently 0.73 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 3 score: 54.55%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 60.61%
Currently 1.09 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 4 score: 68.18%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 62.50%
Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 5 score: 63.63%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 62.73%
Currently 0.74 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 6 score: 70.05%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 63.95%
Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 7 score: 40.91%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 60.66%
Currently 0.66 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 8 score: 70.45%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 61.88%
Currently 0.12 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 1 Round # 9 score: 63.63%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 62.08%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.16 boards.
 1 Round # 10 score: 93.18%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 65.19%
Current Lead in Strat A: 1.0 boards.
 1 Round # 11 score: 77.28%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 66.28%
Current Lead in Strat A: 1.36 boards.
 1 Round # 12 score: 50.00%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 64.93%
Current Lead in Strat A: 1.18 boards.
Jessie Brunswig, Scottsdale AZ; Gregory Trautman, Olympia WA: 
 14 Round # 1 score: 50.00%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 14
Event score so far: 50.00%
Currently 0.82 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 13 Round # 2 score: 47.73%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 13
Event score so far: 48.86%
Currently 1.32 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 12 Round # 3 score: 52.27%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 12
Event score so far: 50.00%
Currently 1.73 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 11 Round # 4 score: 52.28%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 11
Event score so far: 50.57%
Currently 2.09 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 15 Round # 5 score: 31.82%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 15
Event score so far: 46.82%
Currently 2.33 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 16 Round # 6 score: 59.09%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 16
Event score so far: 48.86%
Currently 2.24 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 15 Round # 7 score: 50.00%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 15
Event score so far: 49.03%
Currently 2.29 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 10 Round # 8 score: 77.28%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 10
Event score so far: 52.56%
Currently 1.61 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 9 score: 81.82%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 55.81%
Currently 1.13 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 10 score: 99.78%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 60.21%
Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 11 score: 59.09%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 60.10%
Currently 1.36 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 12 score: 59.09%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 60.02%
Currently 1.18 boards behind the Strat A leader.
William O'Brien - Jolanta O'Brien, Mountlake Ter WA: 
 13 Round # 1 score: 50.00%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 13
Event score so far: 50.00%
Currently 0.82 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 9 Round # 2 score: 63.63%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 9
Event score so far: 56.82%
Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 3 score: 93.18%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 68.94%
Currently 0.59 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 1 Round # 4 score: 100.00%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 76.70%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.54 boards.
 3 Round # 5 score: 34.09%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 68.18%
Currently 0.2 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 6 score: 45.45%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 64.39%
Currently 0.38 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 7 score: 43.19%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 61.36%
Currently 0.56 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 8 score: 52.27%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 60.23%
Currently 0.38 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 9 score: 59.09%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 60.10%
Currently 0.36 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 10 score: 56.82%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 59.77%
Currently 1.08 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 11 score: 34.09%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 57.44%
Currently 1.94 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 12 score: 73.96%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 58.81%
Currently 1.47 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Bryan Maksymetz - Frances Corney, Vancouver BC: 
 24 Round # 1 score: 25.00%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 24
Event score so far: 25.00%
Currently 1.32 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 21 Round # 2 score: 50.00%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 21
Event score so far: 37.50%
Currently 1.77 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 20 Round # 3 score: 47.73%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 20
Event score so far: 40.91%
Currently 2.27 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 17 Round # 4 score: 59.09%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 17
Event score so far: 45.45%
Currently 2.5 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 16 Round # 5 score: 43.18%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 16
Event score so far: 45.00%
Currently 2.52 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 14 Round # 6 score: 72.73%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 14
Event score so far: 49.62%
Currently 2.15 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 14 Round # 7 score: 50.00%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 14
Event score so far: 49.68%
Currently 2.2 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 13 Round # 8 score: 52.27%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 13
Event score so far: 50.00%
Currently 2.02 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 12 Round # 9 score: 81.82%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 12
Event score so far: 53.53%
Currently 1.54 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 10 score: 56.81%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 53.86%
Currently 2.27 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 11 score: 80.36%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 56.27%
Currently 2.2 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 12 score: 84.09%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 58.59%
Currently 1.52 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Daniel Korbel, Las Vegas NV; Carole Liss, San Rafael CA: 
 9 Round # 1 score: 63.63%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 9
Event score so far: 63.63%
Currently 0.55 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 2 score: 79.55%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 71.59%
Currently 0.41 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 3 score: 79.54%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 74.24%
Currently 0.27 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 4 score: 52.27%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 68.75%
Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 5 score: 56.82%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 66.36%
Currently 0.38 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 6 score: 40.91%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 62.12%
Currently 0.65 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 7 score: 63.63%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 62.34%
Currently 0.43 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 6 Round # 8 score: 23.55%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 57.49%
Currently 0.82 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 9 score: 38.64%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 55.39%
Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 6 Round # 10 score: 70.45%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 56.90%
Currently 1.66 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 11 score: 29.55%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 54.41%
Currently 2.61 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 12 score: 72.73%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 55.94%
Currently 2.16 boards behind the Strat A leader.
JC Chupack - Scott Chupack, Seattle WA: 
 23 Round # 1 score: 27.27%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 23
Event score so far: 27.27%
Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 24 Round # 2 score: 36.59%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 24
Event score so far: 31.93%
Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 11 Round # 3 score: 88.63%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 11
Event score so far: 50.83%
Currently 1.68 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 12 Round # 4 score: 43.18%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 12
Event score so far: 48.92%
Currently 2.22 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 8 Round # 5 score: 75.00%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 8
Event score so far: 54.14%
Currently 1.6 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 12 Round # 6 score: 27.27%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 12
Event score so far: 49.66%
Currently 2.15 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 13 Round # 7 score: 50.00%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 13
Event score so far: 49.71%
Currently 2.19 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 11 Round # 8 score: 54.54%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 11
Event score so far: 50.31%
Currently 1.97 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 13 Round # 9 score: 61.36%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 13
Event score so far: 51.54%
Currently 1.9 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 8 Round # 10 score: 65.91%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 8
Event score so far: 52.98%
Currently 2.44 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 8 Round # 11 score: 52.27%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 8
Event score so far: 52.91%
Currently 2.94 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 6 Round # 12 score: 81.81%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 55.32%
Currently 2.31 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Martin Greene - Robert Munger, Seattle WA: 
 5 Round # 1 score: 72.72%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 72.72%
Currently 0.36 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 15 Round # 2 score: 18.18%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 15
Event score so far: 45.45%
Currently 1.45 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 23 Round # 3 score: 9.72%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 23
Event score so far: 33.54%
Currently 2.72 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 22 Round # 4 score: 56.81%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 22
Event score so far: 39.36%
Currently 2.99 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 24 Round # 5 score: 27.27%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 24
Event score so far: 36.94%
Currently 3.32 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 22 Round # 6 score: 50.00%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 22
Event score so far: 39.12%
Currently 3.41 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 18 Round # 7 score: 95.45%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 18
Event score so far: 47.17%
Currently 2.55 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 17 Round # 8 score: 47.73%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 17
Event score so far: 47.24%
Currently 2.46 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 18 Round # 9 score: 36.37%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 18
Event score so far: 46.03%
Currently 2.89 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 13 Round # 10 score: 90.91%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 13
Event score so far: 50.52%
Currently 2.93 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 9 Round # 11 score: 72.73%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 9
Event score so far: 52.54%
Currently 3.02 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 12 score: 77.27%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 54.60%
Currently 2.48 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Thomas Kuehne, Bermerton WA; Betsy Brezel, Union WA: 
 1 Round # 1 score: 90.91%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 90.91%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.23 boards.
 11 Round # 2 score: 15.91%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 11
Event score so far: 53.41%
Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 6 Round # 3 score: 81.82%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 62.88%
Currently 0.95 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 4 score: 90.91%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 69.89%
Currently 0.54 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 5 score: 65.91%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 69.09%
Currently 0.11 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 6 score: 29.95%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 62.57%
Currently 0.6 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 2 Round # 7 score: 75.00%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 64.34%
Currently 0.15 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 8 score: 40.91%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 61.42%
Currently 0.19 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 9 score: 50.00%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 60.15%
Currently 0.35 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 10 score: 29.55%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 57.09%
Currently 1.62 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 6 Round # 11 score: 47.73%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 56.24%
Currently 2.21 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 8 Round # 12 score: 36.37%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 8
Event score so far: 54.58%
Currently 2.48 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Lisa Brock - Craig Mills, Kirkland WA: 
 2 Round # 1 score: 79.55%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 79.55%
Currently 0.23 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 1 Round # 2 score: 84.09%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 81.82%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.36 boards.
 1 Round # 3 score: 72.72%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 78.79%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.27 boards.
 3 Round # 4 score: 41.73%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 69.52%
Currently 0.57 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 1 Round # 5 score: 72.72%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 70.16%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.11 boards.
 1 Round # 6 score: 54.55%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 67.56%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.38 boards.
 1 Round # 7 score: 52.27%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 65.38%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.15 boards.
 1 Round # 8 score: 43.18%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 1
Event score so far: 62.60%
Current Lead in Strat A: 0.12 boards.
 2 Round # 9 score: 50.00%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 2
Event score so far: 61.20%
Currently 0.16 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 4 Round # 10 score: 43.18%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 4
Event score so far: 59.40%
Currently 1.16 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 3 Round # 11 score: 40.91%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 3
Event score so far: 57.72%
Currently 1.88 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 9 Round # 12 score: 15.91%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 9
Event score so far: 54.23%
Currently 2.57 boards behind the Strat A leader.
John Krah, Seattle WA; David Dailey, Shoreline WA: 
 22 Round # 1 score: 27.27%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 22
Event score so far: 27.27%
Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 19 Round # 2 score: 50.00%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 19
Event score so far: 38.64%
Currently 1.73 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 19 Round # 3 score: 47.73%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 19
Event score so far: 41.67%
Currently 2.23 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 16 Round # 4 score: 61.36%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 16
Event score so far: 46.59%
Currently 2.41 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 11 Round # 5 score: 68.19%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 11
Event score so far: 50.91%
Currently 1.93 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 6 score: 77.28%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 55.30%
Currently 1.47 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 9 Round # 7 score: 25.00%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 9
Event score so far: 50.97%
Currently 2.02 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 7 Round # 8 score: 84.09%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 7
Event score so far: 55.11%
Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 8 Round # 9 score: 52.27%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 8
Event score so far: 54.80%
Currently 1.31 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 14 Round # 10 score: 9.10%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 14
Event score so far: 50.23%
Currently 2.99 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 13 Round # 11 score: 54.55%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 13
Event score so far: 50.62%
Currently 3.45 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 10 Round # 12 score: 90.91%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 10
Event score so far: 53.98%
Currently 2.63 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Laurie Rowe, Eugene OR; Kevin Bolan, Snohomish WA: 
 15 Round # 1 score: 50.00%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 15
Event score so far: 50.00%
Currently 0.82 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 2 score: 81.82%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 65.91%
Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 5 Round # 3 score: 63.64%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 5
Event score so far: 65.15%
Currently 0.82 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 8 Round # 4 score: 25.00%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 8
Event score so far: 55.11%
Currently 1.73 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 6 Round # 5 score: 72.73%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 58.64%
Currently 1.15 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 6 Round # 6 score: 70.45%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 60.61%
Currently 0.83 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 6 Round # 7 score: 50.00%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 6
Event score so far: 59.09%
Currently 0.88 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 8 Round # 8 score: 22.73%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 8
Event score so far: 54.55%
Currently 1.29 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 10 Round # 9 score: 50.82%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 10
Event score so far: 54.13%
Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 11 Round # 10 score: 31.82%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 11
Event score so far: 51.90%
Currently 2.66 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 10 Round # 11 score: 50.00%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 10
Event score so far: 51.73%
Currently 3.2 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 11 Round # 12 score: 63.63%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 11
Event score so far: 52.72%
Currently 2.93 boards behind the Strat A leader.
Phyllis Rakevich, Tumwater WA; Ronald Woodard, Palm Springs CA: 
 16 Round # 1 score: 47.73%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat A: 16
Event score so far: 47.73%
Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 18 Round # 2 score: 36.37%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat A: 18
Event score so far: 42.05%
Currently 1.59 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 18 Round # 3 score: 45.45%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat A: 18
Event score so far: 43.18%
Currently 2.14 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 21 Round # 4 score: 38.64%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat A: 21
Event score so far: 42.05%
Currently 2.77 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 20 Round # 5 score: 45.45%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat A: 20
Event score so far: 42.73%
Currently 2.74 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 10 Round # 6 score: 88.63%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat A: 10
Event score so far: 50.38%
Currently 2.06 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 16 Round # 7 score: 36.37%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat A: 16
Event score so far: 48.38%
Currently 2.38 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 15 Round # 8 score: 45.45%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat A: 15
Event score so far: 48.01%
Currently 2.33 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 14 Round # 9 score: 49.18%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat A: 14
Event score so far: 48.14%
Currently 2.51 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 16 Round # 10 score: 56.81%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat A: 16
Event score so far: 49.01%
Currently 3.24 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 17 Round # 11 score: 47.73%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat A: 17
Event score so far: 48.89%
Currently 3.83 boards behind the Strat A leader.
 12 Round # 12 score: 84.09%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat A: 12
Event score so far: 51.83%
Currently 3.14 boards behind the Strat A leader.

The Race For Overalls in Strat B (under 3000): 5 overall spots available. 
(Hover over a rank for more detail) 
Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) 
Rd. 1
Rd. 2
Rd. 3
Rd. 4
Rd. 5
Rd. 6
Rd. 7
Rd. 8
Rd. 9
Rd. 10
Rd. 11
JC Chupack - Scott Chupack, Seattle WA: 
 15 Round # 1 score: 27.27%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 15
Event score so far: 27.27%
Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 15 Round # 2 score: 36.59%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 15
Event score so far: 31.93%
Currently 2.0 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 3 score: 88.63%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 50.83%
Currently 1.68 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 4 score: 43.18%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 48.92%
Currently 1.68 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 5 score: 75.00%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 54.14%
Currently 1.6 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 6 score: 27.27%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 49.66%
Currently 2.15 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 8 Round # 7 score: 50.00%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 8
Event score so far: 49.71%
Currently 2.19 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 5 Round # 8 score: 54.54%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 50.31%
Currently 1.97 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 9 score: 61.36%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 51.54%
Currently 1.74 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 10 score: 65.91%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 52.98%
Currently 1.28 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 11 score: 52.27%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 52.91%
Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 1 Round # 12 score: 81.81%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 55.32%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.17 boards.
Martin Greene - Robert Munger, Seattle WA: 
 4 Round # 1 score: 72.72%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 72.72%
Currently 0.36 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 9 Round # 2 score: 18.18%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 9
Event score so far: 45.45%
Currently 1.45 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 14 Round # 3 score: 9.72%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 14
Event score so far: 33.54%
Currently 2.72 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 13 Round # 4 score: 56.81%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 13
Event score so far: 39.36%
Currently 2.44 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 15 Round # 5 score: 27.27%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 15
Event score so far: 36.94%
Currently 3.32 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 13 Round # 6 score: 50.00%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 13
Event score so far: 39.12%
Currently 3.41 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 10 Round # 7 score: 95.45%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 10
Event score so far: 47.17%
Currently 2.55 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 9 Round # 8 score: 47.73%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 9
Event score so far: 47.24%
Currently 2.46 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 10 Round # 9 score: 36.37%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 10
Event score so far: 46.03%
Currently 2.73 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 10 score: 90.91%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 50.52%
Currently 1.78 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 11 score: 72.73%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 52.54%
Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 2 Round # 12 score: 77.27%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 54.60%
Currently 0.17 boards behind the Strat B leader.
Thomas Kuehne, Bermerton WA; Betsy Brezel, Union WA: 
 1 Round # 1 score: 90.91%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 90.91%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.23 boards.
 7 Round # 2 score: 15.91%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 53.41%
Currently 1.14 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 3 score: 81.82%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 62.88%
Currently 0.95 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 1 Round # 4 score: 90.91%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 69.89%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.03 boards.
 2 Round # 5 score: 65.91%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 69.09%
Currently 0.11 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 2 Round # 6 score: 29.95%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 62.57%
Currently 0.6 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 2 Round # 7 score: 75.00%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 64.34%
Currently 0.15 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 2 Round # 8 score: 40.91%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 61.42%
Currently 0.19 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 2 Round # 9 score: 50.00%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 60.15%
Currently 0.19 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 2 Round # 10 score: 29.55%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 57.09%
Currently 0.46 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 2 Round # 11 score: 47.73%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 56.24%
Currently 0.33 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 12 score: 36.37%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 54.58%
Currently 0.18 boards behind the Strat B leader.
Lisa Brock - Craig Mills, Kirkland WA: 
 2 Round # 1 score: 79.55%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 79.55%
Currently 0.23 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 1 Round # 2 score: 84.09%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 81.82%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.36 boards.
 1 Round # 3 score: 72.72%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 78.79%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.82 boards.
 2 Round # 4 score: 41.73%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 2
Event score so far: 69.52%
Currently 0.03 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 1 Round # 5 score: 72.72%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 70.16%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.11 boards.
 1 Round # 6 score: 54.55%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 67.56%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.6 boards.
 1 Round # 7 score: 52.27%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 65.38%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.15 boards.
 1 Round # 8 score: 43.18%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 62.60%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.19 boards.
 1 Round # 9 score: 50.00%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 61.20%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.19 boards.
 1 Round # 10 score: 43.18%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 59.40%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.46 boards.
 1 Round # 11 score: 40.91%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 1
Event score so far: 57.72%
Current Lead in Strat B: 0.33 boards.
 4 Round # 12 score: 15.91%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 54.23%
Currently 0.26 boards behind the Strat B leader.
John Krah, Seattle WA; David Dailey, Shoreline WA: 
 14 Round # 1 score: 27.27%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 14
Event score so far: 27.27%
Currently 1.27 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 11 Round # 2 score: 50.00%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 11
Event score so far: 38.64%
Currently 1.73 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 11 Round # 3 score: 47.73%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 11
Event score so far: 41.67%
Currently 2.23 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 9 Round # 4 score: 61.36%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 9
Event score so far: 46.59%
Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 5 score: 68.19%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 50.91%
Currently 1.93 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 6 score: 77.28%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 55.30%
Currently 1.47 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 7 score: 25.00%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 50.97%
Currently 2.02 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 8 score: 84.09%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 55.11%
Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 9 score: 52.27%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 54.80%
Currently 1.15 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 10 score: 9.10%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 50.23%
Currently 1.83 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 11 score: 54.55%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 50.62%
Currently 1.56 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 5 Round # 12 score: 90.91%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 53.98%
Currently 0.32 boards behind the Strat B leader.
Beau Hovda, Camano Island WA; Sue Anderson, Seattle WA: 
 10 Round # 1 score: 43.19%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 10
Event score so far: 43.19%
Currently 0.95 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 14 Round # 2 score: 27.27%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 14
Event score so far: 35.23%
Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 12 Round # 3 score: 52.27%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 12
Event score so far: 40.91%
Currently 2.27 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 11 Round # 4 score: 47.73%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 11
Event score so far: 42.61%
Currently 2.18 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 10 Round # 5 score: 54.55%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 10
Event score so far: 45.00%
Currently 2.52 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 5 Round # 6 score: 75.00%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 50.00%
Currently 2.11 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 3 Round # 7 score: 61.59%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 3
Event score so far: 51.66%
Currently 1.92 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 8 score: 59.09%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 52.59%
Currently 1.6 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 9 score: 70.45%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 54.57%
Currently 1.19 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 5 Round # 10 score: 29.55%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 52.07%
Currently 1.47 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 8 Round # 11 score: 27.27%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 8
Event score so far: 49.81%
Currently 1.74 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 12 score: 68.19%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 51.34%
Currently 0.96 boards behind the Strat B leader.
Karen Rise, Leavenworth WA; Wayne Stann, Kelowna BC: 
 8 Round # 1 score: 56.81%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 8
Event score so far: 56.81%
Currently 0.68 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 6 Round # 2 score: 52.27%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 6
Event score so far: 54.54%
Currently 1.09 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 10 Round # 3 score: 20.45%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 10
Event score so far: 43.18%
Currently 2.14 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 8 Round # 4 score: 56.82%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 8
Event score so far: 46.59%
Currently 1.86 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 12 Round # 5 score: 27.27%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 12
Event score so far: 42.73%
Currently 2.74 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 12 Round # 6 score: 36.37%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 12
Event score so far: 41.67%
Currently 3.11 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 12 Round # 7 score: 59.09%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 12
Event score so far: 44.15%
Currently 2.97 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 12 Round # 8 score: 56.82%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 12
Event score so far: 45.74%
Currently 2.7 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 11 Round # 9 score: 43.18%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 11
Event score so far: 45.45%
Currently 2.83 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 8 Round # 10 score: 90.91%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 8
Event score so far: 50.00%
Currently 1.88 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 5 Round # 11 score: 65.91%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 5
Event score so far: 51.45%
Currently 1.38 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 12 score: 50.00%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 51.32%
Currently 0.96 boards behind the Strat B leader.
Thomas Reis, Sequim WA; Donald Bailey, Port Angeles WA: 
 12 Round # 1 score: 29.54%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat B: 12
Event score so far: 29.54%
Currently 1.23 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 10 Round # 2 score: 59.09%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat B: 10
Event score so far: 44.32%
Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 3 score: 90.28%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 59.64%
Currently 1.15 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 4 score: 47.73%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 56.66%
Currently 1.06 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 5 score: 15.91%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 48.51%
Currently 2.17 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 4 Round # 6 score: 63.63%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat B: 4
Event score so far: 51.03%
Currently 1.98 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 7 score: 43.18%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 49.91%
Currently 2.17 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 7 Round # 8 score: 47.73%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat B: 7
Event score so far: 49.64%
Currently 2.07 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 9 Round # 9 score: 18.18%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat B: 9
Event score so far: 46.14%
Currently 2.71 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 12 Round # 10 score: 43.19%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat B: 12
Event score so far: 45.85%
Currently 2.71 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 11 Round # 11 score: 56.82%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat B: 11
Event score so far: 46.84%
Currently 2.39 boards behind the Strat B leader.
 8 Round # 12 score: 93.18%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat B: 8
Event score so far: 50.71%
Currently 1.11 boards behind the Strat B leader.

The Race For Overalls in Strat C (under 1500): 4 overall spots available. 
(Hover over a rank for more detail) 
Players Within Striking Distance (at some point) 
Rd. 1
Rd. 2
Rd. 3
Rd. 4
Rd. 5
Rd. 6
Rd. 7
Rd. 8
Rd. 9
Rd. 10
Rd. 11
Lisa Brock - Craig Mills, Kirkland WA: 
 1 Round # 1 score: 79.55%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 79.55%
Current Lead in Strat C: 0.14 boards.
 1 Round # 2 score: 84.09%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 81.82%
Current Lead in Strat C: 0.64 boards.
 1 Round # 3 score: 72.72%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 78.79%
Current Lead in Strat C: 1.15 boards.
 1 Round # 4 score: 41.73%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 69.52%
Current Lead in Strat C: 1.03 boards.
 1 Round # 5 score: 72.72%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 70.16%
Current Lead in Strat C: 1.43 boards.
 1 Round # 6 score: 54.55%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 67.56%
Current Lead in Strat C: 1.47 boards.
 1 Round # 7 score: 52.27%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 65.38%
Current Lead in Strat C: 2.02 boards.
 1 Round # 8 score: 43.18%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 62.60%
Current Lead in Strat C: 1.2 boards.
 1 Round # 9 score: 50.00%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 61.20%
Current Lead in Strat C: 1.15 boards.
 1 Round # 10 score: 43.18%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 59.40%
Current Lead in Strat C: 1.38 boards.
 1 Round # 11 score: 40.91%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 57.72%
Current Lead in Strat C: 1.55 boards.
 1 Round # 12 score: 15.91%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 1
Event score so far: 54.23%
Current Lead in Strat C: 0.06 boards.
John Krah, Seattle WA; David Dailey, Shoreline WA: 
 9 Round # 1 score: 27.27%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 9
Event score so far: 27.27%
Currently 1.05 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 7 Round # 2 score: 50.00%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 38.64%
Currently 1.73 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 7 Round # 3 score: 47.73%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 41.67%
Currently 2.23 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 5 Round # 4 score: 61.36%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 5
Event score so far: 46.59%
Currently 1.83 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 5 score: 68.19%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 50.91%
Currently 1.93 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 6 score: 77.28%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 55.30%
Currently 1.47 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 7 score: 25.00%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 50.97%
Currently 2.02 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 8 score: 84.09%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 55.11%
Currently 1.2 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 9 score: 52.27%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 54.80%
Currently 1.15 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 10 score: 9.10%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 50.23%
Currently 1.83 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 11 score: 54.55%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 50.62%
Currently 1.56 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 12 score: 90.91%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 53.98%
Currently 0.06 boards behind the Strat C leader.
Thomas Reis, Sequim WA; Donald Bailey, Port Angeles WA: 
 7 Round # 1 score: 29.54%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 29.54%
Currently 1.0 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 6 Round # 2 score: 59.09%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 6
Event score so far: 44.32%
Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 3 score: 90.28%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 59.64%
Currently 1.15 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 4 score: 47.73%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 56.66%
Currently 1.03 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 5 score: 15.91%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 48.51%
Currently 2.17 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 6 score: 63.63%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 51.03%
Currently 1.98 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 7 score: 43.18%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 49.91%
Currently 2.17 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 8 score: 47.73%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 49.64%
Currently 2.07 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 5 Round # 9 score: 18.18%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 5
Event score so far: 46.14%
Currently 2.71 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 6 Round # 10 score: 43.19%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 6
Event score so far: 45.85%
Currently 2.71 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 5 Round # 11 score: 56.82%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 5
Event score so far: 46.84%
Currently 2.39 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 12 score: 93.18%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 50.71%
Currently 0.84 boards behind the Strat C leader.
Marilyn Olson - Barbra Cowan, Wenatchee WA: 
 3 Round # 1 score: 70.45%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 70.45%
Currently 0.18 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 2 score: 50.00%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 60.23%
Currently 0.86 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 5 Round # 3 score: 27.27%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 5
Event score so far: 49.24%
Currently 1.77 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 4 score: 45.45%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 48.30%
Currently 1.7 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 6 Round # 5 score: 45.91%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 6
Event score so far: 47.82%
Currently 2.23 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 6 score: 54.55%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 48.94%
Currently 2.23 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 7 score: 59.09%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 50.39%
Currently 2.1 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 6 Round # 8 score: 15.91%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 6
Event score so far: 46.08%
Currently 2.64 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 6 Round # 9 score: 29.55%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 6
Event score so far: 44.24%
Currently 3.05 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 10 score: 88.63%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 48.68%
Currently 2.14 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 11 score: 70.45%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 50.66%
Currently 1.55 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 12 score: 18.18%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 47.96%
Currently 1.5 boards behind the Strat C leader.
Valerie Lycette, Issaquah WA; Christine McKenna, Rancho Mirage CA: 
 8 Round # 1 score: 27.50%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 8
Event score so far: 27.50%
Currently 1.04 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 10 Round # 2 score: 20.45%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 10
Event score so far: 23.98%
Currently 2.31 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 10 Round # 3 score: 11.37%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 10
Event score so far: 19.77%
Currently 3.54 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 9 Round # 4 score: 75.00%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 9
Event score so far: 33.58%
Currently 2.88 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 7 Round # 5 score: 84.09%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 43.68%
Currently 2.65 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 7 Round # 6 score: 47.73%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 44.36%
Currently 2.78 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 6 Round # 7 score: 47.73%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 6
Event score so far: 44.84%
Currently 2.88 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 8 score: 86.37%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 50.03%
Currently 2.01 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 9 score: 81.82%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 53.56%
Currently 1.38 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 10 score: 43.18%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 52.52%
Currently 1.38 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 11 score: 22.73%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 49.81%
Currently 1.74 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 5 Round # 12 score: 9.09%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 5
Event score so far: 46.42%
Currently 1.87 boards behind the Strat C leader.
Trudy Merritt, Surrey BC; Karen Jensen, White Rock BC: 
 4 Round # 1 score: 70.45%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 70.45%
Currently 0.18 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 2 score: 61.37%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 65.91%
Currently 0.64 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 6 Round # 3 score: 6.82%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 6
Event score so far: 46.21%
Currently 1.95 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 7 Round # 4 score: 31.82%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 42.61%
Currently 2.15 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 9 Round # 5 score: 31.81%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 9
Event score so far: 40.45%
Currently 2.97 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 9 Round # 6 score: 25.00%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 9
Event score so far: 37.88%
Currently 3.56 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 8 Round # 7 score: 52.28%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 8
Event score so far: 39.94%
Currently 3.56 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 7 Round # 8 score: 76.46%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 44.50%
Currently 2.9 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 7 Round # 9 score: 38.64%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 43.85%
Currently 3.12 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 5 Round # 10 score: 68.18%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 5
Event score so far: 46.28%
Currently 2.62 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 6 Round # 11 score: 43.18%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 6
Event score so far: 46.00%
Currently 2.58 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 6 Round # 12 score: 29.55%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 6
Event score so far: 44.63%
Currently 2.3 boards behind the Strat C leader.
Ellie Hall-Pitzer, Salem OR; Thomas Sparks, Seattle WA: 
 2 Round # 1 score: 72.50%
After Round # 1: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 72.50%
Currently 0.14 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 2 score: 47.73%
After Round # 2: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 60.12%
Currently 0.87 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 3 score: 50.00%
After Round # 3: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 56.74%
Currently 1.32 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 3 Round # 4 score: 40.91%
After Round # 4: Rank in Strat C: 3
Event score so far: 52.79%
Currently 1.34 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 2 Round # 5 score: 68.18%
After Round # 5: Rank in Strat C: 2
Event score so far: 55.86%
Currently 1.43 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 6 Round # 6 score: 11.37%
After Round # 6: Rank in Strat C: 6
Event score so far: 48.45%
Currently 2.29 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 5 Round # 7 score: 47.73%
After Round # 7: Rank in Strat C: 5
Event score so far: 48.34%
Currently 2.39 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 5 Round # 8 score: 43.19%
After Round # 8: Rank in Strat C: 5
Event score so far: 47.70%
Currently 2.38 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 4 Round # 9 score: 50.00%
After Round # 9: Rank in Strat C: 4
Event score so far: 47.96%
Currently 2.38 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 7 Round # 10 score: 11.37%
After Round # 10: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 44.30%
Currently 3.02 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 7 Round # 11 score: 47.73%
After Round # 11: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 44.61%
Currently 2.88 boards behind the Strat C leader.
 7 Round # 12 score: 22.73%
After Round # 12: Rank in Strat C: 7
Event score so far: 42.79%
Currently 2.75 boards behind the Strat C leader.

Brain Workout Section!

For those of you who used to like the puzzles I printed in the old bulletins, here is a link to an online version: one of the puzzles that I used to feature in the old paper Bulletins, but it is easy to play on a computer as well. Not so easy on a tablet or phone, since most of the puzzles require right-clicks, not easily done in a tablet or phone environment.

Rectangles gives you a grid of cells; divide the grid into rectangles so that every cell is part of a rectangle, and each rectangle contains exactly one numbered cell that is the number of cells in its rectangle. (Don't forget, squares are also rectangles.)

Strategy: The larger numbers usually have a limited set of possible rectangles they can fit in; start with the largest numbers and the smaller ones will become apparent.

These puzzles come from Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection (see below) and there are links there to apps for most devices.

Easy puzzle
(McBruce's time: 0min 54sec)

Medium puzzle
(McBruce's time: 0min 59sec)

Tricky puzzle
(McBruce's time: 1min 38sec)

Answer to Bridge Advice Question Above

Both vulnerable at matchpoint pairs, you hold:

A J T 8 6 4 2   A 4   Q T 5   A

LHO is the dealer and opens a weak 2. Partner passes and RHO bids 2. What's your call here?

The player who held this hand realized that RHO's 2 was forcing and chose to pass. Not much else really makes a lot of sense. Partner will see a double as takeout, and a cuebid as a stronger takeout. 4 might expose the psyche, but are we sure it is one? With 0-1 hearts and five or more of the unseen six spades, RHO might just be trying to improve the contract.

Unfortunately, not everyone recognizes the RONF concept (over a weak two, a Raise is the Only Non Forcing call) these days, and 2 was passed out. Declarer remained stoic and calm and went down five for -500, holding this hand:

9   8 5   K J 2   K Q J T 7 6 5

And now, here is the real question: how do you react to this? Your side can make ten tricks in spades or notrump for +620 or +630, but got only +500 against the psyche. (It could have been +600 had you followed the A opening lead with the A when the dummy hit with the singleton K, but we'll forgive you for switching to a diamond and letting declarer cash the ace-king and ruff a third in dummy.)

Here's where the Corleone brothers come in. Sonny, against the advice of consigliare Tom Hagen, would call the Director and angrily expose this psyche, taking further offense when told that psyches are legal and the result must stand, and would probably blow uncounted tricks and matchpoints the next several hands with smoke coming from his ears. His final score would suffer and if he was unable to calm down he would become unpopular with opponents and partner simultaneously, and we remember from the movie how that turned out.

Michael Corleone would react differently. He would recognize what the 2 bidder was up to: partner's 2 opener, denying more than three spades, tells RHO that his opponents have a spade fit, and will probably find it even over a jump in clubs or a raise in hearts. If instead RHO bids 2, confusing the next player enough to pass with no real options, LHO will have to make a second call, since 2 is forcing, and then RHO can bid clubs enough times to maybe buy the hand. It's not personal, it's strictly business!

Having passed 2, if you hear 3 from LHO and 4 from RHO, are you coming in with 4 now? Probably not, it sounds far more likely that you're getting a plus score by defending here.

Too many of us react to an opponent's successful psyche like Sonny instead of Michael. In fact, if they're psyching against you, it shows respect: it means they think you will prevail in a sane auction, and that their only chance is to stir things up and hope to emerge unscathed! It's not personal, it's strictly business!

On this hand, +500 was slightly above average for the defenders, as only one pair of five was allowed to play in 4, and another got the same -500 score in 5 doubled! Others failed in 5 or 4.

Psyches like the 2 call are legal, but only if done infrequently: once they become expected or suspected as a possibility by partner, you have an implied partnership agreement. The possibility needs to be communicated to the opponents, especially if the situation is one on which previous psyches have been made with any sort of frequency. Most such gambits put the partnership at great risk of disaster since the call will be taken seriously by partner and might result in getting too high.

However, some of them do work, and when one works against you, it is best to simply congratulate the imaginative player and move on. Going into full vendetta mode will only result in more poor results. If there is a question of frequency, or a hesitation that may have revealed something to the psyching side, or a strange call later by the partner of the psycher, call the Director and accept the decision. If you disagree with a decision about a psyche, you can file a player memo online, which will help if the partnership gets many such psyches reported. But such bids are legal as long as the psychic bidder's partner is as much in the dark as the opponents are.

By the way, a bid that is only slightly off what is expected is not a psychic bid as defined in the Laws. If your opponents get to 4 on a 4-3 fit and it makes, despite one of them being a heart short for the opener or the response, that's no psyche. If someone is a few points short of the normal requirements for a bid and the contract makes anyway because three finesses work, that's no psyche either. A psychic bid is a "deliberate and gross misstatement of honor strength and/or of suit length," not a bid that is a little short of expectations.

So the next time you get a bad result because an opponent's psychic bid worked, remember the advice of Michael Corleone: it was done out of respect, knowing that you would likely prevail on normal lines. It's not personal, it's strictly business!

Tomorrow's Schedule — Day Two — Tuesday, August 20

Morning-Afternoon Events (10:00am, 3:00pm)

Monday-Tuesday Mt. Ranier Knockout Teams (began Monday evening): Team game, 4-6 players on a team, 24-board knockout matches scored in IMPs. This knockout began with nine teams in one bracket, and will reduce to three head-to-heads Tuesday Morning, and a three-way final.

Bracketed, by team average into brackets of 5-9 teams.
Masterpoints: Gold points for teams that make it to the finals, or red points for other match awards. Lower brackets may have part-gold, part-red for overalls, based on masterpoints.
Puget Sound 2023 winners (12 teams in 2 brackets):
Bracket I: Stan Christie, Kirkland WA; Wayne Ohlrich, Carrboro NC; Henry Lortz - Michael Christensen, Seattle WA
Bracket II: Amy DeShaw - David Baer, Seattle WA; Paul Conroy, Aberdeen WA; Elaine DeShaw, Federal Way WA

Tuesday Cascades Bracketed Round-Robin Teams: Team game, 4-6 players on a team, short matches scored in IMPs converted to Victory Points. Teams will play all or almost all of the teams in their bracket over two sessions.

Bracketed, by team average into brackets of usually 7-9 teams.
Masterpoints: Gold points for overalls in each bracket, or red points for each match win. Lower brackets may have part-gold, part-red for overalls, based on masterpoints.
Puget Sound 2023 winners (19 teams in a Swiss Teams):
A: Sue Anderson - John Swanson - Cynthia Glad - Reidun Decker, Seattle WA; tied with Judy Harris, Salmon Arm BC; Julie Smith, Vancouver BC; Albert Bender, Redmond WA; James Rasmussen, Seattle WA
B: Andrew Mitchell - Carl Ostertag, Oak Harbor WA; David Fallen - Marla Patterson, Arlington WA
C: Stanley Delducco - Carla Delducco - Kathi McKay, Olympia WA; Alice Arnold, Shelton WA

Tuesday Open Pairs: Two session pairs game, matchpoint scoring.

Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 3000+, B: 1500 - 3000, C: 0 - 1500.
Masterpoints: Gold points for overalls and some section tops, other awards are red points. Note that you can win points in the first session that are replaced by a higher overall award after the second: you get the greater of your overall award or the sum of the session awards; not both combined.
Puget Sound 2023 winners (13, 13 tables):
A: Daniel Korbel, Las Vegas NV; Carole Liss, San Rafael CA
B, C: John Massman III, Seattle WA; Alan Tesler, Mercer Island WA

Tuesday Gold Rush 0-750 Pairs: Two session pairs game, matchpoint scoring.

Strat Limits (by pair average) 7: 300 - 750, 4: 200 - 300, 3: 0 - 200. No individuals over 750 points may play in this event, even if the pair average is below 750.
Masterpoints: Gold points for top strat overalls and some section tops, other awards are red points.  Note that you can win points in the first session that are replaced by a higher overall award after the second: you get the greater of your overall award or the sum of the session awards; not both combined.
Puget Sound 2023 winners (15, 15½ tables):
7, 4: Sharon Dodd - Alan Dodd, Kamloops BC
2: David Bauman - Kit Adams, Seattle WA

Morning-only Events (10:00am)

Tuesday Morning Side Game: Pairs game, part of the Morning Side Game Series (1st of 5).

Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 3000+, B: 1500 - 3000, C: 0 - 1500.
Masterpoints: Mostly red points but gold points for overall winners if they play another session in the Morning Side Game Series, and a chance for gold points for individuals whose two best games in the series (played with the same or different partners) are good enough to make the series overalls.
Puget Sound 2023 winners (4 tables):
A, B: Clifford Feldman - Joseph Grill, Seattle WA

Afternoon-only Events (3:00pm)

Tuesday Afternoon Side Game: Pairs game, part of the Afternoon Side Game Series (1st of 5).

Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 3000+, B: 1500 - 3000, C: 0 - 1500.
Masterpoints: Mostly red points but gold points for overall winners if they play another session in the Afternoon Side Game Series, and a chance for gold points for individuals whose two best games in the series (played with the same or different partners) are good enough to make the series overalls.
Puget Sound 2023 winners (6½ tables):
A, B: Jim Windus, Seattle WA; Elaine Vona, Redmond WA

Evening-only Events (7:15pm)

Tuesday Evening Semi-Fast Pairs: Pairs game, part of the Evening Side Game Series (2nd of 5), with time limits of 6 minutes per board in hopes that play will be done by 10pm.

Strat Limits (by pair average) A: 3000+, B: 1500 - 3000, C: 0 - 1500.
Masterpoints: Mostly red points but gold points for overall winners if they play another session in the Evening Side Game Series, and a chance for gold points for individuals whose two best games in the series (played with the same or different partners) are good enough to make the series overalls.
Puget Sound 2023 winners (5 tables):
A, B: Mike Podgorski - Jaime McDermott, Seattle WA

Other 2023 Winners

Tuesday Afternoon 199er Pairs: these games were poorly attended in 2023 and have been moved to two spots on the 2024 schedule: a non-Life Master pairs on Monday night, and a 0-300 pairs on Saturday afternoon. Most players in the 0-200 range are playing in the daily Gold Rush pairs, where they face players averaging about 300-400 points but have a 0-200 strat to compete in.
Puget Sound 2023 winners (3 tables):
A: Janice Fallen, Arlington WA; Mary Stoa, Shoreline WA

Checking Out — Answers

The five people who died on August 19 referred to above were: